View Full Version : I keep saying it’s open season on cops

04-27-2021, 01:26 PM

The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC, says it's investigating a video on TikTok that shows an exchange between a person and several officers about the police killing of 16-year-old Ma'Khia Bryant in Ohio last week.

The context and the date of the video are unclear. It shows police officers surrounding a car.

A voice behind the camera can be heard asking the officers, "Are y'all gonna kill me like Ma'Khia Bryant?"

"Are you going to stab somebody like her?" another voice responds, apparently belonging to one of the officers. It's unclear who exactly makes the remark since the officers are wearing face coverings.

A Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson told Insider on Monday morning that the department was "aware of this incident and it is currently under investigation."

04-27-2021, 01:28 PM
I can't wait until woke culture gets its referendum in 2022.

Hot Sauce
04-27-2021, 01:33 PM
IT is under investigation. But what is the "it" that we're referring to, what is there to investigate?

04-27-2021, 01:37 PM
IT is under investigation. But what is the "it" that we're referring to, what is there to investigate?

Clearly there were thought crimes in the situation.

04-27-2021, 01:45 PM
BTW, when are we goin to finally give TikTok the Parler treatment, given that it's ADD inducing CCP spyware? I was never a social media guy but TikTok in particular needs to get nuked off the planet

04-27-2021, 02:00 PM
It's bad enough to be on Facebook or Twitter. I can't fathom why anybody would tolerate being on a Twitbook controlled by the ChiComs.

04-27-2021, 02:02 PM
IT is under investigation. But what is the "it" that we're referring to, what is there to investigate?


04-27-2021, 02:19 PM
I can't wait until woke culture gets its referendum in 2022.

I remember saying that about 2020.

I hope you’re right though....

04-27-2021, 02:24 PM
I remember saying that about 2020.

I hope you’re right though....

I think with Trump and COVID out of play, moderates will be a lot less likely to swing blue.

That said, GOP will need someone to rev turnout. I have no idea who that will be because the personality of the party at present feels as appealing as left over Taco Bell.

Needs a Trump 2.0 basically. Not sure where the GOP will find him or her, but they need to be looking yesterday.

04-27-2021, 02:28 PM
I can't wait until woke culture gets its referendum in 2022.

Ive lost faith.

I think with Trump and COVID out of play, moderates will be a lot less likely to swing blue.

That said, GOP will need someone to rev turnout. I have no idea who that will be because the personality of the party at present feels as appealing as left over Taco Bell.

Needs a Trump 2.0 basically. Not sure where the GOP will find him or her, but they need to be looking yesterday.

I lean towards DeSantis though he lacks a little charisma, he does seem to snap back at the media and has a little edge.

Only political "outsider" I think could do it at this point would be Tucker Carlson or Candence Owens.

Someone suggested Charles Barkley the other day and it made me bust out laughing....then I actually had the thought he could probably do it. Strange times.

04-27-2021, 02:32 PM
Ive lost faith.

I haven't.

My mom, who is a 60 something year old art teacher, who went to art school in the 70s, lives in the NY metro area, went on an 15 minute long rant about the current conversation about race over the dinner table when I was visiting my folks last week. I couldn't even tell you what her political opinions are because she normally doesn't care enough to bother expressing them.

I think that there are a lot of regular people out there who are sick of the Twitter mob and their undue influence on the national conversation. More and more people are tuning out. If someone like my mom is mad about it, it seems very likely that there is a silent majority that agrees.

Hell, we saw this in the 2020 elections: despite losing the presidency, the GOP gained seats in the house and retained very much at-jeopardy seats in the Senate, and that was the Democrat's high water mark. History tells us that losing seats in the midterm is an expectation; if the GOP plays its cards right, it could be an avalanche.

04-27-2021, 02:34 PM
I haven't.

My mom, who is a 60 something year old art teacher, who went to art school in the 70s, lives in the NY metro area, went on an 15 minute long rant about the current conversation about race over the dinner table when I was visiting my folks last week. I couldn't even tell you what her political opinions are because she normally doesn't care enough to bother expressing them.

