View Full Version : Surgery Tomorrow

01-31-2024, 10:53 PM
I have written on here before about a finger surgery, well two surgeries, that I had over a year ago. Without going into great detail, both surgeries failed spectacularly and that was after having a metal pin through the first two joints of my pinky for over 5 months, months of therapy, and anything else I could do to strength that finger. What started as a mallet finger with fracture turned into a failed surgery with a bone anchor protruding, the finger tendon not only no longer being attached but the finger actually being slightly dislocated. I never did anything crazy with my hand so trauma can not be attributed to the situation. Fast forward to a couple of months ago my finger began to throb and swell randomly ( dislocation and lack of movement will do that) and I called my primary care provider about my concerns. They were fearing a possible bone infection, which may still be possible, and sent me to get an xray. This led to the recommendation I see a specialist in a big city and I quickly had a referral to see a fantastic surgeon and his staff, the VA has been great to me. The surgeon gave me two options, one was to fuse the first joint of my finger to the middle joint, meaning I would get to keep the 1/3 of my finger but it would never bend again. Anyone who knows me understands that isn't an option, I am an avid weight lifter and love to shoot guns. Second option was amputation, which is what I wanted and voiced from the beginning of the conversation. So tomorrow I will be down 1/3 of my right pinky, a week off from work, and will not be allowed to use my right hand for about two weeks. All in all I am excited to have the procedure done and leave this weird medical issue behind me. Never would have thought landing weird on my hand and fracturing my pinky would lead to this, but it is what it is.

Semper Gumby and all that.

PS: I will be rocking a p2000 in fanny pack with a https://dalefrickeholsters.com/product/zacchaeus-concealment-holster/ over the trigger. Fantastic and classy.

01-31-2024, 10:59 PM
Best of luck tomorrow!

Half Moon
01-31-2024, 11:01 PM

01-31-2024, 11:08 PM
Good luck! Heal up!

01-31-2024, 11:12 PM
Best of luck!

01-31-2024, 11:15 PM
Good luck!

01-31-2024, 11:19 PM
Best of luck, man.

Dave J
01-31-2024, 11:27 PM
Heal fast!

01-31-2024, 11:30 PM
Hope the procedure goes well. It sounds like you have expert care, and chose the best of the options. What will you do with the amputated finger? If it were me, I'd be tempted to put it in a jar, just to freak people out.

01-31-2024, 11:41 PM
Good luck. It sounds like you are in good hands.

Of course you need a better explanation for your students so here you go:


Totem Polar
01-31-2024, 11:44 PM
Hang in there, and I hope everything goes as well as can possibly be expected!

02-01-2024, 12:14 AM
Hope this goes well and you are able to resume normal activity.

02-01-2024, 12:36 AM
Good luck, brother.
I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.

02-01-2024, 03:41 AM
Damn, dude. Good luck!

You need to start thinking up stories to tell your 4th graders. :D

02-01-2024, 06:27 AM
Thoughts are with you, sir.

02-01-2024, 06:41 AM
Damn, dude. Good luck!

You need to start thinking up stories to tell your 4th graders. :D

Stories. Never tell the same one twice, it will keep the little devils guessing.

02-01-2024, 07:26 AM
I hope everything goes well and that you recover quickly.

Rex G
02-01-2024, 07:36 AM
Heal well!

02-01-2024, 07:51 AM
Good luck buddy!

02-01-2024, 08:18 AM
Dang, an amputation huh? Will they let you take the finger home? You know, for science? ;)

Hope it goes well and brings the desired result so you can get on with your life!

02-01-2024, 08:21 AM
May the recovery and future go well!

Kanye Wyoming
02-01-2024, 08:54 AM
Damn, dude. Good luck!

You need to start thinking up stories to tell your 4th graders. :D
The father of a family we were very friendly with was a press operator, who lost the tops of three fingers in an accident. Whenever he saw kids biting their fingernails, he would caution them not to do that, display his hand, and say “see what happens.”

Fell free to borrow. :)

02-01-2024, 08:56 AM
Blessing to you and yours!

02-01-2024, 09:08 AM
I hope your surgery is uncomplicated and recovery swift and uneventful.

