View Full Version : CDC Now Recommends Gays* Take Antibiotics After Sex

10-02-2023, 03:29 PM
The CDC now wants transgender women (TGW) and men who have sex with men (MSM) who are at risk of STIs to take Doxycycline within 72 hours of sex to prevent the spread of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. They believe the benefits outweigh the risk of developing new antibiotic resistant strains.

Based on the clinical trials, systematic reviews, and studies of populations who would likely benefit most from an intervention to reduce bacterial STIs, the following considerations are recommended: doxycycline 200mg taken once orally within 72 hours of oral, vaginal or anal sex should be considered for gay, bisexual, and other MSM, and for TGW, with a history of at least one bacterial STI (i.e., gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis) in the last 12 months and who are at ongoing risk for acquisition of bacterial STIs. Although not directly assessed in the trials included in these guidelines, doxycycline PEP could be considered for MSM and TGW who have not been diagnosed with an STI in the prior year but will be participating in sexual activities that are known to increase likelihood of exposure to STIs, e.g., during weekend events, cruises, and festivals.


10-02-2023, 04:41 PM

10-02-2023, 06:33 PM
So why does it take three visits to three different providers to get someone to prescribe doxycycline when we suspect one of our kids has been bitten by a tick and they have the symptoms to back that up?

10-02-2023, 06:56 PM
.... question...

they list "oral, vaginal, and anal" sex as activities warranting taking the pill.
what other forms of genital related sex are there? I mean that pretty much covers all the usable orifices, right?
or is this a question I REALLY don't want an answer to?

10-02-2023, 07:07 PM
.... question...

they list "oral, vaginal, and anal" sex as activities warranting taking the pill.
what other forms of genital related sex are there? I mean that pretty much covers all the usable orifices, right?
or is this a question I REALLY don't want an answer to?

You don’t want the answer unless you want to hear about street prostitutes with stomas or colostomy bags.

10-02-2023, 07:10 PM
.... question...

they list "oral, vaginal, and anal" sex as activities warranting taking the pill.
what other forms of genital related sex are there? I mean that pretty much covers all the usable orifices, right?
or is this a question I REALLY don't want an answer to?

Have you ever seen the video of the chimpanzee raping a frog?
Humans are 98.8% chimpanzee.
Adjust your expectations accordingly.

10-02-2023, 07:53 PM
So is doxycycline going over the counter now?

So every time someone in one of these groups has sex they have to go see their physician to get an antibiotic?

"Hey Doc We've got a big trip to Vegas planned for next week. Better prescribe a 30 gallon jug worth!"

10-02-2023, 07:59 PM
Butt,... I thought... we were trying to not to overuse antibiotics... Oh well,... CDC is always right so...

10-02-2023, 09:15 PM
I'm not an antibiotic resistance expert, but my understanding (possibly incorrect) is that skipping doses and stopping before completing the full course of medication greatly promote drug resistance. Since this recommendation is for a single dose, I presume the risk of resistance is lessened. Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV has been marketed to men who have sex with men for years now. My guess is that folks who engage in this behavior will get a bottle of doxy to keep at home and not have to ask for meds after the fact.

To be clear, I'm not supporting the policy, just offering a little context, which as I noted, might be wrong.

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10-02-2023, 09:51 PM
You don’t want the answer unless you want to hear about street prostitutes with stomas or colostomy bags.

One of our regular patients in the inner city used to reportedly offer this “service.” Generally, when she wound up in the ambulance, it was a trip to the hospital that included an eventual admission to the hospital for sepsis or septic shock. I’ll leave it to the imagination for the likely origin of the infection. She’s dead now.

10-02-2023, 10:07 PM
You don’t want the answer unless you want to hear about street prostitutes with stomas or colostomy bags.

You gotta be pretty damned warped in the head to want that.

10-02-2023, 10:44 PM
You gotta be pretty damned warped in the head to want that.

"There's an ass for every seat"

P.T. Barnum (maybe)

see also: "Why Daddy Drinks..."

Totem Polar
10-02-2023, 11:20 PM
“Nothing surprises me anymore, but I am on occasion still amazed…”

10-03-2023, 03:58 AM
They believe the benefits outweigh the risk of developing new antibiotic resistant strains.

So antibiotic resistant STDs later are better than treatable STDs now. Of course they could sidestep the whole issue by not having unprotected sex with a numerous partners.

10-03-2023, 06:28 AM
People sure do seem to think an awful lot about the transgenders fucking lately.

I'm sure the doctor crowd here can comment on the prophylactic whatever of a single dose antibiotic. Until I see someone with passing grades in med school saying otherwise this just seems like more gawking at people that are suddenly fashionable to gawk at for some reason.

10-03-2023, 06:47 AM
So antibiotic resistant STDs later are better than treatable STDs now. Of course they could sidestep the whole issue by not having unprotected sex with a numerous partners.

