View Full Version : California DOJ bungles New portal and releases personal information of CCW holders an

06-28-2022, 07:07 PM
Just found out that a lot of firearms owners in California had their personal information exposed thru the new firearms information portal launched by the California DOJ yesterday.

It sounds like a lot of information was exposed including Assault Weapons registrations and Firearms Safety Certificates including driver's license number and date of birth.

"California gun owners have been put at risk by the Attorney General’s office after a new dashboard leaked their personal information."

"The California Department of Justice’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal went live on Monday with publicly-accessible files that include identifying information for those who have concealed carry permits. The leaked information includes the person’s full name, race, home address, date of birth, and date their permit was issued. The data also shows the type of permit issued, indicating if the permit holder is a member of law enforcement or a judge.

The Reload reviewed a copy of the Lost Angeles County database and found 244 judge permits listed in the database. The files included the home addresses, full names, and dates of birth for all of them. The same was true for seven custodial officers, 63 people with a place of employment permit, and 420 reserve officers.

2,891 people in Los Angeles County with standard licenses also had their information compromised by the leak, though the database appears to include some duplicate entries as well."


I was unfortunate enough to have my personal information exposed by the CA DOJ under AG Kamala about 8 years ago when they handed over driver's license number, DOBs, and addresses for Firearms Safety Certificate instructors to a reporter in San Diego. I got a whopping 12 months of credit monitoring from Kamala for it.

There's no excuse for this. I'm more than a little miffed about this.

06-28-2022, 08:17 PM
I really wish I could believe this was just incompetence, and not a deliberate thing to provide for lots of doxxing and various other ways to ruin someone's life.

06-28-2022, 08:21 PM
I'm sure there is a state agency that is supposed to look into this sort of thing. Oh, wait, never mind...


Totem Polar
06-28-2022, 08:41 PM
God damn it. That’s inexcusable.

06-28-2022, 10:28 PM
I really wish I could believe this was just incompetence, and not a deliberate thing to provide for lots of doxxing and various other ways to ruin someone's life.

Sometimes “bugs” are actually features.

Can’t get out of this damned state fast enough!

06-29-2022, 08:33 AM
I really wish I could believe this was just incompetence, and not a deliberate thing to provide for lots of doxxing and various other ways to ruin someone's life.
This was my first thought exactly.

Hot Sauce
06-29-2022, 08:47 AM
There is precedent for this sort of thing in other states as well. A small-time NY newspaper felt compelled by Newtown to create heatmap of social undesirables with gun registration data. Think of the children.


06-29-2022, 09:45 AM

06-29-2022, 09:58 AM
I really wish I could believe this was just incompetence, and not a deliberate thing to provide for lots of doxxing and various other ways to ruin someone's life.

My first reaction.

Second reaction was... "yeah right... a mistake.... sorry, not sorry".

06-29-2022, 01:39 PM
So for the last week I've been getting 3-5 "your car's warranty is about to expire" spam calls. I almost never give out my phone number and for the last few years I've gotten maybe 1 spam call a week. I had assumed the increase in spam was because I ordered a used engine from LKQ online 2 weeks ago and they sold my data, but maybe it was the DOJ's data breach...

06-29-2022, 03:54 PM
Sounds fishy to me too, especially considering they only JUST went live with it... business as usual I'd say.

06-29-2022, 04:14 PM
I read something about the state directing LE to immediately transition to "shall issue" processing of CHL applications.

This could certainly be a "tit for tat" back at the firearms community.

06-29-2022, 04:42 PM
I read something about the state directing LE to immediately transition to "shall issue" processing of CHL applications.

This could certainly be a "tit for tat" back at the firearms community.

Makes sense, right as I’m about to leave.

You have a source for this?

06-29-2022, 04:46 PM
On this subject, I don't buy it is an accident, intentional "mistake" by some upset left winger in the bureaucracy who will be excused and not be held accountable....

