View Full Version : Good read on Prohibition and how they don't work...

01-08-2013, 11:36 AM

Kyle Reese
01-08-2013, 01:02 PM
Leftists will argue against prohibition on drugs and alcohol, but somehow their argument doesn't extend to encompass guns.

01-08-2013, 01:53 PM
Good link! But, not all "leftist" support bans on guns...I don't support bans on anything...that includes gun! Cheers and let's look at what unites us!

01-09-2013, 10:49 AM
Good link! But, not all "leftist" support bans on guns...I don't support bans on anything...that includes gun! Cheers and let's look at what unites us!

http://www.guywheatley.com/gifs/index.php?cmd=image&sfpg=KmlhZ3JlZS5naWYqYmMzNzk5YWJkOTA5MzEyNDA5Nzg4Z WRhZThiOWEzY2E
Republicans lost this last election, putting the 2nd amendment at risk. They didn't lose because those who disagree with them are stupid, drank cool-aid, or want free stuff. They lost because those of us in the moderate middle were as equally concerned about small minded people making their personal religious beliefs the law of the land.
Give me a viable alternative to the current administration. People who are welcome to believe what ever they want, so long as they don't insist that I also believe. Those on the right/far-right are already on your side. Republicans don't need to win them. Those on the far left will never agree with Republicans. Those of us in the middle are susceptible to reasoned logic. Nobody will ever win those votes while advocating a Christian theocracy, or insisting that the only reason we didn't fall in line and vote as ordered is because we are stupid.
I'm saddened when I see many in the GOP insisting that they lost the last election because they didn't run a candidate far enough to the right. If that attitude prevails, there will in a Democrat in the White house in 2017.