View Full Version : Who's Going to 12 Labors?

06-28-2021, 07:42 PM
Hey folks,

Long time no post. Life and shit.

Anyway, I'm headed to 12 Labors and wanted to start a thread.

Being from New Jerseystan, I'd love to have the hive mind help prep me and other people living behind the curtain for Austin.

1. Who's got a breakdown on moving hardware to TX out of EWR? Guns, ammo, mags, proper travel boxes for the aforementioned, etc?
2. Places to eat, places to see, things to avoid, etc?
3. Any other thing I haven't thought of as I typically have taken classes w/in my tri-state area.

TIA and hoping to see a bunch of familiar faces and "handles",


Maple Syrup Actual
06-28-2021, 09:52 PM
Well...I am, but you already knew that!

06-28-2021, 10:10 PM
Roll the dice. Austin ain't like TX. in general. TX. it's a big state. They\ve got more damn county election boards than the state can keep track of.

Is this anything to do with the 12 Labors of Hercules.? just curious.

06-29-2021, 07:57 AM
Yes it does. https://12labors.com/

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Maple Syrup Actual
06-29-2021, 08:54 AM
Have to say that I really liked Austin when I was there but it was more than 20 years ago. I somehow met this parade of characters that kept my days full of bizarre adventures: a group of concert riggers who drove around in an uninsured old pickup truck with a fake plate on it - I rode in the back with a couple of them out to some swimming hole. A guy who talked endlessly about how his rich grandma owed him money and whose overriding desire in life seemed to be to rent jet skis, and who was recovering from a brown recluse bite. A guy named David who was fluent in spanish and looked so much like me, it was easier to just tell people we were brothers than endlessly explain that it was just a bizarre coincidence...he ended up coming down to Mexico with me. A guy named Kevin who was throwing a small party at his house, when I turned down malt liquor repeatedly on the grounds that I had gotten super dehydrated in the heat to which as a Canadian I was not accustomed. Subsequently Kevin, who split up with his girlfriend spectacularly mid-party, thought he was genuinely doing me a favour by giving me a bottle of water from the fridge...dosed up with some kind of psychedelic, I think ketamine, leaving me hallucinating for hours.

Anyway I thought it was a really fun place back then. I do hope Craig doesn't dose me unexpectedly with anything, though.

I hear it's pretty big town liberal now but for years it was one of my favourite places so I assume there's still plenty of fun stuff going on there.

Totem Polar
06-29-2021, 10:01 AM
This is on again? man, I am out of the loop. Looks like a ton of fun!

06-29-2021, 02:55 PM

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06-29-2021, 03:17 PM
2. Places to eat, places to see, things to avoid, etc?
3. Any other thing I haven't thought of as I typically have taken classes w/in my tri-state area.

Re: point 2: There's an IHOP not far away from The Range. You'll have to drive against oncoming traffic but people on I-35 tend to expect that sort of thing. Franklin's BBQ is a lie. There is no BBQ, there is only The Line. It's a joke we like to play on tourists. If you want to Experience Local Culture you can only do this at The Domain northside or 500 E. 7th. If there are a lot of locals in the class and you want to break the ice, ask "so who does have the best breakfast tacos anyway?" It's a generally harmless question that will in no way start a heated argument that culminates in bloodshed. Anyway, their answer is probably wrong. Also, you'll need to check out this hole-in-the-wall joint on 45th and Lamar as they have the best Frosty Margs in Texas.

More seriously the facilities at The Range are rather posh. I'd liken it to Scottsdale Gun Club in AZ. It's more upscale than I like, but a very nice facility.

The hotel is about a $20 lyft ride to downtown outside surge pricing. The recent camping ban being reinstated is a thing, and I've noticed at least around city hall it's started to clear out some so you'll have missed Austin's attempt to recreate Skid Row in its entirety. If your stay doesn't have someone pushing you to go to Dirty 6th and Rainey you'll have missed the best, worst part of the touristy experience. The later it gets, the more Stupid Places it gets.

