View Full Version : calling all computer geeks... document scanning

11-18-2012, 06:49 PM
OK all you computer geeks, I'm looking for document scanning software.
Our gun club has in excess of 1000 members.
Currently the gun club secretary takes the written application and manually types all the info into a membership list.
I'm looking for document scanning software that we can scan the membership application into that will automatically pull out the info such as name, address and email then put that info into the master spreadsheet.
Does this exist and what is it?

11-18-2012, 07:11 PM
OK all you computer geeks, I'm looking for document scanning software.
Our gun club has in excess of 1000 members.
Currently the gun club secretary takes the written application and manually types all the info into a membership list.
I'm looking for document scanning software that we can scan the membership application into that will automatically pull out the info such as name, address and email then put that info into the master spreadsheet.
Does this exist and what is it?Good luck, OCR software is buggy at best.

11-18-2012, 07:28 PM
There are OCR apps out here that can be setup to only read certain areas of forms. How well they do on handwritten entries is another matter. The good ones cost big time and may still need manual QC. It has been many years since my data entry and import days so I can't give you current examples of software

My gun club has gone to pushing online registration and renewal. There are still a few Ludites that insist on mailing in their renewals so those must be entered manually. But it really is smarter to have applicants and members do their own data entry. If they gripe about it, give them a generous estimate to have an outside contractor do the data entry.


11-19-2012, 04:25 AM
with that many members there is no reason to not be running a proper database that is tied to an online renewal system. Initial data entry of existing members can take awhile, but split over a few weekends or evenings even the slowest person could enter 1000 peoples names and details in a few weeks. Then once entered all that would need to be done each year is ticking a box that they renewed., if they do it by mail in vs online. there are a lot of commercial membership databases out there, we are looking at this too, as our current database blows.