View Full Version : Week 420: Acceleration

05-20-2021, 08:32 AM
Week 420: Acceleration

Results may be posted until August 20th, 2021.

Designed by: JV
Range: 7 yards
Target: 8" circle, IPSC A-zone, or sheet of paper
Start Position: mid-draw (see below)
Rounds Fired: varies

The goal of this drill is to push draw speed both in terms of mechanical and visual control of the pistol.

You will need a shot timer with a PAR time function.

First, time yourself to draw and get six shots on your target at 7yd. If you do not get all six hits on your first run, repeat until you get a time for six shots, six hits. Write this time down. It will serve as a reference.

Next, you'll begin the actual Acceleration drill.

Start position for each string of fire will be the mid point of your drawstroke where your support hand contacts the gun. You are specifically working on improving your draw so don't cheat yourself. Keep this starting position constant throughout the drill.

Set your timer to a PAR of 1.0 seconds.

For the first string of fire, on the buzzer present the gun from your starting position and fire one round. Repeat for a total of ten runs (ten rounds). Record the number of hits and any instances when you went over PAR.

If you got at least 90% of your hits under PAR during string one, you'll move on to the second string. On the buzzer present the gun from your starting position and fire two rounds. Repeat for a total of ten runs (twenty rounds). Record the number of hits and any instances when you went over PAR. Note: the PAR time does not change, you just have to get more hits within the same amount of time.

If you got at least 90% of your hits under PAR during string two, you'll move on to the third string. On the buzzer present the gun from your starting position and fire three rounds. Repeat for a total of ten runs (thirty rounds). Record the number of hits and any instances when you went over PAR.

Repeat this process adding one shot to each presentation (ten tries at 4 per, then ten tries at 5 per, etc.) until you can no longer get 90% of your hits within the PAR time.

Once you've reached the failure point, reshoot the test from the beginning of the drill: draw and fire six shots on your target from 7yd. Record your results and compare with your starting time.

If you cannot draw from the holster, instead use a ready position for the entire drill (both the tests before & after and the Acceleration drill).

If you cannot consistently get at least two hits on the target within the 1.0 second PAR time, increase the PAR by half a second and complete the entire exercise at that PAR time instead.

Please report the following when you post your results in this thread:

- starting position for the "test" phases (ready position, open holster, retention holster, or concealed)
- number of misses for each string
- number of times over PAR for each string
- time for pre-drill 6 shot "test"
- time for post-drill 6 shot "test"

Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.