View Full Version : RFI: Overhead (Desk) Photo/Video

09-22-2021, 12:21 PM
I am in the process of making some tutorials for one of my classes that consist of assembling some basic components on a desk. Holding a phone with one hand and building everything with my other three hands isn't working very well, so I need some kit to help out and I'm curious if anyone here has suggestions.

I need some sort of rig to hold the camera (probably just a phone for the time being) and some basic lighting. Something like a Glide Gear overhead (https://glidegear.net/products/glide-gear-oh100-professional-metal-overhead-table-top-mount-stand-studio-video-camera-top-down-platform)rig looks like a good idea - the rig just needs to span a desk and can sit on the desk itself. I know people go to school to learn how to light things correctly and I'm clueless where to start on that side - it doesn't need to be premium lighting equipment, just something I can move around to try to minimize shadows and so forth.

Total budget is probably $500, but piecing together equipment over time is an option too. I am finding myself falling down every rabbit hole, so any tips are welcome.

09-22-2021, 01:02 PM
I've been using this thing for a year and am very happy with it.
I use it to hold a tablet while sitting in the living room chair, but, it could easily hold a smartphone or camera upside down.
Also, since it's not mounted on the table/work surface, it would be less prone to shaking during your work.
