View Full Version : If You Need A New 5 Blade Razor...

10-26-2021, 03:09 PM
...I have been very impressed this past week with this Solimo (Amazon brand) razor. Handle and 16 cartridges for $18 (https://www.amazon.com/Solimo-5-Blade-MotionSphere-Precision-Trimmer/dp/B07CZCQ481). Less than half the price of Gillette these days, and Dorco, (Korean brand), has changed their razors for the worse from the excellent ones I purchased on a special offer several years ago.

I'm not one to gush about a razor...but this one gives me a good clean shave without the usual irritation.

Even has a straight blade on the back of the cartridge if you need to get into a tight spot or to clean up your sideburns.


10-26-2021, 03:14 PM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier. blues, you of all people should be using a razor of quality.


10-26-2021, 03:15 PM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier.


Same. IIRC mine is a 34C. I have no intention of going back...

10-26-2021, 03:15 PM
I remember reading about the Merkur and some others which were highly touted some years back. Never got around to making the investment to find out.

I'm not all that invested in shaving...and I try to limit it to once a week if I have my druthers...but not always possible.

This Solimo razor will be just fine for my pedestrian needs if it holds up like this past week has demonstrated.

You guys are gonna make me sorry I brought it up.

10-26-2021, 03:18 PM

10-26-2021, 03:19 PM
I remember reading about the Merkur and some others which were highly touted some years back. Never got around to making the investment to find out.

I'm not all that invested in shaving...and I try to limit it to once a week if I have my druthers...but not always possible.

I don’t shave every day, and the single blade cuts through weeklong stubble so much better than multi-edge. One blade lasts me a year, for around the beard shaving.

Duces Tecum
10-26-2021, 03:34 PM
Concur with Blues. I get a month of smooth shaves out of one Solimo blade capsule. I stopped using Gillette upon the Lord of the Flies takeover, as memorialized in those woke ads. It took a while to find Solimo, but after using it I looked no further.

10-26-2021, 03:36 PM
Concur with Blues. I get a month of smooth shaves out of one Solimo blade capsule. I stopped using Gillette upon the Lord of the Flies takeover, as memorialized in those woke ads. It took a while to find Solimo, but after using it I looked no further.

Your toxic masculinity is showing! (I keep mine hidden AIWB.)


Duces Tecum
10-26-2021, 03:41 PM
Your toxic masculinity is showing! (I keep mine hidden AIWB.)


Hidden is indeed better. Why spoil the surprise? <Grin>

10-26-2021, 04:08 PM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier. @blues (https://pistol-forum.com/member.php?u=13538), you of all people should be using a razor of quality.

If you're gonna do it, you might as well go all the way:


Old school, made in the USA and if you geek out a little (and you're old enough), you can track down one from your birth year.

10-26-2021, 04:30 PM
Now I'm going to have to dig around for my 60's vintage injector razor I inherited from my father and used through college...:rolleyes:

10-26-2021, 04:58 PM
I have an old-school single-edge safety razor I inherited from my dad. But, the Merkur is functionally superior by far. It preloads the blade, so it is curved. And, the adjustment lets you tune it to suit your skin. Using the ultra-sharp Merkur or Feather blades in an heirloom razor would probably result in a bloodbath.

10-26-2021, 05:00 PM
I don’t shave every day, and the single blade cuts through weeklong stubble so much better than multi-edge. One blade lasts me a year, for around the beard shaving.

You said it! If taking down multiple days of growth, I reach for the safety razor LONG before I grab a cartridge razor. I can buy an expediency argument for using a cartridge razor for daily use... that drops off sharply after about 48 hours.

Erik, what brand/model is that?

10-26-2021, 05:11 PM
I remember reading about the Merkur and some others which were highly touted some years back. Never got around to making the investment to find out.

I'm not all that invested in shaving...and I try to limit it to once a week if I have my druthers...but not always possible.

