View Full Version : Man Arrested After Shot Fired in Dallas Walmart

08-19-2012, 09:47 PM
After the gun went off, the man panicked and tried to leave the store, police said. He was quickly apprehended.

Man Arrested After Shot Fired in Dallas Walmart
Man charged with evading arrest after gunfire
Tuesday, Jul 24, 2012 | Updated 7:57 PM CDT

Police were called to a Walmart in northeast Dallas after at least one shot was fired inside the store Monday night.
Dallas police said they arrested Todd Canady, 23, on a charge of evading arrest after he accidentally discharged a gun inside the store in the 9300 block of Forest Lane and then ran from an off-duty officer.
Canady, who has a concealed carry permit, had the .40-caliber semi-automatic gun near his wallet when it discharged.
A Walmart cashier said she heard a loud boom and then saw a bullet on the floor. She said the man did not appear to be pulling the weapon out or threatening anyone and that she only heard one gunshot.
"It was a pretty crazy experience," she said.
After the gun went off, the man panicked and tried to leave the store, police said. He was quickly apprehended.
Canady sustained a minor injury. Shrapnel from the bullet is believed to have struck two children and their mother, 27-year-old Cassie Schinto.
A Dallas police report said debris struck Schinto in the right ankle, causing pain and swelling. Debris was also believed to have struck her son's cheek and her daughter's shin. None of the injuries were serious and no one required hospitalization.
Tom Massewitz at Targetmaster in Garland said that fleeing the scene violates every ounce of training someone with a concealed handgun license would get.
"You're told, 'Anytime you have to use your weapon, you stay there and explain to the police. Go ahead and unload the weapon, make it safe, so that when police come because they're going to inspect it,'" he said. "That's just part of the conditions of being in a shooting situation."
Dallas police sources told NBC 5 that Canady was carrying a .40 caliber Springfield XD.
The handgun has two safeties -- one on the grip and another on the trigger.
"Both of those have to be depressed for it to be fired," Massewitz said.
Canady also told police he was carrying it in a holster, which gun experts say should have added another layer of safety.
"The primary purpose of a holster -- besides transporting a gun -- is to conceal the trigger," Massewitz said.
Massewitz also said the odds of a gun with two safeties and in a holster accidentally firing were "nearly impossible."
The investigation is ongoing. Officials have not definitively said if they will charge Canady with injury to a child.
Canady is being held on $1,000 bond.

NBC 5's Ellen Goldberg, Frank Heinz and Lindsay Wilcox contributed to this report.

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Jason F
08-20-2012, 06:16 AM
Something fishy here. If it's in the holster, then how is it going off with the trigger covered? Perhaps we had a drawstring of awesomeness type event (http://pistol-training.com/archives/7094)?

This just like the guy whose weapon "went off" in his pants when he leaned against a wall while waiting to order in McDonald's the other day. Or the guy whose weapon "went off" while in a movie theater late last week as well.

Maybe these stories are just blipping on the radar right now because of the recent Aurora & Texas A&M shootings so the media is slightly more tuned in? (But not tuned in enough to cover the shooting at the FRC in DC?)

08-20-2012, 08:59 AM
Something fishy here. If it's in the holster, then how is it going off with the trigger covered...


For people that are immature and have little self control, guns are like that big red button labeled “Do Not Push.” They just can’t keep their dick beaters off of it. Now give them a concealed carry permit and a few seconds of alone time when they think no one is observing them, like in a Wal-Mart isle or dark movie theater and...


If their gun & carry method is uncomfortable or unsecure, causing them to fiddle, fidget & readjust their pistol, they should rethink their hardware choices and carry method.

Dave J
08-20-2012, 10:50 AM
I can't help but wonder if some of these recent incidents stem from the Aurora, CO incident, in that perhaps some folks who had a CHL they didn't really use, are now starting to carry, with the inexperience and lack of training showing itself in a negative manner.

In other words, bubba finally got his heater out of the sock drawer, but hasn't yet realized he also needs a quality holster and a training class.

Sheep Have Wool
08-20-2012, 11:58 AM
I can't help but wonder if some of these recent incidents stem from the Aurora, CO incident, in that perhaps some folks who had a CHL they didn't really use, are now starting to carry, with the inexperience and lack of training showing itself in a negative manner.

In other words, bubba finally got his heater out of the sock drawer, but hasn't yet realized he also needs a quality holster and a training class.

This was cited as a prime motivator for a number of students in my recent CHL class. This class also had a large number of students that had absolutely no idea how to operate their handgun (What's the decocker? How do I load a "clip"?), much less produce quasi-accurate fire.

I suspect we'll see more of these in the coming months.