View Full Version : Portland back in the news

06-17-2021, 07:44 PM
Seems the Portland Protest Response unit disbanded themselves. 50 officers said they've had enough citing lack of support from the dept.


Joe in PNG
06-17-2021, 07:49 PM
There comes a point where one would reasonably assume that learning would occur, that the fool would realize that wabbling his bandaged hand back into the fire is going to burn like the last couple of times, but no.

Rex G
06-17-2021, 07:57 PM
We live in interesting times. Sigh.

06-17-2021, 08:02 PM
There comes a point where one would reasonably assume that learning would occur, that the fool would realize that wabbling his bandaged hand back into the fire is going to burn like the last couple of times, but no.

Portland is a special place and they have an image to maintain. I know people that live in Portland. I sorta more or less understand it, I think.

Joe in PNG
06-17-2021, 08:10 PM
Portland is a special place and they have an image to maintain. I know people that live in Portland. I sorta more or less understand it, I think.

I grok that, and understand that- but at some point "maintaining an image" moves into a hellish sort of unwilling obligation to do a thing their heart isn't into anymore, and they actually hate, but must in order to impress people they don't actually like.

The long past it's prime band mechanically performing a stale and rote version of their one hit for instance.

06-17-2021, 08:54 PM
I predict that Portland will have the first socialist mayor not unlike AOC or Rashida Harbi Tlaib, both devout socialists. It's more or less how they roll in that city.

06-17-2021, 09:03 PM
Tesla driving, (illegal parking), socialist.


"From each according to their abilities...to each according to their means me."

06-17-2021, 09:12 PM
Cops in 2022 America:


06-17-2021, 09:12 PM
Tesla driving, (illegal parking), socialist.


"From each according to their abilities...to each according to their means me."

She's come along way in just a few short years. I can remember when she couldn't afford to pay her rent or buy a decent pair of shoes. Only in America.

And why does everyone want to own a Tesla?

the Schwartz
06-18-2021, 10:17 AM
One thing's for sure...

Those living in Portland will receive the governance that they opt for, Heaven bless them all. The Left sure is giving the pendulum a healthy shove in their preferred direction. It'll be interesting to see what happens when it inevitably swings back.

The media is reporting an increase of 533% in Portland's annual homicide rate. One wonders where the "tipping point" is in terms of self-inflicted suffering for the residents of Portland.

SCCY Marshal
06-18-2021, 12:30 PM
One thing's for sure...

Those living in Portland will receive the governance that they opt for...

And the rest of Oregon will foot the bill.

"Mayor Ted Wheeler, who serves as police commissioner...said the Oregon State Police will have its mobile response team on standby to assist Portland police if protests occur in the next few nights. The mayor also discussed backup support from the Oregon National Guard if necessary."

City still gets coverage, if delayed and with less oversight, residents in the sticks cover the tab. Time to hold the governor's feet to the fire and ask why city mismanagement is a state project.

06-18-2021, 12:46 PM
The state and surrounding areas should reply that additional resources are not available to help with mostly peaceful protests.

Sucks for Portland, but at some point folks need to be held accountable for their actions. Portland voted for crazy. They need to deal with crazy. We keep “bailing out” things and organizations that make bad decisions only to discover that more things and orgs make bad decisions. Sometimes having a bright shining (burning in some cases) example of what not to do is a pretty good life lesson.

Lex Luthier
06-18-2021, 01:31 PM
As an unwilling observer to just this kind of regional governmental malfeasance, I wish our Portland-area members good luck, and hope they are able to stay clear of the fray.

Gay Gezunt, y'all.

06-18-2021, 01:40 PM
I predict that Portland will have the first socialist mayor not unlike AOC or Rashida Harbi Tlaib, both devout socialists. It's more or less how they roll in that city.

Burlington VT had Bernie pushing 40 years ago. It's not exactly a major city, but...

06-18-2021, 01:46 PM
Burlington VT had Bernie pushing 40 years ago. It's not exactly a major city, but...

Compared to the new breed of communists today, Bernie is actually quite moderate

okie john
06-18-2021, 02:18 PM
Multnomah County Sheriff's Department opted out last summer. Not sure whether they've opted back in.

Okie John

the Schwartz
06-18-2021, 03:32 PM
And the rest of Oregon will foot the bill.

