View Full Version : Holosun Optics Emitting Trackable EMF? Tin Foil Hat or Reality?

04-22-2022, 09:50 AM
The original email (name changed)

Hey Randy, someone just sent me the video of gabe talking about holosun vs trijicon. They are talking about it on some forums. . They are saying he'll have to throw away his take out china shirt. A lot of people seem to be upset with him because it's supporting the country that put us in this mess in this country. There are also people doing testing on them emitting an EMF signal that is trackable

But they don't know at what distance. It's done the same way they were able to infiltrate our market with baofeng radios. They wanted all the gun owners and prepper type people to buy their products because then they could be located. They are saying holosun does the same thing. All the gun owners are buying them because they are cheaper than trijicon. They plan to take the market then raise prices.

I have trijicon and holosun. Personally I like trijicon better. Holosun has more options but things like broken battery doors are already turning up. He mentions trijicon patented shape. It survives some pretty tough blows. That's why they do it. And so far none of the holosun have survived the same concrete drop tests. The red dot works, but the lens is a cracked.

I think there biggest beef is they want people to keep the money here. If they are emitting a signal, and it appears they are, that's a big problem for gun owners with an ATF that is heavily supported by a Chinese puppet Biden. Who knows maybe it's a conspiracy theory. I mean after all it's not like they released a bio weapon that all of the Chinese in America were exempt from taking.

Just tell Gabe they probably will give him a hard time about it. I hope he looks into it a bit more, because his opinion Carry's weight. If they do emit a signal that would put little trackers on lots of guns

Thanks man , hope all is well


Anybody hear anything about this? It sounds farfetched but I will not put anything past the Chinese at this point and am reluctant to buy or use anything made there for many reasons.

All concerned, please note that though this is linked to Suarez’s forum, he himself pours derision upon the idea as well. Just clarifying, thanks LL

04-22-2022, 10:24 AM
They are probably designed to improve the target acquisition of Chem-trails so our Lizard Overlords can better control our breeding.

04-22-2022, 10:32 AM
Chances are very high this "EMF" is really just poor circuitry resulting in noise. It's not uncommon with cheap electronics.

That is also the source of the Baofeng "EMF", it's just shitty design.

I'd be more concerned with anything you put on a data network or connect to a computer. There's more opportunity for a device to "call home" or leak data. Standalone devices leaking EMF? As I said, crap circuits...


04-22-2022, 11:22 AM
Tin foil hats aside, this seems unlikely for engineering reasons. An active RFID tag lasts a few years on a 2032. I'm skeptical that a RF transmitter with any useful range could be powered by the same battery as the emitter and achieve the battery life claimed by Holosun.

04-22-2022, 01:19 PM
As stated by others, emitting a trackable RF signal whenever it is on would cause the battery life to be suspiciously worse than equivalent competitors.

The amount of ridiculous things that need to coincide for this to be accurate do not pass the sniff test. Apply Occam's razor to conspiracy nonsense.

I'm highly for buying as locally produced products as possible, and no Holosun fan. However, when our Western companies refuse to build actual pistol optics and opt to build mailboxes instead, while Holosun makes the products everyone actually wants.. it gets hard to support them.

04-22-2022, 01:33 PM
What is plausible, is someone confused "trackable EMF" with "imbedded RMA," so when your Holosun breaks, they can quickly get you a replacement.

Totem Polar
04-22-2022, 01:34 PM
"imbedded RMA,"

:D :D

04-22-2022, 08:22 PM
What is plausible, is someone confused "trackable EMF" with "imbedded RMA," so when your Holosun breaks, they can quickly get you a replacement.

I read that as 'embedded RNA.' The Hololsun not only emits trackable EMF but it can also modify your DNA.

04-22-2022, 09:17 PM
Not gonna lie; if Holosun could give us the Replay feature, I’d look past the country of origin thing...


04-22-2022, 09:24 PM
The original email (name changed)

Hey Randy, someone just sent me the video of gabe talking about holosun vs trijicon. They are talking about it on some forums. . They are saying he'll have to throw away his take out china shirt. A lot of people seem to be upset with him because it's supporting the country that put us in this mess in this country. There are also people doing testing on them emitting an EMF signal that is trackable

But they don't know at what distance. It's done the same way they were able to infiltrate our market with baofeng radios. They wanted all the gun owners and prepper type people to buy their products because then they could be located. They are saying holosun does the same thing. All the gun owners are buying them because they are cheaper than trijicon. They plan to take the market then raise prices.

I have trijicon and holosun. Personally I like trijicon better. Holosun has more options but things like broken battery doors are already turning up. He mentions trijicon patented shape. It survives some pretty tough blows. That's why they do it. And so far none of the holosun have survived the same concrete drop tests. The red dot works, but the lens is a cracked.

