View Full Version : When Kalifornians fall....and crawl to Texas...

12-11-2012, 10:02 AM
I love when a group of people vote like a bunch of populists and then realize that they can no longer live with their choices....leaving the poor behind, whom they intended to help with their populist rhetoric.


12-11-2012, 10:35 AM
Our corporate office relocated from CA to TX last year, mostly for tax reasons I believe.

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12-11-2012, 10:44 AM
Just remember that many of the people leaving California are still pretty liberal for TX, and they vote.

12-11-2012, 10:51 AM
Just remember that many of the people leaving California are still pretty liberal for TX, and they vote.

I've heard that Texans are worried about going Blue due to all of this movement. There is a theory that the Dems have been moving into important and dense populated areas of typically Red or Purple states and swinging them Blue. Unfortunately, we Red boys/girls like large open spaces so we can shoot and maybe that's beginning to hurt us :eek:

Dagga Boy
12-11-2012, 10:54 AM
A lot of us (yep, I am one of them) are voting with our moving trucks. Most of those moving to Texas are not progressive liberals. Those are usually destined for elsewhere. Texas is the refuge for California's conservatives who have lost the power to have their votes represented in California. I am hoping the inbound California conservatives and "producers" will displace the liberals down in Austin and make Texas an even better place. For most California liberals, Texas sucks. Everyone has guns, they hunt, property rights are important, they don't do State handouts, it is a very low service state (roads suck, etc.), they love contact sports, and the weather sucks and there are no mountains or things to "preserve", and it is fairly ugly by California standards. Oregon and Washington are much more popular for the progressives to migrate to.

12-11-2012, 10:59 AM
I have heard some of this too; I'm glad you Texans are keeping it inhospitable to those Kalifornians ;)

12-11-2012, 11:28 AM
A cherry on top of this Kalifornia Kream Utopia:


"Psychiatrists were among the highest-paid employees in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and New Jersey, with total compensation $270,000 to $327,000 for top earners. State police officers in Pennsylvania collected checks as big as $190,000 for unused vacation and personal leave as they retired young enough to start second careers, while Virginia paid active officers as much as $109,000 in overtime alone, the data show.

The numbers are even larger in California, where a state psychiatrist was paid $822,000, a highway patrol officer collected $484,000 in pay and pension benefits and 17 employees got checks of more than $200,000 for unused vacation and leave. The best-paid staff in other states earned far less for the same work, according to the data.
Mohammad Safi, graduate of a medical school in Afghanistan, collected $822,302 last year, up from $90,682 when he started in 2006, the data show. Safi was placed on administrative leave in July and is under investigation by the Department of State Hospitals, formerly the Department of Mental Health."

12-11-2012, 11:30 AM
Anybody that is honest, hard-working and a legal resident is perfectly welcome to move here. I'll even help you unpack. I'll bring over BBQ and some Shiner beer, and we can talk about ranges. I'll tell you what gun shops to stay away from.

I am working to corrupt California from the inside, however. For years, I've been sending money to political candidates in California. But only the ones that have read the Constitution.

Savage Hands
12-11-2012, 11:37 AM
A lot of us (yep, I am one of them) are voting with our moving trucks. Most of those moving to Texas are not progressive liberals. Those are usually destined for elsewhere. Texas is the refuge for California's conservatives who have lost the power to have their votes represented in California. I am hoping the inbound California conservatives and "producers" will displace the liberals down in Austin and make Texas an even better place. For most California liberals, Texas sucks. Everyone has guns, they hunt, property rights are important, they don't do State handouts, it is a very low service state (roads suck, etc.), they love contact sports, and the weather sucks and there are no mountains or things to "preserve", and it is fairly ugly by California standards. Oregon and Washington are much more popular for the progressives to migrate to.

My family and I may be joining you soon, we're trying to get out of here before my son goes to school. :cool:

12-11-2012, 11:38 AM
A cherry on top of this Kalifornia Kream Utopia:


"Psychiatrists were among the highest-paid employees in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and New Jersey, with total compensation $270,000 to $327,000 for top earners. State police officers in Pennsylvania collected checks as big as $190,000 for unused vacation and personal leave as they retired young enough to start second careers, while Virginia paid active officers as much as $109,000 in overtime alone, the data show.

The numbers are even larger in California, where a state psychiatrist was paid $822,000, a highway patrol officer collected $484,000 in pay and pension benefits and 17 employees got checks of more than $200,000 for unused vacation and leave. The best-paid staff in other states earned far less for the same work, according to the data.
Mohammad Safi, graduate of a medical school in Afghanistan, collected $822,302 last year, up from $90,682 when he started in 2006, the data show. Safi was placed on administrative leave in July and is under investigation by the Department of State Hospitals, formerly the Department of Mental Health."

And don't forget these lovely people, who took it to a whole 'nother level :

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12-11-2012, 11:40 AM
As a ~10-year expat from NC, I'm recently coming around to appreciating some of the Texas pride thing. For me it started with helping my kids with Texas history, and got goosed along by the Rangers (baseball) the past few years. The drag for me is Cowboys football. A more hated team does not exist in the NFL. Jerry Jones is not welcome for dinner.

Too bad Cali is sooooo politically insane. It really is beautiful there.

And FYI, Rahr beats Shiner.... Tried this one last weekend... Excellent.


12-11-2012, 11:42 AM
Anybody that is honest, hard-working and a legal resident is perfectly welcome to move here. I'll even help you unpack. I'll bring over BBQ and some Shiner beer, and we can talk about ranges. I'll tell you what gun shops to stay away from.

I am working to corrupt California from the inside, however. For years, I've been sending money to political candidates in California. But only the ones that have read the Constitution.

I love Shiner! I might move to Texas from Repulica Nueva Jersey just to get me some BBQ and Shiner :D

12-11-2012, 11:43 AM
And don't forget these lovely people, who took it to a whole 'nother level :

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Yes, I recall that incident.

12-11-2012, 12:22 PM
Crap Arizona was second on the list!

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12-11-2012, 12:40 PM
Crap Arizona was second on the list!

The last thing we need in Phoenix is more Raiders fans.

12-11-2012, 12:55 PM
As a ~10-year expat from NC, I'm recently coming around to appreciating some of the Texas pride thing. For me it started with helping my kids with Texas history, and got goosed along by the Rangers (baseball) the past few years. The drag for me is Cowboys football. A more hated team does not exist in the NFL. Jerry Jones is not welcome for dinner.

Too bad Cali is sooooo politically insane. It really is beautiful there.

And FYI, Rahr beats Shiner.... Tried this one last weekend... Excellent.


I am sorry, but you are mistaken. Dallas does not have a professional football team - sigh. :( Most of us are just waiting for Jerry to go to that big owner's meeting in the sky. Unfortunately, I am not sure his son Stephen will be any better.

Thanks for the tip on Rahr - I'll pick some up.

12-11-2012, 12:56 PM
I love Shiner! I might move to Texas from Repulica Nueva Jersey just to get me some BBQ and Shiner :D

I'll send you the name of a good realtor if you wish. I'm not kidding, either.

12-11-2012, 01:01 PM
I'll send you the name of a good realtor if you wish. I'm not kidding, either.

(I bet you called his bluff)

Time to put your money where your mouth is, BaiHu!

12-11-2012, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the tip on Rahr - I'll pick some up.
Ugly pug is good stuff you can find in most supermarkets.
The "winter warmer" is aged in bourbon barrels and really is an excellent beer. Not quite a porter, more an "English Ale".
Unfortunately, only bottles available are large format. No 6-packs.

Still trying to locate their Rahr Visionary Brew Imperial Black IPA. I hear it's good too.