"Mayor Ted Wheeler, who serves as police commissioner...said the Oregon State Police will have its mobile response team on standby to assist Portland police if protests occur in the next few nights. The mayor also discussed backup support from the Oregon National Guard if necessary."

City still gets coverage, if delayed and with less oversight, residents in the sticks cover the tab. Time to hold the governor's feet to the fire and ask why city mismanagement is a state project.

It would serve the City of Portland right if OSP and the NG told them to go pound sand. That is unlikely to occur, but damn it would be nice to see upstream agencies tell all these municipalities who prefer to let this sort of chaos run unchecked to go "get stuffed" because it is not up to them to put the bill for their willingness to permit this idiocy.

Dog Guy
06-18-2021, 03:40 PM
The event in question is shown near the start of the video in this news story, with all the caveats that go with relying on MSM. https://www.koin.com/news/protests/ppb-officer-indicted-over-august-2020-use-of-force-incident/

Does anyone know if the charges were due to the entire interaction, or because of the cross-check to the face while she was seated?

And if this question is better in the LE section or Coterie, please move as needed.

08-12-2021, 08:54 PM
Maybe this does not belong here, but this fiasco unfolded in the PDX this weekend. It has elements of dark comedy that is truly too strange to be anything but true…

How to Become a Meme
Lee called 911 to report several people were following him while multiple “disturbances” were taking place after the event, the Portland Police Bureau said. Authorities told Lee to walk to Central Precinct where he followed officers’ instructions and told them the rifle was not an actual firearm.

Lee was released pending further investigation, police said. There were limited officers available at the time due to several incidents in the area including a homicide investigation and an armed robbery situation, the PPB said. The event in Tom McCall Waterfront Park reportedly ended before more police resources could be made available.



Joe in PNG
08-12-2021, 11:18 PM

Just showing up at a place like that with a rifle is pretty derpy.

Showing up at a place like that with a fake rifle is beyond derpy.

08-13-2021, 07:47 AM
Just showing up at a place like that with a rifle is pretty derpy.

Showing up at a place like that with a fake rifle is beyond derpy.

Derpy, dopey,...inanity, insanity...let's call the whole thing off.

(Sung by Ella and Louis, of course)

08-13-2021, 07:49 AM
Better quality pictures will show that the "rifle" is clearly an airsoft gun. FYI.

08-13-2021, 02:50 PM
Grown man with toy gun looking like a goof that hurts nothing but his own dignity = far right extremist

Grown man with 50mW laser burning the eyes of Federal officers, or shooting marbles at them, while looting and burning whole city blocks while attacking Federal and local gov't structures = Peaceful protestor.

Yep, totally makes sense. Thank you news people!

Glenn E. Meyer
08-23-2021, 10:01 AM
Still a cluster https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/portland-preps-expected-protests-opposing-groups-79584415?cid=clicksource_4380645_1_heads_hero_live _headlines_hed

Shots fired. Total failure of local and state government. Who would want to move there or establish new businesses? I really liked the place when I lived there.

08-23-2021, 12:23 PM
Still a cluster https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/portland-preps-expected-protests-opposing-groups-79584415?cid=clicksource_4380645_1_heads_hero_live _headlines_hed

Shots fired. Total failure of local and state government. Who would want to move there or establish new businesses? I really liked the place when I lived there.

Interesting tidbit out of the article Glenn linked:

"Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell said Friday that despite expecting clashes, police will not necessarily be standing in between opposing groups."

Gangs of New York about to happen in Portland?

08-23-2021, 01:22 PM
Still a cluster https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/portland-preps-expected-protests-opposing-groups-79584415?cid=clicksource_4380645_1_heads_hero_live _headlines_hed

Shots fired. Total failure of local and state government. Who would want to move there or establish new businesses? I really liked the place when I lived there.

Elections have consequences

08-23-2021, 01:28 PM
I thought this article talking about Portland's long history of far-left and far-right violence was really interesting

The West Coast north of Monterrey, California, is the America of America. In the early 1800s, people from all over the country drove covered wagons to Oregon’s Willamette Valley over the Oregon Trail, but two groups predominated: an elite from New England and a rugged class of farmers and laborers from Greater Appalachia. Both were drawn by promises of free land and hoped to make real what America’s third president Thomas Jefferson called an Empire of Liberty from the East Coast to the Pacific. Much of the western United States was inhospitable at the time (and it still is), but not the Willamette Valley. “From the fertility of its soil,” Oregon City Mayor John McLoughlin said in 1850, “and the salubrity and mildness of its climate, [Oregon is] the finest place in North America for the residence of civilized man.”