Beyond that... What to see and what to avoid really depends on you. There are several people in and around the area that could probably give you solid recommendations on what to try if you mention what type of food, how touristy, how much time you're willing to spend, etc.

I hear it's pretty big town liberal now

Greatly overstated, IMO. But that depends on your frame of reference.

Maple Syrup Actual
06-29-2021, 03:37 PM
Greatly overstated, IMO. But that depends on your frame of reference.

I'm glad, and not really that surprised, to hear that. For years it was one of my top 5 "might move there if things go a certain way" towns. I probably wouldn't move there now...but Freeport, on the other hand, that I could really see.

06-29-2021, 04:54 PM
Re: point 2: There's an IHOP not far away from The Range. You'll have to drive against oncoming traffic but people on I-35 tend to expect that sort of thing. Franklin's BBQ is a lie. There is no BBQ, there is only The Line. It's a joke we like to play on tourists. If you want to Experience Local Culture you can only do this at The Domain northside or 500 E. 7th. If there are a lot of locals in the class and you want to break the ice, ask "so who does have the best breakfast tacos anyway?" It's a generally harmless question that will in no way start a heated argument that culminates in bloodshed. Anyway, their answer is probably wrong. Also, you'll need to check out this hole-in-the-wall joint on 45th and Lamar as they have the best Frosty Margs in Texas.

More seriously the facilities at The Range are rather posh. I'd liken it to Scottsdale Gun Club in AZ. It's more upscale than I like, but a very nice facility.

The hotel is about a $20 lyft ride to downtown outside surge pricing. The recent camping ban being reinstated is a thing, and I've noticed at least around city hall it's started to clear out some so you'll have missed Austin's attempt to recreate Skid Row in its entirety. If your stay doesn't have someone pushing you to go to Dirty 6th and Rainey you'll have missed the best, worst part of the touristy experience. The later it gets, the more Stupid Places it gets.

Beyond that... What to see and what to avoid really depends on you. There are several people in and around the area that could probably give you solid recommendations on what to try if you mention what type of food, how touristy, how much time you're willing to spend, etc.

Greatly overstated, IMO. But that depends on your frame of reference.So you'll be there to be my our guide?

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06-29-2021, 05:07 PM
Austin has a great music scene. Keep an eye out for anything remotely interesting at ACL. The venue is worth going to even if you're not familiar with the band.
The Jayhawks are next door at 3Ten when you're in town.

If you run into any locals, ask if they have any reccys on live music.


Totem Polar
06-29-2021, 05:57 PM

Yeah, I think I had best get on this.

Totem Polar
06-29-2021, 06:06 PM
Registered. See you handsome and fluent fuckers there.

Maple Syrup Actual
06-29-2021, 07:25 PM
Fucking A, Cotton!

Ed L
06-30-2021, 02:47 AM
If On The Road 2 ever gets written I think you are by far the best man to write it. I am sure the Jack Kerouac estate would approve.

Have to say that I really liked Austin when I was there but it was more than 20 years ago. I somehow met this parade of characters that kept my days full of bizarre adventures: a group of concert riggers who drove around in an uninsured old pickup truck with a fake plate on it - I rode in the back with a couple of them out to some swimming hole. A guy who talked endlessly about how his rich grandma owed him money and whose overriding desire in life seemed to be to rent jet skis, and who was recovering from a brown recluse bite. A guy named David who was fluent in spanish and looked so much like me, it was easier to just tell people we were brothers than endlessly explain that it was just a bizarre coincidence...he ended up coming down to Mexico with me. A guy named Kevin who was throwing a small party at his house, when I turned down malt liquor repeatedly on the grounds that I had gotten super dehydrated in the heat to which as a Canadian I was not accustomed. Subsequently Kevin, who split up with his girlfriend spectacularly mid-party, thought he was genuinely doing me a favour by giving me a bottle of water from the fridge...dosed up with some kind of psychedelic, I think ketamine, leaving me hallucinating for hours.