Sorry /OT

Dagga Boy
12-11-2012, 01:10 PM
I think the key to this is when you move to these places to get away from the bullshit where you live, you adopt the mindset of where you are going for refuge. I have "mentally" been a Texan since my parents moved here in the mid-80's. I want Texas to be as opposite of California as possible. I brought guns, and more conservative votes. I have been supporting ALL Texas football in all varieties from the day my folks moved. Yes, even the Cowboys. I use the example of immigrants. I will support any immigrant who comes to America to be an American, to love America, to speak the language, to not hyphenate their level of American and put this country as a priority. I detest those who come here and want to be a person who puts the home country they left as their priority and the U.S. as a place to simply milk and to conform to them. As an example, I have a deep appreciation for Mexicans that come to the U.S. to be Americans, but despise those who want to make Mexico in America. I came to Texas to be a Texan, not to make California in Texas. I like to say that for many years I was a Texan trapped in a California body.

12-11-2012, 02:07 PM
(I bet you called his bluff)

Time to put your money where your mouth is, BaiHu!

I'd like to report this post :mad:

It's not impossible that I'd ever move from my jobs and family and friends (-1 now that I can scratch TGS off the list ;)), it's just improbable right now.

12-11-2012, 02:21 PM
I think the key to this is when you move to these places to get away from the bullshit where you live, you adopt the mindset of where you are going for refuge. I have "mentally" been a Texan since my parents moved here in the mid-80's. I want Texas to be as opposite of California as possible. I brought guns, and more conservative votes. I have been supporting ALL Texas football in all varieties from the day my folks moved. Yes, even the Cowboys. I use the example of immigrants. I will support any immigrant who comes to America to be an American, to love America, to speak the language, to not hyphenate their level of American and put this country as a priority. I detest those who come here and want to be a person who puts the home country they left as their priority and the U.S. as a place to simply milk and to conform to them. As an example, I have a deep appreciation for Mexicans that come to the U.S. to be Americans, but despise those who want to make Mexico in America. I came to Texas to be a Texan, not to make California in Texas. I like to say that for many years I was a Texan trapped in a California body.

Testify! As the saying goes, We don't care how you did it 'up north' (or back east, or wherever).
Now excuse me while I go find a Texas flag to salute.


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12-11-2012, 02:23 PM
Just remember that many of the people leaving California are still pretty liberal for TX, and they vote.

Some are, but a lot of them are just as conservative as Texans pretend to be. I say pretend because I lived in Houston and there sure are a lot of "takers" there. Same goes for Dallas, San Antonio, and of course Austin. It is all demographics, and as your cities continue to grow and your illegal immigration continues to run unchecked, you will soon face the same critical mass in Texas that we reached in Kalifornia. As I recall, Shelia Jackson-Lee is a proud congresswoman from the Houston area and she is every bit as messed up as Pelosi, Boxer, or Speir. I also recall that California gave the US Ronald Regan and Texas gave the US LBJ. It was also a California congressman who has been tirelessly hounding the Justice department over Fast and Furious.

I'm not a Kalifornian, I was raised in Wyoming which is a hell of a lot more "Authentic Cowboy" than Texas could pretend to be. I've been here for the past 12 years and for a variety of reasons have been unable to un-ass myself. But having lived here a fair amount of time, and having served and deployed with members of the California National Guard, I can tell you there are millions of real Americans here who bleed as much red, white, and blue as anyone from the Red States. Head up North to Redding or out East to Placerville or way up in the Sierras to Susanville or Alturas, and you will find as many hard working farmers, ranchers, loggers, and self sufficient people as you will in Texas. But the issue is that there are 2 liberal voters for every one of them and as hard as they try, they just can not unseat Boxer or Fienstein. Kalifornia didn't used to be that way either but the aforementioned demographics slide that occurred in the 80-90s sealed its fate. Same is happening in Colorado now :(.

So what I'm saying is don't look at Kalifornia as some sort of monolithic bastion of liberalism. There are a lot of good people here fighting the good fight. Texas may not be too far behind, so don't boast too proudly. If I do leave this state (and the thought crosses my mind each and every day for a variety of reasons), I can guarantee you that I will not be bringing any Kalifornia style politics with me.

12-11-2012, 02:32 PM
I'm sharing this here simply b/c it kind of fits the whole discussion that's been scattered all over the forum:

http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/12/10/will_aging_childless_voters_enslave_my_future_gran dchildren_100034.html

"The root cause of the economic disaster that lies ahead is the kamikaze drive of democratic governments to displace the functions of the family, including the care of relatives in their old age. Since time immemorial, in every human society that ever was, and buttressed by social mores central to every religion ever practiced, children, grandchildren, and kin did what governments the world over now promise to do."

12-11-2012, 02:36 PM
I just saw this thread or I would have chimed in earlier. I was born and raised in Austin. I've seen this town go way down hill due to liberal policies largely imported from California. Folks from CA move here and immediately want to start pushing the same screwed up liberal agendas that wrecked their state. I think anyone moving to Texas from Kalifornia should have a 5 to 10 year "acclimation" period where they are not allowed to vote or own property.

12-11-2012, 02:50 PM

I like to say that for many years I was a Texan trapped in a California body.

I have seen this man's pickup truck, he speaks the truth.

12-11-2012, 02:56 PM
I just saw this thread or I would have chimed in earlier. I was born and raised in Austin. I've seen this town go way down hill due to liberal policies largely imported from California. Folks from CA move here and immediately want to start pushing the same screwed up liberal agendas that wrecked their state. I think anyone moving to Texas from Kalifornia should have a 5 to 10 year "acclimation" period where they are not allowed to vote or own property.

Despite my earlier flag-waving, we're certainly not immune here in SA:
A blatant move by our esteemed mayor to set himself up as the next Obama. The really cool part is that even though I'm not technically a SA resident I get to help pay for it if I buy anything here.
And I like the idea of a "hush while the grownups are talking" period, for any state really.

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JM Campbell
12-11-2012, 03:10 PM
Castro a socialist?...don't remind me.

His twin brother in Congress doesn't help either.

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Savage Hands
12-11-2012, 05:22 PM
I just saw this thread or I would have chimed in earlier. I was born and raised in Austin. I've seen this town go way down hill due to liberal policies largely imported from California. Some Folks from CA move here and immediately want to start pushing the same screwed up liberal agendas that wrecked their state.

I fixed that for you, this thread makes it clear that all Californians do not think the same way.

12-11-2012, 05:27 PM
I think the key to this is when you move to these places to get away from the bullshit where you live, you adopt the mindset of where you are going for refuge.


A million times, yes.

Nothing is more insufferable than listening to somebody who left a place of financial and political oppression precisely because of the political and financial oppression's consequences complaining that we do things differently than "back home".

Duh. That's why you can afford to sell your crackerbox house in an NY suburb and buy a very large house on a big piece of land here. And why you can order a soda that's any size you want. And why you can hire whomever you want to perform various services for you. All that stuff that made moving here attractive? It's because we didn't let people like Bloomberg do whatever they wanted. If you like living under his benevolent dictatorship, move back.

You can't afford to? Exactly. You can't afford to live under that level of nonsense because it's stupid. Leave it there. Meanwhile here, we don't seem to be dying in the streets for lack of his telling us what to do and who to do business with at every juncture. Maybe there's a lesson in that.

Dagga Boy
12-11-2012, 05:36 PM
Texas reminds me a lot of California 30 or so years ago. It (like many places) is "headed that way". In actuality, you want Californian's buying property in Texas. Land owners are in fact very vested in their tax dollars and how they are spent. This is especially true in Texas where everything is very much based in property tax. Just look at a map of those voting liberal and those voting conservative. You will find the conservative places have more land than people. This is probably the greatest stray away from what this country was founded on. We have people with equal votes but not really vested in participation in producing something.

12-12-2012, 06:12 AM
Not to pile on...but I will. I lived most of my life in AZ. I grew up in the Northern, rural, part and then moved to Phx. It seemed like in the span of 3-4 years, with the housing boom, people from Cali were coming out of the woodwork. It changed the place substantially in terms of overall culture. Besides the insufferable heat, the influx of snotty liberals pushed me to move on to much greener pastures in Tx. I haven't looked back since.

12-12-2012, 06:47 AM
Texas sounds like some kind of utopia to me.

