View Full Version : AAR: F2S Consulting 1 Day Basic Pistol, College Station,TX

10-10-2012, 08:56 PM
Class: F2S 1-Day Basic Pistol
Instructor: Jack Leuba
Location: College Station, TX
Date: October 5, 2012
Round Count: about 800
I attended this class with Skyline1. I had already signed up for the Cecil Burch CMD/IAJJ seminar for the weekend, but he wanted to do this class. Since we had been looking for an opportunity to take a class together, and I had had a few drinks while we were talking about it, we compromised and decided to do both :cool:
My previous training was with John Farnam, Todd Green, and Tom Givens. Since my practice schedule has been erratic to nonexistent this year, I thought this would be a great chance for a tune up and to maybe learn a few new things. I was not disappointed.
We stayed busy all day, so this may be a little disjointed and out of order, but should give a good idea of what the class covered.
The class was small and That Guy didn’t show up, so after introductions we did an initial assessment that included shooting groups at 25, 15, and 5 (or maybe 7) yards, and SHO and WHO. Strings were from the draw with par times; being a basic level class the times were fairly generous by the standards of many here, but still challenging. My initial performance was weak, 66 points down, mostly due to blowing the 25 yard shots. That was pretty much what I expected.
Throughout the morning Jack gave brief lectures on stance, grip, sight picture, trigger control, malfunction clearance, and the drawstroke, with drills interspersed to emphasize each component. It was during this portion that I picked up probably my best tip of the day, on positioning the support hand, and it paid off throughout the day.
After that it was a blur of drills and stuffing mags. We spent some time at 3 yards working on fast draws and “seeing what you need to see” up close, and shot some drills to experiment with sighted shooting vs. target focused shooting (not point shooting) at various distances. Also worked on low % targets, reset on recoil, and multiple shot strings.
A lot of time was spent at 25 yards, something I’ve neglected in my own practice. For me the best drill we ran at distance was a partner live/dry drill, where your partner loads (or not) your gun behind your back, and you take the shot at 25 yards, with every live shot followed up by an immediate dry fire. This really helped me get comfortable with my sight picture and trigger press on low percentage targets.
We shot some steel (the crack cocaine of shooting) throughout the day, roughly 12”x12” or 14”x14” plates, mostly working transitions and multiple shot strings. There’s just nothing like that instantaneous feedback. Towards the end of the day we had a friendly walkback contest on the steel, and Jack even let us bang away from 100 yards. Not too many hits but man was it fun!
After a break and some independent practice time, it was time to repeat the assessment. I managed to come off like a boss, improving to only 17 points down. I tricked myself out of doing better by noticing that I hadn’t missed any of the 25 yard shots. The ensuing giddiness made me sloppy on some of the closer shots, but still I was extremely happy with the result.
Highlights of the day:
- Skyline1 making 2 heroic WHO shots between 30 and 40 yards to stay in the walkback drill. Nice shooting man!
- I shot a non-official Test clean in 9.23.
- Shooting with a partner. Skyline1 and I were paired up most of the day and learned a lot about coaching each other. Going forward as we practice together this will be valuable.
- Everyone showed noticeable improvement by the end of the day. The final scores may or may not have reflected it, but by the end we were all getting tired and beat up.
- Of course, Jack himself. He did an outstanding job coaching, tailoring drills to each individual, and keeping it fun while pushing the pace so that the course felt almost like a workout instead of boring old learning.
Summary: This class was flat out excellent, a huge value for the money. The facility, the group and the instructor were all great. The step-by-step building (or refreshing) of the basics, combined with constant quality reps, had me feeling more comfortable than I ever have behind a pistol. It was almost a Zen thing. We all know that to make shots all you have to do is line up the sights and keep them there while you press the trigger, but for me Jack’s coaching really “burned in” those fundamentals and made them more instinctive. As he said, “Targets aren’t close or far away, they’re just larger or smaller.” Once I concentrated on that, it became much easier.
The only goals I had going in were to improve at 25 yards and make it through my first class carrying AIWB without incident, both were handily met. If you get a chance to train with F2S, all I can say is don’t miss it.

JM Campbell
10-11-2012, 04:41 AM
I agree 100% buddy.

BTW those weakhand shots would never have happened with out the previous drills and lecture.

My take aways:
See what you need to see!
Going full "cyclic" on a 5x8 tracking sights and staying on the card was a light bulb moment. :cool:
25yd on a B8 is paramount to train, I improved simply by drills and repetition. Dedicated training time now.
Shooting steel is crack....I need more please.
FOCUS mentally and visually. I threw an extra round down on the last evaluation and earned a -10 points. FOCUS!!
when given par times, use them don't race them and push the shot, no point to have 2 seconds left on par and not have awesome hits. FOCUS!
Preshot push/dive...finally saw it...dry fire reps and shoot. There is no better correction then immediate dry fire after push.
Train with a buddy, push each other past your limits, reset and push past your limits again.

Outstanding instruction Jack, come back to Texas and I know two guys that will be in that class.