Anyway I thought it was a really fun place back then. I do hope Craig doesn't dose me unexpectedly with anything, though.

I hear it's pretty big town liberal now but for years it was one of my favourite places so I assume there's still plenty of fun stuff going on there.

Maple Syrup Actual
06-30-2021, 10:05 AM
You know I actually have a manuscript that covers the roughly two years I spent just living on the street and hitchhiking (which is how I got to Austin that time) and it does have kind of a similar feel, in a way. Sometime I'll tell the story of how I talked my way out of a kidnapping by plagiarizing Alexander Solzhenitsyn, I think I'm probably the only person in history who can make that claim.

One day I'll revise it all. There's some pretty good material in there but it does require you to empathize with a pretty morally ambiguous protagonist. But it needs a major retooling before I'd do anything with it.

06-30-2021, 10:36 AM
I would really like to but it's not in the budget this year, unfortunately.

Cecil Burch
06-30-2021, 11:04 AM
I will be.

Well, I kind of have to be since I am teaching......

But I am working on a module that I am very excited about. I taught a preliminary version of it years ago at a Paul-e-palooza event, and have really wanted to do a better and more in-depth version since I think it would be highly useful to those out there who need to work on their standing clinch work, but only have access to a BJJ academy.

06-30-2021, 11:41 AM
Re: point 2: There's an IHOP not far away from The Range. You'll have to drive against oncoming traffic but people on I-35 tend to expect that sort of thing. Franklin's BBQ is a lie. There is no BBQ, there is only The Line. It's a joke we like to play on tourists. If you want to Experience Local Culture you can only do this at The Domain northside or 500 E. 7th. If there are a lot of locals in the class and you want to break the ice, ask "so who does have the best breakfast tacos anyway?" It's a generally harmless question that will in no way start a heated argument that culminates in bloodshed. Anyway, their answer is probably wrong. Also, you'll need to check out this hole-in-the-wall joint on 45th and Lamar as they have the best Frosty Margs in Texas.

More seriously the facilities at The Range are rather posh. I'd liken it to Scottsdale Gun Club in AZ. It's more upscale than I like, but a very nice facility.

The hotel is about a $20 lyft ride to downtown outside surge pricing. The recent camping ban being reinstated is a thing, and I've noticed at least around city hall it's started to clear out some so you'll have missed Austin's attempt to recreate Skid Row in its entirety. If your stay doesn't have someone pushing you to go to Dirty 6th and Rainey you'll have missed the best, worst part of the touristy experience. The later it gets, the more Stupid Places it gets.

Beyond that... What to see and what to avoid really depends on you. There are several people in and around the area that could probably give you solid recommendations on what to try if you mention what type of food, how touristy, how much time you're willing to spend, etc.

Greatly overstated, IMO. But that depends on your frame of reference.

Austin has unfortunately gone from a "liberal' town, small l. meaning a tolerant place which fostered characters and weirdness, to a "Liberal" town capital L meaning a stridently intolerant place in keeping with the most pejorative use of the word. The only things the current local authorities are tolerant of are crime, homelessness and drug abuse.

This has coincided with the "Californication" of Austin which is in the process of pricing out the characters who made Austin, Austin.

I do agree that Frankin's is overhyped and 6th street is the stupidest of stupid places.

06-30-2021, 01:23 PM
So you'll be there to be my our guide?

Should be able to help a wayward New Jerseyan and Canuk navigate, depending on schedule. If not, sounds like you've got at least one local in the class. Just don't let him take you to anywhere on 6th between I-35 and Brazos after dark. Otherwise you might be putting those clinch pick skills to work.

which is in the process of pricing out the characters who made Austin, Austin.

That's a whole topic unto itself.

6th street is the stupidest of stupid places.

But it's the best stupidest place.

