View Full Version : Snub Gun Study Group - Fall Issue 2021, free to download, .pdf is 26 MB

09-28-2021, 08:20 PM
The Fall 2021 Edition of SG2 was posted to the web site today.

Free download for anyone interested. The .pdf file is 26 MB so it might take some time to download, but the wait is well worth it.



09-28-2021, 08:30 PM
The Fall 2021 Edition of SG2 was posted to the web site today.

Free download for anyone interested. The .pdf file is 26 MB so it might take some time to download, but the wait is well worth it.



Thank you so much for sharing this here!
There's 600 MB of assets in the original InDesign document so we were lucky it compresses down to 26 MB without any noticeable difference :)

09-28-2021, 08:54 PM
Thank you, gents. Much appreciated by us snub fans.

09-29-2021, 07:35 PM
Very nice “little” publication. Glad I stumbled across it. Very recently reintroducing myself to revolvers, through an unexpected/unlikely acquisition. Bought an old (but hardly fired) Taurus 85. Hadn’t fired a snubby for over a decade after trading off a S&W 442.

I have never been a fan of Taurus, but do remember firing 85s that belonged to gun range friends and thinking they were alright. Had an opportunity come up to buy this one at a price I couldn’t decline. Shot it and found a couple of things. 1) The mid ‘90s 85 was better than I remembered, and 2) I need work in getting my snub gun skills back up to par. Don’t have much in the way of ammo but do have some reloading components.

So, some of the load data may prove useful.

The little Taurus also sparked an interest in getting some other revolvers back in the collection, to include another snubby or two.

At any rate, this additional reading material is very timely and helpful.

09-30-2021, 10:58 AM
Subscribe and get it sent to your inbox.

Disclaimer: I have no stake of any sort in the publication. Just a happy reader.

SCCY Marshal
10-07-2021, 01:03 AM
Got around to mirroring the autumn issue. Link to folder with all SG2 material:


If you are unfortunate enough to need use of my server, hit the link and go have a beer or something. It might be loaded by the time you get back to the computer.

SCCY Marshal
10-07-2021, 10:53 AM
Two more things:

1) Failed to pull and RSS feed but noticed beautifully simple HTML when poking in the source to look.

2) Submitted the homepage to wiby.me (https://wiby.me/) so it will be indexed by another search engine. This one for traditional and simple HTML sites. I think only one guy runs it so make take a bit to be added

While the SG2 crew seems to be encouraging diversified distribution, and chance of putting out an RSS link of the Downloads page for people using such things?

Cecil Burch
10-07-2021, 11:35 AM
Very cool. I really dig the idea of the publication. Obviously a labor of love.

10-07-2021, 11:39 AM
Very cool. I really dig the idea of the publication. Obviously a labor of love.

A rare example of when being "snubbed" is a good thing.

10-07-2021, 09:49 PM
Two more things:

1) Failed to pull and RSS feed but noticed beautifully simple HTML when poking in the source to look.

2) Submitted the homepage to wiby.me (https://wiby.me/) so it will be indexed by another search engine. This one for traditional and simple HTML sites. I think only one guy runs it so make take a bit to be added

While the SG2 crew seems to be encouraging diversified distribution, and chance of putting out an RSS link of the Downloads page for people using such things?

Thanks for mirroring the files, I always appreciate that.
I'm happy to add an RSS link but I have no idea how to do that, can you please advise?

10-07-2021, 09:50 PM
Very cool. I really dig the idea of the publication. Obviously a labor of love.

You are correct!! We are all volunteers and we just enjoy doing this sort of thing :)

SCCY Marshal
10-08-2021, 12:18 AM
Thanks for mirroring the files, I always appreciate that.
I'm happy to add an RSS link but I have no idea how to do that, can you please advise?

Not the best guy to ask as I've only personally dealt with finding and pulling the auto-generated ones from Wordpress and the like. This quick tutorial seems accurate for your case, though:


By the way, you're officialy indexed on wiby.me and I checked functionality of your site in a text browser for fun.

SCCY Marshal
10-08-2021, 10:04 AM
While looking into seeding torrents, archiving on archive.org, and some other options, I noticed someone going by nickwalker703 has already uploaded The Snubby Chronicle and the spring 2021 pamphlet to archive.org:

(torrent magnet link - https://archive.org/download/the-snubby-chronicles/the-snubby-chronicles_archive.torrent)

(torrent magnet link - https://archive.org/download/sg-2-spring-2021/sg-2-spring-2021_archive.torrent)

If anybody here is interested in helping out with distribution, they should torrent the files to download and the leave the file seeding in their open client. And someone with an account at archive.org should upload the rest of the publications.

