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12-19-2012, 10:37 AM

12-19-2012, 10:57 AM

ROFLMAO!!!! "That word you keep using (demand); I do not think it means what you think it means."

Chuck Haggard
12-19-2012, 12:24 PM
Chairman Mao thinks this is a great idea.

Unarmed peasents are far easier to kill off when thay aren't thinking "right".

Kyle Reese
12-19-2012, 12:26 PM
Many liberals love Chairman Mao.

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12-19-2012, 12:29 PM
I wonder if they would be making the same noise if they where still sending you guys boatloads of Norincos?

12-19-2012, 01:28 PM
From the government who brought you this:

12-19-2012, 01:34 PM
This is just tit-for-tat.

The mean old men in Beijing get all butthurt when we tell them what to do, like "Stop shooting dissidents!" or "Quit threatening to invade Taiwan!" or "Stop backing crazy nukyular-armed dictators in Pyongyang!", so they get to feel all self-righteous making statements like this.

Shut your piehole, Xi, or else try selling your crappy consumer electronics in Rwanda.

Matt O
12-19-2012, 02:16 PM
To provide a contrast to Xinhua's wooden political rhetoric, I've (hastily) translated an excerpt of the conclusion of an article in the Southern Metropolis Daily (a comparatively independent Chinese media outlet). Original article is here (http://epaper.nfdaily.cn/html/2012-12/16/content_7151832.htm) (in Chinese for those who can read it).

"...any discussion in the media focusing on banning guns is completely unrealistic. It's important to mention that the US is not the only country that allows its citizens to possess firearms. Switzerland and Israel, among other countries, also have a large number of privately owned firearms, due in large part to mandatory military service requirements for citizens. This system often involves soldiers bringing their weapons home with them, or even carrying them while out shopping. Despite this, however, campus shootings are a rarity in either of these two countries.

As such, we can see that America's issue with gun violence cannot be blamed solely on the prevalence of privately owned firearms. Rather, each of these shootings is a manifestation of specific social problems. For example, in the Batman shooting case, the gunman had clearly been under a long term influence of violent movies. The Virginia Tech shooting resulted from age-old American issues of racial bias and discrimination. Therefore, when a shooting occurs, if we only focus discussion and blame on the role of firearms, we're focusing on small details and missing the bigger picture."

While I think some of the points cited are a bit misguided, particularly in regard to the factors attributed as being the reasons behind the two shooting examples, it was interesting to see analysis from the other side of the world that recognized that larger societal factors are at play here.

12-19-2012, 02:37 PM
It would also be nice if they pointed out that both of those murderers had a head full of bad wiring.

Funny thing is, I've lived in a lot of places where I was an ethnic and racial minority. My response was to learn the language and the culture, instead of shooting up the place because I didn't get enough hugs.

Matt O, that is an interesting read. Thanks very much for providing a translation for us, my Mandarin is rusted beyond repair.

12-19-2012, 02:44 PM
Very interesting Matt!

While I think some of the points cited are a bit misguided, particularly in regard to the factors attributed as being the reasons behind the two shooting examples, it was interesting to see analysis from the other side of the world that recognized that larger societal factors are at play here.

Misguided, yes, but still probably more on point than blaming the guns...

12-19-2012, 02:45 PM
From the government who brought you

12-19-2012, 02:59 PM

See, just one brave student is as effective as an AT-3 Sagger. Of course what you don't see is the 10,000 or so dead bodies that soon followed.