View Full Version : Skyfall

11-21-2012, 02:12 PM
First off, I love the new Bond films. I really like how they have gotten away from the corniness & hoakiness of the past films. I think Daniel Craig dose an awesome job. That being said, why in the hell do they still use the PPK. In the new one he even runs out of ammo at one point & looks down at his PPK in disgust. That bugs the s*** out of me. He has used the P99 & P99c before. How hard would it be to just make that the new Bond gun. They've updated his Aston Martin, wardrobe, & watch, why not his gun?

11-21-2012, 03:10 PM
They could at least go to a pps. I thought the bio scanner on the weapon was pretty lame as well. I loled when he ran out of bullets like you mentioned, I was the only one.

11-21-2012, 03:21 PM
It may be realistic based on the economic condition of the UK as evidenced by their shrinking armed forces, professional though they may be. ;)

11-21-2012, 03:35 PM
They could at least go to a pps. I thought the bio scanner on the weapon was pretty lame as well. I loled when he ran out of bullets like you mentioned, I was the only one.

Yeah. Didn't Colt & other manufacturers tinker with that crapnology a while back? What a stupid idea.

11-21-2012, 04:01 PM
a buddy and I did a double feature to see this. We'd intended to just see Skyfall but the good seat were all gone, so we went to Wreck it Ralph first then Skyfall after. Wreck it Ralph was far better.
Why oh why can't they write a decent story/plot for these films??????? seriously, the amount of just plain dumb things people do is stunning. I know we need certain things to happen to make a movie, but the shear stupidity and lack of sense displayed by pretty much everyone in this film is atrocious. Leave out the lame teachable and you have a really bad action film that was nicely filmed.
And depleted uranium pistol bullets that also fragment when they hit you?????????????????? aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

11-21-2012, 04:19 PM
a buddy and I did a double feature to see this. We'd intended to just see Skyfall but the good seat were all gone, so we went to Wreck it Ralph first then Skyfall after. Wreck it Ralph was far better.
Why oh why can't they write a decent story/plot for these films??????? seriously, the amount of just plain dumb things people do is stunning. I know we need certain things to happen to make a movie, but the shear stupidity and lack of sense displayed by pretty much everyone in this film is atrocious. Leave out the lame teachable and you have a really bad action film that was nicely filmed.
And depleted uranium pistol bullets that also fragment when they hit you?????????????????? aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

Ahh yes, almost forgot about those magic bullets.

11-21-2012, 04:45 PM
I think Skyfall tried a bit too hard to pay homage to the franchise origins due to the 50th anniversary. The Walther PPK was forced, as was the re-reapprearance of the Aston Martin DB-V (which was inexplicably equipped with the Goldfinger option package despite being won by Bond from Dimitrios in a poker game during Casino Royale in this continuity).

The Bond guns in the post-Fleming books are far more diverse. At one time or another he has carried the Browning Hi-Power, H&K P7, H&K VP70, a custom ASP...In the latest book Carte Blanche (http://www.amazon.com/Carte-Blanche-James-Bond-Novel/dp/1451629354/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1353538025&sr=8-1&keywords=carte+blance), author Jeffrey Deaver chose the Walther PPS (an appropriate choice) though it would have better suited Bond in 9mm (he chose the distinctively American .40).

Arguably, a SIG Sauer P226/P229 (L105A1/A2, L106A1 or L117A2 are the British military designations for the SIG pistols) would be an appropriate sidearm for Daniel Craig's Bond, considering the Special Boat Service background of this particular incarnation of the character (not that it has been ever mentioned in the films, but it is mentioned here on the Omega website (http://www.omegawatches.com/spirit/james-bond/on-her-majesty-s-service) as part of their movie-tie-in for the Bond watches - an interesting article regardless about the association between Omega and the British military). I did like that Skyfall reintroduced Commander Bond.

Wikipedia actually has an impressive listing of James Bond firearms from the movies and books here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_James_Bond_firearms#).

Well, at least we've come a long way from the .25 Beretta, but perhaps the Daniel Craig Bond needs to attend an AA meeting...


