View Full Version : Ruger Security 380

12-12-2022, 01:47 PM

I didn't expect this. I mean, sure, P365-380 exists. But Ruger already have LCP MAX.

Can't wait to see if it passes a limp-wrist test. P365-380 tends to fail it. But this might work. Notice that the thumb safety locks the slide. That is because the recoil spring is so weak that it interferes with re-holstering. We most likely will never see a "pro" version without the thumb safety.

It is disappointing not to see an optics cut. I understand that Security-9 slide is very busy on top with all the holes for roll pins and whatnot, but if Beretta can add optics to 92, then Ruger should be able to add it to S9/S380.

BTW, this is the first gun in the series with the internal hammer, where Ruger's manual does not prohibit carrying it with a round chambered. They finally ditched that anchor. It was a source of needless controversy in other guns with the same fire control: LCP II, LCP MAX, Ruger 57 (although not MAX 9, which is striker-fired). I guess all the lawsuits against SIG were considered a lesser evil than the online kvetching. And if cops do not carry S380 anyway, the risk of SIG-style lawsuits may be pretty low.

12-12-2022, 04:56 PM
It's ugly, but I don't hate the features at all.

Totem Polar
12-12-2022, 05:00 PM
It's ugly

Fishbowl full of assholes ugly. But it’ll sell.

Now, if only they’d do one in 30 super carry…


12-12-2022, 05:05 PM
Ruger already has a stable full of pocket .380s. Many potential buyers who would value the pistol's ease of operation would also appreciate a gun that is slightly larger and easier to manage than average. A pistol closer to mid-size fills out the line.

12-12-2022, 05:20 PM
Oh, look. Another Ruger with a single-sided, right-handed only thumb safety that immediately renders it unusable for 10% of the population.


Thanks for that, Ruger.

12-12-2022, 09:57 PM
I like it, except for the speed holes.

12-13-2022, 06:07 PM
Id say the cuts in the slide are more for weight reduction to help the slide reciprocate ..

I too own a LCP Max .. actually is in my jacket pocket as I peck this out ..

I think they will sell …

12-13-2022, 06:11 PM
I will fall to the earth and thank all the gods of gunpowder and steel once the stupid trend of every single new gun having porting or slide cuts is dead, buried, and the ground salted.

I like Ruger. I like .380 Auto for all its faults. I've owned 3 LCPs. My Max is my true EDC. I might have been in the target market for this. But goddamn, stop speed-holing every new release, gun companies!

12-13-2022, 06:40 PM
This was meant to compete with s&w’s 380 EZ.

I’ll keep my max.

Lost River
12-13-2022, 07:46 PM
At least it doesn't say the "Executioner" or something on the slide like S&W's new pistol...:rolleyes:

"Security" or "Sock Drawer" on the slide is at least not "Joe Biden giving home defense advise" level retarded.

12-13-2022, 09:21 PM

Seems to be the popular size

12-13-2022, 10:53 PM
But goddamn, stop speed-holing every new release, gun companies!
I take it, the useless forward serrations are okay with you?

12-14-2022, 10:37 AM
I take it, the useless forward serrations are okay with you?

Looking at pretty much all guns now, I've already lost that fight, I can't lose this one too!

12-15-2022, 03:04 PM
Thanks to jacked up hands and wrists, old man guns like this are starting to become more interesting. I've never fired (or even handled AFAIK) any of the internal hammer Ruger pistols. Is it like a DAO? SA with a long trigger pull?

12-15-2022, 06:05 PM
As a 30-something with nerve damage affecting my entire dominant arm… these big .380s are intriguing.

Breaking my elbow last year and demolishing the squishy parts of it accelerates this interest.

12-16-2022, 01:31 AM
As a 30-something with nerve damage affecting my entire dominant arm… these big .380s are intriguing.

Breaking my elbow last year and demolishing the squishy parts of it accelerates this interest.

Im close to 60 .. neurological problems due to spinal cord pressure in my cervical spine region.. having been through one surgery.. putting off the next … and having a Wife with severe arthritis in her hands …I see a distinct advantage with this option … The pistol is the popular size .. as seen in a earlier post .. extremely close to the SIG P365XL ..and a ability to have a softer shooting pistol and quicker follow up shots … I think the longer barrel will help the performance of the 380acp … Im also looking at the Equalizer ..

9mm in size of a pistol can be a bit lively…

12-16-2022, 11:18 AM
As a 30-something with nerve damage affecting my entire dominant arm… these big .380s are intriguing.

Breaking my elbow last year and demolishing the squishy parts of it accelerates this interest.

Gotta admit the plate and 8 screws in my wrist and forearm did contribute somewhat to my switch to 9mm as a primary, so I can definitely see that.

12-16-2022, 11:46 AM
Oh, look. Another Ruger with a single-sided, right-handed only thumb safety that immediately renders it unusable for 10% of the population.


