View Full Version : Racist acts of violence

07-04-2021, 08:16 AM
Multiple threads of racist acts of violence over the years. I though having one thread might be a good idea regardless if its an isolated incident or a trend.


Nathan Allen, 28, fatally shot retired policeman Dave Green and military veteran Ramona Cooper in Saturday afternoon's attack in Massachusetts.
Investigators later found racist and anti-Semitic writings by Allen, who was shot dead by officers at the scene.
He was married, employed and had a PhD and no criminal history, police said.

07-04-2021, 12:41 PM
Multiple threads of racist acts of violence over the years. I though having one thread might be a good idea regardless if its an isolated incident or a trend.

Tough to find out from news media if an act of violence is racist or not.

If it’s a white man who did violence against a black or Asian, then the main stream media assumes racism as default case regardless of facts or truth.

If it’s black against white, the news media avoids listing race of the suspect.

Perhaps you can expand on the purpose of collecting “racist acts of violence” because such collections of news articles have widely been used for one of two purposes:

1) To highlight white supremacism as the greatest threat to national security and freedom. And we need to ban guns. And we need critical race theory in schools. And we need mandated diversity hiring of less qualified candidates.

2) To highlight that a disproportionate number of violent crimes in the US are initiated by young black males. And we need segregation of races. And blacks should drink from their own water fountains and shouldn’t date our white daughters.

Neither of those two things are something I support.

Further, and semi-related to topic of racism, the entire reason that leftists denied Wuhan Chinese Virology Lab might have been behind COVID-19, is for fear of racism against Chinese-Americans that might result from such theory being true. Leftists knew that the lab could have leaked the virus but quashed any kind of investigation in it for a year, out of fears of racism resulting from the truth.

07-04-2021, 02:08 PM
No I wont expand on it. It is exactly what I said nothing more nothing less. Your projections and absolutes are bothersome and not worthy of my time. I wont reply to you again.

Tough to find out from news media if an act of violence is racist or not.

If it’s a white man who did violence against a black or Asian, then the main stream media assumes racism as default case regardless of facts or truth.

If it’s black against white, the news media avoids listing race of the suspect.

Perhaps you can expand on the purpose of collecting “racist acts of violence” because such collections of news articles have widely been used for one of two purposes:

1) To highlight white supremacism as the greatest threat to national security and freedom. And we need to ban guns. And we need critical race theory in schools. And we need mandated diversity hiring of less qualified candidates.

2) To highlight that a disproportionate number of violent crimes in the US are initiated by young black males. And we need segregation of races. And blacks should drink from their own water fountains and shouldn’t date our white daughters.

Neither of those two things are something I support.

Further, and semi-related to topic of racism, the entire reason that leftists denied Wuhan Chinese Virology Lab might have been behind COVID-19, is for fear of racism against Chinese-Americans that might result from such theory being true. Leftists knew that the lab could have leaked the virus but quashed any kind of investigation in it for a year, out of fears of racism resulting from the truth.