The CA approved roster and how it has been run is enough proof that the CA bureaucrats are not dealing honestly with their duties when it comes to firearms, probably attributable to the far left ideology of their bosses the elected officials who will wink at it.

06-29-2022, 04:47 PM
I read something about the state directing LE to immediately transition to "shall issue" processing of CHL applications.

This could certainly be a "tit for tat" back at the firearms community.

Saw that too, trying to remember where. Maybe Mr. Guns n Gear’s YouTube video on the SCOTUS ruling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-29-2022, 05:03 PM
Makes sense, right as I’m about to leave.

You have a source for this?

I got an email from the Second Amendment Foundation this morning about a motion they filed in NYC for an injunction against the NYPD and the city of NY regarding their proper cause requirement for CCWs in NYC. They referenced how within 24 hours of Bruen, both the states of NJ and CA told their law enforcement to not enforce the proper cause requirements for CCWs. That’s the only place I’ve seen it other than this forum.

Mark D
06-29-2022, 05:59 PM
To recap so far...

Last Thursday, the US Supreme Court released the Bruen decision, affirming the right to bear arms outside the home.

Last Friday, California Attorney General Bonta sent a letter to LE officials (https://crpa.org/news/blogs/ag-bonta-good-cause-requirement-is-unconstitutional/) in California stating that the "just cause" requirement in CCW applications was unconstitutional.

On Monday, the California DOJ (run by Attorney General Bonta) had a data breech that leaked the names and addresses of hundred of thousands of CCW permit holders. Apparently birth dates and race may have also been released.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

The reality is the California state government has been anticipating the Bruen decision and preparing their response. Governor Newsome acknowledged that in a video he released on Friday. I won't embed the video, but it can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK1xKGMrPlE

Already this week, bills have been introduced in the California legislature that are designed to cripple widespread CCW issuance, before it even starts.

Tuesday, Sen. Anthony Portantino, a Democrat from Glendale, introduced legislation (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB918) that he said would “update” the state’s concealed carry law to make it more restrictive, while also complying with the highest court’s latest dictate.

The bill, which was authored by Bonta’s office, would create a new statewide application process that explicitly disqualifies applicants who have committed certain felonies or are the subject of restraining orders. Applicants would also need to be at least 21, provide three character witnesses and take an additional firearm storage and safety course.
Beyond the additional hurdles required of applicants, the bill would expand the number of designated “sensitive places” where even a concealed carry license holder would not be allowed to take their firearms. That exception is taken directly from the Supreme Court ruling, which held that the government is allowed to prohibit guns in certain areas, namely schools and government buildings.

Portantino’s Senate Bill 918 (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB918) would deem all the following “sensitive”: all school grounds, college and university campuses, government and judicial buildings, medical facilities, public transit, public parks, playgrounds, public demonstrations and any place where alcohol is sold. More here: https://calmatters.org/justice/criminal-justice/2022/06/california-concealed-carry/

Bruen was a great win for the 2A community, but Californians shouldn't pop the champagne corks yet.

Wondering Beard
06-29-2022, 06:29 PM
This CA DOJ "bungle" is an interesting case where Hanlon's razor and Occam's have a bit of a conflict.

06-29-2022, 06:57 PM
I read something about the state directing LE to immediately transition to "shall issue" processing of CHL applications.

This could certainly be a "tit for tat" back at the firearms community.

That's a big "nope". They are absolutely NOT going to transition to "Shall Issue" in most CA jurisdictions. In fact, I predict that many departments are going to cost their cities/counties a lot of money by playing fuck-fuck games with CCW permits. Some people are gonna sue, and lawyers are gonna smell the blood in the water.

Some will be clever about their malfeasance....but the Sheriff of San Francisco just issued a public statement saying he will NOT be dropping the 'Good Cause' requirement from the permit application. So basically "I intend to willfully violate the Constitutional rights of my citizens in flagrant defiance of clear guidance by SCOTUS". That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how that works out for him. The fact that he can be personally sued for such stupidity has not occurred to this overeducated moron.

