View Full Version : Bee, Wasp, Hornets... anyone know if this actually works?

05-13-2022, 12:12 PM
It’s that time of the year in Tennessee again and I need an air traffic controller sequencing the arrivals and departures of these things around my back deck.

I’ve already sent several hundred wasp straight to hell followed by a dozen or so big fat carpenters bees boring holes in everything.

Now comes the hornets. It’s like an episode of wild kingdom around here.

So, short of me burning my house down are there any real ways of keeping these things away from here?

I’ve read several articles suggesting plants like Mint or Lemongrass will act as a natural insecticide, anyone know if this actually works?

05-13-2022, 12:17 PM
It’s that time of the year in Tennessee again and I need an air traffic controller sequencing the arrivals and departures of these things around my back deck.

I’ve already sent several hundred wasp straight to hell followed by a dozen or so big fat carpenters bees boring holes in everything.

Now comes the hornets. It’s like an episode of wild kingdom around here.

So, short of me burning my house down are there any real ways of keeping these things away from here?

I’ve read several articles suggesting plants like Mint or Lemongrass will act as a natural insecticide, anyone know if this actually works?

Well....the wife has both growing in the front garden and it has not at all deterred the wasps nests or carpenter bees in the eaves.

05-13-2022, 12:22 PM
Mint is supposed to be a deterrent. We planted some mint around the patio and it SEEMS to be working. Definitely fewer stingy things recently. I'm reading that peppermint oil diluted in a spray bottle and sprayed on surfaces is a similar deterrent. Given the price of things these days, live mint has been the less expensive option but if I could find a useful quantity of peppermint oil for a reasonable price, I'd definitely try it.

05-13-2022, 12:24 PM
It’s that time of the year in Tennessee again and I need an air traffic controller sequencing the arrivals and departures of these things around my back deck.

I’ve already sent several hundred wasp straight to hell followed by a dozen or so big fat carpenters bees boring holes in everything.

Now comes the hornets. It’s like an episode of wild kingdom around here.

So, short of me burning my house down are there any real ways of keeping these things away from here?

I’ve read several articles suggesting plants like Mint or Lemongrass will act as a natural insecticide, anyone know if this actually works?

You want this stuff to stop the carpenter bees from destroying your place and it will keep most of the others away, too. Find the right dilution and spray your house, deck, fence, anything wooden. It’s not toxic.


Totem Polar
05-13-2022, 12:25 PM
These guys are local to me, and I can vouch that the traps work. Put 4-6 of them around your deck and yard. Be(e) aware that each variety of winged bastard is attracted to different scents engineered by my peeps, so you need to tailor the trap to the pest.


Totem Polar
05-13-2022, 12:29 PM
Looks like they have one for your carpenter bees, too:



05-14-2022, 08:47 AM
Thanks for the info, I’ll look into those traps and see if they work for me.

Robert Mitchum
05-14-2022, 10:43 PM
Cougar Ridge Ranch

05-15-2022, 06:03 AM
You want this stuff to stop the carpenter bees from destroying your place and it will keep most of the others away, too. Find the right dilution and spray your house, deck, fence, anything wooden. It’s not toxic.


Thanks for the tip! I'll hose down what those damn bees haven't gotten to yet.

05-15-2022, 06:32 AM
Do you have any large flowering shrubberies around the porch?

Crazy Dane
05-15-2022, 06:40 AM
A badminton racket makes a wonderful weapon for the carpenter bees and for the ultimate challenge use a yard stick. Beer is required in this sport! If you want to be boring, spray the permethrin and go watch mens gymnastics or something.

05-15-2022, 07:22 AM
First time out with the new Staccato I had a carpenter bee line up directly between me and the berm at about 3 yards away. Shooting him right in the face was a satisfying way to break in a new pistol, but I wouldn’t recommend it for neighborhoods.

I hear good things about the salt guns for insect killing though, and many a bee fell to my super soaker as a young child and later an airsoft Glock was put to good use against bees when I was in college.

05-15-2022, 07:45 AM
A badminton racket makes a wonderful weapon for the carpenter bees and for the ultimate challenge use a yard stick. Beer is required in this sport! If you want to be boring, spray the permethrin and go watch mens gymnastics or something.

This reminds me of my youth. I always got away with it. My brother usually got stung.

I spray outside our house with some powerful crap called Demon WP (https://www.amazon.com/Insecticide-Packets-Water-Soluble-Gallons-Cypermethrin/dp/B00E355QOI/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2DV3HW67OIRSQ&keywords=demon+wp+insecticide&qid=1652626360&sprefix=Demon+wp%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-3). It's an inseticide that kills pretty much everything. Florida has roaches that are bigger than my thumb and affectionately nicknamed "Palmetto Bugs" by those who grew up here. They are a roach. Demon WP kills them, bees, wasps, ants, most spiders, crickets, lubbers, and probably more. It leaves a residual that keeps killing bugs for months at a time. I do not use it in my home. I spray along the bottom edge exterior of my house and around windows and doors.

05-15-2022, 09:34 AM
Precharged airguns with no pellet kill them dead.

Flys are worse here. Im going to get one these. https://flytrapofficial.com/products/fly-trap?currency=USD&variant=32112438018102&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyYKUBhDJARIsAMj9lkHJ9UvFs7sIWkGkXdEd XZ6brcBbWQMsiMhrawO7vzUPZAYgJizhsjQaAhPpEALw_wcB

Theres all kinds of traps using 2 Liter soda bottles

05-15-2022, 09:52 AM
These guys are local to me, and I can vouch that the traps work. Put 4-6 of them around your deck and yard. Be(e) aware that each variety of winged bastard is attracted to different scents engineered by my peeps, so you need to tailor the trap to the pest.


Mine is out for delivery now, thank you.