For anyone curious why I'm pushing diversification of sources, simplicity of sites and file sharing tools, and downloading copies rather than just popping them open in a broswer to peruse ephemerally:


Particularly in the revolver subforum, we are experiencing massive brain drain. Resources are scattered, have varying degrees of current print or digitization, subject matter experts are aging out while no new ones are really being trained. Websites are going down. As an example, Steven Camp (syndicated in the SG2 spring edition) died about a decade ago. I do not know who is paying to host his site but they may well stop at any time. His site, hipowersandhandguns.com, is a relatively straightforward HTML affair but with enough photos to create a management issue to continue hosting. It would be very lightweight to clone the site and host elsewhere, archive, convert to .pdf, turn .pdfs into torrents, and so-on. We can do a lot to keep this material alive if we put in some effort to keep sites simple and lightweight to browse on choked phone data plans, keep costs down and simplicity up for younger folks to adopt and maintain, and have enough saved files floating around to keep at least a surviving copy somewhere.

10-08-2021, 10:24 AM
While looking into seeding torrents, archiving on archive.org, and some other options, I noticed someone going by nickwalker703 has already uploaded The Snubby Chronicle and the spring 2021 pamphlet to archive.org:

(torrent magnet link - https://archive.org/download/the-snubby-chronicles/the-snubby-chronicles_archive.torrent)

(torrent magnet link - https://archive.org/download/sg-2-spring-2021/sg-2-spring-2021_archive.torrent)

If anybody here is interested in helping out with distribution, they should torrent the files to download and the leave the file seeding in their open client. And someone with an account at archive.org should upload the rest of the publications.

Thanks for the RSS link I'll give that a shot.
I may need to change some things on my site though as that appears to be geared toward a blog where each item is a new post, versus just adding a new link to the Downloads page as I do.

And yeah, I'm the one who uploaded those to archive.org, need to put the others up too.

SCCY Marshal
10-08-2021, 10:35 AM
Yeah, RSS has always been a sketchy hackjob but it works and there is nothing else that fils the void without some social media mind control algorithm.

10-08-2021, 12:35 PM
While looking into seeding torrents, archiving on archive.org, and some other options, I noticed someone going by nickwalker703 has already uploaded The Snubby Chronicle and the spring 2021 pamphlet to archive.org:

(torrent magnet link - https://archive.org/download/the-snubby-chronicles/the-snubby-chronicles_archive.torrent)

(torrent magnet link - https://archive.org/download/sg-2-spring-2021/sg-2-spring-2021_archive.torrent)

If anybody here is interested in helping out with distribution, they should torrent the files to download and the leave the file seeding in their open client. And someone with an account at archive.org should upload the rest of the publications.

For anyone curious why I'm pushing diversification of sources, simplicity of sites and file sharing tools, and downloading copies rather than just popping them open in a broswer to peruse ephemerally:


Particularly in the revolver subforum, we are experiencing massive brain drain. Resources are scattered, have varying degrees of current print or digitization, subject matter experts are aging out while no new ones are really being trained. Websites are going down. As an example, Steven Camp (syndicated in the SG2 spring edition) died about a decade ago. I do not know who is paying to host his site but they may well stop at any time. His site, hipowersandhandguns.com, is a relatively straightforward HTML affair but with enough photos to create a management issue to continue hosting. It would be very lightweight to clone the site and host elsewhere, archive, convert to .pdf, turn .pdfs into torrents, and so-on. We can do a lot to keep this material alive if we put in some effort to keep sites simple and lightweight to browse on choked phone data plans, keep costs down and simplicity up for younger folks to adopt and maintain, and have enough saved files floating around to keep at least a surviving copy somewhere.

If you are concerned about the Stephen Camp site, I recommend that you contact his widow who has been authorizing publication of his work to discuss the situation.

SCCY Marshal
11-26-2021, 10:24 AM
...I'm happy to add an RSS link but I have no idea how to do that, can you please advise?

Went a bit stircrazy, today and made a half-legitimate one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">

<title>Snub Gun Study Group</title>
<description>Snub Reolver Perodicals</description>

<title>Fall 2021</title>
<pubDate>Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:20:00 GMT</pubDate>
<description>Fall Periodical - 2021</description>

<title>Summer 2021</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:15:12 GMT</pubDate>
<description>Summer Periodical - 2021</description>

<title>Spring 2021</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:10:45 GMT</pubDate>
<description>Premiere Issue - Spring 2021</description>

<title>The Snubby Chronicles</title>
<pubDate>Thur, 26 Aug 2020 15:10:45 GMT</pubDate>
<description>Our First Book - An Anthology</description>


Easier to read as my text editor auto-indented for me:


I tested the .xml file pathway as a local feed link in my Newsboat RSS reader and it worked. Each PDF is directly linked. The publication dates and times are fake and need correction. You would probably also want better descriptions, possily including a basic table-of-contents to entice people popping open the feed with more detail than a simple title and link. Then just save the document as a .xml file and link it on each of your pages for easy subscription.

When new items are published, you could save a text file as a template. Just fill it out and copy/paste the result into your RSS file above the previous item.

<title>*title here*</title>
<link>*link to .pdf</link>
<guid>*same link to .pdf*</guid>
<pubDate>*publication date</pubDate>
<description>*description here to appear in RSS readers*</description>

11-26-2021, 01:44 PM
I just found this, and am looking forward to reading the S&W 64 article.

Since the file management took a tangent, I was also going to mention that this PDF doesn't need to be 26mb. Depending on what Adobe product you are using it can be compressed very simply: