View Full Version : Biden's Hidden Gun Control Movement

06-02-2022, 09:53 AM
Thought I'd share this here, it seems FFL's are being revoked at an alarming rate for what appear to be 'common administrative errors' on paperwork that is being twisted into these dealers 'willfully' doing bad business. There is 500% increase in revoked FFL's currently, which is quite alarming if it continues at that sort of rate...


06-02-2022, 10:47 AM
The Washington Gun Law YouTube channel has had a few recent videos describing how the new 80%lowers, etc as well as the upcoming pistol brace regs are going to put a tremendous burden on FFL's, almost certainly forcing some of them out of business. Furthermore, according to that channel, the most recent budget proposal has a massive increase in ATF agents specifically assigned to regulating FFLs.

06-02-2022, 10:56 AM
We've been following it. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20220316/atf-targeting-ffls-for-license-revocation

There isn't an easy way to stop it right now other than helping the individual FFL's in their revocation proceedings. Taking back the House and Senate would go a long way in reining ATF in on this by controlling their budget.

06-02-2022, 11:27 AM
We've been following it. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20220316/atf-targeting-ffls-for-license-revocation

There isn't an easy way to stop it right now other than helping the individual FFL's in their revocation proceedings. Taking back the House and Senate would go a long way in reining ATF in on this by controlling their budget.

So much this. When ATF wanted to ban green tips, they got 80k+ comments, overwhelmingly against. They were still going to go ahead and do it anyway, until John Culberson, then chair of the House Ways and Means Committee that determines the budget to be voted on, met with ATF seniors and said, essentially, "Sure is a nice Bureau you've got here. It sure would be nice if we could see our way to supporting your activities." About three days later, the whole green tip project was abandoned.

It had not a thing to do with the constitution, rule of law, words having meaning, or the voice of the people. It was pure power of the purse, and the right guy holding the purse strings at the right time.

06-02-2022, 12:24 PM
So much this. When ATF wanted to ban green tips, they got 80k+ comments, overwhelmingly against. They were still going to go ahead and do it anyway, until John Cornyn, then chair of the House Ways and Means Committee that determines the budget to be voted on, met with ATF seniors and said, essentially, "Sure is a nice Bureau you've got here. It sure would be nice if we could see our way to supporting your activities." About three days later, the whole green tip project was abandoned.

It had not a thing to do with the constitution, rule of law, words having meaning, or the voice of the people. It was pure power of the purse, and the right guy holding the purse strings at the right time.

It was John Culberson, not Cornyn, but otherwise this is pretty much exactly how it went down.