View Full Version : Hi from Au.

10-28-2012, 10:38 AM
Hi new member here.

I am from Australia and have been shooting for a wile but I still have a lot to learn.

I was searching for information and found this place and signed up, I'm glad I did there seems to be some good information and some very knowledgeable people here.

I currently shoot a Colt special combat gov and a plane jane gov mod for backup both chambered in 38Super.

I have a new pistol on the way but I'm trying not to think about it because I have a bit over six months till it gets here... I hate waiting.

Just wanted to introduce myself.


Kyle Reese
10-28-2012, 11:16 AM
Great to have you here, Dave. Welcome!

10-28-2012, 11:21 AM
Welcome to the forum!

We certainly don't get much interaction with gun owners from Australia here in US. I was under the impression that you folks were disarmed down to moderately sharp sticks and frying pans. I'm sure others are interested in hearing how the laws are over there.

Joe in PNG
10-28-2012, 04:09 PM
Greetings neighbor!

10-28-2012, 06:43 PM
Welcome! Glad to hear folks can still shoot pistols in Oz. I had heard horror stories from a friend in Taz about how hard it was to get a pistol license these days.

10-28-2012, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the welcome.

We can still shoot pistols in Au but they make it pretty hard you need to have a genuine reason to get a pistol licence, I just transferred mine from NT to QLD and it took a year to get my new qld licence...So you wouldn't want to be in a hurry.

Then when you want to buy a pistol you can't just walk into a shop and buy one no that makes to much since first of you need to get a permit to acquire (PTA) from from weapons licensing board at a cost of $35.

However you can't just go get a PTA whenever you want it you need to get a letter from your pistol club stating why you need a pistol and even then they don't have to issue you with a PTA, it can take anywhere up to six months to get a PTA back once you have a PTA you can then buy you pistol it is registered to you name.

You can only use it at a government approved range you can't go out into the bush and plink with them or use them for self defence apparently thats what they think the police are for ??

You are not allowed to load a pistol mag off the range because it considered part of the firearm and you can be charged and lose your licence.

We have a Cal restriction it .38 unless you shoot metallic silhouettes we also have a mag capacity restriction of 10rd's.

Oh yeah they are calling for mandatory sentencing of five years for people caught in possession of an unregistered firearm even if it wasn't used in a crime.

Now we have a seat on the UN a lot of people are getting worried about whats in the future.

I am pretty well opposed to licensing and registration I don't think it has helped anyone.

10-28-2012, 08:51 PM
Did they ever get around to loosening restrictions on pump shotguns?

10-28-2012, 09:02 PM
Did they ever get around to loosening restrictions on pump shotguns?

No not yet I think we may get them back people are starting to get the shits with all the regulations and are writing to newspapers and politicians.

An average shooter cannot own a semi auto 22 or a pump shotgun.

It is posable to get semi autos and even FA but us normal people can't own them.

We can't CC for self defence however police and politicians can get a cc permit.

Your average subject can't even keep a double barrel shotgun next to the bed for home defence.

There is a push for more restrictions on at the moment but there's also a push back from shooters.

10-29-2012, 07:14 AM
Welcome to the forum!

Mad props for going the extra effort it takes to be a shooter down there. I followed the drama as a blogger I know down in WA (http://jigsawsthoughts.blogspot.com/search?q=magazine) was trying to get some spare mags for her Springer 9mm 1911. Un-frickin'-believable. I'd have no hair left from pulling it out in frustration.

10-29-2012, 08:14 AM
Thanks for the welcome.

Is she a member here?

That is a pretty big hassle to go thru to get some mags, I run cobra mags pretty well exclusively.