11-21-2012, 06:46 PM
I want it noted at the end he makes a decent stand with a 12 ga side-by-side. When I bought mine last year you all poked fun. Good enough for 007, good enough for me. :cool:

Granted he didn't "choose" the double barrel and ditched it as soon as a EBR was accessible to him.......

11-21-2012, 07:10 PM
Actually, I think the old guy had the 12 GA & Bond had a double rifle.

11-21-2012, 11:34 PM
It was a double rifle, it was a 500 nitro express.

11-21-2012, 11:43 PM
It was a double rifle, it was a 500 nitro express.

$24,500 a pop huh? I better just get one then.

11-22-2012, 10:08 PM
a buddy and I did a double feature to see this. We'd intended to just see Skyfall but the good seat were all gone, so we went to Wreck it Ralph first then Skyfall after. Wreck it Ralph was far better.
Why oh why can't they write a decent story/plot for these films??????? seriously, the amount of just plain dumb things people do is stunning. I know we need certain things to happen to make a movie, but the shear stupidity and lack of sense displayed by pretty much everyone in this film is atrocious. Leave out the lame teachable and you have a really bad action film that was nicely filmed.
And depleted uranium pistol bullets that also fragment when they hit you?????????????????? aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

Of course, you are correct, sir.

11-24-2012, 12:02 PM
Saw it last night.

I thought is it was a great movie, the Craig movies have been very good. While Quantum of Solace didnt pop the way Casino Royale and Skyfall did, it was solid. I like how in this kinder and gentler and sensitive age, they have not been afraid to make this bond a bruiser. You can tell he is uncomfortable in conversation and really happy to be punching people.

11-26-2012, 10:33 AM
I saw it with my Dad over the holiday.

The Craig Bond movies have definitely been the best, though I personally think Casino Royale has remained the pinnacle of Bondness.

I actually thought the references to early Bondness were pretty cute. Everyone in the theater applauded when the Aston appeared. I was also very interested in the biographical nature of the film in terms of Bond's pre-MI6 life, though I don't know enough about the Bond mythology to know whether that was canonical or created from whole cloth for the movie.

It seemed a little forced that they rebooted M, Q, and Moneypenny (that was poorly done) all in the same movie.

As for the gun stuff... whatever. Sure I roll my eyes at the cornier parts (a Beta mag for a G18 when you're an undercover spy? OK). But Bond has never been gun-centric. The biometric scanner was there for a single reason: so one particular scene could have a guy try to shoot Bond with his own gun and fail. It's Hollywood. (though I do think a PPS would be an ideal Bond choice)

Anyway, I liked it enough that I'm sure we'll buy it when it comes out on iTunes.

11-26-2012, 01:19 PM
I suppose spies carrying guns that dont make a lot of sense...makes a fair amount of sense.

I have read a few biographies of clandestine service officers, their firearms training was rudimentary. After they became operational they spent the great majority of their time unarmed and sometimes when armed were carrying eclectic firearms in order to have deniable weapons. They spent years in areas where practice could blow their cover or was just plain illegal.

Even the OSS, which knew they were sending agents into harms way very soon, where they were expected to fight German soldiers, gave very brief weapons training. I am not near my bookshelf, but I recall Applegate saying that total combat training at Camp Ritchie NJ for new agents was what...a week? That included hand to hand combat, edged weapons, improvised weapons, pistols, rifles, sub-machine guns, grenades, demo and foreign weapons. His work reflected it and if you read between the lines, while he thought his training methods best for all personnel they were implicitly geared towards people who would have minimal training and skills maintenance. A product of WWII mobilization culture.

The idea of the operational person who spends a great deal of time and resources on firearms training (while on the clock) seems to be a relatively recent innovation and mostly in law enforcement and military specialist units. Outside of those circles, great ability seems to come more from great personal interest than anything else.

11-27-2012, 08:11 AM
It was a double rifle, it was a 500 nitro express.

Here's what I found interesting about that article: in the picture of Craig holding the rifle, looking all Bond-like in front of the DB5, he has his finger outside the trigger guard. In the similar picture of the author, the author also has his finger outside the trigger guard. I don't know if the author was simply mimicking Craig's (greatly improved over, say, the iconic Charlie's angel's picture) gun handling or if the author would have done so on his own, but either way, I found it interesting.