Glenn E. Meyer
06-30-2021, 01:57 PM
I have no idea of your interests, so I will throw out some things. On 6th and Lamar there is a great independent bookstore - Book People. Across the street is the Whole Foods mothership if that kind of food is your thing. Up Lamar near 51 street if you still have nerd like interests, Austin Book and Comics is an awesome syfy book store. Also on Lamar, there is McBride's, it is a good ol boy gun store and also has an attached coin store. Mildly interesting, a touch pompous. Continuing on Lamar there is a Central Market flagship for more fancy food. Very good cheese selection. My interests are in fine cheeses (how professorial) and Antonellis on Duval and 43 rd has a national reputation for such.

GT Distributors on Brockton's is a cop shop but the public is welcome and had very nice prices on magazines for standard guns and equipment. Restaurant scene - we used to do McCormick's for seafood but they went down hill. A couple of well known Japanese places - Uchi and Uchiko.

There quite a few Mom and Pop Asian places around - Yelp is your best bet for that. BBQ - been out of that for a bit but I liked Terry Black’s Barbecue on Barton Springs. The Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood - a small drive. Texas Roadhouse is near The Range and does a decent inexpensive steak.

07-01-2021, 07:56 AM
Thanks for then interest in 12 Labors guys and gals. Basically this is a training and lifestyle conference that's three days long and is the brain child of myself and Jeff Gonzales. It's the first weekend of December in Austin, Tx.

The name obviously comes from the 12 Labors of Hercules and our idea is to bring everything you'd want to do better as a man under one roof. Fighting, shooting, food, craft cocktails, fine menswear. finance, relationship advice.....all of it. We'll have notable training industry folks there doing typical training stuff; me, Cecil, Larry, Chris...the Collective will be there in full force. That being said we have a lot of other stuff too. Gabe White will be doing a class not only on Gabe White bad-ass shooting shit but he will also be premiering his EDM musical skills. You'll get to see a side of him that so far hasn't really been seen.

Other notables:

Dr. Sebastian Pritchard of Bastiat Capital will be doing a great class on financial planning for the average guy. Dr. Pritchard is a former Naval officer and BUD/s graduate who has a Ph.D in Decision Science from Oxford University and runs a small boutique hedge fund that received an 80% return in '08. His expertise runs the gamut from evolutionary psychology to game theory.

Dr. Lauren Pugliese will be doing a class on "Polarity" and what makes men attractive to women and women attractive to men. She'll present a hybrid approach to the works of Esther Perel, Brene' Brown. the Gottmans, and David Deida. Lauren does an exceptional job of hacking all of this information into actionable chunks for dudes.

Austin Sumerall of the White Pillars in Biloxi, MS. will be butchering a hog and teaching you the technical elements of fine dining.

Justin Gehrmann will be doing a class on pre prohibition cocktails and the global cocktail revival.

George Bass, one of the most notable figures in the #menswear (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=menswear) movement over the past twenty years will be doing a class on putting together a men's wardrobe.

London Scalise from Ledbury will be doing a small trunk show for jackets and dress shirts and teaching you about fit.

John Wellborn the creator of Crossfit Football will be doing a module on programming and strength.

Robb Wolfe will be doing a class on the current state of performance diet.

So.....a lot. if you want to have a conversation about food, booze. clothes, money, relationships, fighting, fitness, cigars, women, kids, parents, trauma, shooting, music, psychedelics, whatever.....we can have it at 12L and you can talk to other people about this stuff.

07-01-2021, 02:54 PM
That's a whole topic unto itself.


07-04-2021, 08:50 AM
Thanks for then interest in 12 Labors guys and gals. Basically this is a training and lifestyle conference that's three days long and is the brain child of myself and Jeff Gonzales. It's the first weekend of December in Austin, Tx.

