View Full Version : Two-thirds of U.S. weapons owners would 'defy' a federal gun ban

01-26-2013, 10:07 AM

But on to Question 47, addressed to those with a gun in their home: "If the government passed a law to take your guns, would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?"

The response: 65 percent reported they would "defy the law." That incudes 70 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of conservatives, 52 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of liberals.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/watercooler/2013/jan/20/two-thirds-us-weapons-owners-would-defy-federal-gu/#ixzz2J5ugrHZb
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01-26-2013, 02:13 PM
So, what you are saying is only 65% of the folks polled answered the question honestly. :p

01-26-2013, 04:57 PM
I can't believe that so many people admitted to having guns to a poll conducted by any news agency.

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01-26-2013, 05:01 PM
I can't believe that so many people admitted to having guns to a poll conducted by any news agency.


jon volk
01-26-2013, 05:12 PM

01-26-2013, 05:18 PM
I wear my NRA pin every day now.
If I had a hat and shirt I'd wear them constantly as well.
I have a neighbor up the hill that is flying high a 'Don't Tread On Me' flag.

I think it's safe and not too terrible a stretch to assume we both are firearms owners and as such are announcing it publically.

I for one will not cower because I own firearms. I choose to wear my pin in the hopes of engaging people in the conversation. It is arduous, exhausting, frustrating, and mentally debiliating at times (the stupid... it really does hurt!) but in the end it's needed. If everyone were to engage 1 person every day in a modest debate and demonstrated personally that firearms owners are NOT EVIL PEOPLE simply because we bear arms I believe it would serve up tremendous gains when the time comes.

I think the firearms community needs to recognize that there's a significant portion of the populace that have never even SEEN a firearm in person, much less handled or fired one. We're at least 3 generations removed from a large portion of the poplace having been involved in events requiring firearms usage... namely World War II. As such we have people who have NO first-hand knowledge or experience, and as such are frankly AFRAID of that which is unknown to them. Remember the next time you watch a movie with heavy firearms activity and go "that's not how it works", that YOU know that because of exposure... most everyone else believes it to be TRUTH!

edit: ok... maybe 'stupid' is the wrong choice of word. 'ignorant' might be more appropriate. to their credit every person I've engaged so far that has demonstrated a profound ignorance of firearms and firearms related laws has listened and allowed me to educate them on some of the mis-information they have heard.

01-26-2013, 06:39 PM
Maybe my tinfoil hat is a little too tight, but there's a huge difference to engaging someone personally to promote firearms, firearms safety, shooting sports and hunting (which I do whenever the opportunity presents), than taking part in a poll from an anonymous caller or internet site discussing personal gun ownership and defiance of gun confiscation (however unlikely).

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

01-26-2013, 11:23 PM
There is no way in a million years I would tell a stranger on the phone claiming to be taking a poll whether I had guns or not. No way I can be assured this person is who they say they are or how that data is going to be handled. Isn't Tinfoil hat, it's simple OPSEC.

I just had my 2 yr old son's Doctor ask me if there were firearms in our house or a house we visit. What good could come from telling him this information? So I boldly told him NO while wearing a Bravo Company Gunfighter hat.

01-27-2013, 10:00 AM
I was once informed by a medical professional acquaintence that the question is being asked so as to determine if (a)perioidic lead testing should be done on your kid. to which I replied I religiously wash after a range session and proceed home to take a long hot shower. my kid has virtually NO chance of having incedental or accidental lead exposure due to my fireams "hobby." my ammo storage location is off-limits to him as well as the room I clean my firearms in (it is under lock and key, and when he gets a little older it will be changed to a different lock.)