I think that there are a lot of regular people out there who are sick of the Twitter mob and their undue influence on the national conversation. More and more people are tuning out. If someone like my mom is mad about it, it seems very likely that there is a silent majority that agrees.

Hell, we saw this in the 2020 elections: despite losing the presidency, the GOP gained seats in the house and retained very much at-jeopardy seats in the Senate, and that was the Democrat's high water mark. History tells us that losing seats in the midterm is an expectation; if the GOP plays its cards right, it could be an avalanche.

I hope you are right.

My mother voted for Hillary in 2016. She voted for Trump (down ballot R) in 2020 and bought her first AR this past November. I hope more people have a similar awakening.

04-27-2021, 02:40 PM
I think with Trump and COVID out of play, moderates will be a lot less likely to swing blue.
Needs a Trump 2.0 basically. Not sure where the GOP will find him or her, but they need to be looking yesterday.

Maybe, but there is a whole lot of damage done and being done in the meantime and millions of young minds being poisoned by this crap. The GOP is fairly good at hold ground but they suck at taking it back.

Sorry - just venting my frustration......

04-27-2021, 02:45 PM
In my career I’ve said that almost verbatim to people like that <shrugs>

04-27-2021, 02:50 PM
Maybe, but there is a whole lot of damage done and being done in the meantime and millions of young minds being poisoned by this crap. The GOP is fairly good at hold ground but they suck at taking it back.

Sorry - just venting my frustration......

Ive heard discussions centered around the Union no longer being bound by any real commonalities and that perhapse we are really 2-3 countries still stuck together.

Im starting the share this opinion and If anyone has doubt I would encourage you (if you can manage) to take a closer look at the current crop of Americans ages 15-21.

This is where my pessimism stems from...

04-27-2021, 02:57 PM
Im starting the share this opinion and If anyone has doubt I would encourage you (if you can manage) to take a closer look at the current crop of Americans ages 15-21.

This is where my pessimism stems from...

How long have they been saying this for, though?

The shitty ones always get attention. Everyone remembers the hippies; nobody seems to remember that the same generation also included Carlos Hathcock.

04-27-2021, 03:02 PM
I remember saying that about 2020.

I hope you’re right though....

If people couldn’t see the obvious in 2020, I have little faith that they will in 2022. Human nature is anything but impressive.

Let’s all hope I am wrong.

04-27-2021, 03:04 PM
How long have they been saying this for, though?

The shitty ones always get attention. Everyone remembers the hippies; nobody seems to remember that the same generation also included Carlos Hathcock.

That’s true but who has had more impact on the society? I wish it were the likes of Mr. Hathcock.

04-27-2021, 03:06 PM
That’s true but who has had more impact on the society? I wish it were the likes of Mr. Hathcock.

They aged into their 40sand by and large elected Reagan as I recall

04-27-2021, 03:08 PM
Ive heard discussions centered around the Union no longer being bound by any real commonalities and that perhapse we are really 2-3 countries still stuck together.

Im starting the share this opinion and If anyone has doubt I would encourage you (if you can manage) to take a closer look at the current crop of Americans ages 15-21.

This is where my pessimism stems from...

I work with them every day.

I am not pessimistic. At least, not yet.

04-27-2021, 03:11 PM
I work with them every day.

I am not pessimistic. At least, not yet.

Thats reassuring at least.

04-27-2021, 03:16 PM
Fuck all the rabid cop haters. I hope they learn the error of their ways good and hard.

04-27-2021, 03:26 PM
Ive heard discussions centered around the Union no longer being bound by any real commonalities and that perhapse we are really 2-3 countries still stuck together.

Im starting the share this opinion and If anyone has doubt I would encourage you (if you can manage) to take a closer look at the current crop of Americans ages 15-21.

This is where my pessimism stems from...

IMO, it's the older generation (20-30) that's the problem. Let's call them the "Occupy Generation".
The current crop of HS and college kids I know believe their older generation are a bunch of whining assholes.
They (under 21's) seem to have adopted the good parts of what the progressives are bleating about without the cancel culture, Karenization and self aggrandizement.