The name obviously comes from the 12 Labors of Hercules and our idea is to bring everything you'd want to do better as a man under one roof. Fighting, shooting, food, craft cocktails, fine menswear. finance, relationship advice.....all of it. We'll have notable training industry folks there doing typical training stuff; me, Cecil, Larry, Chris...the Collective will be there in full force. That being said we have a lot of other stuff too. Gabe White will be doing a class not only on Gabe White bad-ass shooting shit but he will also be premiering his EDM musical skills. You'll get to see a side of him that so far hasn't really been seen.

Other notables:

Dr. Sebastian Pritchard of Bastiat Capital will be doing a great class on financial planning for the average guy. Dr. Pritchard is a former Naval officer and BUD/s graduate who has a Ph.D in Decision Science from Oxford University and runs a small boutique hedge fund that received an 80% return in '08. His expertise runs the gamut from evolutionary psychology to game theory.

Dr. Lauren Pugliese will be doing a class on "Polarity" and what makes men attractive to women and women attractive to men. She'll present a hybrid approach to the works of Esther Perel, Brene' Brown. the Gottmans, and David Deida. Lauren does an exceptional job of hacking all of this information into actionable chunks for dudes.

Austin Sumerall of the White Pillars in Biloxi, MS. will be butchering a hog and teaching you the technical elements of fine dining.

Justin Gehrmann will be doing a class on pre prohibition cocktails and the global cocktail revival.

George Bass, one of the most notable figures in the #menswear (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=menswear) movement over the past twenty years will be doing a class on putting together a men's wardrobe.

London Scalise from Ledbury will be doing a small trunk show for jackets and dress shirts and teaching you about fit.

John Wellborn the creator of Crossfit Football will be doing a module on programming and strength.

Robb Wolfe will be doing a class on the current state of performance diet.

So.....a lot. if you want to have a conversation about food, booze. clothes, money, relationships, fighting, fitness, cigars, women, kids, parents, trauma, shooting, music, psychedelics, whatever.....we can have it at 12L and you can talk to other people about this stuff.Thanks for the update! Am I right to presume a general gear list and ammo count will also be upcoming on the website?

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Maple Syrup Actual
08-05-2021, 01:56 PM
Hotel space at the Marriott sounds like it's booking up.

I just need a flight now. Guess I better book while the rules are keeping most Canadians off planes...should make everything cheaper.

Maple Syrup Actual
08-05-2021, 02:01 PM
Oh hey SouthNarc what's the rough format looking like here, anyway? Various modules at the range and the hotel, depending on the topic? All day Friday or more ECQC style, later Friday and through Sunday?

I see psychedelics are on the list of topics...I doubt I can bring any down, although I have lots of connections up here. But I'm down to head into outer space if someone wants to raid the evidence locker beforehand!

Totem Polar
08-05-2021, 03:22 PM
Hotel booked. Liver in training for the event.

09-18-2021, 10:09 PM
I am not attending, but I thought I might remind some of you guys that general admission pricing for registration will end on the 30th of this month. Don't end up having to spend an extra $100 if you don't have to.

Totem Polar
09-22-2021, 10:27 AM
Check your email, dudes.

Maple Syrup Actual
09-22-2021, 11:11 AM
boo urns

But I completely understand the rationale. I think it's going to be a shitty fall/winter in a lot of places with delta and all, and that would have hung over the whole conference and I myself was wondering what the travel regulations were going to look like for me by then and whether it would even be feasible to travel internationally for it.

09-22-2021, 10:29 PM
What happened?

Totem Polar
09-22-2021, 10:37 PM
Scuttled, to keep the vicissitudes of changing COVID response and mandates from crashing it at the last minute. More or less.

Maple Syrup Actual
09-22-2021, 10:38 PM
Sadly cancelled for pretty respectable reasons: not only are there obvious health concerns about staging an event like this during a probably-ongoing surge in C19-delta cases, there's the logistical reality that the host city could pull the plug or institute restrictions without notice that would ruin the whole gathering.

Disappointing, obviously, but I can't really fault the decision.

Totem Polar
09-23-2021, 12:21 AM
Disappointing, obviously, but I can't really fault the decision.