This Solimo razor will be just fine for my pedestrian needs if it holds up like this past week has demonstrated.

You guys are gonna make me sorry I brought it up.

Don't be silly, I just placed my order. I figure that's a year's worth of shaves at every 3-4 days. Thanks!

10-26-2021, 05:19 PM
That's a Gillette Slim Adjustable ( https://gilletteadjustable.com/slim/ ). I use one all the time (with Feather blades, no less). I found mine on ebay when I decided to switch over - two actually since I got one for my shaving kit for travel. I haven't looked recently but at the time they were readily available at a reasonable price. I find I get just as good a shave, I like it better, it's more practical, it's less expensive and it's (don't roll your eyes too hard here) much more environmentally friendly. I'm never going to be one of those folks who has a 20 minute, tea ceremony equivalent shaving ritual, but between that and switching over to soap and a brush ages ago, I find that shaving is more pleasant and far less expensive.

10-26-2021, 05:27 PM
I don’t shave every day, and the single blade cuts through weeklong stubble so much better than multi-edge. One blade lasts me a year, for around the beard shaving.

Same. I shave every 3-4 days (mostly laziness, and being in construction nobody cares), and a safety razor cuts through it much better than the Mach 3 I used for years.

10-26-2021, 05:39 PM
I remember reading about the Merkur and some others which were highly touted some years back. Never got around to making the investment to find out.

I'm not all that invested in shaving...and I try to limit it to once a week if I have my druthers...but not always possible.

This Solimo razor will be just fine for my pedestrian needs if it holds up like this past week has demonstrated.

You guys are gonna make me sorry I brought it up.

I really don’t like shaving: its usually painful, and I usually bleed. My wife really doesn’t like getting beard hairs (wires) poking her face, or stubble burns.

I used to refuse to shave, at all, and trimmed my beard a couple of times a month. But she convinced me it’s nicer to shave for her. So I shave, usually a couple times/week.

Multi blade razors make the process less painful. Usually. If I’m gonna get fancy about it, I use a freshly stropped straight razor. Usually can’t be arsed, though.

I’m willing to experiment. If I have to. I guess.

10-26-2021, 05:46 PM
Three or four days is about perfect for the multi-blades for me. Longer stretches are less harmonious...although I will say my old Dorco razors did a great job, even with a week long growth.

Anyway, I'll probably keep to a schedule of every three days just so I don't scare the neighbors or the dog. (Actually, nobody really give's a rat's whether I do or don't.)

10-26-2021, 05:53 PM
(Actually, nobody really give's a rat's whether I do or don't.)

Unless they're boarding a plane with you...

My Ex, many moons ago when I FINALLY shaved for the first time after I got out of the Navy: "Oh, good. I didn't want to say anything but you were starting to look like someone who, if you got an an airplane with me, I'd want to get off."

10-26-2021, 05:57 PM
Unless they're boarding a plane with you...

My Ex, many moons ago when I FINALLY shaved for the first time after I got out of the Navy: "Oh, good. I didn't want to say anything but you were starting to look like someone who, if you got an an airplane with me, I'd want to get off."

I used to let it go sometimes on the job as it was a good prop for surveillance.

When I'd get tired of sitting in the vehicle while watching a location, I'd walk up to the residence of the individuals we were watching, several days unshaven, fly open with my shirt sticking out of the zipper, and ask them in the voice of someone appearing to be somewhat mentally defective...whether they wanted to buy magazine subscriptions to support some made up charity. (Sort of like Edward Norton in "The Score", years before Edward Norton or "The Score" were a thing.)

While the door was open I sized up the location as best I could until they finally told me they weren't interested in less than patient terms.

You have to find ways to amuse yourself in this life. :cool:

10-26-2021, 06:01 PM
If you're gonna do it, you might as well go all the way:


Old school, made in the USA and if you geek out a little (and you're old enough), you can track down one from your birth year.

Details for those of us not in the know? Thanks!

