View Full Version : Reference section submissions

11-20-2020, 08:26 PM
The Reference Section has 17 threads. They are great threads, but I can think of 50 off the top of my head that should be there. Perhaps not every post should be, but when I start to remember something about the Gadget or a good rifle or shotgun thread I have to go digging for it. There are way more than 17 really informative threads on P-F that should be enshrined for posterity. I'm reduced to digging for those threads and condensing them in a journal.

I don't expect P-F staff to go digging through the forum and collecting awesome and informative threads, but maybe users could submit threads to staff for consideration for the Reference Section. I think it would save a lot of time and condense the overload of good information that is P-F.

11-24-2020, 08:52 AM
Just report them and explain why you are doing so.

11-24-2020, 09:06 AM
That's ^^^ a really good idea.

Things that spring to my mind when I hear "reference" are subjects I've searched for as a new shooter, or come back to. I'll take a look later today and report any that might have value for consideration as reference or stickies.

I'd be looking for topics like:

- How to effectively Dry Practice
- Where can I find guidance on selecting self-defense ammunition
- Efficient drills for a limited ammunition expenditure scenario
- How do I pick a Jujitsu School
- Selecting a good holster for CCW
- Best supplies for a gun cleaning kit
- What should I have in my IFAK
- How do I get started in reloading