02-01-2024, 09:08 AM
Hope you heal quickly!

02-01-2024, 09:27 AM
Best of luck and a speedy recovery!

02-01-2024, 09:54 AM
Wishing you a speedy and effective recovery!

Duces Tecum
02-01-2024, 10:21 AM
Hope the procedure goes well. It sounds like you have expert care, and chose the best of the options. What will you do with the amputated finger? If it were me, I'd be tempted to put it in a jar, just to freak people out.


Or, if you wished to avoid the possibility of "freak out", you could put it on a keychain. Kind of like all those lucky rabbit's foot keychains that were popular years ago. That would be so classy it would border on elegant.


02-01-2024, 10:45 AM
Good luck man. I'll pray for ya.

Hopefully this will get ya back to doing what ya love.

02-01-2024, 10:59 AM

Surgery went well. Did indeed have a bone infection.

02-01-2024, 11:06 AM
Wow- sounds like you made the right call.
I hope this brings an “end” to the finger problems.

El Cid
02-01-2024, 12:26 PM
Good luck! I can't imagine what that's been like to deal with.

Cookie Monster
02-01-2024, 01:41 PM
Godspeed, heal up.

02-01-2024, 01:50 PM
Thoughts are with you...get well soon, R.

02-01-2024, 01:53 PM
I will be thinking about you!

02-01-2024, 02:16 PM
Praying for you man!

I hope it goes great!

Stephanie B
02-01-2024, 02:24 PM
Yikes! I hope your recovery is uneventful.

02-01-2024, 02:39 PM
Yellow is your color!

Heal well, friend…

Beat Trash
02-01-2024, 03:35 PM
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Here's hoping the recovery is uneventful.

On another topic, nice socks...

02-01-2024, 10:41 PM
Thank all of you for the well wishes. So far, so good. The pain is up there but plenty of people have dealt with worst. Happy to be home and happy to be healthy.

02-01-2024, 10:43 PM

Surgery went well. Did indeed have a bone infection.

Dang. They took your left leg, too, by accident?

Good luck, man. And I'd recommend 'bought my freedom from the High Table' as your story.

Jim Watson
02-02-2024, 12:32 AM
Love my yellow footsies.

Rex G
02-02-2024, 01:11 AM
Happy Healing!

NH Shooter
02-02-2024, 01:57 PM
Sometimes getting rid of troublesome body parts is the best bet. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

02-02-2024, 04:22 PM

My mind is blown that something as simple as a mallet finger can lead ultimately to an amputation. Wow.

Good luck on the recovery.

02-02-2024, 04:26 PM

My mind is blown that something as simple as a mallet finger can lead ultimately to an amputation. Wow.

Good luck on the recovery.

me too. But, i'm your huckleberry

ps. if you want a debrief, let me know. did not realize you are a hand surgeon

02-08-2024, 04:15 PM
Had my follow up yesterday. Surgery went well and whats left of my finger is healing nicely. Doc said I had a significant infection in my DIP joint. So much so he would have been rhe most comfortable amputating even if I wanted a fusion. He believes the infection is what complicated my recovery so significantly. He is confident that I will have no more issues with my finger but that came at the cost of amputating a little further than he hoped. Overall I'm really happy and have less pain/discomfort after the amputation.


02-08-2024, 04:26 PM
Wishing you a speedy recovery, R. You deserve it.

02-08-2024, 06:30 PM
I missed this thread until today, but please accept my most sincere wishes for a return to your normal activities.

02-08-2024, 09:39 PM
Dang. They took your left leg, too, by accident?

Good luck, man. And I'd recommend 'bought my freedom from the High Table' as your story.

He didn't need it in his business.

04-05-2024, 09:20 AM

Two months post surgery. Finger feels better than before the amputation. I did not realize how badly that infection hurt but I guess I got used to it. I can shoot, dry fire daily, and lift. It does seem to fatigue before the rest of my hand and I've lost a lot of grip strength. I was not anticipating how differently everything would feel and I have had to relearn or how to composite for several things since I don't have the ending portion of my grip anymore.

All in all, a positive experience that has let me get back to my life.