10-26-2021, 06:09 PM
Details for those of us not in the know? Thanks!

No problem. That's the link, etc. in post #15, a little way up.

ETA: Just because I happen to have gone this route doesn't mean it's for everyone. It just means it works for me. And sorry blues! I didn't intend to start a big thread drift. Those look like great blades at a great price and if I was still using that kind of razor you'd have done me a big favor posting that!

10-26-2021, 06:22 PM
How many remember the 60's when Gillette dominated the safety razor market? Those blades were maybe good for two days even when being challenged by adolescent beards. Along came Wilkinson from the UK with blades that lasted 10 days or more. Seems like a month later Gillette had somehow matched Wilkinson. Isn't competition a wonderful thing.

10-26-2021, 06:31 PM
No problem. That's the link, etc. in post #15, a little way up.

ETA: Just because I happen to have gone this route doesn't mean it's for everyone. It just means it works for me. And sorry blues! I didn't intend to start a big thread drift. Those look like great blades at a great price and if I was still using that kind of razor you'd have done me a big favor posting that!

No worries, brother. This is P-F after all. ;)

10-26-2021, 07:39 PM
Thanks Blues. Great price and I picked up to try. Appreciate the tip.

10-26-2021, 07:39 PM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier. @blues (https://pistol-forum.com/member.php?u=13538), you of all people should be using a razor of quality.


I have been using a gloss chrome Merkur Futur for the past fifteen years or so with great success. Last time I bought blades (Israeli Personnas and Crystals) I bought 400 at a cost of $0.0825 each. At one a week, I have only bought blades twice. Great shave at very little cost.

I used to shave with a straight razor but the double-edge blade is just too easy. No need to strop the blade and a lot less concern about slicing myself to ribbons.

10-26-2021, 09:52 PM
I suspect that the 5 Bladed Razors in question exceed the intersection of quality/performance/value/ease of use.

Another Rabbit Hole. Rant Follows:

12+ years ago, I stumbled across a couple of Schick Injector Razors at my mom's house. Bought some blades 7 blades for 7.00 ish made them far cheaper than the cartridge system I was using. 5 shaves per blade and I moved on.

Those injector razor experiences begat discovering the Badger and Blade Forum and buying a birth year Gillette razor and a package of double edged razors in a sample pack off of Amazon. (Sharpest=Feather, Most forgiving and still wicked sharp-Astra SPs.) Feather gets down to .40 a blade buying them in a 200 pack. AstrasSP are around .10 a blade.
I tend to use a those blade for 3-5 shaves.

Where the rabbit hole gets deep is all the soaps/shave creams, pre shave oils, after-shaves balms etc that are out there in the "wet" shaving community.

Fast forward to 2021. 90% of my shaves are with Harry's at 2.00 each per cartridge which I use 5x. While Harry's are a lot more than double edge razor blades, they are about 1/2 what a ProGlide Shield Gillette top of the line cartridge runs. I started shaving with Harry's about 3 years ago.

If I wash my face and:
1. Apply shave oil and let it set for 60+seconds
2. Apply plenty of shave cream
3. Shave 3 ways (Down/Up/Across Ear to Chin) with an injector or double edge razor, I get a DFS (Damn Fine Shave) and my cheeks are BBS (Baby Butt Smooth)

No matter how careful I prep and how steady I go, because the injector/double edged blades are so sharp, I can still get a weeper (minor cut) that can stain a white collared dress shirt.

Presuming the same prep and 3 way shave, Harry's gives me 90 % of the shave as the injector/double edge with commensurate reduction in weepers/cuts outcomes.
My son actually bought me a Dollar Shave Club Gift Card for Father's Day and I have had a similar experience with those as with Harry's.

I have tried a straight razor 1x and simply lack the intestinal fortitude. Risk/Reward. Odds/Stakes. Juice/Squeeze etc.

