View Full Version : Brutal knifing murder of two women in Hong Kong

07-16-2023, 01:01 PM
NSFW or children.
Very close to a worst case scenario.
The ASP video lets you link to an off YouTube channel where you can see it.
It is horrible, and the courage one of the victims shows is heartbreaking and futile.
Lots of bystanders too shocked and horrified(and unarmed) to do anything. A security guard fulfills his role as "Security Theater" by calling the cops. The perp simply waits for the police and surrenders.


07-16-2023, 01:21 PM
It is indeed heartbreaking, and the courage of the second female victim is remarkable.

Totem Polar
07-16-2023, 04:29 PM
Damn. That’s heartbreaking. And a tough reminder for everyone else.

As an aside, I’m now up to 3 separate calls to 911 in my area, that I *personally* know of, that went to voicemail. Just saying.

07-16-2023, 06:24 PM
Damn. That’s heartbreaking. And a tough reminder for everyone else.

As an aside, I’m now up to 3 separate calls to 911 in my area, that I *personally* know of, that went to voicemail. Just saying.

I know it’s an aside; but that happened way faster than Police response times in even the wealthiest suburbs/Cities with really good departments here.

07-16-2023, 09:40 PM
If that isn’t the worst case scenario for empty-hand knife defense, it’s got to be in the top three. Your assailant is larger and stronger than you and the fight starts when he drives a 12” chef’s knife into your back. Talk about unequal initiative and disproportionate armament SouthNarc.