View Full Version : Buy That Man a Beer!! (Maybe 2!)

08-02-2012, 10:04 AM

5 hits at 165 yards. Wow.

http://www.ncgunblog.com/2012/08/02/citizen-with-a-gun-saves-cops-life/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnNcGunBlog+%28An+NC+Gun+Blog %29

08-02-2012, 12:50 PM
I read that article but had a hard time believing the hits came that easy at that distance. WOW.

08-02-2012, 01:16 PM
Dang! I'll buy his beer all night! Glad he understands why he was momentarily detained. A lot of other folks woulda been all kinds of pissed. 165 yards is a lot but whether it is or isn't that far really is immaterial to me. What is important to me is that there are good folks out there that will help when they see a bad situation. He made a decision to stop a suspect that was about to kill some one. That decision saved at least one life and maybe more.

08-02-2012, 01:47 PM
Darn nice shooting, and appropriate action in the face of bad odds. I'm curious what kind of hunting experience the heroic gentleman had. Makes me want to get myself over to the local NRA silhouette shoot more often.

08-02-2012, 02:35 PM
But the interwebz told me most gunfights happen inside of 7 yards with only two shots fired?! Dam you interwebz! :p

Nice shooting.

08-02-2012, 02:38 PM
No sound at work, dangit.

Did it say if it was a .357Mag pistol or rifle?

08-02-2012, 04:51 PM
No sound at work, dangit.

Did it say if it was a .357Mag pistol or rifle?

I have the same question. But thus far it hasn't been answered.

I'm having my doubts about the 165 yards. It's awful easy to overestimate distance. I don't know how many "300 yard" prairie dogs I sniped in my younger years only to learn later they were well inside 200. :)

08-02-2012, 06:24 PM
One article claimed pistol, another claimed .357 mag. Sounds like maybe a hunting revolver.

08-02-2012, 06:52 PM
I'm having my doubts about the 165 yards. It's awful easy to overestimate distance. I don't know how many "300 yard" prairie dogs I sniped in my younger years only to learn later they were well inside 200. :)

Even if it was 16 yards that dude stepped up and did what was required (although I bet it was way outside of what the interweb tells us we need to practice at). Good job old man!

Al T.
08-02-2012, 07:09 PM
On another forum, a LEO in the area mentioned that the estimated distance was off. Cut hard ass's estimation in half (I say this in respect) and it was still impressive.

08-02-2012, 08:03 PM
Even if it was 16 yards that dude stepped up and did what was required (although I bet it was way outside of what the interweb tells us we need to practice at). Good job old man!

Absolutely!! I want in no way to demean or belittle his efforts in this case. Regardless of range, he performed magnificently IMHO.

08-02-2012, 08:04 PM
On another forum, a LEO in the area mentioned that the estimated distance was off. Cut hard ass's estimation in half (I say this in respect) and it was still impressive.


08-02-2012, 08:49 PM
Bless him for having the courage to intervene, and the skill to do so. I'm very glad the officer is making it home to his family.

And as an older Texan, this did make me chuckle a bit. ;)

08-03-2012, 01:37 PM
Good on him for stepping up. I also have to wonder if maybe it was 165 feet instead of yards, which would still be very impressive.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

08-07-2012, 03:59 AM
Wow, I bitch and moan anytime I have to shoot an IPSC target at 25.

Chuck Haggard
08-11-2012, 01:38 AM

Before suicide, Sikh temple gunman was felled by 'amazing shot'

MILWAUKEE -- The gunman who killed six people at a Sikh temple near here on Sunday may have died by his own hand, but only after he was wounded by a police officer's well-aimed shot.

Investigators credited an Oak Creek, Wis., police officer with shooting Wade Michael Page, 40, in the abdomen, seriously wounding Page before the gunman shot himself in the head.

"I've seen the video -- it was an amazing shot," Teresa Carlson, FBI special agent in charge of the Milwaukee division, said Wednesday at a briefing in reference to police camera footage of the shooting.

The officer was about 75 yards from Page when he fired his weapon, according to a shooting chronology included in autopsy reports released Wednesday. Carlson said that wound probably would have been fatal.
Citing the ongoing internal investigation into Page's shooting, investigators declined to identify the officer responsible for the shot and said that he would not be immediately available for comment.