The New England elitists set much of the cultural tone here from the start. They founded universities, newspapers, religious missions, timber and woolen mills, business empires, and governing institutions. The name of Oregon’s now-largest city was determined by a coin toss when two locally famous New Englanders couldn’t agree on a name. Asa Lovejoy from Boston and Francis Pettygrove from Portland, Maine, wanted to name the new city after their respective hometowns. Pettygrove won two out of three tosses, so the United States has two Portlands instead of two Bostons. Even so, members of the local Chinook tribes commonly referred to the white settlers as “Bostons.”

But the Bostons were a minority. While they hoped to create another “city on a hill,” an even larger wave of pioneers from Greater Appalachia brought a Don’t-Tread-on-Me ethos that traced back not only to the American Revolution but to the Scottish borderlands from which many of their ancestors hailed. They “carried to Oregon an allegiance to… local sovereignty, grass-roots organization, an independent producer ethic and the ‘doctrine of the negative state,’” historian David Alan Johnson writes in Founding the Far West: California, Oregon, and Nevada.

New England has long had a utopian streak, a tendency that Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont represents well. Appalachia was “libertarian” and anti-government before Kentucky and Tennessee were admitted to the union as states, and Senator Rand Paul represents that tendency well. The Yankee project out west was further scrambled by the Gold Rush, which brought in wild folks popularly caricatured as a barbarian horde that enjoyed knife fights and brothels a lot more than art museums and fine dining. But these diametrically opposite cultures didn’t clash as much as one might expect when they met on new ground. They blended more or less smoothly and created something new in America. Call it utopian libertarianism, individualistic collectivism, rugged idealism, or another compound of your choice so long as one half applies to Puritan Massachusetts and the other to defiant West Virginia.

The Pacific Northwest is a place where many Republicans smoke pot and plenty of Democrats shoot guns. This complicates the national culture war narrative, I suppose, but it doesn’t feel strange to those of us who are from here. For the most part, the Pacific Northwest’s regional culture combines the best of Appalachia and New England while rejecting the worst. But a small minority of the population retrieved the rejected parts of the recipe from the cutting room floor and combined the worst instead of the best, melding Kentucky’s vigilantism and feuding with New England’s Puritanism and witch hunting.

08-23-2021, 01:50 PM
Will have to read the rest of that later.

This is the PNW I knew and loved when I grew up there:

For the most part, the Pacific Northwest’s regional culture combines the best of Appalachia and New England while rejecting the worst.

This is the part that people who grew up there fashionably blamed on new arrivals (specifically, mostly those from CA), at least until recently:

But a small minority of the population retrieved the rejected parts of the recipe from the cutting room floor and combined the worst instead of the best, melding Kentucky’s vigilantism and feuding with New England’s Puritanism and witch hunting.

11-28-2021, 12:38 PM
Sword vs. Rifle: Road rage in Portland
A man can be seen in the middle of the road raising a sword in the air, as if preparing to swing it at another motorist who had exited his vehicle.

11-28-2021, 01:22 PM
Sword vs. Rifle: Road rage in Portland
A man can be seen in the middle of the road raising a sword in the air, as if preparing to swing it at another motorist who had exited his vehicle.

There can be only one.

Glenn E. Meyer
11-28-2021, 05:13 PM
When I lived there from 1977 to 1994, violence was not unknown. We had an Asian gang shoot out in the local upscale mall. Racist threats and violence were not unknown as sadly I know from personal experience. The neighbors got into and launched some 45 ACP through their house and into the neighborhood. Avoided a mini neighborhood, everybody from the bar spills out into the street to slug it out by making an illegal U turn and fleeing.

11-30-2021, 11:06 AM
Suspected 15-person knife fight in NE Portland ends in hit-and-run death
https://www.kptv.com/news/suspected-15-person-knife-fight-in-ne-portland-ends-in-hit-and-run-death/article_91f00df6-5144-11ec-987d-df19d1b86c15.html?fbclid=IwAR2DOtCpWVteWxIX86RAnZz hUvyJR6IEMNDh2DPcxq0en1MGTK_0c6cBNcc

11-30-2021, 11:17 AM
Nothing to see 'ere. Move along.

