View Full Version : think about it

07-23-2012, 08:56 AM
Many young men spend thousands of hours playing violent
video games. The purpose of these games is to kill as many of the targets as possible. as fast as they can.
Then they watch violent movies and violent TV.
Many also listen to violent music telling them to kill the cops and.do other unspeakable things .
Paintball games let them sharpen their skills of make-believe murder.

Do you think---------No, it could not be and besides it makes millions of dollars for certain people and that is what counts in the usa!

07-23-2012, 08:58 AM

Welcome to the forum.

Kyle Reese
07-23-2012, 09:04 AM
Do you have a point, donoo, or are you just here to rail against Capitalism and video games?

07-23-2012, 10:19 AM
That's so weird. I watch violent movies, I play violent video games, I attend training classes that are designed to sharpen my skills with a firearm... yet, I've never went all apesh$t on a crowd of people.

How's that possible? I mean, with all that input, I should be a crazy madman with no regard for human life.


07-23-2012, 10:26 AM
When I was growing up, heavy metal music and Dungeons & Dragons were supposedly brainwashing kids to become insane violent mass murders. Now it's video games and rap.

Where is the outrage toward hippies and their music? Because that crap has inspired far more numerous evil acts, like voting Democrat.

07-23-2012, 10:30 AM
Tell me more about paintball being training. I played against the "pros" and never once heard them describing techniques that would better prepare people for anything other the the vacuum that is the sport.

Besides, obvious troll is obvious.

And metal music is largely about fantasy unrelated to anything people perceive it to be. Hell, Iron Maiden has many songs that are based on mythology that's taught in public schools. I got to play Rime of the Ancient Mariner when we read the book.

07-23-2012, 10:55 AM
People with a grudge against the world never seem to lack inspiration for acting it out regardless of what is available.

I doubt any of the perpetrators of the Mumbai attack, for instance, got the idea from too much time spent playing Duke Nukem.

Kyle Reese
07-23-2012, 10:58 AM
People with a grudge against the world never seem to lack inspiration for acting it out regardless of what is available.

I doubt any of the perpetrators of the Mumbai attack, for instance, got the idea from too much time spent playing Duke Nukem.

Maybe they listened to conservative talk radio? :rolleyes:

07-23-2012, 11:02 AM
Think about it...

This one time I was sitting alone in my room, observing the appropriate practices of [insert your preferred religion here]. All of a sudden, [insert music you don't like here] came on the [modern broadcast equipment], and all I could think of was murder, and rape, and robbery. Being a person of such weak moral character, I knew I needed to escape the negative influence. I quickly turned to my trusted source of moral guidance: [insert other modern technology here]. Soon, I was inundated with more imagery of [insert vague evil entity here]. I could no longer control myself; I started dancing in provocative ways, and considering tactics to destroy the moral purity of society around me.

This is totally unlike [insert any random point in history], when everyone sang happy songs and cultural media only ever presented positive images. As any historian will tell you, humans have become more and more violent as time has gone on (https://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/steven_pinker_on_the_myth_of_violence.html). If only human kind would revert to [an even earlier point in history], all would be well again.

That about cover it? Or am I missing some of the mad-lib outrage?

07-23-2012, 11:11 AM
When I was growing up, heavy metal music and Dungeons & Dragons were supposedly brainwashing kids to become insane violent mass murders. Now it's video games and rap.

Where is the outrage toward hippies and their music? Because that crap has inspired far more numerous evil acts, like voting Democrat.



Years of Metallica, D&D, Call of Duty, and multiple 'assault weapons' later, and I've yet to commit a violent felony. I suppose I must just be the outlier.

07-23-2012, 11:29 AM
Think about it...

This one time I was sitting alone in my room, observing the appropriate practices of [insert your preferred religion here]. All of a sudden, [insert music you don't like here] came on the [modern broadcast equipment], and all I could think of was murder, and rape, and robbery. Being a person of such weak moral character, I knew I needed to escape the negative influence. I quickly turned to my trusted source of moral guidance: [insert other modern technology here]. Soon, I was inundated with more imagery of [insert vague evil entity here]. I could no longer control myself; I started dancing in provocative ways, and considering tactics to destroy the moral purity of society around me.

