View Full Version : Cringeworthy?

09-13-2021, 02:25 PM

09-13-2021, 02:29 PM
By modern standards, absolutely.

I've booted field-grade Officers off of M9 ranges for similar poses and BS. It's a fucking weapon, not a camera prop for a neat fucking selfie.

Edit: Looking at the whole context, I'm grateful this guy is teaching new shooters - but he's doing them a grave disservice by allowing such poor muzzle discipline. I sincerely hope it becomes a lesson learned and a bad picture for them, and nothing more.

09-13-2021, 02:29 PM
<sarcasm> Never! A YouTube gun celeb would *never* be part of anything cringeworthy. </sarcasm>

09-13-2021, 04:02 PM
This is all over Instagram and I still don't know who that guy is.

09-13-2021, 04:11 PM
By modern standards, absolutely.

I've booted field-grade Officers off of M9 ranges for similar poses and BS. It's a fucking weapon, not a camera prop for a neat fucking selfie.

Edit: Looking at the whole context, I'm grateful this guy is teaching new shooters - but he's doing them a grave disservice by allowing such poor muzzle discipline. I sincerely hope it becomes a lesson learned and a bad picture for them, and nothing more.

JRB - agree in principal but I would seriously wonder about the quality/level of training the fellow offered? If cutie pie's pictures, showing such callous disregard for basic firearms safety, I would suspect the level of training to be commensurate with his picture taking - if he is a state licensed instructor, I would suggest the state have a retraining session with him and/or pull his ticket for such asshattery.

Clinton House Plantation is in my neck of the woods - I just sent them an email w/link suggesting since their name is included in the picture posting they may want to review the scope of this gentleman's activities while on their premises


09-13-2021, 04:11 PM
No idea who he is

09-13-2021, 04:27 PM
This is all over Instagram and I still don't know who that guy is.

No idea who he is

Dude that runs a gun review channel on youtube called "Sootch". Caters to the regular joe/low-information-voter type viewer.

09-13-2021, 04:47 PM
JRB - agree in principal but I would seriously wonder about the quality/level of training the fellow offered? If cutie pie's pictures, showing such callous disregard for basic firearms safety, I would suspect the level of training to be commensurate with his picture taking - if he is a state licensed instructor, I would suggest the state have a retraining session with him and/or pull his ticket for such asshattery.

Clinton House Plantation is in my neck of the woods - I just sent them an email w/link suggesting since their name is included in the picture posting they may want to review the scope of this gentleman's activities while on their premises

More new shooters are more new shooters, and that is a good thing. It'd be my emphatic preference that modern safety standards are held universally in all things. I'll uphold that standard as best I can within my lane, and encourage others to do so as well. But if the only new shooter training was happening to that same standard, we'd have a shitload less new shooters every year.

I'm not offering that or anything else as an excuse of any kind - but many of us were taught how to shoot in an era when there was a much more cavalier approach to trigger discipline and muzzle discipline. This picture wouldn't have been out of place or considered unsafe in any way when I first learned to shoot pistols. Again, that is no excuse in a modern era, but I do 'remember where I came from'.
I do see the current safety standards as an overwhelming improvement over that of days gone by, and I question the sanity (and skill level) of anyone who disagrees with that.
But also being truthful of the modern era, it's unlikely that you can visit a public range on any given Saturday and NOT witness similar handling/safety violations. Only in truly professional instruction or well-run club events will you see modern best practices and safety standards universally upheld.

As I said, I sincerely hope all of those students become passionate shooters that seek out properly qualified, safe, truly professional instruction sooner rather than later - and look back on this picture and cringe too.

09-13-2021, 05:08 PM
JRB - well said and I agree 100% A topic worthy of discussion over several drinks and cigars!

Part of my concern was a well respecting shooting facility being named with perhaps some liabilities if this fellow is not a safe/certified instructor. Unfortunately, as you know, many new shooters are unable to distinguish the quality of their instructors as they have no basis for comparison.

I suspect we both have trained under some great instructors and some that we would not recommend to referee a dog fight!

Cookie Monster
09-13-2021, 06:15 PM
Dude that runs a gun review channel on youtube called "Sootch". Caters to the regular joe/low-information-voter type viewer.

I've watched some his prepping videos just to make myself feel better about my self.

Definitely in the plenty of cash and small in experience realm.

09-13-2021, 06:17 PM
Dude that runs a gun review channel on youtube called "Sootch". Caters to the regular joe/low-information-voter type viewer.