I think there biggest beef is they want people to keep the money here. If they are emitting a signal, and it appears they are, that's a big problem for gun owners with an ATF that is heavily supported by a Chinese puppet Biden. Who knows maybe it's a conspiracy theory. I mean after all it's not like they released a bio weapon that all of the Chinese in America were exempt from taking.

Just tell Gabe they probably will give him a hard time about it. I hope he looks into it a bit more, because his opinion Carry's weight. If they do emit a signal that would put little trackers on lots of guns

Thanks man , hope all is well


Anybody hear anything about this? It sounds farfetched but I will not put anything past the Chinese at this point and am reluctant to buy or use anything made there for many reasons.

This is from the same Gabe Suarez who was convicted of fraud in regards to psychiatric related law enforcement pension and talks about how he was on his way to commit an active shooter attack when God stopped him?

If he said the sky was blue so would consider it suspect..

Lester Polfus
04-22-2022, 09:49 PM
This is from the same Gabe Suarez who was convicted of fraud in regards to psychiatric related law enforcement pension and talks about how he was on his way to commit an active shooter attack when God stopped him?

Suarez also has a long history of talking up the products he is selling at the moment and trashing competing products.

#1 on my list of “Firearms Trainers Most Likely To Die In A Standoff With Police.”

04-22-2022, 10:41 PM
This is from the same Gabe Suarez who was convicted of fraud in regards to psychiatric related law enforcement pension and talks about how he was on his way to commit an active shooter attack when God stopped him?

If he said the sky was blue so would consider it suspect..

Yes, that Gabe Suarez.

04-22-2022, 10:58 PM
Well, I didn’t expect to see “Chinese trackable EMF to help the ATF and their Chinese puppet, Biden” posted in the red dot forum, but considering how eat up the gun community is nowadays with idiotic conspiracy theories, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

I’m not an engineer, but just L-O-Fucking-L at thinking the Chinese government (or Holosun… or ATF?) has the time, spare resources, or interest in tracking us randoms on our midnight milk runs.

04-22-2022, 11:03 PM
Well, I didn’t expect to see “Chinese trackable EMF to help the ATF and their Chinese puppet, Biden” posted in the red dot forum, but considering how eat up the gun community is nowadays with idiotic conspiracy theories, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

I’m not an engineer, but just L-O-Fucking-L at thinking the Chinese government (or Holosun… or ATF?) has the time, spare resources, or interest in tracking us randoms on our midnight milk runs.


04-23-2022, 12:09 AM
The first step to a Great Awakening is recognition of the DEEP power of symbols. Follow the breadcrumbs.


A TEMPEST (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempest_(codename)) is coming that will separate RED from BLACK. EMF is your friend. Only The Cabal can afford expensive red dots. Trust the plan.


The Eye of Horus represents regeneration, healing, and PROTECTION. The Storm is coming. WWG1WGA


Trust The Eye. Enjoy the show.
LOL too easy. Man I should do this for a living. Literally limitless subject matter. ;) It's like great comedy. Usually some ironic facts or partial truths (the hook) with a bunch of ridiculous bullshit sprinkled on top. This wasn't directed at anyone, just a hilarious idea that popped into mind. In all seriousness, when things sound too fantastical, they often are and the truth is far more mundane. We should never entertain such foolishness as it only makes us look like fools.

04-23-2022, 12:13 AM
This is from the same Gabe Suarez who was convicted of fraud in regards to psychiatric related law enforcement pension and talks about how he was on his way to commit an active shooter attack when God stopped him?

If he said the sky was blue so would consider it suspect..

I guess you didn't click the link - the tinfoil post is an email he received, in his own post he shits on the tinfoil from great height.

04-23-2022, 12:26 AM
am reluctant to buy or use anything made there for many reasons.

Where's your phone/tablet/PC made?

Just curious...

04-23-2022, 05:18 AM
Not gonna lie; if Holosun could give us the Replay feature, I’d look past the country of origin thing...

Great movie, can watch it over and over again. It's so deliciously ridiculous.


04-23-2022, 07:32 AM
I guess you didn't click the link - the tinfoil post is an email he received, in his own post he shits on the tinfoil from great height.

I don’t need to click the link. Not concerned with the poster. Suarez on the other hand, has a history of BS like this, usually followed by him hawking a similar / alternative product to his cult followers.

04-23-2022, 07:36 AM
Is there a way to connect the EMF from my Holosun to the Covid vax 5G in my bloodstream? If I can get that shit hooked up, I'm going to make Gabe White look like he's in slow motion.

04-23-2022, 08:45 AM
Problem solved; problem staying solved:


I'd like to see those characters get an RF signal through that.

And as a bonus: My occluded MRDS sight picture training has improved as well. :cool:

04-23-2022, 08:50 AM
Problem solved; problem staying solved:


I'd like to see those characters get an RF signal through that.

And as a bonus: My occluded MRDS sight picture training has improved as well. :cool:

Patent applied for? You need to be quick, it's out on the interwebz going viral NOW!