This is totally unlike [insert any random point in history], when everyone sang happy songs and cultural media only ever presented positive images. As any historian will tell you, humans have become more and more violent as time has gone on (https://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/steven_pinker_on_the_myth_of_violence.html). If only human kind would revert to [an even earlier point in history], all would be well again.

That about cover it? Or am I missing some of the mad-lib outrage?


07-23-2012, 11:30 AM
People find it comforting to blame an external thing for these sorts of events rather than admit to the more disturbing truth that society as we know it is a veneer. It's a gossamer fabric stretched to perilous thinness over the churning darkness of human nature, the depths of which frighten us to the point where we'd rather pretend it isn't so and in the effort seek explanations above the surface to keep from having to acknowledge the unpleasant truth that our concept of reality is as contrived as Tinkerbell. When even one of us decides to stop clapping it can get very ugly, and fast.

07-23-2012, 01:38 PM
Tackle football in the neighborhood with mixed ages, races and religions? Check.
Lacrosse and football through high school? Check.
Martial arts? Check.
Finger shaped as a gun going bang bang at my 'friends'...or were they? Check.
Plastic AK's and Uzis after the Rambo series and Ahhnold hit the screens were used to have full out battles amongst my 'friends'? Check.
Watched kung fu theater all weekend long and reproduced fight scenes with my brother with 'throwing star' pillows? Check.
BB gun? Check.
Bow and arrow? Check.
Shotgun and Pistol access before I was 13? Check.
Eazy-E? Public Enemy? Black Sheep? GMF? Dre? Snoop? EPMD? Mic check, mic check? 1, 2, 1, 2? Yup, yup? And I was a white kid from the burbs.
Violent video games? Check.
Pen/Paper violent RPG? Check.
Paintball? Check.
Gun clubs? Yup.
NRA member? Yup.
Gun classes? Yup.
ECQC? Yup.
AFHF? This August.
Ever commit a violent crime, felony, etc? NEVER have NEVER will.
Did I mention I ever played 'racing games'? Nope.
Why is that relevant? I've gotten speeding tickets, but no one ever told me nor was I ever influenced by some media machine that encouraged me to go faster.

So, donoo, what went wrong with me and the other 100+ million gun owners on July 20th, 2012?

07-23-2012, 01:46 PM
If one were to really be so concerned over safety we would really put a limit on driving. Every day when I ride my bike there are numerous interactions where a driver asserts his "right to the road" over my bicycle by directing their 2,000 lb plus vehicle recklessly towards me and barely missing me. We hand keys to killing machines to kids who are poorly trained and give them tools to distract themselves when they are not mature enough to understand the responsibility they must assume to keep themselves and others safe. When they slip up we charge $10 a month more and fix their cars for next to nothing.

07-23-2012, 01:55 PM
No, it could not be and besides it makes millions of dollars for certain people and that is what counts in the usa!


Kyle Reese
07-23-2012, 01:57 PM
If one were to really be so concerned over safety we would really put a limit on driving. Every day when I ride my bike there are numerous interactions where a driver asserts his "right to the road" over my bicycle by directing their 2,000 lb plus vehicle recklessly towards me and barely missing me. We hand keys to killing machines to kids who are poorly trained and give them tools to distract themselves when they are not mature enough to understand the responsibility they must assume to keep themselves and others safe. When they slip up we charge $10 a month more and fix their cars for next to nothing.

Why stop there? We have technology available today that the Founding Fathers could never have envisioned. Surely the First Amendment wasn't meant to encompass things like blogs, radio, Twitter and other social media, etc. We also give our kids access to technology that could place them as well as the greater public in danger.

I'm not proposing an outright ban on laptops, smart phones, etc, just some sensible regulations.

You must be 21 y/o to purchase or possess a smart phone / i-pad type device. It's for the children.

A background check will be done on all persons who wish to establish a blog or other medium that is outside of the State controlled media. This is also for the greater good. We don't want people who have felony convictions or a history of slander/libel to be able to disseminate false or damaging information, do we?

It's for the children.

