View Full Version : Quiet 4th

07-04-2021, 08:42 AM
I used to go to the range on the 4th. Usually brought an M1 Garand, and some
other "retired" U.S. military rifles. Had plans for this year but health problems got
in the way. (It is also supposed to be hot and I don't do as well when it hits 90, and
is humid, as I used to.)

Years ago I took a commercial M1 Carbine to a gravel pit on the 4th. I had a
bowling pin set up against a pile of dirt. When I hit the experienced pin with a .30 Carbine
round it split in half. Part of it stayed standing against the dirt pile. The other piece took
off and flew over the pile, landing on the other side. Had never made a shot like that
before and have not since.

I forget what other guns I brought that morning. The Carbine shot stays in memory
and will for years.

Happy Independence Day!

07-04-2021, 09:11 AM
My M1 Garand is staying in the safe on this Independence Day. I did have it out last month on 06-JUN.

As is my usual practice for the past couple of years, I will be shooting CCI Patriot Pack ammo loaded into magazines so it comes out in the correct order of red, white, and blue. I do this on Memorial Day and Independence Day, using this rifle.

07-04-2021, 09:41 AM
I have a stock like that. Not currently on my 10/22 but maybe I should put it back on.

07-04-2021, 11:07 AM
Got fence line repair problems that will prevent me from getting the range today, but I may have to pull out my favorite July 4th target and at least put a few bb's or air rifle pellets through it today....Happy 4th...especially you limey's out there...