Stop being unreasonable. Racist! (That's the accepted response to a comment like this, correct? Just trying to get it right.)

10-03-2023, 07:36 AM
Big Pharma have a glut of Doxy they need to move?

Just for clarification purposes, if an individual takes it up the keister from 12 different partners in a 72 hour period how many pills does that require? Inquiring minds want to know. :rolleyes:

10-03-2023, 07:48 AM
Always trips me out what you can get OTC in pharmacies overseas. Especially when compared to the process and expense of getting a zpack or amox for an annual, symptomatically identical ear infection here in the US.

Doxy is handy to have around. Might be worth a trip to the pub health clinic to see what you can get. Depending on the PCR they'll generate. :D

the Schwartz
10-03-2023, 08:24 AM
So is doxycycline going over the counter now?

So every time someone in one of these groups has sex they have to go see their physician to get an antibiotic?

"Hey Doc We've got a big trip to Vegas planned for next week. Better prescribe a 30 gallon jug worth!"

What could possibly go wrong? ;)

Glenn E. Meyer
10-03-2023, 09:25 AM
Of course they could sidestep the whole issue by not having unprotected sex with a numerous partners.

We have had uncurable STDs (for a time until medicine advanced) since OOK gave it to OOOKA. When has that stopped anyone?

10-03-2023, 09:57 AM
.... question...

they list "oral, vaginal, and anal" sex as activities warranting taking the pill.
what other forms of genital related sex are there? I mean that pretty much covers all the usable orifices, right?
or is this a question I REALLY don't want an answer to?

Ever heard the joke about the whore with the glass eye?

“And I’ll keep an eye out for you!”

SCCY Marshal
10-04-2023, 08:12 AM
People sure do seem to think an awful lot about the transgenders fucking lately.

Cis-hetero (what a lovely term, I'm glad our language is degrading to a vapid Carlin bit) folx engaging in bath house grade promiscuity are also considered gross, degenerate skanks; and have been for quite some time. Now ask what disproportionate percentage of pharmacists are active swingers in their community so the group doesn't awkwardly pick up prescriptions from a stranger. The hetero crowd just tends to spend a lot of time getting tested and pill taking on their own, comparatively. Since they tend to already be doing it, plus the risk of pregnancy at least causing some lip service to prophylaxis, they don't get an advisory.

Trannies living rent free in the public consciousness lately has little to do with this one. It's just current language wrapped around STDs being passed around cisgender homosexual men.

10-04-2023, 11:31 AM
Only a matter of time before this recommendation gets extended to senior living facilities AKA "+55 communities". In the Tampa-St. Pete part of FL, the amount of STi is so high that I see ads for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on billboards. The Villages area of FL is infamous for STIs due to the amount of sexual activity happening. Same with the "Top of the World" in Clearwater. My PCP offers quarterly testing and suggests it to anyone who is not monogamous and has suggested that even monogamous couples get tested due to the amount of "straying" involved.

10-05-2023, 09:51 PM
So why does it take three visits to three different providers to get someone to prescribe doxycycline when we suspect one of our kids has been bitten by a tick and they have the symptoms to back that up?

Cause we don’t want to create antibiotic resistant strains of these bugs by over prescribing antibiotics. However, a study performed by highly educated NAMBLA scientists found that the bacteria transmitted during strange, random, unprotected sex parties was not prone to this type of mutation.

So you see, your family must suck it up when they have strep, or ear/sinus infections, but if you go to a rave and spend some QT pitching and catching it’s all good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-05-2023, 10:05 PM
Cause we don’t want to create antibiotic resistant strains of these bugs by over prescribing antibiotics. However, a study performed by highly educated NAMBLA scientists found that the bacteria transmitted during strange, random, unprotected sex parties was not prone to this type of mutation.

So you see, your family must suck it up when they have strep, or ear/sinus infections, but if you go to a rave and spend some QT pitching and catching it’s all good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No one in my family has ever failed to finish a prescribed course of antibiotics. We want to be 100% certain that we have not left behind any bugs, which would of course be the ones which survived the less than full dose, and which thus have some genetic quality providing resistance that they will pass on when they reproduce.

The first time my son was bitten by a tick, he got lime disease. The second time, he got something far less well known but with similary symptoms. Both times, he was lethargic, not eating, had a fever, etc. The time he got lime, I think I may have found the tick after it detached, and there was a circular rash where it likely bit him.

Both times, when we FINALLY found a provider who would prescribe doxycycline, he got better within a couple of days, but continued the entire 2 dose/day 28 day treatment.

Shortly after the second time, we read of a child in another state who was bitten by a tick, got sick, but was misdiagnosed for a couple of weeks, ultimately resulting in that child's death.