07-23-2012, 02:01 PM
People with a grudge against the world never seem to lack inspiration for acting it out regardless of what is available.

Too true. Reminds me of a line in the Dark Knight when Alfred says: "Some men just want to watch the world burn."

I've always thought that it's really difficult to predict who those people are since they typically fly below the radar. Sure, a violent past may play a role, and someone who acts out may have listened to [insert music genre that scares sheeple] or played violent video games but that's probably more coincidence than cause.

07-23-2012, 02:02 PM
Reasonable internet control is all we want.

07-23-2012, 02:13 PM
Why stop there? We have technology available today that the Founding Fathers could never have envisioned. Surely the First Amendment wasn't meant to encompass things like blogs, radio, Twitter and other social media, etc. We also give our kids access to technology that could place them as well as the greater public in danger.

I'm not proposing an outright ban on laptops, smart phones, etc, just some sensible regulations.

You must be 21 y/o to purchase or possess a smart phone / i-pad type device. It's for the children.

A background check will be done on all persons who wish to establish a blog or other medium that is outside of the State controlled media. This is also for the greater good. We don't want people who have felony convictions or a history of slander/libel to be able to disseminate false or damaging information, do we?

It's for the children.

AWESOME! Should be THE standard reply to Anti-2A folks. :cool:

07-23-2012, 02:49 PM
Socially Awkward...Check
Spent summers in Lk. Geneva WI in going to TSR's original offices to play D&D...Check
Played war in the forest every chance I got...Check
Computer nerd...Check
Built lego guns, stick guns, finger guns, drew guns...check
Listened to music about sex drugs violence revolution...check

Reasonably well-adjusted productive member of society...uh...that doesn't make any sense at all.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk 2

07-23-2012, 02:58 PM
Socially Awkward...Check
Spent summers in Lk. Geneva WI in going to TSR's original offices to play D&D...Check
Played war in the forest every chance I got...Check
Computer nerd...Check
Built lego guns, stick guns, finger guns, drew guns...check
Listened to music about sex drugs violence revolution...check

Reasonably well-adjusted productive member of society...uh...that doesn't make any sense at all.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk 2

We could be brothers!!
Any chance your dad was a mailman or milkman in NJ back in the 70's??
My brother always said I wasn't part of the family ;)

07-23-2012, 03:16 PM
Spent summers in Lk. Geneva WI in going to TSR's original offices to play D&D...Check


(I, also, have indulged in proto-psychotic violence of an imaginary nature, apparently without developing any non-virtual felonious leanings. Obviously a testament to the ineffectiveness of the 8-bit graphics of my very enjoyable but tragically misspent youth...)

Mitchell, Esq.
07-23-2012, 04:07 PM
Tackle football in the neighborhood with mixed ages, races and religions? Check.
Lacrosse and football through high school? Check.
Martial arts? Check.
Finger shaped as a gun going bang bang at my 'friends'...or were they? Check.
Plastic AK's and Uzis after the Rambo series and Ahhnold hit the screens were used to have full out battles amongst my 'friends'? Check.
Watched kung fu theater all weekend long and reproduced fight scenes with my brother with 'throwing star' pillows? Check.
BB gun? Check.
Bow and arrow? Check.
Shotgun and Pistol access before I was 13? Check.
Eazy-E? Public Enemy? Black Sheep? GMF? Dre? Snoop? EPMD? Mic check, mic check? 1, 2, 1, 2? Yup, yup? And I was a white kid from the burbs.
Violent video games? Check.
Pen/Paper violent RPG? Check.
Paintball? Check.
Gun clubs? Yup.
NRA member? Yup.
Gun classes? Yup.
ECQC? Yup.
AFHF? This August.
Ever commit a violent crime, felony, etc? NEVER have NEVER will.
Did I mention I ever played 'racing games'? Nope.
Why is that relevant? I've gotten speeding tickets, but no one ever told me nor was I ever influenced by some media machine that encouraged me to go faster.

So, donoo, what went wrong with me and the other 100+ million gun owners on July 20th, 2012?

No live action role playing?

Answer found!

07-23-2012, 04:09 PM
No live action role playing?

Answer found!

DAMN YOU! Freaking lawyers!!