11-30-2021, 11:21 AM
Suspected 15-person knife fight in NE Portland ends in hit-and-run death
https://www.kptv.com/news/suspected-15-person-knife-fight-in-ne-portland-ends-in-hit-and-run-death/article_91f00df6-5144-11ec-987d-df19d1b86c15.html?fbclid=IwAR2DOtCpWVteWxIX86RAnZz hUvyJR6IEMNDh2DPcxq0en1MGTK_0c6cBNcc

Theater Kids keeping it a little too real?

Totem Polar
11-30-2021, 11:21 AM
Suspected 15-person knife fight in NE Portland ends in hit-and-run death
https://www.kptv.com/news/suspected-15-person-knife-fight-in-ne-portland-ends-in-hit-and-run-death/article_91f00df6-5144-11ec-987d-df19d1b86c15.html?fbclid=IwAR2DOtCpWVteWxIX86RAnZz hUvyJR6IEMNDh2DPcxq0en1MGTK_0c6cBNcc

While that is most def one of the better headlines I’ve seen, this story linked to the one above is possibly more emblematic of the current urban blue zeitgeist:


11-30-2021, 11:22 AM
Theater Kids keeping it a little too real?


11-30-2021, 12:23 PM
Suspected 15-person knife fight in NE Portland ends in hit-and-run death
https://www.kptv.com/news/suspected-15-person-knife-fight-in-ne-portland-ends-in-hit-and-run-death/article_91f00df6-5144-11ec-987d-df19d1b86c15.html?fbclid=IwAR2DOtCpWVteWxIX86RAnZz hUvyJR6IEMNDh2DPcxq0en1MGTK_0c6cBNcc

One-Adam-12, a 415 fight group with chains and knives

Odin Bravo One
11-30-2021, 03:13 PM
Not one officer from PPB that I attended the Police Academy still works for PPB. One got shit-canned. 2 left for lower paying LE jobs. Had lunch with the last one last summer in Portland, and he quit 2 years before he was eligible to enter into the retirement window. Left LE altogether.

“Fuck it” comes in different forms, for different people. Out of my entire class, only one is still employed as a LEO in Oregon, and is the Chief of Police for his 4 person agency in the tiki bushes.

Joe in PNG
11-30-2021, 05:31 PM
Aren't knife fights and stabbings just harmless youthful fun?

11-30-2021, 06:11 PM
Aren't knife fights and stabbings just harmless youthful fun?

Mostly peaceful, I hear.

11-30-2021, 07:19 PM
Aren't knife fights and stabbings just harmless youthful fun?

Pretty much seems to be the case anyplace that has meatpacking plants.

12-01-2021, 09:56 AM
Aren't knife fights and stabbings just harmless youthful fun?


12-01-2021, 12:01 PM
Mostly peaceful, I hear.

I heard they were fleeing from a crime scene in fear for their lives

12-01-2021, 05:36 PM
Looks like a private security agency has been created to do what the city of Portland can't or won't do.

As business and property owners become increasingly frustrated with Portland’s public safety system, they are tapping private security to fill the vacuum — and perhaps no company has benefited more than Echelon. The firm investigates suspected crimes. Clients say guards patrol within an Old Town perimeter that stretches from Union Station to Southwest Ash Street. Business owners say they have been so satisfied with the company’s performance that they’ve reprogrammed their burglar alarms to ping Echelon — not 911 — if there’s a problem.


12-01-2021, 05:48 PM
"Clients of Echelon Protective Services rave about the firm’s responsiveness, but county prosecutors fear a lack of accountability."

Hahaha! Lack of accountability perfectly describes Multnomah county prosecutors who selectively enforce the law and have a revolving door for violent criminals as long as they are not Proud Boys.

Looks like a private security agency has been created to do what the city of Portland can't or won't do.


Joe in PNG
12-01-2021, 05:54 PM
Looks like a private security agency has been created to do what the city of Portland can't or won't do.


Next up- Burbclaves.

12-01-2021, 06:00 PM
Next up- Burbclaves.

Likely. But we don't want to live in the suburbs. We want our safe, clean, enjoyable urban environment back again. Portland used to be a beautiful city--a beer-lover's and foodie's paradise where you could find parking, and walk safely at night. I'd rather have my taxes paying for law enforcement and clean streets, but if this is what it takes... I'm on board. Plus, my firearms instructor buddy is making good money training security guards.