ETA: Should have noted that I'm certain we have folks in the 20-30 range here that are exceptions to the above.... :o

04-27-2021, 04:09 PM
On the topic at hand, I saw the video. It vfc appeared to me the officer who made the comment was other than white.

04-27-2021, 04:16 PM
On the topic at hand, I saw the video. It vfc appeared to me the officer who made the comment was other than white.

Yes - but to the wokesters out there ethnicity is how you identify yourself and this cop obviously identifies as a white supremest.

JM Campbell
04-27-2021, 04:42 PM
IMO, it's the older generation (20-30) that's the problem. Let's call them the "Occupy Generation".
The current crop of HS and college kids I know believe their older generation are a bunch of whining assholes.
They (under 21's) seem to have adopted the good parts of what the progressives are bleating about without the cancel culture, Karenization and self aggrandizement.

ETA: Should have noted that I'm certain we have folks in the 20-30 range here that are exceptions to the above.... :o

I don’t know brother....a really good friends son is graduating from Texas A&M next month and tells us all the time how woke the school is now. He says conservative thought is almost non existent and gave up on dating girls in school because he wasn’t going to play the woke game for a piece of a**. Very sad times, I wonder how woke the Corp of Cadets are?

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04-27-2021, 04:48 PM
I don’t know brother....a really good friends son is graduating from Texas A&M next month and tells us all the time how woke the school is now. He says conservative thought is almost non existent and gave up on dating girls in school because he wasn’t going to play the woke game for a piece of a**. Very sad times, I wonder how woke the Corp of Cadets are?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He's in the between age, I think.... 21, 22...
My buddy's daughter graduated from there last year and she reports that it's a mixed bag of ideologies.
My 22yo can't talk politics with friends she's graduating with next week. (not A&M)
My 19yo is certain the folks ahead of him are mostly a-holes. His friends are pretty solid.

I'm remaining hopeful it's a positive trend, but stockpiling in case I'm wrong.

JM Campbell
04-27-2021, 04:56 PM
He's in the between age, I think.... 21, 22...
My buddy's daughter graduated from there last year and she reports that it's a mixed bag of ideologies.
My 22yo can't talk politics with friends she's graduating with next week. (not A&M)
My 19yo is certain the folks ahead of him are mostly a-holes. His friends are pretty solid.

I'm remaining hopeful it's a positive trend, but stockpiling in case I'm wrong.

It’s the same with him, does not talk politics with peers.
Graduation gift is a M&P9 2.0 optics cut compact, already got him a colt upper cco and SOLGW lower that I made him learn how to build. I’m going to get him into some Green-Ops classes next.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-27-2021, 05:48 PM
I'm remaining hopeful it's a positive trend, but stockpiling in case I'm wrong.

ABS (Always Be Stockpilin)

04-27-2021, 06:19 PM
My interactions with people of the college age give me little hope, and I encounter a lot of them. Most are decent people, and don’t buy into the cancel culture. However, they don’t recognize where the threat comes from and what needs to be done to fix the problem.

Not to mention they have, at best, a weak understanding of what it means to be American.

The above is also true for liberals in general.

You don’t have to be a bad, or evil, person to destroy America. If we only had to worry about bad and evil people, the world would be a pretty good place.

04-27-2021, 06:50 PM
My interactions with people of the college age give me little hope, and I encounter a lot of them.

I was pretty fucking stupid in college though, even if I was still pro-2A. I think people come around with age.

I do think Gen Z has some unique psychosocial traits, including having grown up with smartphones. I was born in 88 and didn't get my first cell phone of any kind until I was about to graduate high school, and I don't think I had a smart phone until well after I graduated from college. 4 years later and that would have probably been different.

That said, I don't think it damns them in any particular direction. 20 year olds just don't make smart choices. I don't think this has ever not been true.

04-27-2021, 07:06 PM
I was pretty fucking stupid in college though, even if I was still pro-2A. I think people come around with age.

I do think Gen Z has some unique psychosocial traits, including having grown up with smartphones. I was born in 88 and didn't get my first cell phone of any kind until I was about to graduate high school, and I don't think I had a smart phone until well after I graduated from college. 4 years later and that would have probably been different.

