View Full Version : The Exercise

06-17-2023, 12:26 PM
I just shot what I call the exercise, I don't call it a Drill as I shoot it without a timer. It is a simple 50 round exercise and is shot at 5, 10, 15. 20 and 25 yards, 10 rounds at each distance.
I load 1 mag with 4 rounds and 2 mags with 3 rounds, shoot the 4 round mag with both hands and one 3 round mag SHO and one 3 round mag WHO.
I use the same target for all 50 rounds. I like this exercise as it only takes a short time to shoot. It is only 50 rounds and most importantly it makes me shoot SHO and WHO. I don't know how many times I leave the range and say to myself "hey dumb ass you never shot one handed."
I do shoot it a little differently almost every time I shoot it, from the holster, low ready, fast slow, whatever my mood is.
Today I shot it with all the time I wanted,no holster work allowed at this range.I did however exercise my reloads.
I was shooting my CZ PCR and shot the first round of every mag DA.

Here is my target starting at 5 yard and ending at 25yards, remember I am a mere mortal and I really fell apart at 15 yards. And at 10 yards my DA SHO shot was a flier.
please give me your honest opinion of the exercise and my shooting..

06-18-2023, 11:05 AM
Good exercise, I shoot something similar. It’s a somewhat modified SWAT pistol qualification from my old department.

It’s from 3, 7, 10, 15 and 25. All from the holster, involves failure drills, strong and support hand only from the 7. Advancing from the 10 and retreading from the 3, controlled pairs from the 15 and 25. I use a Minneapolis PD training target, first two rings on body and head are goes, anything else is a no go. Minimum standard to qual is 46 out of 50 goes. I agree with you on the one handed shooting, easy to forget about it or ignore it. With this exercise I know I’m at least forcing myself to shoot two controlled pairs with each hand from the 7.

The scoring on this run would be 50/50 a go, with a -8 shots out of the white. Once you can easily qual with it, the goal is as much as possible in the white. That run was done with my 21 year old Glock 22c.

https://i.postimg.cc/K8WjTMZJ/IMG-8638.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PCmdsNvw)

06-18-2023, 06:01 PM
I know I would be happy with that target, nice shooting Crusader

06-18-2023, 10:50 PM
Is this on a B8?

06-19-2023, 07:52 AM
cracker from an efficiency of training and learning standpoint the criticisms I have are:

The extra distances are redundant. Mechanics scale. Ask more of yourself at 10 yards and you'll improve at all distances.

Shooting all shots on a single target reduces feedback and isolation of weaknesses and thus impairs learning.

Basically the Exercise is Dot Torture shot on a single target.

If I were to try and redesign the drill for maximum efficiency of training and learning I would:

Buy 4" circle stickers off Amazon. Paste three side by side on a large, clean backer.

Run 5 shots freestyle center target, 5 shots SHO right target, 5 shots WHO left target at 10 yards.

This distance allows immediate feedback on where your hits go (whereas at 25 it can be pretty difficult to know exactly where the hits go).

Bring the target back and paste them up. You only had to move the target once and you got all three strings done.


When you can put them all confidently within the center of the 4" without any edge hits, you can add a timing par.

Also, in general... untimed exercises can generally be done better in dry fire as they boil down to just trigger control, so consider saving the ammo and putting in the work at home.

06-20-2023, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the feed back JCN, every thing you said makes perfect sense. I like your 10 yard 3 dot drill and will be using it for sure. I understand what you are saying about the feed back, after 10 yards I dont know which holes are from 2 hand, sho, or who I just look at what I shoot as a "group" of 10 rounds. Pistol is fairly knew to me but rifle has been with me for a while, the group thing must be the rifle in my blood. The only holes that matter to me are the ones outside the black.

06-20-2023, 08:31 PM
Thanks for the feed back JCN, every thing you said makes perfect sense. I like your 10 yard 3 dot drill and will be using it for sure. I understand what you are saying about the feed back, after 10 yards I dont know which holes are from 2 hand, sho, or who I just look at what I shoot as a "group" of 10 rounds. Pistol is fairly knew to me but rifle has been with me for a while, the group thing must be the rifle in my blood. The only holes that matter to me are the ones outside the black.

Ironically... it works well for rifle as well...

Basically you want as much feedback from each shot as possible and not just binary hit / no hit.


06-21-2023, 02:15 PM
I shot something like this the other day: Dave Spaulding’s “ Fade Back drill, but I fell off at 25 yards, struggled to see the target / sight as it was a 3 x 5 paster. I like the addition of SHO and WHO. WHO definitely takes some patience and work. JCN I like the working at 10 yrd concept.

What is the center diameter of the above target?

06-21-2023, 02:49 PM
Not sure which target you are asking about, the top target is the Bianchi cup AP-1 target. Black is 4" next circle 8" and 12"

06-21-2023, 05:19 PM
I shot something like this the other day: Dave Spaulding’s “ Fade Back drill, but I fell off at 25 yards, struggled to see the target / sight as it was a 3 x 5 paster. I like the addition of SHO and WHO. WHO definitely takes some patience and work. JCN I like the working at 10 yrd concept.

What is the center diameter of the above target?

If you were talking to me, 4” is my standard working target.

I can choose if I’m going for no misses and using vision inside the circle or I’m going for that as an intermediate target and pushing the border and accepting close outsides for now.

4” is large enough that you can still go fast.