View Full Version : NRA and Video games

01-11-2013, 09:23 AM
I just wanted to comment on the NRA's blaming of video games for things like Sandy Hook......I play video games....I own a gun.....I don't mass murder. I understand that people look for scapegoats in this type of thing and the NRA is trying to prevent the stupidity that Washington is putting out, but video games and movies are not the issue. Parents should not buy their young children adult rated content, but I just get sick of video games being called out as a source of the issue. Guns are not the issue and video games are not the issue lack of parenting and getting people the help they need are. However, even with readily available help some people are just plain evil.

01-11-2013, 09:41 AM
some people are just plain evil.

01-11-2013, 09:45 AM
I just wanted to comment on the NRA's blaming of video games for things like Sandy Hook......I play video games....I own a gun.....I don't mass murder. I understand that people look for scapegoats in this type of thing and the NRA is trying to prevent the stupidity that Washington is putting out, but video games and movies are not the issue. Parents should not buy their young children adult rated content, but I just get sick of video games being called out as a source of the issue. Guns are not the issue and video games are not the issue lack of parenting and getting people the help they need are. However, even with readily available help some people are just plain evil.

A video game is far cheaper and less involved than actually being a parent.

I agree though, I've played video games for years and not once have I ever thought about going nutzo.

01-11-2013, 09:49 AM
Another point I would like to make is no matter how well intentioned something is, the way to prevent the restriction of one thing is not to vilify another. I see this a lot on Fox News and from the NRA their go to scapegoat for everything (it seems like at least) is to blame video games and movies. How does vilifying these things really help the case against gun control? If you are saying people in mass cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality doesn't that then make the point that guns should be banned because since everyone is unable to separate the two then by all means all methods of "killing" should be banned?

Dagga Boy
01-11-2013, 10:52 AM
Video games, movies, and drugs, are as much to blame as guns. There I said it. A VAST MAJORITY of people can handle owning guns, watching movies and video games, drugs (legal, like Ambien), porn, alcohol, and other parts of today's society. A small minority cannot. Almost anything can be abused by this minority. That small minority needs to be removed and restricted........which is difficult. Rather than do the hard work and deal with those very few that are irresponsible, we punish the majority with restrictions so that it is "fair". This is bullshit, however; if you want to ban guns for the benefit of society, you better get the ban hammer out for everything and that is what I think is the point.

01-11-2013, 12:40 PM
A video game is far cheaper and less involved than actually being a parent.

This. Video games, social networking, etc in place of good parenting, or even true friendship with peers. A kid disconnects from that virtual world where he's popular, funny and a super-Delta-SEAL ninja, and goes out into the world where he's just some dude with no real friends, no social skills, and no grounding in real values. Combine that with a head full of bad wiring and it's a bad recipe.
I don't know if it has as much to do with what's in the games as having that world take over from reality.

01-11-2013, 01:01 PM
I played counter-strike for years and I've never killed anyone. Also played a holy priest in WoW for years and I've never molested any kids.

LaPierre never should have said a word about video games and movies, especially ones nobody's even seen for years.

I wonder if Bill Clinton yapping about weapons at CES was a shot at LaPierre throwing the entertainment industry under the bus, or if Clinton would have said anything at all if LaPierre hadn't.