View Full Version : Mystery killing of a wolf in California

12-24-2020, 04:18 PM
I think it’s cute how the writer sidestepped the cause of death of the calf and called the wolf endangered. I guess it’s endangered in California, but the Canadian wolf introduced to the US is most certainly not endangered in CONUS.


At least seven California game wardens wearing bulletproof vests and sidearms drove into Big Valley, past alfalfa fields and cattle pastures. Their pickups crunched along a dirt road before turning onto a ranch.

Carrying a warrant, the wardens searched three homes at the property.

Before they left that day in August 2019, the wardens interrogated a young man, a sixth-generation rancher with close ties to other farming families in this part of Lassen and Modoc counties.

The wardens asked him if he’d shot and killed a wolf. In the days before the wolf died in December 2018, it had been spotted feeding on a calf that had died in a rancher’s pasture.

The wardens thought they had their suspect.

12-24-2020, 04:36 PM
In before #SSS (https://pistol-forum.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=SSS) . :D

Casual Friday
12-24-2020, 05:02 PM
This is one of many that have been spotted in my area. It's funny because the state has denied their existence in WA for a long time until someone got one on camera, then they admitted it's existence but stated it was a lone wolf.


snow white
12-24-2020, 05:05 PM
This is one of many that have been spotted in my area. It's funny because the state has denied their existence in WA for a long time until someone got one on camera, then they admitted it's existence but stated it was a lone wolf.


Thats funny They do the same with mountain lions around here.

JM Campbell
12-24-2020, 05:38 PM
Thats funny They do the same with mountain lions around here.

Mountain Lions are fair game in Tx 24/7/365

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-24-2020, 05:58 PM
Thats funny They do the same with mountain lions around here.

Same in CT then one got clipped by a car. It wasn't actually here it was just passing through.


I know people with big cats on their trail cameras yet the DEP continues to deny the presence of the cats in CT.

12-24-2020, 05:58 PM
Jaguars in Arizona


Lost River
12-24-2020, 06:04 PM
I noted that the article headlined that the wolf was "Shot to Death", versus "Shot to feeling bad".

The author pretty much writes the article from the perspective that the rancher is automatically guilty. I further noted that the first image you see,which is one that begins a video clip is of cute, cuddly wolf puppies that would not be able to destroy much other than your shoelace. :rolleyes:

He then goes on to blame climate change, and again, the white man for settling the West.

Never mentions how many cattle the local ranchers have been losing to wolves, and what a significant portion of their annual income that is. People have no concept what "losing a few cows" can mean to a small family ranch.

No bias at all in that hit piece, I mean "article".

If that was written in 1992 he would be crying about the spotted owl and the evil loggers..:rolleyes:

12-24-2020, 08:56 PM
Would his best defense be he thought he was in Montana or Idaho?

Where we hunt caribou, moose and bear in Alaska, the limit is ten wolves a day.

Lost River
12-25-2020, 09:42 AM
Would his best defense be he thought he was in Montana or Idaho?

Where we hunt caribou, moose and bear in Alaska, the limit is ten wolves a day.

Are they truly a problem, a problem in certain areas, or not a problem?

Alaska seems like it might have a mix of areas where they could be all of the above.

I am not actually "anti-wolf". I am anti mismanagement. Here in Idaho they "reintroduced" huge Canadian wolves. As far as I know, we never had Canadian wolves in the first place(other than perhaps in the northernmost part of the state). They got out of control, population wise and in terms of the number of animals they were destroying. It created federal jobs for some people to study, track, etc. Jobs for people from other places, who think they know more than the locals about virtually everything. It seems to be a common theme. A kid from New England, or LA, Seattle, etc, gets a BA in wildlife management, microbiology, or whatever and minors in condescension.

95% assume that the locals are not educated, and could not survive without them, or their incredibly valuable advice. In reference to wolf damage, they would say nice things about how they had sympathy, empathy, etc for people who were affected, but quite frankly their words mean very little.

Entire areas went from open, over the counter elk tags, to draw only, to no elk hunting. They would not ever admit outright in the public that the cause was wolves, but when the areas where the elk had been plentiful for a century, go to the entire population pushed out or killed, we call that a clue.

Where my dad lives, they have a pretty good population of them and the hunting has become piss poor. The deer and elk now stay very close to town/in town quite often, and in open areas, as a defense mechanism. Fish and Game will make up any and every excuse to avoid saying that the wolves are an issue.

The only good part is that the wolf hunting in the area is good,provided you are willing to dedicate a bunch of time to locate them, track them and climb some large mountains. They tend to stay in terrain that is not easily accessible.