That said, I don't think it damns them in any particular direction. 20 year olds just don't make smart choices. I don't think this has ever not been true.

You’re just a tad younger than me, but in the world of cell phones, our life seems to be on the same trajectory.

Yes, most 20 year olds are inexperienced and unwise. Part of the problem is they have little access to wisdom. Most are secular and many take what they learn in college seriously. That is not a good combination.

I’m neither Evangelical nor was I homeschooled, and at one time I would have looked down on the homeschooled. Not as bad, but as socially disconnected.

In my college Spanish classes, and math class, there were a few young girls who were homeschooled. They were from an Evangelical background. The maturity, social skills and common sense they did displayed should be the envy of most people. It was impressive and made me appreciate their background.

There are things that give me hope, like the people described above, those who don’t follow the crowd, groups like Prager Force , TPUSA, and others fighting the hood fight. The average college kid gives me little hope.

There are exceptions. Talked to Muslim guy the other day who is on college and his dad is a doctor. Plus the dude weighs less than me and lifts more! His dad is a doctor and his parents are immigrants from Bangladesh. Whole family is pro Trump (anti left) and they really appreciate what America has offered them opportunity wise.

Families like that give me hope.

04-27-2021, 07:46 PM
I employ four young ladies, and four young men under the age of 24. All eight are way more conservative than I was at their age. They work hard and I hope they all stick with my company. This whole "the younger generation sucks" thing is nothing new under the sun. Americans have been bitching about it for centuries.

Joe in PNG
04-27-2021, 07:59 PM
I fully expect young people to be sophomoric, solipsistic idiots with a rectal-crainial inversion.
I was one at that age myself.

But, one should grow out of the stupid sometime around their mid 20's. That a certain segment of the sorta younger generation can't seem to shake their sophomoric, solipsistic, rectal-crainial inversion idiocy is the thing.
It's those people who just whine about the unfairness of this, about how they were victimized by that, and do bugger all but whine about how someone else needs to come and make things better for them.

fly out
04-27-2021, 08:18 PM
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.
Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room.
They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."


Erick Gelhaus
04-27-2021, 08:22 PM
A voice behind the camera can be heard asking the officers, "Are y'all gonna kill me like Ma'Khia Bryant?"

"Are you going to stab somebody like her?" another voice responds, apparently belonging to one of the officers. It's unclear who exactly makes the remark since the officers are wearing face coverings.

That seems to be a reasonable response to an asinine comment like the initial one.

It's being investigated? Well, cities and counties get the policing they deserve or demand. It seems to be the sort of place where the copper will get an adverse letter in their file and the citizen will get an apology letter.

But, hey, keep voting for anyone other than the guy who sent mean tweets. People voted for this situation, hope you all enjoy it.

Patrick Taylor
04-28-2021, 12:16 AM
That works both ways , LE sometimes gets the public it deserves. People in .gov from the Surpreme Court down to the street level LEOs that ran poll watchers out so the left could stuff the ballot boxes sold out the people they took an oath for.


Is it really surprising some have a negative view of LE with things such as this arrest on video? Plenty of wrong and blame on both sides of the public /LE opinions of each other.

04-28-2021, 07:38 PM

Officer Tatum is reporting the DCMPD officer has been placed on limited duty.


04-28-2021, 07:46 PM
Officer Tatum is reporting the DCMPD officer has been fired.


I hope he sues and gets a nice settlement on top of getting his job back.

04-28-2021, 07:50 PM
I hope he sues and gets a nice settlement on top of getting his job back.

So they revoked his arrest powers and put him on a desk - they haven’t fired him... yet.

04-28-2021, 07:53 PM
I employ four young ladies, and four young men under the age of 24. All eight are way more conservative than I was at their age. They work hard and I hope they all stick with my company. This whole "the younger generation sucks" thing is nothing new under the sun. Americans have been bitching about it for centuries.

State of residence checks out.

04-28-2021, 09:48 PM
So they revoked his arrest powers and put him on a desk - they haven’t fired him... yet.

No - but it sends a clear enough message.

04-28-2021, 10:01 PM
No - but it sends a clear enough message.