But the Wisconsin Professional Police Assn., the Madison-based police union representing the officer during the department's investigation, identified him as Sam Lenda, a 32-year veteran of the Oak Creek Police Department.

Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards has described the officer who shot Page as a "tactical expert," and a union spokesman said Lenda was especially skilled with firearms.

"Not only is he experienced, he also serves as a firearms instructor at a local technical college," Jim Palmer, the union's executive director, told the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday.

According to autopsy reports for the six shooting victims, Page shot his first victims outside the temple and then proceeded inside; there, he shot and killed four people in various parts of the building. The reports were released Wednesday by the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office.

Oak Creek Police Lt. Brian Murphy, 51, another department veteran, was shot and seriously wounded as he attempted to help one of two victims outside the temple, where Page also died.

Page's autopsy report is being withheld at the request of prosecutors, medical examiner's staff said, and officials would not comment on what firearm was used to shoot him.

Murphy and two other shooting victims remained hospitalized in critical condition at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa, Wis., on Wednesday, a hospital spokeswoman said.

Friends and former students of Lenda at Milwaukee Area Technical College, or MATC, voiced their pride online Wednesday as news spread of his heroics.

"Lenda was my firearms instructor for the MATC police program. The most squared-away guy you could meet. All business. Mr. Lenda, you have done all of my fellow students proud by overcoming and stopping the threat. Thank you!," Adam Fredricksen wrote on Facebook.

Tim Talaska, a fellow instructor in the college's criminal justice/law enforcement division, said he spoke with Lenda briefly on Monday and told him he did a good job.

"He sounded good -- he had a good mental attitude," Talaska said, adding that Lenda confirmed he had fired the shot that wounded Page.

Talska said Lenda, who grew up in the South Milwaukee area and has been an instructor in basic SWAT and sniper training at the college for years, was a "very serious-minded instructor, very knowledgeable" with "extensive training in SWAT tactics and firearms."

Talsaska said he was not surprised that Lenda was able to hit Page from so far away, likely with a squad rifle, he said.

"That's a real manageable distance for somebody that's a trained shooter," Talaska said.

He said the more difficult call often is not whether to shoot a suspect, but how to shoot him or her -- using just enough deadly force to stop the person.

"It sounds like Sam did exactly that - he fired one shot and it put the man down; he certainly did not use excessive force," said Talaska, who retired as a South Milwaukee police officer after 27 years.

Palmer said he had spoken with Lenda since the shooting, and that the officer was humble about his quick thinking that day at the temple.

"Officer Lenda has made clear to us that he's not interested in being portrayed as a hero," Palmer said. "He simply considers himself someone who was doing his job, and he's confident his fellow officers would have acted the same way."

Al T.
08-11-2012, 05:17 AM
tpd, good thing Officer Lenda wasn't zero'd at 7 yards. :rolleyes:

08-11-2012, 11:27 AM
I notice that when it's a cop using it, it's a 'squad rifle' or 'patrol rifle', but when you or I have it, it's an 'assault rifle'.

08-11-2012, 11:41 AM
Wouldn't 75 yards be a pretty normal engagement distance with a rifle?

Al T.
08-11-2012, 11:46 AM
Wouldn't 75 yards be a pretty normal engagement distance with a rifle?

As of a few years back, the "average" for police using rifles was about 70 yards. Suspect that will increase as more officers get rifles, but positive ID of the suspect is still a big issue. Less so for the military guys.

USMC still has their folks go to 500m, Army to 300m. In that context, you Sir are correct, 75 yards is a chip shot.

08-11-2012, 03:00 PM
As of a few years back, the "average" for police using rifles was about 70 yards. Suspect that will increase as more officers get rifles, but positive ID of the suspect is still a big issue. Less so for the military guys.

USMC still has their folks go to 500m, Army to 300m. In that context, you Sir are correct, 75 yards is a chip shot.

That being said I suppose anything is difficult when under fire.

08-11-2012, 06:57 PM
but positive ID of the suspect is still a big issue.

seems like magnification would be very helpful for cops when the AR-15 comes out.

would the 3x aimpoint magnifier in a flip to side mount be a good idea for cops? or perhaps an ACOG of some variety?

Al T.
08-11-2012, 07:39 PM
I would *think* so, but I'm not sworn. Tpd223's opinion (and Nyeti, Ed L., Sean, etc., etc.) would certainly trump mine.