12-12-2012, 07:38 AM
Some are, but a lot of them are just as conservative as Texans pretend to be. I say pretend because I lived in Houston and there sure are a lot of "takers" there. Same goes for Dallas, San Antonio, and of course Austin. It is all demographics, and as your cities continue to grow and your illegal immigration continues to run unchecked, you will soon face the same critical mass in Texas that we reached in Kalifornia. As I recall, Shelia Jackson-Lee is a proud congresswoman from the Houston area and she is every bit as messed up as Pelosi, Boxer, or Speir. I also recall that California gave the US Ronald Regan and Texas gave the US LBJ. It was also a California congressman who has been tirelessly hounding the Justice department over Fast and Furious.

I'm not a Kalifornian, I was raised in Wyoming which is a hell of a lot more "Authentic Cowboy" than Texas could pretend to be. I've been here for the past 12 years and for a variety of reasons have been unable to un-ass myself. But having lived here a fair amount of time, and having served and deployed with members of the California National Guard, I can tell you there are millions of real Americans here who bleed as much red, white, and blue as anyone from the Red States. Head up North to Redding or out East to Placerville or way up in the Sierras to Susanville or Alturas, and you will find as many hard working farmers, ranchers, loggers, and self sufficient people as you will in Texas. But the issue is that there are 2 liberal voters for every one of them and as hard as they try, they just can not unseat Boxer or Fienstein. Kalifornia didn't used to be that way either but the aforementioned demographics slide that occurred in the 80-90s sealed its fate. Same is happening in Colorado now :(.

So what I'm saying is don't look at Kalifornia as some sort of monolithic bastion of liberalism. There are a lot of good people here fighting the good fight. Texas may not be too far behind, so don't boast too proudly. If I do leave this state (and the thought crosses my mind each and every day for a variety of reasons), I can guarantee you that I will not be bringing any Kalifornia style politics with me.

Great post. I could have written it myself practically. Good old LBJ did more to this country than anyone we fought in battle.

Dagga Boy
12-12-2012, 09:34 AM
Texas sounds like some kind of utopia to me.

It's not. It is headed the same way as everybody else. They are just behind, and at the moment, even if you don't like Rick Perry, he is big on 10th amendment rights for the States as a priority. Texas has large bastions of urban takers (usually on Fed programs), they just don't have as many on state give-away programs as places like California. Texas has also re-districted people like Sheila Jackson Lee to little tiny areas of her like minded people. I just hope that many keep fighting here for a conservative state. I fear more for my daughter on what this country will be like for her. I have changed a lot of thoughts after the last election, and it is all about me and mine at this point, and I just want to be left alone.

I was torn between Texas and Idaho on where to go when I left California. Idaho is still an option, but snow scares me....:cool:. Eventually, I may end up an Ex-Pat and going back to where my mom's side of the family lived and see what happens, or bunker down on the island I still have a home on in Arizona. It is a scary time in this world.

12-12-2012, 11:51 AM
Texas is experiencing what MT, UT & WY experienced a few years back. People moving from California to greener pastures of lower land prices and taxes. The problem became that the people moving in wanted the same services that they received in CA. "What do you mean I have to take my garbage to the dump myself, I want garbage collection." So services were added raising taxes and this is only one example. The old timers were happy with the status quote and couldn't afford the increased tax burden. The people who moved in demanding the increased services to match what the had in their old home town were unhappy because now the taxes had increased above what they were when the CA folks moved in.

We saw the same thing happen in NJ through the 70’s to 90’s. NY residents moving out of the high priced cities and then wanting improved services moving taxes and land prices up to the point that the locals had to move out.

Dagga Boy
12-12-2012, 01:11 PM
Texas is experiencing what MT, UT & WY experienced a few years back. People moving from California to greener pastures of lower land prices and taxes. The problem became that the people moving in wanted the same services that they received in CA. "What do you mean I have to take my garbage to the dump myself, I want garbage collection." So services were added raising taxes and this is only one example. The old timers were happy with the status quote and couldn't afford the increased tax burden. The people who moved in demanding the increased services to match what the had in their old home town were unhappy because now the taxes had increased above what they were when the CA folks moved in.

We saw the same thing happen in NJ through the 70’s to 90’s. NY residents moving out of the high priced cities and then wanting improved services moving taxes and land prices up to the point that the locals had to move out.

Not really. In California your property taxes are basically fixed forever at the time of purchase of your home. So property taxes are sort of low and a given for those who invested in property at the right times in California. Those who left making a money on their homes will be limited as to what you can do in Texas. Property tax varies here a lot. High service areas have very high property tax. Very low service areas have low taxes and are generally either agricultural areas or places with lots of rentals. At the height of the housing boom I wanted to sell in California and Arizona, take my ton of equity and buy a literal mansion in a gated community outside Austin. I could pay cash for the mansion.........I couldn't afford 25,000 a year in property tax (plus the homeowners fees...:(). With that said, for that 25,000 I got a school and fire station INSIDE the gates, never have my kid in a class with more than 12 kids, and about guaranteed entry into a four year university without issue. So basically, you want high services here, you can find places that have them, and you will pay your way for them. I am living in one of those places now. I am paying more than double in property tax than I did in California, and getting less. I won't be demanding a thing! I have found that schools here can about be rated for what you are paying for property tax. Tons of taxes, great schools......low taxes or lots of rentals....poorer schools and services. In California most of the services are provided through high income tax combined with property tax and lots of "fees". That income tax and the fees go into the State coffers and gets divided out to lots of b.s. state services with little accountability (think of California as a junior Federal government that can only tax, and create fees, but not print money). In Texas there is no income tax, so your tax money stays close and you have more accountability as to how its spent and seeing what you are getting. It simply means you have sort of a choice in Texas about what you want. Trust me, move to an agricultural area here and demand b.s. you won't get very far. You will be able to find places in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio or Houston that will have services in line with what you "think" you want.........and you will see exactly what those services cost.

12-12-2012, 01:14 PM
You do have to be quite careful what areas you pick here. But I honestly do not think it's an accident that the fastest-growing areas in this state, and some of the fastest-growing areas in the country, are right here where I live.

And they are not colored blue on an election map, they are red. Bright, neon, flashing laser red with a red strobe light on top.

Having said that, I agree with what others have said. There are a lot of disturbing things in the voting patterns in Texas, and it's quite important to stay on guard.

In the mean time, I'll keep sending money and support to my brothers and sisters behind the lines. I'll also inoculate as many friends as I can here.

But I can't think of anyplace I'll go. I'm nailing my feet to the floor. I grew up on a ranch here. It's in my blood, I have given blood for it, and I love the people and land dearly. Like others have said, I worry about my children. They are my legacy, and I shall protect them.

This has been a very interesting discussion. Few things arouse a greater protective reaction than home and family, and that is good.

12-12-2012, 01:16 PM
A recurring theme on the city-data forum is Californians moving to different cities and bringing their "culture", attitudes, horrible driving and lousy politics with them. They really aren't welcome anywhere from what I can tell and I'd just as soon they erect a fence to keep'em in.

12-12-2012, 01:20 PM
A recurring theme on the city-data forum is Californians moving to different cities and bringing their "culture", attitudes, horrible driving and lousy politics with them. They really aren't welcome anywhere from what I can tell and I'd just as soon they erect a fence to keep'em in.

See Colorado.....

12-12-2012, 01:22 PM
...... I have found that schools here can about be rated for what you are paying for property tax. Tons of taxes, great schools......low taxes or lots of rentals....poorer schools and services.


Quoted for truth. I bought a house 12 years ago in what is termed an Exemplary school district. My property taxes are the max rate allowed under state law.

The flip side of that, is that we have really, really good schools here. And the key is not the big tax money, the key is that the money stays here. It's controlled by the local school board, and lots of people participating in elections. People go to the schools, and to the school board meetings.

I knew every one of my kid's teachers - by name and by sight. I was not unusual. We had each others' email addresses. We talked.