Policing is regional and my understanding of the way things work in the mid Atlantic region including DC metro PD is that this guy is losing a lot of money by being on a desk at base pay. Essentially a quote the process is the punishment “situation.

04-28-2021, 10:09 PM
Policing is regional and my understanding of the way things work in the mid Atlantic region including DC metro PD is that this guy is losing a lot of money by being on a desk at base pay. Essentially a quote the process is the punishment “situation.

Back in the 80's, the bosses would take us off what was then called AUO (later LEAP) for a quarter or more if we offended their sensibilities. It was a big chunk to lose in NYC and other cities with high expenses. They doled it out in order to ensure compliance with their whims more than to accommodate investigative needs.

04-28-2021, 10:36 PM
DC MPD has been a shit show for years...punishing cops for not doing anything wrong is nothing new. As early as 2008-2010 I was hearing about this stuff....I met one cop who got in trouble for making a u-turn in the street to pull someone over, citizens citing "an abuse of police powers in doing so", regardless of the fact making U-turns isn't illegal unless in an intersection, across bike lanes, etc.

I had a college friend get in trouble for writing the standard $535 no-insurance ticket when a driver failed to produce insurance on a traffic stop. She was black, my buddy is white. She complained that she shouldn't have gotten a ticket, he got written up.

Needless to say, they both left MPD.

Erick Gelhaus
04-29-2021, 01:02 AM
... Is it really surprising some have a negative view of LE with things such as this arrest on video? Plenty of wrong and blame on both sides of the public /LE opinions of each other.

I wasn't addressing the professions' failures, I was merely addressing the times we either aren't failing or are succeeding but the loud voices claim we did fail. More than a few of us talk about our failures.

04-29-2021, 09:30 AM
A marble rattled around the inside of my skull while packing my lunch and fell into a slot this morning.

Rough numbers.

19,000 homicide deaths in 2019, per CDC.

I've heard overall homicide numbers are up ~30 percent. Thats ~5700 additional deaths by homicide.

According to Wikipedia, 2977 people died in the 9/11 attacks.

So in the past year, we've seen as close as matters to two 9/11s in this country as a result of the drawdown of our police forces.

And it predominantly affects the populations that "they" say they are all about protecting.


04-29-2021, 11:09 AM
A marble rattled around the inside of my skull while packing my lunch and fell into a slot this morning.

Rough numbers.

19,000 homicide deaths in 2019, per CDC.

I've heard overall homicide numbers are up ~30 percent. Thats ~5700 additional deaths by homicide.

According to Wikipedia, 2977 people died in the 9/11 attacks.

So in the past year, we've seen as close as matters to two 9/11s in this country as a result of the drawdown of our police forces.

And it predominantly affects the populations that "they" say they are all about protecting.


But GUNS!!!!! :rolleyes:


04-30-2021, 03:29 PM
OlongJohnson The FBI reported just under 14,000 homicides for 2019: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls

04-30-2021, 07:54 PM

Great use of tuition money, here. Good for this kid.

04-30-2021, 08:37 PM

Great use of tuition money, here. Good for this kid.

Wow. What a thing for the prof to do to that student. And her whole class. “Logic has now left the building.”

ETA: I seriously felt my IQ drop listening to her. I can’t imagine spending a semester subjecting myself to that.

04-30-2021, 08:43 PM

Great use of tuition money, here. Good for this kid.

So she won’t call the police if someone with a gun is breaking into her house?? Yeah rriigghhtt....

04-30-2021, 09:28 PM
Logic , facts and reason are all tools of White Supremacy, don’t you know?

We are catering to hyper-emotional, ignorant , dumbasses.

04-30-2021, 09:47 PM
Logic , facts and reason are all tools of White Supremacy, don’t you know?

We are catering to hyper-emotional, ignorant , dumbasses.

You left off math and reading.

04-30-2021, 09:53 PM
I can't wait until woke culture gets its referendum in 2022.


Good luck with that!

04-30-2021, 10:00 PM
35 plus years so the same group criticized precision. Reading the arguments gave one the idea that somebody thought up the concept to get over on those who were "imprecise".