View Full Version : FGC-9 Creator JStark Passes Away Following Police Raid

10-12-2021, 06:27 PM

FGC-9 Creator JStark Passes Away Following Police Raid

It is our unfortunate duty to report that the creator of the FGC-9 3D-printed gun has passed away this last week following a police raid on his home by German police. Known only as JStark, many consider him to be the father of 3D firearms printing and a hero in the 3D printing community. JStark does speak fluent English (although it has a slight accent) and this helped him communicate with 3D printers stateside to spread his ideas and files to all who were interested. His death was reported on October 9th via Der Spiegel (a German news magazine).

The raid on JStarks home was sparked by a confidential report by the German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (it is not clear how this “confidential report” made its way into Spiegel’s hands) showed that German authorities received a message from England last December regarding “a man in Germany who is maybe manufacturing and spreading 3d printed firearms.” Investigators tracked down 28-year old Jacob D. where a special commando team raided his flat and searched the entire place. The search turned up nothing illegal nor were any firearms found at his apartment.

Just two days after the raid, relatives found Jacob’s body dead in front of a car parked at his parent’s flat in Hannover. According to German authorities, this was not a suicide or a murder but JStark had passed away from a heart attack. According to investigators, Jacob died from natural causes “without any doubt.” According to one investigator, Jacob/Jstark apparently had a previous medical condition relating to his heart that he has had since birth and perhaps “maybe the excitement was too much.”

Unsurprisingly in certain corners of the Internet this is turning into the next big conspiracy theory.

10-12-2021, 06:28 PM
For those wondering who JStark was:

https://youtu.be/jlB2QV5wVxg it

10-12-2021, 06:39 PM
It's the "without any doubt" bit that totally sells the "died of natural causes".

10-13-2021, 08:01 AM
That’s a shame. The FGC-9 concept is pretty cool. I truly do hope that the proliferation of 3D printer technology helps kill off gun control once and for all.

10-13-2021, 08:19 AM
*Not* Arkancide.

10-13-2021, 10:17 AM
"His heart stopped. "

Slogan of police states everywhere.

10-13-2021, 11:24 AM
Did his dog have a heart attack also?

10-13-2021, 01:23 PM
It's the "without any doubt" bit that totally sells the "died of natural causes".

Surely you're not suggesting that the Germans of all people would whack a dude then fabricate a cause of death about him. I'm pretty sure the Germans have no institutional history of murdering undesirables and covering it up.