People are very involved in their kid's education. Some are precious little snowflakes, to quote Mr. Sloyer. But a lot of them are very hard working, and know that hard work and knowledge is what is going to move you ahead. We also have a LOT of immigrants here. My HOA meeting sounds like the UN General Assembly, without all the wacky bullshit. And you would not believe the potluck dinners! :D

12-12-2012, 01:37 PM
See Colorado.....

Definitely one of the big ones. We're contemplating relocating and I've been doing a bit of reading over there. Seen complaints from Idaho to CO and the whole west coast.

I lived in CA during and after .Mil days and have to go there occasionally for work now, I hate it.

12-12-2012, 03:05 PM
And the key is not the big tax money, the key is that the money stays here. It's controlled by the local school board,
This is not as true as it was before the 2011 legislative session and it's anybodys' guess how it will end up after the 2013 session (TX legislature meets every other year, a fan-damn-tastic idea, IMO. Keeps legislators focused on stuff that matters instead of passing laws solely for job justification).

They call it..... (get ready for it....) "Wealth Equalization" (I s**^ you not!)


Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code makes provisions for certain school districts to share their local tax revenue with other school districts. For the purposes of the school finance system in Texas, districts are designated as either property wealthy or property poor. The relative wealth of the school district is measured in terms of the taxable value of property that lies within the school district borders divided by the number of students in weighted average daily attendance (WADA). Chapter 41's provisions are sometimes referred to as the "share the wealth" or "Robin Hood" plan because districts that are deemed to be property wealthy are required to share their wealth with property-poor school districts. The funds that are distributed by the property-wealthy districts are "recaptured" by the school finance system to assist with financing of public education in school districts that are property poor.

12-12-2012, 03:24 PM
A recurring theme on the city-data forum is Californians moving to different cities and bringing their "culture", attitudes, horrible driving and lousy politics with them. They really aren't welcome anywhere from what I can tell and I'd just as soon they erect a fence to keep'em in.


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12-12-2012, 04:24 PM
Roy, I'd like to sic my eye-poking monkey on the judge that made us set up the Robin Hood plan.

When I lived in a shitty school district, I did something amazing. I worked three jobs until I saved up enough money to buy a house in a good district. Pretty crazy of me, I know.

Ray Keith
12-12-2012, 05:06 PM
Texas is going to flip, it is just a matter of time and the # of Californians moving here won't really factor in.

12-12-2012, 06:27 PM
When I lived in a shitty school district, I did something amazing. I worked three jobs until I saved up enough money to buy a house in a good district. Pretty crazy of me, I know.
You DO realize that's not necessary any more. Why? because we're gonna make all the schools equally bad. No need to thank me. /sarcasm

We're in an ISD that's ranked in the highest category for "efficiency".. Translation: we get the best educational results with a relatively low expenditure per student. When they put this crazy plan in place in 2011, ISD's in our category got stomped. We saw a disproportionate drop in state funding "because we didn't need it". Those districts who were spending money inefficiently got a bigger slice of the state pie. Great way to reward good behavior, eh?

I've heard some not-so-happy rumblings about the possible "fixes" for Robin Hood.. They range from a State income tax (no way that'll pass this session) to reduction/elimination of property tax replaced by increased sales taxes ("fair tax"?)... We'll need to wait and see what comes up. Bills are currently being filed but I don't see anything regarding school funding....

You would think with 50 states in the union, one of them would have figured this out already and we could just copy...:D

01-21-2013, 04:53 PM
I hope there's room for one more orange dot. ;)


Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 05:01 PM
I hope there's room for one more orange dot. ;)

http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae338/Indexma/2%20Share%20with%20Anyone/Texas_EachOrangeDot_zps3c49b20c.j pg

Make that even 3 more.

01-21-2013, 05:09 PM
Did you see the rest of those 2 ads?




01-21-2013, 05:57 PM
Make that even 3 more.

If I count the rest of Team Irish it'll be 3 more and a crazy Belgian Mal ;)

Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 06:01 PM
If I count the rest of Team Irish it'll be 3 more and a crazy Belgian Mal ;)

See you there!

01-21-2013, 06:20 PM
See you there!

Absolutely! SeriousStudent has been helping me offline and figuring out where we want to relocate. Maybe start a where to move to in Texas thread? :cool:

Houston is too humid for our tastes. Dallas (Plano area) or Fort Worth area might work for us. Austin sounds kinda cool but it's turning into CA which is no bueno. San Antonio I don't know enough about.

We have 2 little ones that'll be in school in no time so that's a big priority for us.

Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 06:34 PM
We are looking at DFW as of right now, my son is 2 1/2 so we want to be settled before pre-school :cool:

Dagga Boy
01-21-2013, 07:43 PM
We may have to offer a class for relocating Californians on how to become a good citizen of the free Republic of Texas. I have been getting worked over pretty hard by DetWD as far as proper pronunciation of places and cultural terminology. As a 5th Generation Texan, Wayne is pretty much THE subject matter expert on all things Texas. I can provide a guide on how to make sure the people we like here don't hate you when they find out you are from California. I will offer this tidbit........get your California plates off your vehicle ASAP. You WILL get a lot of police attention and scowls from the citizenry otherwise. You will also have to remember the manners that have been beaten out of you after living in the progressive mecca. Hold doors for the ladies, say please and thank you often, you always offer a friendly greeting to people (especially seniors), and letting people merge in traffic is considered normal along with moving to the right if you are slower than traffic.

01-21-2013, 07:52 PM
You Texans keep taking the liberal Californians. We try to keep them out with our theocracy, inversion plagued winters, and watered down beer.

01-21-2013, 08:03 PM
Texas is going to flip, it is just a matter of time and the # of Californians moving here won't really factor in.

Yup, this.

Enjoy it while you can.

01-21-2013, 09:07 PM
If I count the rest of Team Irish it'll be 3 more and a crazy Belgian Mal ;)

Mal's are especially welcome. We have far too many deer, and if you can teach him to hunt pigs, you will have friends for life. There's a gigantic infestation of swine north and east of me. Please come eat them.

LL, feel free to send Nacho down here for dinner time, we'd love his help!

And it is legal to hunt pigs here anytime you want. From a helicopter. With full-auto weapons.

01-21-2013, 09:08 PM
We are looking at DFW as of right now, my son is 2 1/2 so we want to be settled before pre-school :cool:

Good plan. Let us know if we can help.

01-21-2013, 09:27 PM
We are looking at DFW as of right now, my son is 2 1/2 so we want to be settled before pre-school :cool:

I hear lots of good things about Fort Worth. I've only spent a little time there but I liked it, doesn't feel as "big city" as Dallas (which is one of the things I like about San Antonio too).

01-21-2013, 09:31 PM
A lot of us (yep, I am one of them) are voting with our moving trucks. Most of those moving to Texas are not progressive liberals. Those are usually destined for elsewhere. Texas is the refuge for California's conservatives who have lost the power to have their votes represented in California. I am hoping the inbound California conservatives and "producers" will displace the liberals down in Austin and make Texas an even better place. For most California liberals, Texas sucks. Everyone has guns, they hunt, property rights are important, they don't do State handouts, it is a very low service state (roads suck, etc.), they love contact sports, and the weather sucks and there are no mountains or things to "preserve", and it is fairly ugly by California standards. Oregon and Washington are much more popular for the progressives to migrate to.

Texas will be a blue state in a decade. Combine the Californians and Yankees moving in with the very large number of Hispanics born in Texas to illegal parents and there's no doubt about it. Once Texas is blue the GOP can kiss it good bye unless they can figure out how to reach those Hispanics. Nominating patricians from Massachusetts isn't going to cut it.

Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 09:32 PM
You Texans keep taking the liberal Californians. We try to keep them out with our theocracy, inversion plagued winters, and watered down beer.

Quit assuming every Californian is a liberal or Democrat... Is everyone in Utah a Mormon?

Good plan. Let us know if we can help.

Thank you sir!