Now I'm gonna have to make a Zelda outfit :(

07-23-2012, 04:11 PM
No live action role playing?

The normal kind or tactical kind?

07-23-2012, 04:53 PM
No live action role playing?

Answer found!

Does it count if I had to pay for it?

07-23-2012, 05:45 PM
Due to the title of this thread, I couldn't help but post...


Mitchell, Esq.
07-23-2012, 07:51 PM
DAMN YOU! Freaking lawyers!!

Now I'm gonna have to make a Zelda outfit :(

Vampire: the Masquerade...Or it doesn't count.

Mitchell, Esq.
07-23-2012, 07:53 PM
Does it count if I had to pay for it?


07-23-2012, 10:05 PM
You know what's funny?

ETA: (I know he was involed with Occupy Wall Street, I don't know that he was arrested, so, that's conjecture, I saw a picture and an allegation, it doesn't make a sub title true, but, we do know he was involved with Occupy Wall Street)

Talk about a Liberal with an Agenda.

Wait a minute he wasn't in the NRA? He wasn't in the GOA? It was some Occupy Wall Street guy?




Let's see if that makes CNN.

Odin Bravo One
07-23-2012, 11:10 PM
Many young men spend thousands of hours playing violent
video games. The purpose of these games is to kill as many of the targets as possible. as fast as they can.
Then they watch violent movies and violent TV.
Many also listen to violent music telling them to kill the cops and.do other unspeakable things .
Paintball games let them sharpen their skills of make-believe murder.

Do you think---------No, it could not be and besides it makes millions of dollars for certain people and that is what counts in the usa!

This is also a point directly made by Col. Grossman in his research and writing of "On Killing". He makes the exact same arguments, except he uses an entire chapter, doesn't directly blame capitalism, and emphasizes the impact on the youth of America.

07-23-2012, 11:35 PM
This is also a point directly made by Col. Grossman in his research and writing of "On Killing". He makes the exact same arguments, except he uses an entire chapter, doesn't directly blame capitalism, and emphasizes the impact on the youth of America.


Can you offer your opinion on the writing you speak of? I spoke to two guys who grew up during WW2 and they were mentioning video games and TV and I just couldn't wrap my brain around the 'real' tough world these guys grew up in vs the make believe' tough world most of us grow up in today and somehow square that our make believe time has turned a generation into monsters.

Is it really TV or video game violence that makes someone more violent? Or is it more likely apathy and a sense of robotic like steps that many children are "encouraged" (drugged often) to follow in the name of 'success' that causes them to snap?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

Odin Bravo One
07-24-2012, 12:16 AM

Can you offer your opinion on the writing you speak of? I spoke to two guys who grew up during WW2 and they were mentioning video games and TV and I just couldn't wrap my brain around the 'real' tough world these guys grew up in vs the make believe' tough world most of us grow up in today and somehow square that our make believe time has turned a generation into monsters.

Is it really TV or video game violence that makes someone more violent? Or is it more likely apathy and a sense of robotic like steps that many children are "encouraged" (drugged often) to follow in the name of 'success' that causes them to snap?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

Psychology and Sociology are not really my area of expertise.

07-24-2012, 07:34 AM
Vampire: the Masquerade...Or it doesn't count.

I've got that down. In spades, in fact, since I almost invariably wind up as a Malkavian (that's VtM for bat$***-on-a-sandwich insane for those on this board who might have social lives...).

Earliest clear memory: Listening to Alice Cooper when I was 2 years old.

Socially awkward: check

Heavily bullied in school: check, right up through 5th grade til I stood up for myself

Dark, twisted sense of humor: check

Heavy metal: What's life with out the Big Four? Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Slayer, for those who aren't metalheads.

Martial Arts: check

Been around guns all my life? Heck yeah.

Video games? From CoD and MoH to Fallout and Mercs to Skyrim and Mass Effect (Glenn Beck can eat my shorts for his knee-jerk reaction to that particular series), I've got it covered. Heck, I still break out Doom, Painkiller, and Duck Nukem 3D from time to time.

Manifestly NOT a homicidal maniac and currently serve the country. I feel like an A.I. trying to make sense of a logical paradox here...