View Full Version : Suggestions? Android app for.tracking workouts

07-24-2021, 09:39 PM
I could use some suggestions for a workout tracking app. I'm ok with buying an app for a reasonable price, but not a subscription app.

I was using the myWOD app on an iPhone, but now I'm switching my workout tracking to an Android phone. There is an app called myWOD in the Google Play store, but it is not the same thing, and it sucks.

What I need is something that allows me to name and describe custom workouts, preferably one that tracks by time, distance, load, reps, rounds, timed rounds, Tabata scoring, or no score, so performance on a particular workout can tracked and/or graphed. For example I'd like to name a workout "200 24kg KB Swings with penalty" and have it scored "for time," where I can give a description that includes there is a 10 pushup penalty anytime I set down the kettlebell.

A section for recording certain benchmarks, like PRs for Deadlift, Bench Press, Squat, OH Press, 2000m row, 5k run, etc would be nice.

I don't care about built in timers. I don't care about downloading some gym's programming. I just want to record and track progress, whether its workouts someone else created, or ones I created.

Thanks in advance for any help.