01-21-2013, 09:37 PM
Quit assuming every Californian is a liberal or Democrat... Is everyone in Utah and Mormon?

Thank you sir!

Yes. And I specifically mentioned Liberal Californians to distinguish them. I don't care if they take the conservative ones, that's fine.

01-21-2013, 09:38 PM
I like Fort Worth a lot. The traffic is better over there, the people are nice, and life is a wee bit slower. Plus they have awesome Mexican food - Joe T Garcia's.

And you know where the best BBQ in Dallas is? At Angelino's in Fort Worth. ;)

01-21-2013, 09:48 PM
I'm confused with the complaining about all the Californians and Yankees moving to Texas.

Aren't these people moving to Texas because they like Texas and the politics? So what's the problem?

Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 09:51 PM
I'm confused with the complaining about all the Californians and Yankees moving to Texas.

Aren't these people moving to Texas because they like Texas and the politics? So what's the problem?


01-21-2013, 10:00 PM
Mal's are especially welcome. We have far too many deer, and if you can teach him to hunt pigs, you will have friends for life. There's a gigantic infestation of swine north and east of me. Please come eat them.

And it is legal to hunt pigs here anytime you want. From a helicopter. With full-auto weapons.

I think he'd love chasing down feral hogs! :) Do you need a license for them or is it just open season? Are the wild ones good for eating?

01-21-2013, 10:02 PM
I'm confused with the complaining about all the Californians and Yankees moving to Texas.

Aren't these people moving to Texas because they like Texas and the politics? So what's the problem?

That's why we're going. We want Texas to stay Texas!

01-21-2013, 10:07 PM

I'm with ya man.

Bunch of guys have been talking to me about Texas, and I started posting on TexasCHL to get info as well. One of the guys over there made the point, "With what you're looking to do in life, it might make sense to move down here anyways." Lots of EMT jobs to get started with, better paying jobs when looking at the oil rig EMS business, and if I choose hot & humid Houston area I could be closer to the north Florida caves that I love diving so much.

I don't know a damn thing about the area though as I've never even driven through Texas and besides my acquaintances from these forums (and thanks so much for everything so far, guys), I have absolutely zero friends down there. Whereas I sorta know southern New Hampshire (I lived in Vermont for 4 years), and 2 of my best friends from college live there, and the one knows a bunch of working EMTs/Ps. So I'm kinda leaning towards NH as of right now just because of familiarities sake.

I recommend that we establish a Pilgrimage sub-forum. :D

Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 10:14 PM
My wife is getting even more excited about moving down there, our lease is up in October and she's applying for jobs already.

01-21-2013, 10:29 PM
I'm confused with the complaining about all the Californians and Yankees moving to Texas.

Aren't these people moving to Texas because they like Texas and the politics? So what's the problem?

Many folks are familiar with ex-Californians changing the political climates in places like CO, WA and OR. And to a noticeable extent MT now. People who migrate to "better" places, but decide that their new home needs to change to be more like their old home and when enough of them arrive the vote turns left (or farther left in the case of WA and OR).

That's among the reasons I left NC 10 years ago. 1980's NC was awesome, by 2000 it had changed. It was hard to find a Country music radio station on the dial any more. Too many NY Yankees hats, not enough Wrangler shirts. Here in DFW we're down to 2 or 3 Country stations, depending on the reception where you live. I take that as a BAAAAD sign. When the Country music is gone, it's time to move on.

BUT...... It seems for now that the folks I'm meeting from CA are here for the right reasons. Texas has a "reputation". Californians of the more liberal mindset seem to be avoiding us. I haven't run into many hard-lefties. The few I've run into have been forced to reconsider or be marginalized. Lots more Midwest folks moving here than West Coasters. We've got Iowans by the trainload. We've got one Sprouts supermarket close enough to be useful, but I couldn't tell you where the nearest Whole Foods is, I assume there's some nearby. Hopefully that luck holds until I retire.

ETA: I looked it up. 18 miles to the nearest Whole Foods. I'm still safe. ;)

01-21-2013, 10:32 PM
My wife is getting even more excited about moving down there, our lease is up in October and she's applying for jobs already.

If she (or anyone else in this thread looking at the DFW area) is looking for something in the mortgage loan processing/underwriting sector, shoot me a PM when yall (Texas word, learn it) are ready. My wife is a processor for a fairly large company near the DFW airport and they are constantly hiring.

Savage Hands
01-21-2013, 10:37 PM
If she (or anyone else in this thread looking at the DFW area) is looking for something in the mortgage loan processing/underwriting sector, shoot me a PM when yall (Texas word, learn it) are ready. My wife is a processor for a fairly large company near the DFW airport and they are constantly hiring.

Much obliged. Right now she's looking at similar Government Jobs to what she is doing now.

01-21-2013, 10:48 PM
I think he'd love chasing down feral hogs! :) Do you need a license for them or is it just open season? Are the wild ones good for eating?

All you need is ammo or a sharp knife. I'm not real big on chasing them with spears, I'm way too old for that Lord of the Flies shit. There are sum doods that use Bowie knives. But I like to eat bacon, not become bacon. No license is needed, just landowner permission.

And the wild ones are very good eating. There were some threads on M4C with pics, I think. Chop them into big roasts, put them on the smoker. Or grind them into sausage and smoke them. Tasty vittles.

01-21-2013, 10:55 PM

ETA: I looked it up. 18 miles to the nearest Whole Foods. I'm still safe. ;)

I'm within walking distance of a Whole Foods. But Cabela's is even closer. Life has all sorts of checks and balances.

And I honestly think you are right about the type of folks that have moved here from New York and California. I have tons of "immigrant" friends. One of my minions at work is an Italian guy from Brooklyn. He can make cannoli that will make you cry. He also has cowboy boots now.

But it is hysterically funny to listen to him say "Howdy, youse guys."

01-22-2013, 09:31 AM
Once Texas is blue the GOP can kiss it good bye unless they can figure out how to reach those Hispanics. Nominating patricians from Massachusetts isn't going to cut it.

This, and it's not just the illegals and their offspring. The Democrats have most Hispanics convinced that they have no choice but to be Democrats, and many just blindly follow along. The funny thing is that most of the Hispanics I know fall more on the conservative side- family values, fiscal responsibility, hard work, etc. The GOP has just spectacularly failed to reach them.
Case in point : my father-in-law brought his family here (illegally, now a resident alien) 40 years ago. When all those immigration rallies were going on several years ago he was interviewed by a family friend who's a writer for Texas Monthly. When asked if he was going to the rally in Austin that Monday, he looked at the writer like he was speaking in tongues: "No, I have work, I don't have time for that." He has zero regard for those that want a free ride, and at nearly 80 years old can still work men half his age into the ground.

Kyle Reese
01-22-2013, 10:29 AM
If I wasn't living in Virginia now, Texas would be next on the list. I really enjoyed my time there. Great state and great people.

01-22-2013, 02:09 PM
Many folks are familiar with ex-Californians changing the political climates in places like CO, WA and OR. And to a noticeable extent MT now. People who migrate to "better" places, but decide that their new home needs to change to be more like their old home and when enough of them arrive the vote turns left (or farther left in the case of WA and OR).

That's among the reasons I left NC 10 years ago. 1980's NC was awesome, by 2000 it had changed. It was hard to find a Country music radio station on the dial any more. Too many NY Yankees hats, not enough Wrangler shirts. Here in DFW we're down to 2 or 3 Country stations, depending on the reception where you live. I take that as a BAAAAD sign. When the Country music is gone, it's time to move on.

BUT...... It seems for now that the folks I'm meeting from CA are here for the right reasons. Texas has a "reputation". Californians of the more liberal mindset seem to be avoiding us. I haven't run into many hard-lefties. The few I've run into have been forced to reconsider or be marginalized. Lots more Midwest folks moving here than West Coasters. We've got Iowans by the trainload. We've got one Sprouts supermarket close enough to be useful, but I couldn't tell you where the nearest Whole Foods is, I assume there's some nearby. Hopefully that luck holds until I retire.

