View Full Version : How to break a dog of barking at people?

06-20-2023, 04:20 PM
We have a little Havanese/Terrier mix who is a joy, but barks like a damn fool anytime someone he’s not used to enters the house.

My son and his BF are here for the summer, and my grandson coming to stay in 2 weeks, so we’d really like some peace.

I’ve tried a squirt bottle, but that’s really a pro-active training tool and not feasible. Besides, he knows when I have it and stays out of range.

My wife suggested a shock collar. I was surprised (shocked, you might say), since she is the biggest dog-coddler on the planet.

I’m on board, but I’ve worked with bird dogs enough to know you don’t just buy the collar and zap the poor dog whenever you’re irritated.

So I’m looking for both suggestions on a collar and guidance on how to use it humanely to discourage only the barking and not royally screw my dog up.

06-20-2023, 04:59 PM
Dogtra YS300 (https://www.gundogsupply.com/dogtra-ys300-collar.html)

If you’re looking for a bark collar for a small dog this is the model I’d recommend. You don’t control it it’s basically controlled by the dog. No bark no correction. It doesn’t hurt if you tell him as he starts to bark no bark! as he gets corrected.

Gun Dog Supply is a great company. I’ve bought a lot from them