View Full Version : Rapper "Big Boi" of Outkast on libertarianism and the 2nd Amendment.

01-12-2013, 12:18 PM
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/11/big-boi-outkast-vote-gary-johnson-obama_n_2460511.html?fb_action_ids=101511731301867 44&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map={%2210151173130186744%22%3A45576 8044476619}&action_type_map={%2210151173130186744%22%3A%22og.l ikes%22}&action_ref_map

An interesting perspective. As interesting as it is, wait until the clip is over and it'll go to the next one, where Big Boi very clearly understands the 2nd Amendment. The best part is that he's very articulate, calm, collected, and rational. This is the kind of spokesperson we need, not Yeager or Alex Jones.

01-12-2013, 12:42 PM
Link is broken.

01-12-2013, 12:46 PM
Link is broken.


01-12-2013, 02:31 PM
Outkast has always struck me as odd as a group, now in one more way.

01-12-2013, 03:37 PM
I don't want a spokesman for libertarianism and the 2a being anything other than squeaky clean, and after his arrest/plea bargain for ecstasy, he's not it. It's not that I think what someone does in the privacy of their own home is anyone else's business if the aren't harming anyone, it's the idea that going through customs with X and unsubscribed boner pills on your person shows lack of intelligence.

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01-12-2013, 03:42 PM
I don't want a spokesman for libertarianism and the 2a being anything other than squeaky clean, and after his arrest/plea bargain for ecstasy, he's not it. It's not that I think what someone does in the privacy of their own home is anyone else's business if the aren't harming anyone, it's the idea that going through customs with X and unsubscribed boner pills on your person shows lack of intelligence.

A fair point. I'd still wager he does less damage than Yeager or Jones.

01-12-2013, 04:36 PM
I don't want a spokesman for libertarianism and the 2a being anything other than squeaky clean, and after his arrest/plea bargain for ecstasy, he's not it. It's not that I think what someone does in the privacy of their own home is anyone else's business if the aren't harming anyone, it's the idea that going through customs with X and unsubscribed boner pills on your person shows lack of intelligence.

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Although I understand Big Boi and Ice T are not entirely exculpable in certain instances, the presence of figures such as them in pop culture espousing these beliefs are completely beneficial, regardless of past discrepancies.

01-12-2013, 04:41 PM
I don't want a spokesman for libertarianism and the 2a being anything other than squeaky clean, and after his arrest/plea bargain for ecstasy, he's not it. It's not that I think what someone does in the privacy of their own home is anyone else's business if the aren't harming anyone, it's the idea that going through customs with X and unsubscribed boner pills on your person shows lack of intelligence.

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I will be the first to say that if all he has is what Wikipedia says, getting caught with ecstasy, then I am A-OK with that. That is, in the big picture, almost nothing these days and far better than what Yeager has done.

America can relate to someone who did some shit on a cruise and got busted coming back. I scroll down my Facebook friends list and I can't think of anyone who can relate to Yeager...

01-12-2013, 04:48 PM
Seriously can't believe people are making a big deal about someone who got caught on E once.

That's right up there with 'don't represent me unless you've never smoked a cigarette or gotten drunk.'

It'll be a long wait for a pop culture person who is a libertarian and some kind of jesus figure.

01-12-2013, 06:32 PM
Getting caught with recreational drugs isn't itself necessarily a disqualifier. Getting caught with recreational drugs on your person, while going through customs, considering the likelihood of a physical search, shows more than a little stupidity.

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01-12-2013, 06:51 PM
we certainly could do worse.
To me EVERY clear, concise and articulate exhibit by a person from any walk of life is a good thing.

On another forum we're seriously working on putting together a video from everyone who wants to contribute. it'll be nothing more than 5 seconds clips from each person say something like... "I'm a <insert_descriptor>, and I'm a firearms owner." something like that I think would be very powerful.

01-12-2013, 09:17 PM
Is having someone who got busted for some E once that much worse than the draft dodging pants pooper the NRA parades around all the time?

Persoanlly I'd like to see somebody like Julie Golob or Rob Leatham out in front , but I'm not the one running the world so we go with what we have.