ETA: I looked it up. 18 miles to the nearest Whole Foods. I'm still safe. ;)

There's light years of difference between someone that thinks "my home state is all fouled up; the liberals have voted us into virtual slavery to the state. I will move to a land where I can be free" and someone that thinks "Dang, my company bellied up. I hear there's jobs in Texas, I hope I can put up with all the yahoos."

In the current economy, we're getting a lot of the second group.

01-22-2013, 09:08 PM
Texas State Preppers..

State Rep. James White has proposed a bill that will require the leaders of Texas to start crunching the numbers and figure out what Texas would look like if it had to be self sufficient... limited or no federal support....


relating to the creation of a select committee to evaluate the
effects of reduction in or elimination of federal funding on the
state budget due to federal fiscal policy.

01-23-2013, 09:38 AM
Hehe, looks like California's governor is tired of getting picked on by Rick Perry.
Nicely illustrates the difference in philosophy between the two states. He thinks our debt is too low and we have too many people making low wages, we counter with the fact that a dollar goes a lot farther here than in California since costs are so much lower.

01-23-2013, 11:56 AM
Texas seems to do most government tasks much better than California while simultaneously providing greater individual liberty for the state's citizens; hard to argue against that, especially in light of Brown's numerous odious actions...

01-23-2013, 12:05 PM
Brown did a great of harm to CA by unionizing public servants during his last term as governor. Also to blame for the state' fiscal woes is the silly direct democracy style, proposition system. The prison guards union getting the "3 strikes and you're out" law passed (now repealed) deserves honorable mention.

01-23-2013, 01:49 PM
Not to mention his stance on legally purchased and registered AR15's for retiring LE personnel...

01-23-2013, 02:23 PM
Not to mention his stance on legally purchased and registered AR15's for retiring LE personnel...

Or any other private citizen for that matter.

Dagga Boy
01-23-2013, 04:39 PM
Brown did a great of harm to CA by unionizing public servants during his last term as governor. Also to blame for the state' fiscal woes is the silly direct democracy style, proposition system. The prison guards union getting the "3 strikes and you're out" law passed (now repealed) deserves honorable mention.

From a working cop point of view, 3 Strikes did more to clean the streets of true predatory scumbag criminals than anything else ever devised. It has been heavily perverted, gone around by DA's, and ruined by the state parole system, BUT, when initiated we destroyed the baddest of the bad with 3 strikes. Most of the guys who went down on this actually had 30 strikes and plea bargaining is to blame for why many serious bad guys are walking around free.

01-23-2013, 04:52 PM
......and plea bargaining is to blame for why many serious bad guys are walking around free.

Because all young prosecutors want to be judges, AGs, and governers someday, they don't want to lose.:rolleyes:

01-23-2013, 06:52 PM
Texas seems to do most government tasks much better than California while simultaneously providing greater individual liberty for the state's citizens; hard to argue against that, especially in light of Brown's numerous odious actions...

If you listen to Ed Wallace on Saturday morning AM radio, the Texas economy is doing so well because there isn't anything to do here but work. No mountains and nice beaches like in California to distract us from working for a living.

And no, Galveston doesn't count as a real beach, although I thought it was normal to scrub tar off yourself and see a lot of jellyfish and man-o-wars on the shore when you went to the beach until I went to Florida sometime in high school.

01-23-2013, 07:23 PM
...... Also to blame for the state' fiscal woes is the silly direct democracy style, proposition system. ......

We have something sort of similar here, but I think it's abused a lot less. The way our state constitution is amended requires a public vote. The proposed amendments come from the legislature, which meets every other year. They can meet more often, but have to be called in for a special session by the Governor, who also sets the agenda.

So you have a conservative House, a conservative Senate, a conservative Governor, and probably the most pro-gun Attorney General in the country proposing those amendments.

We also have a constitution that states that we cannot ever have a budget deficit. The State Comptroller predicts the state income for the next two years, and they have to write a budget that stays under that. The Governor cannot legally sign a budget that has a deficit.

All of this gives us more time for BBQ and beer, as rudy99 pointed out.

01-23-2013, 08:27 PM
And no, Galveston doesn't count as a real beach, although I thought it was normal to scrub tar off yourself and see a lot of jellyfish and man-o-wars on the shore when you went to the beach until I went to Florida sometime in high school.

It's normal to have oil washup on the shore?

01-23-2013, 08:31 PM
It's normal to have oil washup on the shore?

That waterway is the outlet from one of the busiest chemical/petrochemical refining areas of the country (world?).
Makes Newark look like a HS Chemistry set. The Ocean side isn't nearly as bad as the bay side.

I went swimming off a pontoon boat in the bay on a bet once. Took me several days/showers to get clean.

01-23-2013, 08:42 PM
This, and it's not just the illegals and their offspring. The Democrats have most Hispanics convinced that they have no choice but to be Democrats, and many just blindly follow along. The funny thing is that most of the Hispanics I know fall more on the conservative side- family values, fiscal responsibility, hard work, etc. The GOP has just spectacularly failed to reach them.

Agree 100 % - Ronald Reagan said it best - "Latinos are Republican. They just don't know it yet."

01-23-2013, 08:54 PM
Agree 100 % - Ronald Reagan said it best - "Latinos are Republican. They just don't know it yet."

Skip to 1:15 if you prefer..


01-23-2013, 09:59 PM
This is the second district in East TX to approve teacher CC in the past 2 weeks..


01-23-2013, 10:34 PM
That waterway is the outlet from one of the busiest chemical/petrochemical refining areas of the country (world?).
Makes Newark look like a HS Chemistry set. The Ocean side isn't nearly as bad as the bay side.

I went swimming off a pontoon boat in the bay on a bet once. Took me several days/showers to get clean.

Wow.....totally did not expect that. How far down the coast do you have to go for decent beaches?

01-23-2013, 10:51 PM
Wow.....totally did not expect that. How far down the coast do you have to go for decent beaches?

To the Yucatan, pretty much. I love TX, but not for the beaches....luckily, the eastern half of Alabama and into the Florida panhandle are some of the nicest beaches in the world. I prefer the Pensacola National Seashore to any other beach I've ever visited - it's almost the most beautiful, and the solitude cinches it as my #1. Spent many a night there on the sand, driving between New Orleans and Tallahassee...

01-24-2013, 09:12 AM
I love TX, but not for the beaches....luckily, the eastern half of Alabama and into the Florida panhandle are some of the nicest beaches in the world.

I'm biased but I think they ARE the most beautiful beaches in the world! The sand is not softer nor the water warmer anywhere else than on a Gulf of Mexico beach.

01-24-2013, 09:25 AM
I'm biased but I think they ARE the most beautiful beaches in the world! The sand is not softer nor the water warmer anywhere else than on a Gulf of Mexico beach.

Not a beach expert by any means, but I've been to the Yucatan, Hawaii (Oahu only though), and Destin. Destin was our favorite by a long shot; the sand is just awesome, like sugar. I'd like to try out Alabama soon.
Texas beaches are... Meh. There's water, there's sand, but nothing special. And the tar balls do get annoying.

01-24-2013, 09:39 AM
I'm biased but I think they ARE the most beautiful beaches in the world! The sand is not softer nor the water warmer anywhere else than on a Gulf of Mexico beach.

Like I said, the pns is my #1 favorite beach in the world. Those dunes! Like a Saharan erg made of talcum powder. But for shear majesty, you need cliffs. If it weren't for the tourists, I think something in the Virgin Islands might have beaten Pensacola in my mind...

Eta and OBOnTopic: I grew up in and on and around the ocean. In Texas I got my fix in the rivers and streams. Especially down in the hill country. If I were to move back, I'd probably end up somewhere near New Braunfels...

01-24-2013, 09:40 AM
Wow.....totally did not expect that. How far down the coast do you have to go for decent beaches?