Thanks for that, Ruger.

My 75 year old mother is extremely left-handed. She has a Shield 380EZ that she likes well enough, but she struggles with the grip safety and I know she's never going to be able to reload it under pressure so a 15+1 without a grip safety would be a nice upgrade... if only the safety was lefty-friendly.

Yes, I eyeballed the P365 380, but I still just have a few too many concerns with Sig.

12-16-2022, 12:05 PM
Yes, I eyeballed the P365 380, but I still just have a few too many concerns with Sig.

I am kinda bummed that the P365-380 seems to be having issues. I was considering it as a possible upgrade to my LCP Max given the great performance of the P365 line so far, but with all the talk of it having hiccups, plus the perfect performance of my LCP Max, I'm not sure it would be an upgrade.

12-16-2022, 12:12 PM
Tamara is right.

The P250 .380 is the answer. More options are great, but a DAO 380 15+ round shootable pistol would be an excellent option for so many people.

I’m glad Ruger is offering this, but I wish someone would figure out how to market the DAO platform.

12-16-2022, 01:21 PM
Tamara is right.

As is the case more often than not but we need to develop a quota for acknowledgement lest she grow too powerful.

But seriously, it’s frustrating when the “best fit” for a larger .380 is a P250 or a Beretta 85.

12-16-2022, 01:28 PM
I’ve got a Grayguns/Boresight Solutions X-Compact P320 frame and I am seriously thinking about dremeling the last Picatinny slot off the end of the dustcover to shorten it up enough to match up with my .380 P250 Compact slide and then when I get old and my hands are too stove up to work normal guns, I’m going to have the most slammin’ Granny Gun on the planet.

12-16-2022, 05:15 PM
As is the case more often than not but we need to develop a quota for acknowledgement lest she grow too powerful.

But seriously, it’s frustrating when the “best fit” for a larger .380 is a P250 or a Beretta 85.

Or a Beretta 84 but then you're looking at a G19-size .380.

12-17-2022, 02:55 AM
Or a Beretta 84 but then you're looking at a G19-size .380.

Yes. We are specifically looking at G19-sized .380s here for a reason.

12-17-2022, 08:54 AM
Yes. We are specifically looking at G19-sized .380s here for a reason.
Very true.

12-17-2022, 11:05 PM

Pic with the 15rd inserted

12-18-2022, 12:28 AM

Pic with the 15rd inserted

The extra height of the 15-round magazine looks much like that of a 10-round magazine with a pinkie-extension base plate.

12-18-2022, 07:40 AM
I've never fired (or even handled AFAIK) any of the internal hammer Ruger pistols. Is it like a DAO? SA with a long trigger pull?

I've bought several Security 9's (full size) for my mom, sons, daughter-in-law. Before I got the first one home and tore it down, I assumed it was a striker-fired gun...the trigger travel, feel, etc. is very similar. It's definitely not the DAO-style trigger from the guns of my past (92/6D, 5946, 226DAO, etc.). The S9's we've had have all had better triggers than any Glock I've owned.

12-18-2022, 07:44 AM
I've bought several Security 9's (full size) for my mom, sons, daughter-in-law. Before I got the first one home and tore it down, I assumed it was a striker-fired gun...the trigger travel, feel, etc. is very similar. It's definitely not the DAO-style trigger from the guns of my past (92/6D, 5946, 226DAO, etc.). The S9's we've had have all had better triggers than any Glock I've owned.

How has the reliability and durability been?

12-18-2022, 07:50 AM
How has the reliability and durability been?

I've put @ 800 - 1k rounds each through five different S9's...so far, zero issues.

12-18-2022, 09:58 AM
Mark my words, 20 years from now a slide that looks like it lost a fight with a milling machine is going to say "2010's" as loudly as an extravagantly hooked trigger guard says "1980s".

12-19-2022, 05:25 AM
Mark my words, 20 years from now a slide that looks like it lost a fight with a milling machine is going to say "2010's" as loudly as an extravagantly hooked trigger guard says "1980s".

I should live so long, but we're well into the Milling '20's.

This Ruger has what I think of as Dust Collection Ports. They lack the culinary usefulness of the varied grating surfaces of a Zev slide.

12-19-2022, 12:00 PM
I’ve got a Grayguns/Boresight Solutions X-Compact P320 frame and I am seriously thinking about dremeling the last Picatinny slot off the end of the dustcover to shorten it up enough to match up with my .380 P250 Compact slide and then when I get old and my hands are too stove up to work normal guns, I’m going to have the most slammin’ Granny Gun on the planet.

Do it 😜

01-28-2023, 04:41 PM
I finally got to handle one of these today. I’m hoping the nearby indoor range puts one in the rental case because I really want to “try before I buy” but I’m already 90% sold on getting one. All I’m really waiting on is putting a few mags through one and finding a quality IWB holster.