View Full Version : Experience at the barbershop yesterday

08-17-2012, 04:21 PM
I'm at the barbershop yesterday getting a haircut. I'm watching the television and a commercial comes on about gun rights (registering guns, obama etc). The guy next to me starts talking to the barber about how it starts with registering then bans etc. He admits that he carries because there are crazies out there. Proceeds to pull his gun out while getting a haircut and shows the barber and others. :shaking head:

I'm thinking to myself 'really'? Was it necessary to show and tell.

I wish more gun owners were responsible and mature about owning and using firearms.


08-17-2012, 04:22 PM
For some gun owners, their gun is simply an extension of their penis. Hence why you hear about them "going off" all the time in the news. They're immature and can't keep their hands off of it.

A shame really.

08-17-2012, 08:10 PM
I've never seen someone pull a gun at a barber shop, but I once had an insurance agent whip out a Kel-Tec.

Insurance agent: "Do you have any risky hobbies? Skydiving, bullriding, free form jazz...stuff like that?"
TC: "'Fraid not. I'm a pretty boring guy, really. It's mainly just me sitting quietly with awesome hair. I guess the most dangerous thing I do is occasionally go to the shooting range."
Insurance agent: "Oh, you have guns! Cool!"
TC: "Yes, I own a gun. Occasionally I shoo..."
Insurance agent: "Here's my gun!"
TC...now looking down the business end of a .32 caliber KelTec: "....umm, yeah. That's a gun."

Funny part? When she went for her gun I started my draw stroke without conscious thought. She seemed rather puzzled as to why I almost dove under her desk. I didn't have the heart to tell her that as I saw her hand coming out of her purse with a gun in it all I could think was "GUN!!" and my well-rehearsed physical reaction to that stimulus kicked in.