Corpus and South is pretty good. Biloxi is ok, and East of there is good all the way to Miami. I grew up around the beaches of Southeastern Long Island and Eastern NC (OBX to Myrtle). Some of the best in the country, or so I thought. Spent Thanksgiving in Destin this year. Best (cleanest, easiest to access) beaches I've ever seen. Sand that literally squeaks. Not sure I want to be there during tourist season however.

I've not tried any diving off the Texas Gulf coast. The diving off Western FL is pretty good (Sanibel, Marco Island, etc area), IIRC the Crystal River area is famous for caves and manatees and the waters off the FL panhandle are certainly clear enough and warm enough for lots of great diving, I've just never tried it. Western FL is not as Yankee-filled as the Palm-Beach-to-Miami corridor (never catch me living there, but Miami is a fun town to visit). I'd imagine with the aging population EMT work in FL is not hard to find. Maybe FL is a better choice if beach access is high on your list? You can get as rural, countrified, redneck as you like in FL or pick an East coast city and feel like you never left NJ. :D

01-24-2013, 10:19 AM
I think Biloxi (I live here) sucks compared to L.A. (Lower Alabama) and north Florida. The barrier islands here keep the water brown....not that deep emerald green you see in Destin (my fav). Also the Mississippi Gulf Coast is a man made beach. The upside to that is that we have some of the best seafood in the world because of those islands since the current is so slow compared to the ocean side. Fat shrimp!

My other favorite beach spots are Capetown S.A. and Greece. Never seen a blue that blue as in the Cyclades.

01-24-2013, 10:22 AM
I HEAR that Croatia is awesome as a beach spot. The New French Riviera...

01-24-2013, 01:15 PM
Corpus and South is pretty good. Biloxi is ok, and East of there is good all the way to Miami. I grew up around the beaches of Southeastern Long Island and Eastern NC (OBX to Myrtle). Some of the best in the country, or so I thought. Spent Thanksgiving in Destin this year. Best (cleanest, easiest to access) beaches I've ever seen. Sand that literally squeaks. Not sure I want to be there during tourist season however.

I've not tried any diving off the Texas Gulf coast. The diving off Western FL is pretty good (Sanibel, Marco Island, etc area), IIRC the Crystal River area is famous for caves and manatees and the waters off the FL panhandle are certainly clear enough and warm enough for lots of great diving, I've just never tried it. Western FL is not as Yankee-filled as the Palm-Beach-to-Miami corridor (never catch me living there, but Miami is a fun town to visit). I'd imagine with the aging population EMT work in FL is not hard to find. Maybe FL is a better choice if beach access is high on your list? You can get as rural, countrified, redneck as you like in FL or pick an East coast city and feel like you never left NJ. :D

The Texas Gulf Coast is mostly diving around oil platforms, as they present some concentration of flora and fauna. Boat rides are usually a couple hours, and most of the operations have extremely strict rules, like not exceeding 100fsw (and they check your computer!). If I lived in Texas, any diving I did would most assuredly be way east in Florida.

I've got a lot of time spent in Florida, mostly in Lafayette, Suwannee and Madison counties (in the "web" where the panhandle joins the state) and out to Marianna. I go there for cave diving, with most of my time spent in Live Oak (where Ayoob has retired, coincidentally). Those areas are little too backwoods for me....when I see the KKK parties on front-lawns, and heard about the VP of PADI being drawn on when he walked into a store simply because he's black, I know it's not somewhere I want to live. Just opening your mouth without a southern drawl is an invitation to an ass-beating. The amount of drunk driving and meth in that area is astonishing....if I could describe the area in two words, it'd be meth & jesus. If I was ever dying for a wife, it's certainly a great place to troll. If you have a job, aren't a drunk, and don't beat your women around you're about the most eligible bachelor in town and could take your pick. In addition, the food in that area goes from barely adequate to near inedible. I used to complain about the food when I lived in Northern Virginia, where you can at least get mediocre food...just nothing really good at a reasonable price. North Florida holds the honor of having me spit out my food, though.

I've looked at moving to Jacksonville, as well as southern Florida. I've talked with EMTs there, and what they described matches up with the lack of EMT jobs advertised on the web: most of the jobs are municipal as an EMT/Firefighter. 1) I'm not a firefighter, I don't want to be a firefighter and 2) The governments down there have been in fiscal distress for the last couple years, resulting in low hiring and insecure jobs even if you are hired.

I HEAR that Croatia is awesome as a beach spot. The New French Riviera...

I have a buddy who visited Croatia a couple years ago. Said it was the most beautiful place he's ever been. Personally I'd really like to go to the Red Sea or Aqaba, if I was in that general area of the world.

Kyle Reese
01-24-2013, 01:17 PM
I HEAR that Croatia is awesome as a beach spot. The New French Riviera...

It's true. :cool:

01-24-2013, 02:38 PM
It's true. :cool:
Hmmmmmm...... http://www.bestbikingroads.com/motorcycle-roads/motorbike-rides-in-croatia-/coastal-croatia-west--___22378.html

Kyle Reese
01-24-2013, 03:31 PM
Hmmmmmm...... http://www.bestbikingroads.com/motorcycle-roads/motorbike-rides-in-croatia-/coastal-croatia-west--___22378.html

In the summer of 2000, I drove from Budapest to Split, Croatia. I need to find those pics and post them. The Dalmatian Coast of Croatia was once a popular destination for European tourists during the Tito era, but the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the 1990's (and the wars that followed) made it a less attractive choice.

I enjoyed my time there, but wasn't sure if the locals telling me about Great Whites in the Adriatic was to scare me off or a legitimate warning. :confused::D

In fact, I'm looking at going back in the summer of 2013.

01-24-2013, 04:23 PM
In fact, I'm looking at going back in the summer of 2013.
I put off an Eastern European m/c tour the summer after we bombed Gaddafi (86). Never did make it back to that part of Europe (got as close as Hungary and Czech) for other than work with some extra days squeezed in. Really regret not seeing some of the former Soviet bloc before the breakup, especially Yugo. It sounded great back then. I have some business colleagues from Bosnia that rave about it and have offered to show me around but have not had the time/opportunity to take them up on it. Life keeps getting in the way.

Also been looking at this.. http://www.muenchnerfreiheit.org/143/Unser_Programm_2013/Die_Reisen/Grande_Route_des_Alpes.html

Old friend called yesterday from the hospital. Heart attack. Barely 50.
Time to start ticking some more things off the bucket list.

Sorry for the OT post.. Back to regular programming.

01-24-2013, 06:43 PM

I'm really digging the apartments I'm seeing in Houston. They look more like resorts than what an apartment complex looks like here......I'm not looking at anything crazy expensive either. Is this for real, or can you count on these places looking like crap when you show up, with the pools always drained or unmaintained, ect?

01-24-2013, 08:18 PM
I haven't lived in Houston (only Dallas area and San Marcos/South Austin) but that is a typical apartment complex in my experience of 8-9 apartments in various areas. All the places I've lived in had at least two pools/workout rooms/gated/etc and never really paid outrageous rent.

I wish I had stayed in apartment living and never purchased a house but thats another thread entirely....

01-24-2013, 09:03 PM
Texas housing is definitely less expensive than Joisey. If I was moving to Houston, I'd be looking in Clear Lake, but, I really don't know squat about Houston other than the summer heat sucks [imagine New Orleans in the summer, but with more people] and they have lots of good restaurants.

01-25-2013, 12:48 PM
Crap Arizona was second on the list!

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during the speculative housing explosion in the Phx metro area, the stampede of folks fom LA was insane. I was an AZ lifer. I found greener patures, literally, in Tx. Although a small reason, the cultural change from the influx of mostly people from LA was definitely one of the selling points to move to Tx.

01-25-2013, 12:52 PM

I'm really digging the apartments I'm seeing in Houston. They look more like resorts than what an apartment complex looks like here......I'm not looking at anything crazy expensive either. Is this for real, or can you count on these places looking like crap when you show up, with the pools always drained or unmaintained, ect?

