View Full Version : Way beyond my level of patience but very impressive

03-25-2021, 08:35 AM
Sales demo video for a device to steady the hands of model builders or anyone else doing fine detail work that needs a steady hand. It looks like a model of either the IJN Yamato or Musashi. A large part of my youth was misspent building models but never anything to this level.


03-25-2021, 09:17 AM
Cool. Not to get too nerdy, but i believe that's a Kongo type battleship.

Glenn E. Meyer
03-25-2021, 09:21 AM
Yes, the Yamato class had three triple main turrets , 2 forward, 1 back with a triple secondary turret above those.

03-25-2021, 10:33 AM
Duh, that’s not a Yamato class. Sorry, brain fart on my part.:eek:

03-25-2021, 11:05 AM
My Mum had a stabilized spoon to help with a tremor. It was a battery powered handle with sensors; when her hand shook the handle, the spoon part stayed stable. I want to put the same mechanism on a pistol :-)

03-25-2021, 01:04 PM
Where do I find one of those? Google has not yielded anything close to the stabilizer.

03-25-2021, 01:24 PM
Where do I find one of those? Google has not yielded anything close to the stabilizer.


About US $540. I am not sure if they export. I want a few for my team to aid in electronics assembly.

03-25-2021, 04:42 PM
We just use OR towels and build up as necessary for micro surgery. But the range of motion is not as large as they are dealing with on this model. Kinda cool.

03-25-2021, 11:43 PM
Steady hands, like insanely steady hands, is about all I've got left. My hands hurt all the time, especially when they get cold, they cramp up very easily, and random knuckles sometimes seem to swell for no real reason and hurt when the rest of my hands are pain free. Last week I was clamping something together while the glue dried and when I squeezed the clamp's handle, my left hand cramped up and refused to reopen for a couple of minutes. Building a model like in the video would make me crazy, I don't have the patience for it, but I wouldn't need to pop for the gadget in the video to do the job itself.

My grip strength is still pretty decent, but my left hand tends to cramp up if I put any real effort into squeezing something. Keeping my hands warm, any way I can, is a huge help. I never would have thought that the heated steering wheel would be something I absolutely will have on any vehicle I purchase from this point on. I do a lot of putting my hands in my pockets. Strangely, gloves don't seem to help all that much, but body heat sure does.

10-08-2022, 09:44 AM

A little over 40 minutes but interesting and the backstory isn't revealed until the end of the video. There's subtitles so if you're watching at warp speed you might miss some of technique explanations.

10-08-2022, 04:28 PM
I sold a very detailed book on building that model a few months back. A buddy was a model collector (and a most-everything-else collector) and it was part of his book collection.It was a Japanese book and the level of detail was fascinating, even just leafing through it. Not sure if the buyer was building the model or just collecting books but he was pleased to get it.

10-08-2022, 05:28 PM
I sold my “shelf of doom” probably 15 years ago. I didn’t have any spectacular-gotta-have-it kits worthy of a major eBay bidding war but since I got most of them for free from a shop that went out of business I wasn’t unhappy (I was a regular and helped them cleanup and clean out the last couple of weekends they were open so they gave me what didn’t sell in the final clearance sale).

After having several completed kits damaged or destroyed by kids, pets and kids blaming it on pets I finally admitted to myself the end results weren’t worth the time, effort and money I was putting into them and I really enjoyed the research more than the building. So I contented myself collecting the research materials.

I follow a few modeling blogs and every few years the urge to build again hits. When that happens I look at my reference collection and remember why I have lots of books but no kits. Then I order a couple of references for whatever I was wanting to build and the urge goes away.

Fortunately(?) that trick doesn’t work for my shooting habit.🤣

02-11-2023, 08:55 AM

02-11-2023, 09:45 AM
Now *that* is creative.

Duces Tecum
02-11-2023, 11:19 AM
Keeping my hands warm, any way I can, is a huge help. I never would have thought that the heated steering wheel would be something I absolutely will have on any vehicle I purchase from this point on.

Do you think something like these might help?



02-17-2023, 06:04 AM
Do you think something like these might help?



They do help, to a point, but they are kind of awkward in some ways and I think that I might try a pair of battery operated gloves and see what they do. But the last pair of "good" gloves I bought, Carhartts, were just ridiculously expensive and worked no better than the cheap ones I had until I lost one of them somehow. I wish I could just try them out for a couple of days before I get the CC out and order a pair.

02-17-2023, 06:17 PM
Way too much of my free time is spent modeling/painting models. Ive gotten good enough that my current commission pays half a Harley, the one after that which isn't as big is paying a staccato cs.

The purpose of the preceding wasn't to brag, just to illustrate how much I do that sort of thing. For years I've used all sorts of different methods to steady my hands, usually I use wooden blocks of different sizes, a towel and connecting my hands at the wrists, it isn't perfect, but it helps. This thing is the most interesting modeling tool I've seen in a decade, I'm already talking to my dealer to see if he can order one.

03-17-2023, 06:25 PM

03-17-2023, 06:49 PM
That was pretty awesome. A friend in middle school's dad had part of the garage sectioned off as a workshop. He was a local 1911 toting homicide dick, but that workshop was for scale models. Mostly aircraft in 1/72 scale, but WOW, he was really, really good. He held the model's tires to a match, and pressed them onto the table to make it look like the tires had a slight bulge showing that they were supporting weight. B-29s, P-36s, P-61s, F4s, F14s, F-15s...

Such thoughts enter my brain, with retirement a few years away, and knowing that the Lego AT-AT and Milinium Falcon kits are going away next year (at almost.$900 retail) I really want to build beautiful scale model kits.

And I miss the Testors kits which had a whole bunch of knowledge in the instructions. But I guess with the internet and all, building a Lockheed Martin A-12 will be more about the building and less about the cool facts.

