View Full Version : Anyone know about the GOA?

12-30-2012, 05:15 PM
Looking for an organization to buy a membership with that isn't throwing my other interests under the bus (NRA, video games).

Anyone have good or bad to say on the Gun Owners of America group?

12-30-2012, 05:56 PM
No compromise, and no results.

Kyle Reese
12-30-2012, 06:08 PM
No compromise, and no results.

Pretty much this...

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12-30-2012, 06:50 PM
If you're committed to not donating to the only organization big enough to do anything, GOA and 2AF seem to be good groups. I am joining GOA but I am also sending more money to NRA.

12-30-2012, 07:02 PM
Gun Owners against Abortion? Good conservative values.

12-30-2012, 07:07 PM
Gun Owners against Abortion? Good conservative values.

Did I screw something up?

12-30-2012, 07:21 PM
You may wish to check out Second Amendment Foundation (http://www.saf.org/) as an alternate to NRA. Also, check if there is a statewide group active in your state, such as GeorgiaCarry.Org, Wisconsin Carry, VCDL, etc. I'll echo GOA as a no-go.

12-30-2012, 07:34 PM
Why is GOA a no go? It seemed like a lot of people were behind them after the whole piers Morgan debacle. I had seen them talked about as the best alternative to NRA.

12-30-2012, 07:44 PM
Gun Owners against Abortion? Good conservative values.

Yeah, I started to worry when I saw a picture of a bible on their site. I'm not finding anything on google about their stance on abortion, and I don't see any belief statement on their website.

12-30-2012, 08:01 PM
In addition to the organizations mentioned above, I am sending donations to:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) (http://jpfo.org/)

Three primary goals drive the Wisconsin-based human-rights group Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO):

Destroy so-called “gun control” (code words for disarming innocent people).

Expose the misguided notions that lead people to seek out so-called “gun control”.

Encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens. The Second Amendment is the “Guardian” of the Bill of Rights.

Just to be clear this is not an organization only for jews, its about second amendment rights though they feel that jews should take a particular interest in gun control.

I found their free videos to be very informative. My particular favorite of theirs is: No Guns for Negroes (http://jpfo.org/filegen-n-z/ngn-download-view.htm)

This week several people have posted links to their move: "Innocents Betrayed" on gun boards. I just noticed a new film which looks interesting: "BATFE, Reckless Record Keeping"

When my friends ask about guns I always hand them a copy of Death by "Gun Control" (http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/deathgc.htm) (check out "The Genocide Chart" at the bottom of the page) to explain the genocidal aspects (political science issues) of gun control. (I also hand out copies of "More guns less crime" to address what I think of as the public health issues of guns "in the streets").

free gifs and flyers (http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/freebies.htm)

12-30-2012, 08:05 PM
Why is GOA a no go? It seemed like a lot of people were behind them after the whole piers Morgan debacle. I had seen them talked about as the best alternative to NRA.

I send them money every now and again as a token of my support, but I'm under no illusion that it's doing any more good in the fight for my rights than if I set it on fire.

JPFO is less odious, if not really any more politically effective, and I occasionally send them money, too. I feel better about it than I do GOA, because they're not in bed with the Family Values crew like Pratt & Co. are.

Cutting either of these two groups checks, however, is like voting Libertarian, in that it lets me feel smug and call my friends compromising hypocrites, but it rarely accomplishes anything, which is why I just re-upped for another two years* of the weaksauce American Rifleman in my mailbox. The NRA may be two steps forward and one step back, but it beats no steps anywhere.

Oh, and generally, the most important association to belong to is your state-level one!

And donate to the SAF!

*I'll go Life if they send LaPierre to the glue factory.

Al T.
12-30-2012, 08:10 PM
Another vote for SAF.

12-30-2012, 08:12 PM
I've been a member of the NRA since high school, minus a couple years from 2006-2011. Joined and donated money to the SAF and GOA as well.