If you are going down the double edged razor route-buy quality on the razor. The go to brands for a first timer are Merkur (40-45ish German) and Edwin Jagger (30-35ish English). At those price points, they tend to be non adjustable.

Having said that, there is no school like the old school and you can get great vintage stuff for less than half. Gillette in particular has a coding system that makes it easy for you to get a razor in the year of your birth if you are of a certain age- born from 1951 to 2001. I.E. K1=1965, 1st quarter.

NOTE: The retro shave craze has Gillette selling a "King C. Gillette" branded razor. Made in China. Their "Heritage" model is worthy of consideration as the handle was turned in the USA and Cap/Guard are made in Germany.

EDITED TO ADD- Guns/knives/flashlights/watches/pens/fountain pens/razors--I suspect the Venn Diagram of folks interested in these things has a significant overlap.

10-27-2021, 02:05 AM
I have an old-school single-edge safety razor I inherited from my dad. But, the Merkur is functionally superior by far. It preloads the blade, so it is curved. And, the adjustment lets you tune it to suit your skin. Using the ultra-sharp Merkur or Feather blades in an heirloom razor would probably result in a bloodbath.

Pretty funny. If you dry the blades after cleaning when done, I have got a year out of a feather blade, in my grandfathers old safety razors. Heck even the newer ones are not bad. I ordered a new one for my boss/friend, after he spent around seven months down, from leg (artery/vein) surgery. I chose one that came with both combs, as the smooth comb is better IMHE, for often shaven, and the toothed comb, is designed to take the beard off, not all at once, but a bit at a time. (what he needed after 7 months down)
When he passed and I was asked to move in (pet and estate duties), I put it to work and am still on the first blade. I do use an electric on occasion (work alarm goes off and I need to go there), but it is no where as good.
I recently decided to switch to his old Bic's he used to have me pick up from Sam's, when I was getting stuff for work. I figure there is stuff I need to clean out of the medicine closet, so it can be a closet again. (longest I ever got out of one was 30 days and that was pushing it)

10-27-2021, 11:16 AM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier. @blues (https://pistol-forum.com/member.php?u=13538), you of all people should be using a razor of quality.


That's the same razor I use. No more razor burn or ingrown hairs and blades cost next to nothing. A hell of a lot faster than a straight razor too. Lots of upside, very little downside.

10-27-2021, 02:15 PM
I started using Gilette Sensor/Sensor Excel in high school. Went to Mach 3 when the Sensor was discontinued. Then around 2005-2007 or so, I bought a new pack of blades, and they had the same bad effects on my skin as the old blade I was replacing. Tried a couple from that pack, all the same. Brand new blades working like old, dull ones. Bought another new pack, thinking that must just be a bad batch. Same thing.

So I went to the store and started looking at labels. Gillette and almost everything else was made in China.

Schick Quattro blades were and are made in Germany. I bought a Quattro and have been shaving with German steel ever since.

10-27-2021, 02:18 PM
According to the Amazon site...the Solimo razor's steel is sourced from Japan and Sweden and fabricated in the U.S.

(FWIW. Good and bad quality can be found in many locales.)

10-27-2021, 03:27 PM
Ordered the thing yesterday and its here already. I hate shaving, though, so the test drive can wait.

10-27-2021, 03:31 PM
I bought a Harry's set about 6 months ago, it came with 12 inserts IIRC. I'm still on the thread insert, and it has been the best razor I have used.

Hot Sauce
10-27-2021, 05:19 PM
Razors? I thought this was a forum for Operators.

10-27-2021, 05:29 PM
Razors? I thought this was a forum for Operators.

Operators maintain their equipment, including their beards. :cool:

10-27-2021, 05:31 PM
Operators maintain their equipment, including their beards. :cool:

Operators maintain their equpment, including their beards beer. :cool:

10-28-2021, 08:44 PM
According to the Amazon site...the Solimo razor's steel is sourced from Japan and Sweden and fabricated in the U.S.

