View Full Version : "Shop Texas Gun Experience" retail store? - Grapevine, TX

08-14-2021, 01:49 PM
Any of our DFW peeps know this place?



Google street view shows an actual retail location at the address. Looks like a big new storefront. They are listing some ammo I'd like to buy as "available online." Don't know whether it's really available or if they'll just take my money and ship it in six months when their order from the distributor comes in.

08-14-2021, 07:17 PM
I was in there for the first time a couple of weekends ago but didn't look at ammo. It is a legit business though with a bunch of rental MGs and other NFA goodies so they'll probably have it ready to ship if it says in stock.

I used to frequent their retail shop when it was just down the road from me as DFW Shooting Sports. They're also on GB under DFWSSLLC which is tied to their old business name but with the new address.

David S.
08-15-2021, 09:21 PM
I can't speak to their "in stock" policy, but I've been in there a handful of times to window shop. It's one of the nicer shops/ranges in town. I used them for a suppressor transfer with no problems.

08-15-2021, 11:52 PM
Ditto the above. I've only been once or twice but it's a legit range/store.

As a range, they seem to be taking the "Date Night at a Gun Range" approach. It's a nice, modern, and clean place that seems very friendly to new shooters.