I want to say he was a member here at one time, mostly to pimp his YT channel but hasn't been active in a while.

09-13-2021, 06:22 PM
He seems like a nice enough fella on his videos...

That said...

nope nope nope nope nope nope ...etc

09-13-2021, 08:31 PM
Sootch... uggg... Pretty big following on youtube, but then again, 81 million people (allegedly) voted for Biden so... I have actively avoided his content for a few years now.

Joe in PNG
09-13-2021, 08:34 PM
The demand for derp is almost limitless.

Paul D
09-13-2021, 08:45 PM
Is that Johnny Knoxville in the middle?

09-14-2021, 02:39 AM
Holy Hell.

Chica #3 is actually pointing said pistol under her own chin and Chica #5 is having a pistol pointed down on her person by back row ass-hat.

The FIRST, Last, and ONLY thing that is critical is that newbie perport themselves in a safe manner. As an instructor over the years, I have taught many, many people, and I would quit if I took a selfie of my "class" like this.

this "instructor" should vanish and never resurface.

09-14-2021, 07:42 AM
We have had requests for pictures on the range but in no way, shape, or form would we allow something like this.

Typically if we have enough coach to student ratio, one of us will take the pics and forward them to the group. Most pics are of actual firing and the photographer is well behind the firing line. Any "hey, look at what we did this weekend" group pics were at the end during the closing comments/debrief part. No guns are out of holsters/cases and none are loaded. Or at least that is how we used to do it before ammo doubled in price and now nobody wants to take classes.


Mark D
09-14-2021, 10:26 AM
This is the same moron who didn't understand height over bore until he shot his truck. He's an obnoxious idiot.


09-14-2021, 11:23 AM
He owned it. Yes it’s bad but he manned up and took responsibility.


09-14-2021, 11:25 AM
Well..."be of good cheer"...and all that.


09-14-2021, 11:56 AM
Wait, so it's "Sorry I posted the picture", not "I shouldn't have let this happen" ?

You went full derp. Never go full derp.

09-14-2021, 12:04 PM
He owned it. Yes it’s bad but he manned up and took responsibility.


Not sure I would agree he owned it correctly - he apologized for taking the picture of the poor gun handling - not for his irresponsibility in letting it take place - seems somewhere in the training one of the most basic rules was not stressed properly, if at all, to the students and the yuck it up picture only reinforces safety was not his priority. His latest post seems to have a rather cavalier attitude to the whole event and presented in a jocular manner - gun safety apparently isn't a serious issue for him.

09-14-2021, 01:09 PM
Is he sorry for letting it happen or posting it. Probably posting it.

He probably figured his students showed excellent trigger finger disciple while demonstrating the Soul position.

09-14-2021, 02:18 PM
That kind of derp is bound to happen when the "focus" is in selfies, pictures of happy faces, good times and self promoting, and not some boring other stuff like range safety, proper handling and shooting technique...

Even though I like myself very much, I can count with one hand my selfies posted on social media in one entire year, and the same with pictures of what I eat/drink or where I'm walking right now. I'm a dinosaur :D

09-14-2021, 02:49 PM
This is the same moron who didn't understand height over bore until he shot his truck. He's an obnoxious idiot.


I wish I had this video back in the day for explaining LOS/LOB.

09-14-2021, 03:19 PM
Not sure I would agree he owned it correctly - he apologized for taking the picture of the poor gun handling - not for his irresponsibility in letting it take place - seems somewhere in the training one of the most basic rules was not stressed properly, if at all, to the students and the yuck it up picture only reinforces safety was not his priority. His latest post seems to have a rather cavalier attitude to the whole event and presented in a jocular manner - gun safety apparently isn't a serious issue for him.

Unfortunately this is typical of this sort of thing with 'Gunternet' celebrities being called out for something stupid. They don't fully own it because a milquetoast apology will appease some/most of the annoyed folks without fully alienating their loyal idiot followers that saw nothing wrong in the first place.
Doing an apology half-assed looks specifically like manufactured appeasement to those who think "HE DID NUFFIN WRONG!" and the half-assed apology checks the block for the other not-so-annoyed folks, who can now say 'well he apologized!' and move on because it didn't bother them like it does us.

Let's face it, his money and his followers are in those categories so he followed that line accordingly.

09-16-2021, 03:32 AM
He's literally watching them fucking do that as he's taking the selfie... It's obvious that he approved of these actions, or at least saw nothing wrong with them.