View Full Version : Gun store goes on radio supporting the ban in internet sales of ammo

08-01-2012, 02:45 PM
Gun store goes on radio supporting the ban in internet sales of ammo.
Listen to the owner say it in his own words. (http://www.ktrh.com/player/?station=KTRH-AM&program_name=podcast&program_id=mattpatrick.xml&mid=22310941)

Tactical Firearms (http://tacticalfirearms.us/)
1200 South Mason Road Katy, TX 77450
(281) 693-4867

Please spread this to any and every forum you subscribe to (especially the "fire mission" sites), as well as contact them regarding the whole "we hang together or we hang seperately" thing.

08-01-2012, 04:15 PM
I can understand why local ammo/gun stores/dealers want the internet ban on ammo stores....this will mean we have to buy from local stores at their markup. This guy is wrong. This guy is even profiling people coming into his store and denying them the ability to purchase ammo. So, if I come in with holey jeans and a dirty T-shirt does that mean I will be denied ammo?

Also, the argument that ammo prices will go down by stopping internet sales is illogical on its face.

This is ridiculous. Also, stopping internet ammo sales is not going to stop the gun contol advocates...only convincing them that our right to self defense and defense of home is a constitutional right and a response to a criminal or to an attack will they see the light.


08-01-2012, 04:21 PM
As a LGS, I'm sure this... person... represents himself as a champion of 2A and liberty. Of all the many kinds of petty money-grubbing bullshit, the back-stabbing kind is the worst. Et tu, Brute? Just goes to show. Gun guys can be the biggest douche bags of all.

08-01-2012, 04:23 PM
Please spread this to any and every forum you subscribe to (especially the "fire mission" sites), as well as contact them regarding the whole "we hang together or we hang seperately" thing.


What a pusillanimous sellout punk. I hope he freezes in the dark.

08-01-2012, 04:23 PM
Not. One. Inch.

I'm not on a computer with audio, but does he really expect people to believe that eliminating competition will drive the price of goods down??

08-01-2012, 04:36 PM
This guy is even profiling people coming into his store and denying them the ability to purchase ammo. So, if I come in with holey jeans and a dirty T-shirt does that mean I will be denied ammo?

He says he doesn't sell to "perps" or to people who look "gang-related", so as long as you're... you know... ot-nay ack-blay, you're probably cool with Bubba, there. :rolleyes:

Having now listened through the whole radio segment, I feel safe in saying that I wouldn't piss in this guy's mouth if his teeth were on fire.

08-01-2012, 04:49 PM
...ot-nay ack-blay...
Ding ding ding!!!

08-01-2012, 05:19 PM
Stupid. Very stupid.

08-02-2012, 08:16 AM
Well damn, what an idiot. I was supposed to take my cousin shooting there this Saturday but screw that, we'll go somewhere else.

08-02-2012, 08:43 AM
LOL big online companies LOL most of the cheaper online wholesaler are smaller companies.

And of course he will stock my match ammo. :rolleyes:

08-02-2012, 09:20 AM
Last year, when the annual Kalifornia gun control bill was to ban interstate sales of ammo, I was in two local gun stores where the owners were telling people that it was a good thing. In both these stores, the ammo prices were about 2x what you would pay via internet.

Needless to say, I no longer support these businesses. It does however show you that many of these guys are more into it for the $$$ than for the rights.

08-02-2012, 09:28 AM
Makes me want to drive to Houston and buy something from every store except his, tape the receipts to a dodge ball and bean him in the head with it.
And not that this will go anywhere but if it did, 900 round cases FTW.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

08-02-2012, 10:05 AM
He says he doesn't sell to "perps" or to people who look "gang-related", so as long as you're... you know... ot-nay ack-blay, you're probably cool with Bubba, there. :rolleyes:

I absolutely *hate* defending this asshole, but I thought we tended to look down on these kinds of assumptions... especially given the number of times I've heard people say that gun shop owners can tell when someone making a gun purchase is shady or really a straw purchase and that they often exercise discretion in these cases.

08-02-2012, 10:37 AM
I absolutely *hate* defending this asshole, but I thought we tended to look down on these kinds of assumptions
I must admit I initially made the same assumption as Tam (hence my post), but after listening again I'm willing to give the store-owner the benefit of the doubt on this one point. The audio isn't very clear, since it's radio call-in, but I think he actually said "turds" rather than "perps"? And I think he didn't say people who look gang related, but rather tattoos that are gang related.

It might still be code, but I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one point.

That said, the other 99% of what he said is still ridiculous. He also said that he called the ATF on a customer who wanted to purchase a bunch of AKs, a couple thousand rounds, and some body armor. He seems to imply that the very act of asking for these items together was enough to warrant a call to the feds, given that he doesn't articulate any other details about the situation.

His arguments lack any logic. One second he's saying we can't give in to any legislation and nothing will make them happy, the next he says that we should concede this ammo restriction to make them happy. After a limit for online sales, ammo makers will be so desperate to get rid of their product that they'll suddenly call him and offer magical discounts? Ha!