I've seen SAF do a lot of good, but my reason for joining and donating to the GOA was, honestly, as simple as seeing Vickers write, "..and join the GOA!" The majority of my contributions went to the SAF (even got a personally signed thank you letter, how old fashioned!), but I figure more the merrier. Spread the wealth. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.....that whole deal. I hope that by giving $80 to the GOA instead of giving everything to one group that I haven't just signed the death of the 2nd Amendment.

My reasoning is that the more groups we empower, then the more resources/manpower can be allocated when the time comes as opposed to giving everything to one single group that might be stonewalled by some specific measure/factor. I've never served as a political lobbyist, maybe someone could enlighten me.

But, the SAF, definitely. Most definitely. Just look at their track record.

12-30-2012, 08:19 PM
GOA got some of my money after Larry Pratt hit Piers Morgan with that Neville Chamberlain uppercut.

12-30-2012, 08:30 PM
I joined. I could have probably spent the money in worse ways. I am not convinced anyone other than the NRA can do anything though so I will funnel money to the best chance we have.

12-30-2012, 10:31 PM
I was a GOA member, they don't have the traction that the NRA has or the clout.

But, they don't compromise.

I think it's just they're relatively young in comparison.

12-30-2012, 10:37 PM
Support people who don't compromise and the people who don't compromise will be in power. One person at a time. A dollar here or there won't change the future, but supporting a dead stop to the erosion of rights, over time, has the potential to.

Still haven't found anything about GOA and abortion though. Just op-eds about christian nation stuff, which I suppose says all it really needs to.

12-31-2012, 12:33 AM
Timely post, I was curious myself.

SAF seems no different from NRA in regards to constitutional aspects Haraise had alluded to; I posted a quote from Gottlieb's statement elsewhere.
JPFO had my money for some time, I still have no clue what they did with it.

GOA quotes much pro-2A legal action taken with success, I assume it is true. Doubt this MO is much helpful in current situation; are they going to sue the Congress for an AWB2?
I will send them money, but not before NRA gets some.

Any other organizations, or we have them all covered?

P.S. I got it wrong, late typing, mixed up SAF and GOA MOs.

12-31-2012, 01:11 AM

12-31-2012, 10:28 AM
I was just listening to Charlton Heston again and when I hear him, I have to wonder: did he single handedly write every speech? If so, who helped him draft, edit or listen as he re-worked his speeches? If so, where the hell are those people in the NRA or any organization?

I'm still very pro NRA, b/c they're the only Nat'l voice that the antis are scared of and know of, but I can honestly say that replaying 3 minutes of Heston is worth 30 hours of Wayne LaPierre after a week in the think tank.


12-31-2012, 12:11 PM
I'd not have a problem with GOA if they didn't spend 50% of their time attacking the NRA for "compromising", which is a pretty funny way to spell "winning."

One thing that people don't realize about NRA is how very active they are at the state level with their lobbying activities - I'm good friends with their former lobbyist for Indiana, and she'd actually take up temporary residence in Indiana during legislative sessions to make sure good bills go passed.

Donating to GOA is fine and all, but don't pretend you're doing anything other financing Larry Pratt's salary/ego and the occasional ant-NRA rant.

12-31-2012, 09:01 PM
Im a NRA and GOA member.

I prefer to belong to the GOA, but the practical reality is the NRA is bigger and has more pull.

I hate hearing about how much they do sometimes though. We went through foooooorever here over BS lost and stolen legislation in PA, and in Pittsburgh specifically. Waiting on the NRA the suits nearly never happened, but the local groups just dont have the money and pull to do the same work. If your in PA http://www.foac-pac.org/ is THE organization to belong to. Single handed doing more ACTUAL work and good at state level than ANY other group. Ive been on the ground with FOAC hitting doors in neighborhoods , going office to office lobbying as a volunteer for legislation , putting together rally's only to see the NRA show up at the last minute to jump in front of a camera and act like they did something.