(FWIW. Good and bad quality can be found in many locales.)

Blues...Thanks for posting this. Wanted to let you know, my Amazon package arrived today and despite tomorrow being Friday, and almost making it another week without a shave (lazy), I wanted to test this razor on a week plus of growth. No issues with the growth (usually pulls/painful/etc so I cut off first run with electric clippers...not so this time) and closest shave I recall from a very inexpensive razor. My new go to.

I entertain thoughts of the fancy stuff, but this checks all the boxes at non-fancy prices which I like. Now I need to see how many shaves a blade can deliver, but so far I am very favorably impressed. Thanks for the PSA on this!

10-28-2021, 08:53 PM
Very welcome, Willard. Glad to have been able to help. :cool:

spyderco monkey
10-29-2021, 06:57 AM
I've been using the Henson AL13 the last year. CNC'd very nicely in Canada.

The design is to be as gentle and idiot proof as possible, while still giving a close shave. Its about as close as it gets to the ergonomics / ease of use of a Mach 3 but in a DE razor.

I've been really enjoying it. I placed a bit of orange duct tape on mine to denote 'edge 2' vs edge 1. I get 2x shaves with edge 1, then 2x shaves with the tape side. So a total of 4x perfect shaves per $0.10 razor blade. At this point I'm spending more on shaving cream then razor blades. :cool:


Lex Luthier
10-29-2021, 10:15 AM
Thanks from me too, blues.

I've recently gone from




So a good razor is key!

10-29-2021, 10:18 AM
Lex Luthier

That was quite a metamorphosis from one "before" to the other...you are quite the chameleon. ;)

10-29-2021, 10:32 AM
I used to use Gilette five blades, but the cost was ridiculous, even from Costco. I'd run a cartrifge for a couple of months between changes. I'm not much on the whole boycott thing, but their superbowl haterade party cost them my, up to that point, lifetime business. Bought a Merkur 34 and a 50 pack of feather blades the next day. Best I've ever had. I still haven't gone through all the blades. I just use them until they quit cutting. Way cheaper. I'd previously made the switch to brush and soap because if the price of the canned stuff. Soap bars last for months. It works for me.

10-29-2021, 11:03 AM
I bought a Harry's set about 6 months ago, it came with 12 inserts IIRC. I'm still on the thread insert, and it has been the best razor I have used.

I just finished the last cartridge on.a Harry's my wife bought me at some discount place. Based on my first shave with this new Amazon razor, I think you'd find them comparable. The Harry's feels a little more solid in the hand, but the shave is seems the same.

10-29-2021, 11:22 AM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier. blues, you of all people should be using a razor of quality.


Everything old is new again. I learned to shave with one of these.

https://i.ibb.co/PmCBHyp/safety-razor.jpg (https://ibb.co/w06DmqH)

10-29-2021, 12:26 PM
I probably need to shave every 3 days because the stubble is irritating and my wife complains about it. Blade razors don't feel too great on stubble. I've started running an electric trimmer through the stubble before I put a blade razor on it.

Safety Razor is an oxymoron. I bleed easily.

Lex Luthier
06-14-2022, 01:16 PM
Just popping back here to say blues was right, and the amazon razor setup in the original post is well worth the time if you like this sort of blade. They are the best of the disposable cartridge razors I have used so far -and I've been shaving for 40 years this year. I am finding that with proper care and drying between use that the blades keep their sharpness a surprisingly long time. Fresh ones work on scalps, too, if you do the evil genius thing like I do.

06-14-2022, 01:26 PM
Just popping back here to say blues was right, and the amazon razor setup in the original post is well worth the time if you like this sort of blade. They are the best of the disposable cartridge razors I have used so far -and I've been shaving for 40 years this year. I am finding that with proper care and drying between use that the blades keep their sharpness a surprisingly long time. Fresh ones work on scalps, too, if you do the evil genius thing like I do.