01-13-2013, 12:02 AM
Is having someone who got busted for some E once that much worse than the draft dodging pants pooper the NRA parades around all the time?

No, having someone too stupid to give his drugs to one of his entourage, when he knows he's going through a security checkpoint, is. That's the whole point of an hip-hop entourage.

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Odin Bravo One
01-13-2013, 02:25 AM
Since I have friends who span to the far extremes of the law in this (and most other) land(s), in addition to the countless times where I did (and continue to do) what can only be described as "dumb shit", I tend not to be so judgmental towards a person based on a single event. Or even a span of events.

There is a difference between fucking up, and being a fuck up.

01-13-2013, 08:50 AM
No, having someone too stupid to give his drugs to one of his entourage, when he knows he's going through a security checkpoint, is. That's the whole point of an hip-hop entourage.

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Not really, he seems to be all about personal responsibility. "Here, go to jail for me." Is kind of a weasel d!ck move don't you think?

01-13-2013, 07:09 PM
Since I have friends who span to the far extremes of the law in this (and most other) land(s), in addition to the countless times where I did (and continue to do) what can only be described as "dumb shit", I tend not to be so judgmental towards a person based on a single event. Or even a span of events.

There is a difference between fucking up, and being a fuck up.

Too true. If 1/100th of my dumb shit episodes made the paper/evening news I would be mortified. I am sure that is true for most folks. I can't look down my nose at someone else when I have done something as dumb or far more foolish at some point.

01-13-2013, 07:12 PM
How easy would it be for someone here to drive into Canada in their own vehicle, get searched, and wind up violating a major law?

Kyle Reese
01-13-2013, 07:48 PM
How easy would it be for someone here to drive into Canada in their own vehicle, get searched, and wind up violating a major law?

Say something bad about Tim Hortons or poutine at the Customs station and see how that goes....:cool:

01-14-2013, 02:28 AM
Ecstasy, or MDMA, was originally used for psychiatric patients and has valid uses outside of just recreation. In fact now they're using it to help treat PTSD in our veterans (http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/pure-form-ecstasy-soothes-war-vets-ptsd-article-1.1214874). Personally I could care less if somebody wants to snap back a few, turn on their lava lamp and roll around naked with their friends.

01-14-2013, 10:42 AM
This goes along with what we've been talking about in other threads. There are plenty of people who will automatically dismiss someone like Wayne LaPierre, but will stop and listen to Big Boi, warts and all, because he's famous. It may not make sense, but it's the way of the world. If he reaches people that we can't, then more power to him.

There is a difference between fucking up, and being a fuck up.
Words of wisdom, as always.

01-14-2013, 12:39 PM
There are plenty of people who will automatically dismiss someone like Wayne LaPierre, but will stop and listen to Big Boi, warts and all, because he's famous.

Not just because he's famous, either....because they can identify with him. There's a reason that TV shows like "Entourage" and "Californication" are hits, whereas "Blue Bloods" is just that other show about an unrealistically perfect family unit, lead by an unrealistically incorruptible saint, traditional male pack leader.

For most people, Wayne LaPierre.......no.

Like Alan Gura said, you can't fight popular culture and expect to win. Cooption of popular culture would work a whole lot better for us than trying to "hold the line" with a cultural battle in addition to fighting for our rights, which further segregates gun ownership from mainstream and places gun owners in "that" camp.....you know, the far right wing tea-party white protestant male that wants to hang gays and stuff. Talking to anti-gunners, that's definitely the category they try to place us in. I would hope the gun community could realize this after seeing the 2012 elections.

01-14-2013, 09:06 PM
It's not hip hop culture that's the anti's are appealing to, it's soccer moms. I want Rachel Ray, Dr. Oz, Giada De Laurentiis to support the 2A.

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01-14-2013, 09:45 PM
It's not hip hop culture that's the anti's are appealing to, it's soccer moms. I want Rachel Ray, Dr. Oz, Giada De Laurentiis to support the 2A.

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Soccer moms now were doing E in highschool and college only a few years ago. They can still relate.