12-01-2021, 07:05 PM
IIRC in Massad Ayoob’s book The Truth About Self Protection in 1983 he discussed the private security firms that were being used by the wealthy rather than relying on LAPD. The article seemed pretty biased against Echelon. The funny thing was it made them sound squared away.

12-01-2021, 07:11 PM
Likely. But we don't want to live in the suburbs. We want our safe, clean, enjoyable urban environment back again. Portland used to be a beautiful city--a beer-lover's and foodie's paradise where you could find parking, and walk safely at night. I'd rather have my taxes paying for law enforcement and clean streets, but if this is what it takes... I'm on board. Plus, my firearms instructor buddy is making good money training security guards.

I can only imagine. ;) I know a young guy who left the CG to work security in downtown Seattle. I think the money may have been a factor there.

12-01-2021, 07:33 PM
"Clients of Echelon Protective Services rave about the firm’s responsiveness, but county prosecutors fear a lack of accountability."

Hahaha! Lack of accountability perfectly describes Multnomah county prosecutors who selectively enforce the law and have a revolving door for violent criminals as long as they are not Proud Boys.

My favorite quote in the article…

Before Burke calls the police, she said, she will always call Echelon. She said their guards are fast and responsive, and they treat downtown Portland’s growing homeless population with compassion. When a naked woman began licking a Society Hotel window in front of guests, Burke said guards were able to gently get her to move by making her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

If you doubt what a failed state looks like, this would Exhibit #1.
Next step is something Haitian or Venezuelan.

Joe in PNG
12-01-2021, 07:36 PM
It's pretty common in the third world to call your private security company before you'd ever call the cops.
Goes with the walled compounds, night security guards, and bars on the windows.

12-01-2021, 07:49 PM
My favorite quote in the article…

Before Burke calls the police, she said, she will always call Echelon. She said their guards are fast and responsive, and they treat downtown Portland’s growing homeless population with compassion. When a naked woman began licking a Society Hotel window in front of guests, Burke said guards were able to gently get her to move by making her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

If you doubt what a failed state looks like, this would Exhibit #1.
Next step is something Haitian or Venezuelan.

Restaurants and hotels hate this one banned trick that gets you free sandwiches....

12-01-2021, 08:18 PM
It's pretty common in the third world to call your private security company before you'd ever call the cops.
Goes with the walled compounds, night security guards, and bars on the windows.

Years ago I knew a guy that lived in Mombasa, Kenya. He told me it was popular to hire a Maasai warrior to guard your family and their living quarters. That probably put a new twist to pillaging someone's abode.

12-01-2021, 08:41 PM
IIRC in Massad Ayoob’s book The Truth About Self Protection in 1983 he discussed the private security firms that were being used by the wealthy rather than relying on LAPD. The article seemed pretty biased against Echelon. The funny thing was it made them sound squared away.

Well, it's there when you need it. Kind of like a plumber when you don't have hot water or a roofer when you have a leak. Armed security that can respond has a number of advantages. 911 two hours later isn't a lot of good.

Totem Polar
12-01-2021, 09:42 PM
As if anyone here is even remotely surprised by this. We all knew that the defund bandwagon would soon produce #1 private security to fill the vacuum, and #2 protection rackets for those that can’t pull off #1. History: may not repeat, but always rhyming, yes?

This is not my shocked face.

Lex Luthier
12-01-2021, 11:29 PM
As if anyone here is even remotely surprised by this. We all knew that the defund bandwagon would soon produce #1 private security to fill the vacuum, and #2 protection rackets for those that can’t pull off #1. History: may not repeat, but always rhyming, yes?

This is not my shocked face.

I guess the big question is how many of the politicians pushing this (or their owners) understand what it means, and how many of those intend to use the chaos to further cement their power.

12-01-2021, 11:44 PM
It's pretty common in the third world to call your private security company before you'd ever call the cops.
Goes with the walled compounds, night security guards, and bars on the windows.

Portlanders love the third world lifestyle: apartments in downtown, food carts, bicycles for transportation , and not taking showers every day to save the environment.

Joe in PNG
12-01-2021, 11:57 PM
Portlanders love the third world lifestyle: apartments in downtown, food carts, bicycles for transportation , and not taking showers every day to save the environment.