Yes... for the most part they are for real. I travel to Houston for business multiple times a year from W. Texas . The oil industry is insanely hot. Attractive apartments are in demand.

02-06-2013, 03:08 PM
More butthurt from Brown :
So he can't dispute the merit of the ad campaign, just that it would have to be bigger to have an impact. Whistle past the graveyard, much?
I find it especially funny since our corporate office relocated from CA to TX last year, mostly because of the help and cooperation they got from the state government.

02-06-2013, 03:45 PM
And you would think at some point Gov. Moon Beam Brown and his flower power minions, would get the memo. But they wont, nor will the idots from NY and other states that believe in pushing some sort of communal utopia.

California will eventually slip in to the Pacific, but not from an earth quake, but from the weight of their social agenda.

02-06-2013, 08:02 PM
If I was the governor here, my response to Jerry Brown would be: "Enjoy your deficits."

02-06-2013, 09:36 PM
If I was the governor here, my response to Jerry Brown would be: "Enjoy your deficits."

I think he kind of did.

By Perry running adds in California for business to move to Texas, followed by the announcement "Hey, we have a surplus of funds!!" I am pretty sure Moon Beam got the message.

02-07-2013, 12:00 PM
In this vein, Creedmore Sports (a go to company for High Power shooters) is moving from California to Alabama.


02-07-2013, 03:03 PM
In this vein, Creedmore Sports (a go to company for High Power shooters) is moving from California to Alabama.


"We have dubbed this move "Operation Roll Tide."

Oh noooooo they didn't!:p

02-07-2013, 05:34 PM

I'm really digging the apartments I'm seeing in Houston. They look more like resorts than what an apartment complex looks like here......I'm not looking at anything crazy expensive either. Is this for real, or can you count on these places looking like crap when you show up, with the pools always drained or unmaintained, ect?

Yeah, generally - there is always the warning of researching neighborhoods etc. In Dallas there are plenty of apartment complexes I'd live in if I was single guy without kids.

The big difference is that here in Texas when something is worn out and old we tear it down and build new awesome stuff. In the NE when stuff is old and worn down it just looks like it belongs in the NE.

Savage Hands
02-07-2013, 11:21 PM
The nail in the coffin is turning a legal law abiding gun owner like myself into a felon :mad:


02-08-2013, 12:02 AM
The nail in the coffin is turning a legal law abiding gun owner like myself into a felon :mad:


I've got a knot in my stomach from reading that...

Dagga Boy
02-08-2013, 12:11 AM
I saw all of this coming, which is why I left. I hope those who leave California due to them planning on making most gun owners felons had better vote correctly when they get to their new digs. You want lots of tax payer funded nice roads, benefits, entitlements, and things in general from the state and vote that way.........get rid of your guns and stay there. If you move due to the gun rights issues, it means you need to adapt yourself to ALL of the other stuff that goes along with living in places like Texas. Most of the folks here seem to like me because I have embraced the entire package of what makes Texas what it is.

Savage Hands
02-08-2013, 12:55 AM
Nyeti, our family is Texans at heart that just happened to be born and raised here. We would in no way bring California with us.

Dagga Boy
02-08-2013, 01:13 AM
I have told people for many years that I "am a Texan trapped in a California body". I am thinking Gov. Perry needs to hire me to train in bound Californians on how to leave their bullshit behind and how to help Texas stay a conservative bastion in the face of a tidal wave of progressive ideas that are destroying the country I love. I wish Gov. Perry and Gov. Brown could work out a mutual trade program where we do a one for one. California can have those in Texas who want lots of free stuff, weed, government funded abortions, full benefits to illegal aliens, and a nanny state. California can export to Texas all those evil conservative free market capitalists driving their gas guzzlers and clinging to their guns and bibles.

02-08-2013, 09:34 AM
I have told people for many years that I "am a Texan trapped in a California body". I am thinking Gov. Perry needs to hire me to train in bound Californians on how to leave their bullshit behind and how to help Texas stay a conservative bastion in the face of a tidal wave of progressive ideas that are destroying the country I love. I wish Gov. Perry and Gov. Brown could work out a mutual trade program where we do a one for one. California can have those in Texas who want lots of free stuff, weed, government funded abortions, full benefits to illegal aliens, and a nanny state. California can export to Texas all those evil conservative free market capitalists driving their gas guzzlers and clinging to their guns and bibles.

If you get this going let me know, I'll buy a fleet of moving trucks, send them to Austin and retire shortly thereafter :p

02-08-2013, 11:30 AM
If you get this going let me know, I'll buy a fleet of moving trucks, send them to Austin and retire shortly thereafter :p

It's currently $1,538 to rent a 10' U-Haul truck from 90064 to 75040.

Going the other way is $842.

In another year, they'll be paying people to deadhead trucks back to California.

02-08-2013, 11:36 AM
I saw all of this coming, which is why I left. I hope those who leave California due to them planning on making most gun owners felons had better vote correctly when they get to their new digs. You want lots of tax payer funded nice roads, benefits, entitlements, and things in general from the state and vote that way.........get rid of your guns and stay there. If you move due to the gun rights issues, it means you need to adapt yourself to ALL of the other stuff that goes along with living in places like Texas. Most of the folks here seem to like me because I have embraced the entire package of what makes Texas what it is.

Just in case anyone is desparate enough to flee California that they come to Oklahoma rather than Texas, I sure hope they follow the same recommendations.

Dagga Boy
02-08-2013, 01:48 PM
It's currently $1,538 to rent a 10' U-Haul truck from 90064 to 75040.

Going the other way is $842.

In another year, they'll be paying people to deadhead trucks back to California.

When I called to get a moving truck they asked if it was "in state" or an "out of state" move. As soon as I said "out of state" the nice lady simply said "let me guess, Texas?". My driver had to do mine and two other drops in Texas, and then had to drive to Chicago to get a load going back to California.

Tamara, I think you are on to something. Instead of deadheading trucks back, Gov. Perry could give a "free move to California" offered for those living in Sheila Jackson Lee's area, or several other zip codes in the state. They could even do a free filing of their State Welfare subsidy in California and have a medical marijuana card waiting as well.

02-08-2013, 05:58 PM
Didn't want to open another thread and they are in Texas...

02/08/2012 LEANDER, TX.

Updated Policy for State and Local Agency Law Enforcement Sales:

Due to the recent and numerous new Anti-gun/Anti-2nd Amendment laws passed and/or pending across our country, LaRue Tactical has been forced to reconsider how we provide products to state and local agencies.

Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies. In other words, LaRue Tactical will limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess.

State and local laws have always been a serious focus of this firm, and we are now dovetailing that focus with the constitutional rights of the residents covered in their different areas by the old and new regulations.

We realize this effort will have an impact on this firm's sales - and have decided the lost sales are less danger to this firm than potential lawsuits from erroneous shipments generated by something as simple as human error.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Mark LaRue

* * This policy does not apply to Military / Federal Agencies * *

Kyle Reese
02-08-2013, 06:03 PM
California Gun control initiatives announced.


02-08-2013, 06:20 PM
Didn't want to open another thread and they are in Texas...

If I didn't have a pending order from them, I'd go buy a T-shirt or something.

02-08-2013, 06:30 PM
California Gun control initiatives announced.

What oath?

02-08-2013, 06:55 PM
Didn't want to open another thread and they are in Texas...

(Bunch of Mark Larue stuff)

I do not blame them one bit. The way Bloomberg, et al, have gone after people in the gun industry, even Stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming.

It's dang sad, since I know some good folks in California that are Larue customers.

02-08-2013, 10:29 PM
Didn't want to open another thread and they are in Texas...

I totally need to go buy something from them.

02-09-2013, 12:12 AM
I totally need to go buy something from them.

I kept sending the hats, dillo's, spice rubs and stickers in care packages overseas. I'll have to look, I'm not even sure I have one left here at the house.

Lots and lots of guys rocking the Larue hats downrange. :cool: