View Full Version : USPSA proposed changes to bylaws

12-30-2021, 11:15 PM
Most of you guys probably know about it already.

USPSA asked all their members for feedback on the proposed USPSA bylaw changes. If you’re a USPSA member, you can read the entire document (https://cdn.uspsa.media/Bylaws/Bylaws_Draft_17DEC2021.pdf) at this link. You can also contact your Area Director (https://uspsa.org/areas) via this link to voice your opinion.

12-31-2021, 04:29 PM
Just makes you want to send 'em a couple of grand doesn't it?

Perhaps they could use some of the money to expand their current rule book so it has more pages than "War & Peace".

Don't want to sound jaded or anything, but it makes me wonder if the folks that do this stuff sit around brainstorming creative ways to take the pleasure out of the sport. If so, they are very good at what they do.