View Full Version : Former French Generals Sign Threatening Letter to Government

04-27-2021, 03:16 PM
Hopefully this doesn't fall under political discussion, but thought it was significant and sounded familiar. I ran across it on GeopoliticalFutures.com (former founder of Stratfor.com, George Freidman). Here is the original in French:


Ran it through Google Translator for English translation:

"The hour is serious, France is in danger, several mortal dangers threaten it. We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, in the current circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country.

Our tricolor flags are not just a piece of cloth, they symbolize the tradition, through the ages, of those who, whatever their skin color or their faith, have served France and given their lives for it. On these flags, we find in gold letters the words "Honor and Fatherland". However, our honor today lies in the denunciation of the disintegration which strikes our homeland.

- Discrimination which, through a certain anti-racism, is displayed with a single goal: to create on our soil a malaise, even a hatred between the communities. Today some speak of racialism, indigenism and decolonial theories, but, through these terms, it is the racial war that these hateful and fanatic partisans want. They despise our country, its traditions, its culture, and want to see it dissolve by taking away its past and its history. Thus they attack, through statues, ancient military and civilian glories by analyzing words that are centuries old.

- Discrimination which, with Islamism and the suburban hordes, leads to the detachment of multiple plots of the nation to transform them into territories subject to dogmas contrary to our constitution. However, every Frenchman, whatever his belief or his non-belief, is at home everywhere in France; there cannot and must not exist any city, any district where the laws of the Republic do not apply.

- Discrimination because hatred takes precedence over fraternity during demonstrations where the power uses the police as an auxiliary agent and scapegoat in the face of French people in yellow vests expressing their despair. This while infiltrated and hooded individuals ransack businesses and threaten these same police forces. Yet the latter only apply the directives, sometimes contradictory, given by you, the rulers.

Perils are mounting, violence is increasing day by day. Who would have predicted ten years ago that a professor would one day be beheaded when he left college? However, we, servants of the Nation, who have always been ready to put our skin at the end of our engagement - as our military state demanded, cannot be passive spectators in the face of such acts.

It is therefore imperative that those who lead our country find the courage to eradicate these dangers. To do this, it is often sufficient to apply existing laws without weakness. Do not forget that, like us, a large majority of our fellow citizens are overwhelmed by your shifts and your guilty silences.

As Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, said: “When prudence is everywhere, courage is nowhere. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, enough procrastination, the hour is serious, the work is colossal; do not waste time and know that we are ready to support policies which will take into consideration the safeguard of the nation.

On the other hand, if nothing is done, laxity will continue to spread inexorably in society, ultimately causing an explosion and the intervention of our active comrades in a perilous mission of protecting our civilizational values ​​and safeguarding of our compatriots on the national territory.

As we can see, it is no longer time to procrastinate otherwise, tomorrow the civil war will put an end to this growing chaos, and the deaths, for which you will bear the responsibility, will number in the thousands."

Wow... 1500 active duty signatures as well. The bottom line according to GPF is this:

"Bottom Line: That so many current members of the defense and security establishment were willing to sign the letter suggests they do not fear punishment. This is especially notable in a country like France, with a history of the military getting involved in domestic politics. This could be a warning to Macron."

04-27-2021, 03:36 PM
That's a powerfully expressed letter. I am impressed.

04-27-2021, 04:38 PM
I wish them luck!

It is comforting to know that there are still patriots in this world who are willing to stand up to the powers that be.

Lex Luthier
04-27-2021, 04:41 PM
Oh, jeez. This could get really fascinating and messy. Some of those officers came up through the ranks under these guys...


(And yes, when the 1961 putsch failed, The legionnaires sang this same song on their way to prison.)

I don't suppose they'd try the same thing without reasonable expectation of success.

04-28-2021, 10:21 AM
I had the privilege of working with the French Army on a few things over the years. They tend to be hard chargers in all the ways that matter, and relaxed, chilled-out adults about everything that doesn't.
Some of them resented all the jokes about the French military, but I remember a French Army LT telling me 'I laugh at these jokes, let them all think we are weak, and discover we are strong in the worst way'.