04-23-2022, 08:25 PM
Problem solved; problem staying solved:


I'd like to see those characters get an RF signal through that.

And as a bonus: My occluded MRDS sight picture training has improved as well. :cool:
Tell me you got Terminator/Riddick eyes without telling me you got Terminator/Riddick eyes.

04-24-2022, 03:40 AM
This is from the same Gabe Suarez who was convicted of fraud in regards to psychiatric related law enforcement pension and talks about how he was on his way to commit an active shooter attack when God stopped him?

If he said the sky was blue so would consider it suspect..
Be that as it may, I've seen him and his cadre popularize things well before most on occasion. I remember years ago. A decade or so, he was running rds on pistol and training 100 yard shots. Everyone else said it was dumb. No value except as marksmanship improvement. Parlor trick. Etc. What if the rds gets mud. Dumb. And here we are, today.

04-24-2022, 07:47 AM
Problem solved; problem staying solved:

I'd like to see those characters get an RF signal through that.

And as a bonus: My occluded MRDS sight picture training has improved as well. :cool:
Bonus points for being up to date on your Action Figure Therapy!!

(I dont know how to change the link to say something witty and be a hotlink)

04-24-2022, 08:01 AM
Be that as it may, I've seen him and his cadre popularize things well before most on occasion. I remember years ago. A decade or so, he was running rds on pistol and training 100 yard shots. Everyone else said it was dumb. No value except as marksmanship improvement. Parlor trick. Etc. What if the rds gets mud. Dumb. And here we are, today.

That was one thing out of how many ?

I was shooting a RDS equipped CZ in the late 90s - RDS pistols are not new. The introduction of the RMR in 2009 is what made it viable and practical.

04-24-2022, 07:58 PM
That was one thing out of how many ?

I was shooting a RDS equipped CZ in the late 90s - RDS pistols are not new. The introduction of the RMR in 2009 is what made it viable and practical.

Not new, but I sure remember the flack he caught for it. Now everyone is endorsing it. Mind you, I am not really in any "camp" regarding Suarez, but he did call this one.

04-24-2022, 08:24 PM
Not new, but I sure remember the flack he caught for it. Now everyone is endorsing it. Mind you, I am not really in any "camp" regarding Suarez, but he did call this one.

He may well have been an early adopter but if he was catching flack for it it’s because of the demographic he operated. This is the same demographic that decried optics on rifles, 5.56 rifles, 9mm pistols etc.

04-24-2022, 08:28 PM
Be that as it may, I've seen him and his cadre popularize things well before most on occasion. I remember years ago. A decade or so, he was running rds on pistol and training 100 yard shots. Everyone else said it was dumb. No value except as marksmanship improvement. Parlor trick. Etc. What if the rds gets mud. Dumb. And here we are, today.

I remember Vickers doing the same, over ten years ago. He wasn’t as loud as Suarez and didn’t make it out as “me against the world of instructors afraid to embrace technology, blah blah blah”, but I shot his RDS equipped Glock just the same.

04-24-2022, 08:30 PM
Well, I didn’t expect to see “Chinese trackable EMF to help the ATF and their Chinese puppet, Biden” posted in the red dot forum, but considering how eat up the gun community is nowadays with idiotic conspiracy theories, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

I’m not an engineer, but just L-O-Fucking-L at thinking the Chinese government (or Holosun… or ATF?) has the time, spare resources, or interest in tracking us randoms on our midnight milk runs.

You do see the gun community here laughing at this, right? In fact, I’d surprised if anyone outside of certain small circles in the gun community didn’t laugh at this, so please don’t generalize the gun community like that.

I mean, even Gabe Suarez thinks this is stupid, so saying the gun community believes this would be clearly not true.

04-24-2022, 08:34 PM
Moved to GD because obvious. I will clarify the OP a bit, too.

04-25-2022, 11:30 AM
Is there motive for the Chinese to put some kind of tracking widgetry into every weapon sight that leaves China? Absolutely.

Is there any practical way to integrate that sort of thing into something as small as a MRDS, let alone meaningfully detect/collect/act on so many data in anything resembling a useful way? Incredibly unlikely.

Is that tracking/detection/profiling/etc sort of goal much better met by infiltrating a device that transmits data all the time on multiple networks for a myriad of reasons from sharing pictures of cats, arguing with strangers, or searching various things & building a pretty specific profile on your interests/politics/etc? Like a smart phone? Better bet your ass.

The truly sad hilarity to me, is the idea of someone thumb-typing away on the concerns of Holosun sight EMF into an iPhone or iPad, without realizing that they're more likely 'outing' themselves that way, than via any EMF or possible tracking of a weapon sight.

04-25-2022, 11:33 AM
Besides, it would be more efficient to embed a battery independent transponder chip into the resin.

04-26-2022, 10:19 AM
But wait, what if the tracking device in the optic interfaces with the nanobot trackers in the COVID vaccines? Then maybe...