06-29-2022, 07:33 PM
As Ron White once said "I didn't know how many it was going to take, but I knew how many they were going to use".

That seems appropriate with CA here. They know how it ends but they won't go willingly.

Some attorneys are already looking at a windfall from the lawsuits that will be generated from this.

06-29-2022, 08:01 PM
CA DOJ bungholes database....

Almost sounds like some needle dick was upset at a series of SCOTUS rulings and decided to get back at those evil conservatives.

I'd laugh if it back fired and lots of homes without guns got robbed and pillaged, but that would be bad karma.

06-29-2022, 08:07 PM
I don't believe in coincidence.

06-29-2022, 09:53 PM
The AG, Rob Bonta, issued another press release today exposing that the data breach was significantly broader and worse than previously acknowledged. He didn't flat out say it, but the language he used seemed to tacitly acknowledge it was an 'inside job'. Somebody done fucked up bad. Doesn't sound like this was an "authorized" accidental release.

06-29-2022, 10:23 PM
Yeah sounds like it was anyone who submitted to a background check since 2011. Of course, you have to submit to a background check just to buy ammo here so this is pretty much every lawful owner in the state who has done any shooting over the past decade...

06-30-2022, 05:41 AM
While it might be "comforting" in a perverse way to think of this as a direct and deliberate attack on gun owners in CA, this sort of thing is commonplace and almost always due to incompetence. Even now, when we all know privacy is important and how to prevent such obvious disclosures they still continue to happen for a variety of reasons. If you look at the OWASP Top 10 list (which applies with this being a web portal), most of them are simple human error, not technological failures in properly configured systems.

It's scarier to realize that not only was this an accident, it's going to happen again and again to all of us via every service and product we use. :(

CA, to its credit, does have or plans to have, some of the better privacy regulations in the country. This is one area that Europe and other parts of the world are more clued in than the US.


06-30-2022, 06:09 AM
The outbreak of incompetence, worldwide, is almost pandemic.

06-30-2022, 07:15 AM

06-30-2022, 08:03 AM
I suppose that it could be incompetence but...
- Cal is a super lib state
- A large % all elected officials are anti-gun
- SCOTUS just handed down a pro-gun ruling
- There was some work that just happened to occur now on the gun owner database
All the above could be a coincidence...
- The AG indicates it was an inside job but that it wasn't an authorized inside job
Well he11, that is exactly what I would say if I ran the department that did the 'inside job'.

06-30-2022, 09:55 AM
Nothing digital is "confidential". The Internet was designed to share information, which it does quite well.

06-30-2022, 10:27 AM



Joe S
06-30-2022, 11:39 AM
Apparently birth dates and race may have also been released.

Is race/ethnicity on the CA application form, or part of a normal background check?

06-30-2022, 12:54 PM
Would be interesting to get the database and run some demographics on it. Wouldn't be surprised if caucasians aren't even a plurality there. Would be an entertaining way to screw with the "old/scared white guys" narrative.

06-30-2022, 01:52 PM
Is race/ethnicity on the CA application form, or part of a normal background check?

It is on the form:


edit, that resized to be almost unreadable, here is the pdf:

06-30-2022, 01:57 PM
Would be interesting to get the database and run some demographics on it. Wouldn't be surprised if caucasians aren't even a plurality there. Would be an entertaining way to screw with the "old/scared white guys" narrative.

There was an article in the LA times then mentioned black females were the fastest growing segment of gun buyers in California (with some cynical commentary that they're probably straw buyers for black men with criminal records)

06-30-2022, 02:05 PM

Bungle in the jungle...


06-30-2022, 02:16 PM
There was an article in the LA times then mentioned black females were the fastest growing segment of gun buyers in California (with some cynical commentary that they're probably straw buyers for black men with criminal records)

That's not racist at all.

Joe S
06-30-2022, 04:29 PM
It is on the form:


edit, that resized to be almost unreadable, here is the pdf:
