View Full Version : Mostly Peaceful George Floyd Memorial

05-25-2021, 03:54 PM
See link:


05-25-2021, 03:59 PM

05-25-2021, 06:17 PM
#MostlyPeaceful (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=MostlyPeaceful)

Lex Luthier
05-25-2021, 06:22 PM
Yeah, it's been a bit sporty in a few neighborhoods on that side of the river for a couple weeks now.

10 shot, two killed downtown over the weekend, and it's getting so that even the activists are noticing that Bl@ck L1ves M@tter *not at all* when a police officer isn't involved in the shooting.

Hell, Chief Rondo penned a Strongly Worded Letter about it!

(And probably got stink-eye from the City Clown-cil)

Minneapolis Crime Watch and Rev. Tim Christopher on Twitter do yeoman work keeping this stuff visible and available.

05-25-2021, 06:29 PM
And, the big block party doesn’t even start until 8:00 pm cst tonight (which makes perfect sense) according to the AP. There will be more shots fired in the vicinity before the night is over.

Lex Luthier
05-25-2021, 06:37 PM
And, the big block party doesn’t even start until 8:00 pm cst tonight (which makes perfect sense) according to the AP. There will be more shots fired in the vicinity before the night is over.

You may be right. I will note that the crime watch social media sites are noting MPS statements about a lot of 7.62 x 39 casings being found. That tells me the gangs are stepping it up.

Totem Polar
05-25-2021, 06:42 PM
You may be right. I will note that the crime watch social media sights are noting MPS statements about a lot of 7.62 x 39 casings being found. That tells me the gangs are stepping it up.

Better defund those police some more: the last round clearly wasn’t enough. :rolleyes:

05-25-2021, 07:39 PM

Getting to be Mogadishu in Minnesota up there. Y’all keep your heads down.

05-25-2021, 08:00 PM
Somewhere, Charles Arthur Floyd is smirking.

05-26-2021, 02:33 PM
It's gonna be a very long 4 years, folks.



Here's one of the comments from the second article - i couldn't have said it any better:

Lee B. Retired LEO 27 Years
May 24, 2021 @ 4:13 PM

Dear Mr. President, afterward would you please host the families of Law Enforcement Officers that had been murdered so far this year, ( nothing against what you're doing with this family). Past some better laws for " cop killers ". Thank You...amen.

05-26-2021, 02:55 PM
I have a 3 hour layover in MSP coming up. No plans to visit George Scumbag Floyd square.

05-26-2021, 03:28 PM
It's gonna be a very long 4 years, folks.



Here's one of the comments from the second article - i couldn't have said it any better:

Lee B. Retired LEO 27 Years
May 24, 2021 @ 4:13 PM

Dear Mr. President, afterward would you please host the families of Law Enforcement Officers that had been murdered so far this year, ( nothing against what you're doing with this family). Past some better laws for " cop killers ". Thank You...amen.

I'm so glad that bill will make it illegal for federal officers to use choke holds. It was awful watching that federal officer use a choke hold on floyd

Totem Polar
05-26-2021, 04:55 PM
I’m trying to decide if Biden, Harris et al. are just being opportunistic and don’t care one bit about the underlying issues, or if they do—and they’re that fucking ignorant, or if this is actually a very crafty federal power grab to de-legitimize regional policing, and therefore some 3-d checkers.

I’m pretty evenly split on all three possibilities, barring further evidentiary input.

Joe in PNG
05-26-2021, 05:44 PM
I’m trying to decide if Biden, Harris et al. are just being opportunistic and don’t care one bit about the underlying issues, or if they do—and they’re that fucking ignorant, or if this is actually a very crafty federal power grab to de-legitimize regional policing, and therefore some 3-d checkers.

I’m pretty evenly split on all three possibilities, barring further evidentiary input.

It's a mix of all three, plus the element of "making it up as they go along".

05-26-2021, 08:11 PM
or if this is actually a very crafty federal power grab to de-legitimize regional policing, and therefore some 3-d checkers.

The federal power grab over states isn't a good theory, since states are sovereign. There's no mechanism for the federal government to replace policing at the state/local level, even if Biden/Harris were disrupting such in order to create a power vacuum.

05-26-2021, 09:04 PM
There's no mechanism for the federal government to replace policing at the state/local level.


05-26-2021, 09:39 PM
I’m trying to decide if Biden, Harris et al. are just being opportunistic and don’t care one bit about the underlying issues, or if they do—and they’re that fucking ignorant, or if this is actually a very crafty federal power grab to de-legitimize regional policing, and therefore some 3-d checkers.

I’m pretty evenly split on all three possibilities, barring further evidentiary input.

I don't see it as anything more than the adm throwing their weight into the BLM movement for votes. Obama did the same thing with Trayvon Martin, using him as a poster boy for injustice to blacks. He wasn't even killed by a cop but somehow his death became a national tragedy because Obama said it was.

The more I look at this, it seems Biden is using the same playbook that Obama did. May not work if the struggling economy gets first billing.

fly out
05-26-2021, 09:49 PM
The federal power grab over states isn't a good theory, since states are sovereign. There's no mechanism for the federal government to replace policing at the state/local level, even if Biden/Harris were disrupting such in order to create a power vacuum.

Consent decrees? You don't have to actually staff it, if you can bend the local department to your will.

05-26-2021, 10:09 PM
See link:


I wonder which way the guy in the blue blazer and khakis voted.

Good grief. Talk about heedless and stupid.

Lex Luthier
05-27-2021, 01:30 PM
Yeah, well.


Minneapolis Police Dept Crime Map - Shots Fired (https://www.minneapolismn.gov/resident-services/public-safety/police-public-safety/crime-maps-dashboards/shots-fired-map/) Zoom in on the incident markers and note the dates.

And of course, it's starting to spread.


Look at some of the real estate around those lake neighborhoods.

Lake Calhoun/Bde Maka Ska houses (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lake+calhoun+houses&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover)

Lake Harriett houses (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lake+harriet+houses&go=Search&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=lake+harriet+houses&sc=2-19&cvid=40B2735BE54745DD9BC751E20AC009BA&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover)

Lake Of The Isles houses (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lake+of+the+isles+houses&go=Search&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=lake+of+the+isles+houses&sc=5-24&cvid=F776CF82AD8641F09C642C3FCC904026&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover)

These are some of the most expensive city neighborhoods in the whole midwest outside of Oak Park or Highland Park near Chicago.
And we are already seeing carjackings (and the occasional gunfight) around the Summit/ Cathedral Hill neighborhood in St Paul, which has the longest unbroken street of victorian Mansions in the US.
(This was the street where F Scott Fitzgerald lived when he wrote "This Side Of Paradise". It has *never* been run-down since it was laid out in the 1850s.)

Summit Ave mansions & houses (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=summit+ave+st+paul+mansions&qs=MM&form=QBIR&sp=2&pq=summit+ave+houses&sk=MM1&sc=2-17&cvid=92DBB51CB29443A5AAD19E683403D094&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover)

Totem Polar
05-27-2021, 02:37 PM
And of course, it's starting to spread.


Look at some of the real estate around those lake neighborhoods.

Do you have a sense that any of this is cartel activity? Just curious, given the AK-ish nature of things of late, as well as the expense of the turf...

Lex Luthier
05-27-2021, 02:54 PM
Do you have a sense that any of this is cartel activity? Just curious, given the AK-ish nature of things of late, as well as the expense of the turf...

I don't, but it may be a function of cartel-adjacent regional gangs. A lot of lower level gang-affiliated folks have come to the area from Chicago, Houston (the late GF being a notable one), KC... it would not surprise me if some are "talent scouts". I am sure some of our LEO members might have more insight.
Minnesota generally and Minneapolis/St Paul in particular are well known for the width and generosity of their social spending programs, and so there are a lot of folks in line to get them.

05-27-2021, 03:33 PM
Minnesota generally and Minneapolis/St Paul in particular are well known for the width and generosity of their social spending programs, and so there are a lot of folks in line to get them.

“Wow, no one could see that coming”

-- Errbody in Sweden

But seriously, stay safe. That’s sounding pretty jacked up up there.

05-27-2021, 05:10 PM
Do you have a sense that any of this is cartel activity? Just curious, given the AK-ish nature of things of late, as well as the expense of the turf...

I’m not in MN, but I’ve been noticing for a while now that AK and AR pistols are becoming quite popular and common amongst all levels of criminals. From dudes getting busted for actual trafficking to folks having a gunfight over a tiktok beef at the local mall or in the park they’re turning up in crimes pretty often around here.

Iirc HCM and Mjolnir have noted the same in TX

Totem Polar
05-27-2021, 06:21 PM
A lot of lower level gang-affiliated folks have come to the area from Chicago, Houston (the late GF being a notable one)

OT, but, when I see “the GF” in a forum post, the first thing that comes to mind is “girlfriend.”

Which is pretty funny; for a sec, I was thinking “Man, is there anything you want to be telling us there, luthier-dawg?”


Lex Luthier
05-27-2021, 06:58 PM
OT, but, when I see “the GF” in a forum post, the first thing that comes to mind is “girlfriend.”

