View Full Version : Not a joke: Cuomo to get Emmy for virus briefings

11-21-2020, 06:41 AM
One would think that the Associated Press world be investigating all of the nursing home deaths he caused, but that's not how the Democratic Party media machine works.What a cruel, cynical joke worthy of Communist China state media.


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is set to soon receive an International Emmy award for his once-daily televised briefings on the coronavirus pandemic that killed tens of thousands of New Yorkers this spring.

11-21-2020, 06:44 AM
C’mon, man.


11-21-2020, 07:00 AM
We're two Senate seats away from the beginning of the end.

I wonder what list they put me on first?

11-21-2020, 09:19 AM
He and his brother are the true "deplorables".

11-21-2020, 10:28 AM
The legacy continues.

1938: Euthanasia Society of America (ESA) was founded in New York.

11-21-2020, 10:35 AM
Maybe they will name a bridge after him.

11-21-2020, 10:37 AM
Maybe they will name a bridge after him.

A bridge too far.

11-21-2020, 10:43 AM
Gov. Cuomo says backlash over renaming Tappan Zee Bridge is 'personally hurtful' - syracuse.com
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says backlash over renaming the Tappan Zee Bridge for his father is "personally hurtful."

A petition on change.org has collected more than 75,000 signatures calling for the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge to return to its original name.

"While Mr. Cuomo may be deserving of something named after him, it should not be at the expense of history, and the original settlers of our land: the Tappan Indians and the Dutch. And certainly not at taxpayer expense," the petition says.

"The name Tappan Zee has no politics associated with it... Plus, it sounds cool to say, 'I'm taking the Tappan Zee.' It does not sound cool to say, 'I'm taking the Cuomo.' Come on people!"

The bridge was previously officially named the Governor Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge, but was commonly known as the Tappan Zee Bridge. Wilson served a year as New York state governor from 1973-1974; his daughter, Kathrine Wilson Conroy, said in June she opposed the renaming.

The state legislature voted in June to name the new $4 billion Hudson River bridge for Gov. Andrew Cuomo's father, who died in 2015 and served as NYS governor from 1983 to 1994. The 3-mile replacement bridge, which links suburban Westchester and Rockland counties along the New York State Thruway north of New York City, opened in August with the new name.

"Today, my father does smile down on us," Cuomo said at the opening of the first span of the new bridge.

The Journal News reports the Democratic governor is blaming a conservative group for the "mean" and "vindictive" petition.

According to the Associated Press, the group -- Reclaim New York -- says it's not behind the petition, though it has promoted the petition. The group says residents are "sick of backroom deals."

A bridge too far.

Totem Polar
11-21-2020, 10:49 AM
Renaming a bridge from an indigenous name to a career politician? Where is the woke left on this one?

11-21-2020, 10:58 AM
The number of people who give a shit about Emmies is approaching room temperature. It is all just some self-congratulatory bullshit, and this move probably also contains a healthy dose of purposeful controversy to try and make people remember they are a thing. Because most people have forgotten it's a thing, despite their attempts to retain relevancy by inserting politics into every nook and cranny then can find.

Viewership sets a new record low every year. They've lost right at 2/3rds of their audience in the last 6 years, down to 6 million and some change. For comparison, that's a million less then watch any given episode of "Young Sheldon", per Nielson. The viewership they do retain is trending older, over 50 years old for the median age, so it's dying. As are all award shows to a greater or lesser degree. You'll be seeing adult diaper and free diabetes test kid ads airing on these shows before too much longer. They'll air right after Matlock but before Murder She Wrote reruns.

11-21-2020, 05:26 PM
Sounds like Obama getting a Nobel peace prize. Just cheapens whatever value the prize is supposed to still have.