I'd totally forgotten about that until I read this thread. I hope France rights itself sooner rather than later, and without needing military intervention.

04-28-2021, 10:34 AM
I had the privilege of working with the French Army on a few things over the years. They tend to be hard chargers in all the ways that matter, and relaxed, chilled-out adults about everything that doesn't.
Some of them resented all the jokes about the French military, but I remember a French Army LT telling me 'I laugh at these jokes, let them all think we are weak, and discover we are strong in the worst way'.

I'd totally forgotten about that until I read this thread. I hope France rights itself sooner rather than later, and without needing military intervention.

My brief experience with them as well. A good friend of mine served as a Sub-Sarahan Africa FAO and worked closely with the French during some of their recent operations in Africa and he was highly impressed.

We are living in interesting times...

04-28-2021, 11:26 AM
Yeah, people don't spend three grand for an MR73 because of a history of "Never fired, only dropped once."

Lex Luthier
04-29-2021, 08:10 PM
The letter is having an effect.


The Daily Mail is writing on the authors of the letter, and their political supporters.


And apparently one of the mayors of Paris (hm, did not know each arrondissement had an executive) herself an Arab, is coming out in support of the letter and it's signatories.


I did not realize that the letter was published on the 60th anniversary of the vote to make Algeria independent. That's a very significant date in France, and an absolute rebuke to the government.
It's akin to threatening the US president on the anniversary of Kennedy's assassination.

Those generals and serving officers have brass beyond that on their hats.

04-29-2021, 09:15 PM
Hmm, an actual insurrection, not a failed crowd control exercise like happened on 1/6.

04-29-2021, 10:28 PM
Oh, jeez. This could get really fascinating and messy. Some of those officers came up through the ranks under these guys...


(And yes, when the 1961 putsch failed, The legionnaires sang this same song on their way to prison.)

I don't suppose they'd try the same thing without reasonable expectation of success.

This is where they got the inspiration for that song:


I read the letter in French, and I think "threatening" is a mischaracterization. It was more like, "If y'all don't pull your heads out, this is what's gonna happen, and the resulting thousands of deaths will be your responsibility."

Of the 26 general officers who signed this, one is retired, the other 25 are "2S", or 2ème Section, which roughly corresponds to our IRR. The rest of the signatories are ranks below general officer, going from full bird down to PFC. Their status (active, reserve, retired, other) isn't indicated. The officer who wrote/edited the letter is a (former) Captain.

It took some gumption to sign one's name to this letter. Repercussions could vary from a hairy eyeball from your commander to non-selection for promotion to being invited to leave the Army.

Lex Luthier
04-29-2021, 10:46 PM
This is where they got the inspiration for that song:


I read the letter in French, and I think "threatening" is a mischaracterization. It was more like, "If y'all don't pull your heads out, this is what's gonna happen, and the resulting thousands of deaths will be your responsibility."

Of the 26 general officers who signed this, one is retired, the other 25 are "2S", or 2ème Section, which roughly corresponds to our IRR. The rest of the signatories are ranks below general officer, going from full bird down to PFC. Their status (active, reserve, retired, other) isn't indicated. The officer who wrote/edited the letter is a (former) Captain.

It took some gumption to sign one's name to this letter. Repercussions could vary from a hairy eyeball from your commander to non-selection for promotion to being invited to leave the Army.

I was aware of the Piaf version. She has fans here at the Lutherie Arms. I looked more closely at the notes for the video of the Legionnaires singing; those were the actual coup participants, singing in prison.

I read the translation included in my first link above; it is better and more natural sounding than the one included in the original post. I can see why you'd say it's predictive rather than a warning, except for the part here

"However, if nothing is done, heedlessness will continue to spread its poison throughout society, inexorably. In the end, there will be an explosion, and our comrades in active military service will be forced to step in and undertake the perilous mission of protecting our civilizational values and the lives of our fellow citizens."

I understand that several of the serving officers who signed the letter are to be cashiered.

Mark D
04-29-2021, 11:02 PM
I've been following this story elsewhere, and although I haven't read the letter in it's native French, I also thought it was not "threatening", but more "heads up, our society will be an epic shit show if we don't correct course."