Which is pretty funny; for a sec, I was thinking “Man, is there anything you want to be telling us there, luthier-dawg?”


Nope! I didn't feel like naming the (Mark Wahlberg's Boston accent) uh, Depahh-ted (/Mark Wahlberg's Boston accent) Mr Fl0yd yet again.*

Yimakh Shemo, for whatever good that will do...

05-27-2021, 07:45 PM
I’m not in MN, but I’ve been noticing for a while now that AK and AR pistols are becoming quite popular and common amongst all levels of criminals. From dudes getting busted for actual trafficking to folks having a gunfight over a tiktok beef at the local mall or in the park they’re turning up in crimes pretty often around here.

Iirc HCM and Mjolnir have noted the same in TX

It’s not just a TX thing. Do a google or YouTube search on “chopper” rap video / “Draco” rap video.

05-27-2021, 07:54 PM
OT, but, when I see “the GF” in a forum post, the first thing that comes to mind is “girlfriend.”

Which is pretty funny; for a sec, I was thinking “Man, is there anything you want to be telling us there, luthier-dawg?”


I totally read it this way!! I was trying to figure out if his girlfriend moved from Houston so had info from reading the news there or something; and I was trying to figure out if I should offer condolences for a second.

Lex Luthier
05-27-2021, 08:44 PM
I totally read it this way!! I was trying to figure out if his girlfriend moved from Houston so had info from reading the news there or something; and I was trying to figure out if I should offer condolences for a second.

I must be dense today. Sorry!
Herself is alive and well, and a Swede/Finn from Minneapolis.

05-27-2021, 10:28 PM

There was a time in my younger days when I lived in Dinkytown, worked in Bloomington, and commuted by bike whenever the weather didn't suck. My route was Hennepin through downtown and uptown to where it bumps into the cemetery right on that map (IIRC that's 36th, but it's been a long time), then west to the south end of Lake Calhoun and over to France ave and south to Bloomington from there. I never really worried about my safety then, even when my shift ended at night and I was riding home in the dark. I don't think the only difference is that I'm wiser/more cautious now.

I also think renaming Calhoun was one of the dumber woke virtue signals ever, but that's another story. :P

Lex Luthier
05-27-2021, 10:41 PM
There was a time in my younger days when I lived in Dinkytown, worked in Bloomington, and commuted by bike whenever the weather didn't suck. My route was Hennepin through downtown and uptown to where it bumps into the cemetery right on that map (IIRC that's 36th, but it's been a long time), then west to the south end of Lake Calhoun and over to France ave and south to Bloomington from there. I never really worried about my safety then, even when my shift ended at night and I was riding home in the dark. I don't think the only difference is that I'm wiser/more cautious now.

I also think renaming Calhoun was one of the dumber woke virtue signals ever, but that's another story. :P

I spent a few years working in a shop co-owned by a gal who is on the tribal council for the White Earth Band Ojibwe.
She thought the renaming was kinda dumb, too.

No, it's just gotten rougher, even in just the 6-7 years I've been here.

Found elsewhere, a paraphrase from Chris Rock:

"Twenty years in the future, every major city will have a street named after George Floyd. And you won't want to be on it."

05-28-2021, 06:57 AM
Found elsewhere, a paraphrase from Chris Rock:

"Twenty years in the future, every major city will have a street named after George Floyd. And you won't want to be on it."

Ha. That is highly likely to be true.

05-28-2021, 07:31 AM
And we are already seeing carjackings (and the occasional gunfight) around the Summit/ Cathedral Hill neighborhood in St Paul, which has the longest unbroken street of victorian Mansions in the US.
(This was the street where F Scott Fitzgerald lived when he wrote "This Side Of Paradise". It has *never* been run-down since it was laid out in the 1850s.)

Summit Ave mansions & houses (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=summit+ave+st+paul+mansions&qs=MM&form=QBIR&sp=2&pq=summit+ave+houses&sk=MM1&sc=2-17&cvid=92DBB51CB29443A5AAD19E683403D094&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover)

Yipes. I have a whole bunch of friends who work at a school on Summit Ave. I didn't realize things had gotten nasty specifically there. :(:(:(

BTW, great sig line. I was in a band in the 80's that did a version of that song. As the trumpet player, I was totally uninvolved in that particular tune, so I think I can say without danger of bragging that our version was really great. :D

Totem Polar
05-28-2021, 08:57 AM
"Twenty years in the future, every major city will have a street named after George Floyd. And you won't want to be on it."

LoL! You got me again.


Sad, but true.

05-29-2021, 09:07 AM
maybe they were just triyng to honor Big George with a 21 gun salute


05-29-2021, 09:11 AM
He gave his life for us...