There's first world food carts, and there's the third world roadside stand selling the world famous Flavorless Sausage of Questionable Origin, handled without refrigeration or any basic hygiene, cooked on the lid of a 55gal drum.
Sometimes they dip them in batter and deep fry them, which sounds 100x better than it winds up actually tasting. Because it was fried two days ago, in stale oil that's a bit too cold. Best to stick with bananas and green coconuts.

Occasionally, they may have lamb flaps. This is a cheap bit of fat, gristle and bone with the occasional sliver of meat, also handled without refrigeration or any basic hygiene and cooked on the lid of a 55gal drum.

It didn't take me long to learn that for long road trips, I should take navy biscuits and canned meat (John West tomato & capsicum tuna for the win).

And I wonder why my digestive system is so messed up.

Totem Polar
12-02-2021, 12:17 AM
I guess the big question is how many of the politicians pushing this (or their owners) understand what it means, and how many of those intend to use the chaos to further cement their power.

How does that Hanlon saying go? Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. As to the second question, never let a good crisis go to waste.

Clearly, I have no original thoughts on the matter, but no loss: the above quotes will do for a start.


12-02-2021, 12:40 AM
Restaurants and hotels hate this one banned trick that gets you free sandwiches....

I might have laughed a ridiculous amount at that.

Anyways, in other news - water is wet and politicians don't give a shit as long as their pockets are lined.

12-02-2021, 09:42 AM
There's first world food carts, and there's the third world roadside stand selling the world famous Flavorless Sausage of Questionable Origin, handled without refrigeration or any basic hygiene, cooked on the lid of a 55gal drum.
Sometimes they dip them in batter and deep fry them, which sounds 100x better than it winds up actually tasting. Because it was fried two days ago, in stale oil that's a bit too cold. Best to stick with bananas and green coconuts.

Occasionally, they may have lamb flaps. This is a cheap bit of fat, gristle and bone with the occasional sliver of meat, also handled without refrigeration or any basic hygiene and cooked on the lid of a 55gal drum.

It didn't take me long to learn that for long road trips, I should take navy biscuits and canned meat (John West tomato & capsicum tuna for the win).

And I wonder why my digestive system is so messed up.

What, no McDonalds there?

12-02-2021, 11:11 AM
Mrs. CF and I are venturing out for anniversary dinner tonight to one of our favorite Portland restaurants that’s still open. A guy we know who lives near there says he doesn’t hear gunfire that often on weekdays. LOL!

Totem Polar
12-02-2021, 11:12 AM
Mrs. CF and I are venturing out for anniversary dinner tonight to one of our favorite Portland restaurants that’s still open. A guy we know who lives near there says he doesn’t hear gunfire that often on weekdays. LOL!

Happy Anniversary!

12-02-2021, 11:29 AM
Mrs. CF and I are venturing out for anniversary dinner tonight to one of our favorite Portland restaurants that’s still open. A guy we know who lives near there says he doesn’t hear gunfire that often on weekdays. LOL!

Did you move to Chicago?

I mean I didn't usually hear gunfire on the weekdays in ChIraq, either.

Weekends were a totally different story.

12-02-2021, 11:55 AM
There's first world food carts, and there's the third world roadside stand selling the world famous Flavorless Sausage of Questionable Origin, handled without refrigeration or any basic hygiene, cooked on the lid of a 55gal drum.
Sometimes they dip them in batter and deep fry them, which sounds 100x better than it winds up actually tasting. Because it was fried two days ago, in stale oil that's a bit too cold. Best to stick with bananas and green coconuts.

Occasionally, they may have lamb flaps. This is a cheap bit of fat, gristle and bone with the occasional sliver of meat, also handled without refrigeration or any basic hygiene and cooked on the lid of a 55gal drum.

It didn't take me long to learn that for long road trips, I should take navy biscuits and canned meat (John West tomato & capsicum tuna for the win).

And I wonder why my digestive system is so messed up.

I've eaten at my share of 3rd world food carts. Some I've decided it was best to go hungry for the next few hours. Malaysia always has good roadside food. China carts are hit or miss on culinary quality, but be sure to skip the stuff with the packs of flies on it.

Looks like Amazon carries only the canned John West stuff, not the pouches. Will keep an eye out for the pouches. Some of them look pretty tasty.

12-02-2021, 12:00 PM
Our food carts may have 1st world food, but they have 3rd world problems...



12-02-2021, 02:15 PM
Looks like Amazon carries only the canned John West stuff, not the pouches. Will keep an eye out for the pouches. Some of them look pretty tasty.