Pic of one my dad took a few years back, not far from the house.


We had a shot at one not long ago near my cabin but by the time we got everything lined up, he went over the ridge he was on. The guy that runs cows on my place has lost steers to them, as have others in the area. They are a problem for the locals.


When they are managed right, they can be fun to watch. Watching wolves vs other critters in Jellystone Park to the East of us is often quite entertaining.

okie john
12-25-2020, 02:00 PM
Here in Idaho they "reintroduced" huge Canadian wolves. As far as I know, we never had Canadian wolves in the first place(other than perhaps in the northernmost part of the state).

This is buried in the details of the story. The wolves in California were never indigenous. They were introduced from or came from packs that originate outside the state. They're not endangered in their home range. The only thing that makes them endangered in California is the fact that they're in California, which never had much of a wolf population to begin with.

It's a self-licking ice cream cone.

Okie John

Lost River
12-25-2020, 02:40 PM
Heck lets "Reintroduce" endangered Blue Whales from the Gulf of California to Death Valley, then create some Federal jobs to justify large Federal budgets and increased taxes, and cry about when it does not work. Then blame man, and use words like Patriarchy, systemic racism and injustice. Because, the new agency that protects the Blue Whales in Death Valley will need Equity and Justice Hiring Coordinators and Oversight Committees, Gender studies managers, etc!

Buy new fleets of trucks every 3 years. Hire college kids every summer to pick up cigarette butts and conduct micro trash studies (drive around in those brand new trucks and goof off, as long as you come back at the end of the day with 10 items checked off the checklist and at least 6 pieces of "micro-trash" that they usually just grab at the gas station..), then go work on their tan.

Giant Boondoggles here we go!. That's what the Forest Circus/Service summer hire chicks do all summer here.. :cool:

I actually used to date a couple of those Forest Circus Chicks waaaay back in the day.. They somehow ended up at some hot springs in the mountains while "working". :cool:

Cookie Monster
12-25-2020, 04:13 PM
Buy new fleets of trucks every 3 years. Hire college kids every summer to pick up

The truck I had this summer was a 2007 and the my crew had trucks/SUV from 12 or 13. I don’t quite remember. I am working in the wrong Region. Though new trucks don’t impress me so maybe I am where I need to be.

My truck wouldn’t start after we got called off the fire line due to erratic winds and fire behavior along with no clear safety zones. I was hoofing it down the road when the Division Supervisor gave me a lift. Things didn’t end up getting that crazy so my truck and my sleeping didn’t get hot.

I usually end up picking up kids just out of college so they can work into the fall and the first snows. Plenty to do and doesn’t involve micro-trash (really only a issue with Condors in California because that dinosaur of a bird is too stupid not to eat little pieces of trash - at least in my experience. Having put together post fire contracts for micro trash removal post Station Fire on the Angeles.)

12-25-2020, 04:35 PM

The pictures from your area of the country always wow me. There are times I'm ready to dump VA and finally head West like none of my ancestors ever did. After the divorce and everything, it sure does get the mind going. But, also unlike my ancestors, I'm no farmer either. I have to stick somewhat close to industry to make a living.

Really appreciate the photos and sorry for the thread drift.

12-25-2020, 05:32 PM
This is one of many that have been spotted in my area. It's funny because the state has denied their existence in WA for a long time until someone got one on camera, then they admitted it's existence but stated it was a lone wolf.


You know they are lying, because there is only one Lone Wolf.


12-25-2020, 06:03 PM
I’m a big fan of reintroducing wolves and mountain lions to DC area parks. They were there first, damnit. Also, brown bears in California.

12-25-2020, 06:13 PM
The reporter mentions the wolves interfering with the ranchers livelihood. I guess he doesn’t care that the cattle in question were destined to be food for humans. Another socialist concept- food redistribution to go with the wealth redistribution. There is plenty for everyone

12-25-2020, 07:00 PM
I’m a big fan of reintroducing wolves and mountain lions to DC area parks. They were there first, damnit. Also, brown bears in California.

Don’t forget Central Park. NYC

Cookie Monster
12-25-2020, 11:30 PM
I’m a big fan of reintroducing wolves and mountain lions to DC area parks. They were there first, damnit. Also, brown bears in California.

I feel better when I am in the woods and there are large predators that can fuck me up. Bring it.

12-26-2020, 09:27 AM
I’m a big fan of reintroducing wolves and mountain lions to DC area parks. They were there first, damnit. Also, brown bears in California.