Memorializing this moment for future generations...


06-14-2022, 01:32 PM
Great that you found something that works for you. Buy a ton and put them up on the shelf.

As Dollar Shave Club continues to work for me giving me even a better shave that Harry's, I am divesting myself of Harry's and going all in on Dollar Shave Club.

One less thing to worry about etc.

06-14-2022, 01:33 PM
Just popping back here to say @blues (https://pistol-forum.com/member.php?u=13538) was right, and the amazon razor setup in the original post is well worth the time if you like this sort of blade. They are the best of the disposable cartridge razors I have used so far -and I've been shaving for 40 years this year. I am finding that with proper care and drying between use that the blades keep their sharpness a surprisingly long time. Fresh ones work on scalps, too, if you do the evil genius thing like I do.

What Lex said, using the same razor with great results.

06-14-2022, 02:05 PM
I’m going to have to join the cool kids club when my dollar shave club razors die.

I also left Gillette.

What a silly mistake to make for a razor company.

That’d be like a women’s linen company going “you know what… somebody needs to take these women off their high horse”.



And their value continues to decline apparently.

El Cid
06-14-2022, 03:39 PM
I really don’t like shaving: its usually painful, and I usually bleed. My wife really doesn’t like getting beard hairs (wires) poking her face, or stubble burns.

I used to refuse to shave, at all, and trimmed my beard a couple of times a month. But she convinced me it’s nicer to shave for her. So I shave, usually a couple times/week.

Multi blade razors make the process less painful. Usually. If I’m gonna get fancy about it, I use a freshly stropped straight razor. Usually can’t be arsed, though.

I’m willing to experiment. If I have to. I guess.

I realize this is an old post, but someone else revived the thread. lol!

I've always had sensitive skin. What I've found works is:
1) Electric Razor (I use a Braun)
2) Hot shower
3) Multi-blade razor (mach 3 turbo the last several years)
4) Lush Shave cream (or in a pinch Noxzema)

06-14-2022, 07:52 PM
I switched from multi blade razors about 10 years ago, and am way happier. blues, you of all people should be using a razor of quality.


I just started back with DE blade razors. The Futur is about the best adjustable. Derby or Feather blades.

06-14-2022, 07:58 PM
blues was right. I'm still using this razor. i refuse to use Gillette after their woeness, and honestly, I think this is better. I won't buy woke, so as long as this company stays quiet, that's my brand. Thanks Blues.

06-14-2022, 08:11 PM
blues was right. I'm still using this razor. i refuse to use Gillette after their woeness, and honestly, I think this is better. I won't buy woke, so as long as this company stays quiet, that's my brand. Thanks Blues.

You're welcome.

They even unconditionally guarantee money back for a year for any reason. Hard to beat that.

06-17-2022, 04:41 PM
Just tried the Solimo. Much better shaving experience than Harry's and the blade/handle interface is robust. My Harry's routinely disassemble themselves during cleaning.

06-17-2022, 04:59 PM
Just tried the Solimo. Much better shaving experience than Harry's and the blade/handle interface is robust. My Harry's routinely disassemble themselves during cleaning.

Easy as Pi.

06-17-2022, 08:33 PM

Uncouth ruffians, the lot of you.

I regret not seeing this thread when it originated. I was fighting C19 in the hospital.


06-17-2022, 09:44 PM
I mean I got a safety razor at Target and it has been far better than any cartridge razor I've used.

Probably need to look into a better quality one with better blades tho.

Or a straight razor.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

06-18-2022, 08:15 AM

Uncouth ruffians, the lot of you.

I regret not seeing this thread when it originated. I was fighting C19 in the hospital.



Don't get all highfalutin' on us, Buster...we know the real reason is that those are examples of the latest technology to make it down to Alabama. ;)

(Disclaimer: lwt16 and I were are friends.)

06-18-2022, 02:22 PM
We got indoor plumbing too!