08-02-2012, 10:39 AM
He's done a bit of backpedaling on Facebook


"Was I not clear that I am against the online ammo ban?"

08-02-2012, 10:55 AM
"Was I not clear that I am against the online ammo ban?"

No, dude, you weren't. As a matter of fact, you were pretty clearly in favor of it.

08-02-2012, 12:38 PM
He's done a bit of backpedaling on Facebook


"Was I not clear that I am against the online ammo ban?"
Where's the back pedal? Talking about both sides of his A$$.

08-02-2012, 12:49 PM
I absolutely *hate* defending this asshole, but I thought we tended to look down on these kinds of assumptions... especially given the number of times I've heard people say that gun shop owners can tell when someone making a gun purchase is shady or really a straw purchase and that they often exercise discretion in these cases.

I will readily admit that a lifetime in the retail end of this business has made me hyper-sensitive to "dog whistles".

I remember one day standing there in the first gun store in which I ever worked, back in Forsyth Co., Georgia, seeing a news report on the TeeWee about an Atlanta PD officer who wrecked his car in a high-speed pursuit, and hearing my boss, an otherwise intelligent, sensitive, worldly man who was like a father to me, mutter "That's what they get for letting ******* drive cop cars."

I stood there like a gaffed fish for thirty seconds, wondering if I'd really heard what I'd heard.

And that pales in significance compared to what I've heard from Bubba Table-Renter at gun shows in the intervening decades.

So, yeah, I'm primed to expect the worst from Joe FFL. And I say that as someone who's had to exercise her judgment in refusing gun & ammunition sales to people I deemed to be "bad actors".

08-02-2012, 01:04 PM
I will readily admit that a lifetime in the retail end of this business has made me hyper-sensitive to "dog whistles".

I remember one day standing there in the first gun store in which I ever worked, back in Forsyth Co., Georgia, seeing a news report on the TeeWee about an Atlanta PD officer who wrecked his car in a high-speed pursuit, and hearing my boss, an otherwise intelligent, sensitive, worldly man who was like a father to me, mutter "That's what they get for letting ******* drive cop cars."

I stood there like a gaffed fish for thirty seconds, wondering if I'd really heard what I'd heard.

And that pales in significance compared to what I've heard from Bubba Table-Renter at gun shows in the intervening decades.

So, yeah, I'm primed to expect the worst from Joe FFL. And I say that as someone who's had to exercise her judgment in refusing gun & ammunition sales to people I deemed to be "bad actors".

I would be completely unsurprised if you were right, just think people need to get the benefit of the doubt on this stuff, or the guys who do learn any better don't really get anything for it.

Ok, enough of that... he seriously called the feds on a guy just for buying body armor and an AK? Why do you sell the crap if you think that buying it is an automatic proof of being a criminal?

08-02-2012, 05:31 PM
The store owner emailed me back and said that he was going on the same show tomorrow morning (3 Aug) on 740AM. He wants to clarify his position due to the massive amount of emails and phone calls he has received.

08-02-2012, 05:42 PM
He wants to clarify his position...

I'll bet he does.

That's okay, though; unfortunately for him, he was speaking plain English the first time around. :p

08-02-2012, 05:45 PM
Oh, I completely agree. I just wanted to let everyone know in case they wanted to listen.

He clarified his position in the email, I still don't believe him.

08-02-2012, 06:17 PM
Stupid should hurt.
Here's hoping the guy who buys the store/range from the bank is smarter about running his mouth.
I've pretty much lost all sympathy for the average gun store owner.

Kyle Reese
08-03-2012, 12:43 AM
The store owner emailed me back and said that he was going on the same show tomorrow morning (3 Aug) on 740AM. He wants to clarify his position due to the massive amount of emails and phone calls he has received.

His position was pretty clear. If he wants to play the "misspoke" game, he should consider a career in Democrat politics.

08-03-2012, 07:59 AM
I've avoided commenting before, but if I read the clarification correctly, his defense for making public statements on legal issues directly related to his business is that he did not understand the issues, how the legal system works nor fully grasp the business?

I'm for people deciding things for themselves and thinking in ways in which most would not expect, but to make a public statement and them claim it was done out of ignorance when it proves unpopular just seems inane.

08-03-2012, 08:09 AM
Oh, I completely agree. I just wanted to let everyone know in case they wanted to listen.

He clarified his position in the email, I still don't believe him.

Politicians "clarify" their position when they want to lie and convince you that they didn't actually say what they said. You know, sort of like making a political add complaining about being taken "out of context" when you claimed that people who built businesses didn't actually build businesses and the like.

Perhaps it's just me, but I rarely find it difficult to convey what I think using the English language. Therefore I find it somewhat incredible when someone is asked about the online ammo ban and they say "...if this is going to shut them up, then give it to 'em." for them to later claim later that they were misunderstood.

Not believing him is probably a sound move.

08-03-2012, 09:31 AM
I would have had more respect for him if he would have stuck to his original position. Now he just sounds like he's running for something. If he wants to really make ammends let him price match the ammo in his store with advertised online ammo prices.