What I think of when I hear John West:


12-02-2021, 02:17 PM
I love that ad! Look an Eagle!

12-02-2021, 03:00 PM
Our food carts may have 1st world food, but they have 3rd world problems...



“But Multnomah County’s environmental health officials say those carts aren't subject to the same standards as restaurants, and they want to address safety and sanitation issues.”


Joe in PNG
12-02-2021, 03:24 PM
What, no McDonalds there?

Not a one. They can't get locally sourced food, and they probably wouldn't make money.

We do have roadside kaibars in the cities. Imagine the dirtiest gas station restroom you can, cut a hole in the wall, and put in a buffet heat table. Stock it with Stir Fry of Questionable Content, stale fries, and other bits of potential food poisoning, because the power doesn't work regularly.

There's a good reason you never see those exotic food show people wandering the streets of PNG.

12-02-2021, 03:25 PM
Our food carts may have 1st world food, but they have 3rd world problems...



I wish we had more food carts around my office and in downtown Seattle in general.

Enough that the prices were competitive. We've got third world bums, second world infrastructure, at first world prices here. When the Thai food truck that stops by is $17 for lunch. It's too rich for my blood and I - hate - bringing lunch to work.

12-02-2021, 08:06 PM
I wish we had more food carts around my office and in downtown Seattle in general.

Enough that the prices were competitive. We've got third world bums, second world infrastructure, at first world prices here. When the Thai food truck that stops by is $17 for lunch. It's too rich for my blood and I - hate - bringing lunch to work.

About the same here in Phoenix. There's virtually no difference between food truck prices and actual restaurant prices. Doesn't make sense to me. I used to sometimes get food truck food when they'd come to the hospital I work at, but the only ones that come to it now either suck or they suck AND they're too expensive for me to get. There's a lobster roll truck that occasionally comes by at $22 for a lobster roll. Out of a food truck in Phoenix in the summer, what's the worst that could happen?

12-02-2021, 08:37 PM
I wish we had more food carts around my office and in downtown Seattle in general.

Enough that the prices were competitive. We've got third world bums, second world infrastructure, at first world prices here. When the Thai food truck that stops by is $17 for lunch. It's too rich for my blood and I - hate - bringing lunch to work.

Nobody said Seattle was going to be cheap. If they did they lied.

When I was working in Snohomish County back in the 90 there was lots of construction labor who depended on the taco wagons and roach coaches that pulled up on site around noon. Some had first class Mexican food. One I hit often was more of a food bus and had the telenovelas on the TV. Nobody was speaking English except the person taking orders and just barely. That's a good sign. ;)

That reminds me. I have to soak a pot of Pinto beans tonight. You can live on beans and rice. I like a little bacon in there somewhere.

12-02-2021, 08:46 PM
About the same here in Phoenix. There's virtually no difference between food truck prices and actual restaurant prices. Doesn't make sense to me. I used to sometimes get food truck food when they'd come to the hospital I work at, but the only ones that come to it now either suck or they suck AND they're too expensive for me to get. There's a lobster roll truck that occasionally comes by at $22 for a lobster roll. Out of a food truck in Phoenix in the summer, what's the worst that could happen?

You're gonna die. At least that thought will be in the back of your mind.

Joe in PNG
12-02-2021, 08:48 PM
A lot of the third world isn't cheap, either. Here, anything more than starches and garden greens is spendy, and anything that's not questionable Chinese off brands is even more spendy.

If your city is hyper expensive, crime riddled, utterly filthy, full of slums, with corrupt government officials, inefficient policing, more crime, and a handful of super expensive exclusive enclaves with massive security for the very wealthy... well, either you're in the third world, or an American People's Democratic Republic.

12-02-2021, 09:04 PM
A lot of the third world isn't cheap, either. Here, anything more than starches and garden greens is spendy, and anything that's not questionable Chinese off brands is even more spendy.

If your city is hyper expensive, crime riddled, utterly filthy, full of slums, with corrupt government officials, inefficient policing, more crime, and a handful of super expensive exclusive enclaves with massive security for the very wealthy... well, either you're in the third world, or an American People's Democratic Republic.

Great. I'm glad I've traveled some in North Africa and Mexico. At least I'll know what to expect.

When I'm in a wheel chair in a nursing home I can say I saw all this coming but nobody will care because they'll be too busy dealing with inflation, no gov't services, crime and corrupt politicians.