Those Feathers are about 60.00 for 200

200 weeks of shaves for 60 bucks.

Ammo gets bought with the savings.

06-18-2022, 02:25 PM
We got indoor plumbing too!

Those Feathers are about 60.00 for 200

200 weeks of shaves for 60 bucks.

Ammo gets bought with the savings.

I usually only shave once a week. (I'm lazy...and I don't have to go to work.)

I think I'm still on the second cartridge. I think you could buy a rifle to go with that ammo with my deal. LOL.

06-19-2022, 07:25 AM
I'm still using a twin blade Gillette Atra razor that's probably 35 years old, which with a metal handle, was somewhat of an oddity in the Gillette cartridge razor line-up as all the others use a plastic handle. I prefer the compactness of the twin blade design as I find it easier to maneuver than the 5 blade razors. However, the Atra cartridges are getting harder to find in the grocery/drug stores, so I may forced into one of these other multi-blade designs.

I have Mach 3, and Fusion razors in the house, and have used them in the past, in the event the Atra's go away. I find it interesting, at least at my local stores, the Trac II cartridges are easier to find than the Atra cartridges, as the Trac II pre-dates the Atra. Unfortunately, against my normal pack-rat mentality, the Trac II handle was one of the few things I didn't save. I'm going to miss them if the twin blade cartridges go away.

I shave every day and expect to get a month of use out of every cartridge.

06-19-2022, 08:28 AM
Non pivoting twin blade heads are often the favorite "travel razors" for folks in the "wet shaving" community as traveling by air with an injector/straight/2 edged safety razor can be problematic. FWIW.

Trac II handle leads



06-19-2022, 08:57 AM
I miss the old days when Gillette was the only brand I'd use, from my teens up until just a few years ago. (I didn't like the old Schick razors I'd inherited from my father.)

Alas, Gillette will never see another nickel of my money...unless something major should change in the future.

06-19-2022, 01:07 PM
I've been using the Henson AL13 the last year. CNC'd very nicely in Canada.

The design is to be as gentle and idiot proof as possible, while still giving a close shave. Its about as close as it gets to the ergonomics / ease of use of a Mach 3 but in a DE razor.

I've been really enjoying it. I placed a bit of orange duct tape on mine to denote 'edge 2' vs edge 1. I get 2x shaves with edge 1, then 2x shaves with the tape side. So a total of 4x perfect shaves per $0.10 razor blade. At this point I'm spending more on shaving cream then razor blades. :cool:

My experience exactly. Henson was much better than Merkur for me. About to try Harry’s thanks to vcdgrips generosity.

spyderco monkey
06-21-2022, 07:04 AM
My experience exactly. Henson was much better than Merkur for me. About to try Harry’s thanks to vcdgrips generosity.

Awesome, glad you like the Henson.

I'm still using mine every other day, and its proved one of the best purchases I've made for myself in years.

I use Porasso shaving cream and aftershave (a nicely scented alcohol version), and its provided a cheap, smooth, satisfying shave .

06-21-2022, 10:28 AM
If I was going to dabble back in the world of double edge bladed safety razor shaving, Henson is most intriguing based or reviews, origin story, apparent built quality etc.

I do have one last razor- a Schick Krona-Universally considered one of the most "mild" razors out there and an excellent vintage gateway to the world for under 20ish shipped via Ebay.

For Example:

06-21-2022, 07:26 PM
If anyone is in need of a 100-pack er, 95-pack of Feather blades (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0030197GE?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details), message me. You cover shipping and they're yours. I picked up a Merkur and immediately decided I do not have the patience to learn to use this thing without creating a bloodbath.

06-22-2022, 09:02 PM
If anyone is in need of a 100-pack er, 95-pack of Feather blades (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0030197GE?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details), message me. You cover shipping and they're yours. I picked up a Merkur and immediately decided I do not have the patience to learn to use this thing without creating a bloodbath.
Annnnnd gone.