View Full Version : Killed by a chicken..

10-28-2020, 08:46 AM
After a quick search (maybe too quick?) I decided to post this:


Has anyone ever heard of something as bizarre as ths?

10-28-2020, 01:19 PM
I guess when your number comes up, RIP.

10-28-2020, 02:36 PM
Roosters being killed randomly. Any petrifications?

11-08-2020, 02:25 AM
Damn, what a shitty way to die.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54715327

11-08-2020, 07:59 AM
Damn, what a shitty way to die.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54715327
And take just long enough to bleed out that you would die, knowing you were killed by a chicken...

11-08-2020, 08:13 AM


11-08-2020, 08:26 PM
I liked the hand grenade that was thrown into the ring story better.


Chickens with blades doesn't seem like a fowl but a hand grenade, that's just plain chicken shit.

11-08-2020, 08:47 PM

My rooster eyeing my Spyderco.
I'll need to keep my eye on him from now on.

11-09-2020, 06:01 AM
“Killed by Chicken” was a good click bait, and I bought it.


But, “killed by a cock!”.............

11-09-2020, 07:06 AM
Threads merged under the more descriptive title.

11-09-2020, 07:52 AM
Let's strap a long sharp blade to a aggressive, unruly animal.

What could go wrong??

11-09-2020, 09:08 AM
Let's strap a long sharp blade to a aggressive, unruly animal.

What could go wrong??

Tiny dinosaurs, let’s put knives on tiny little dinosaurs...

The other morning I was sitting on my porch having coffee and I hear some light clucking. And around the corner walks this guy. Which was pretty damn strange since I live an apartment in a very developed area. I almost had me a fresh Sunday chicken dinner.


11-09-2020, 10:18 AM
Let's strap a long sharp blade to a aggressive, unruly animal.

Future training for when the Velociraptors come back to life.

11-09-2020, 10:22 AM

11-09-2020, 10:30 AM
Future training for when the Velociraptors come back to life.

That's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the sides!

11-09-2020, 12:08 PM
Pretty common for them to strap blades to the birds for cockfights when they're lethal cockfights. If you're breaking up a cockfight be careful that you don't get poked by something dangerous (phrasing).

They also sometimes mount 'boxing gloves' on them to avoid lethal outcomes when they are sparring. Of course, it's hard to bet on a sparring match, because how do you know when one bird won or not? I've seen them do the boxing thing (in Central America) - I'll admit it's entertaining to watch in a primal kind of way, like a bullfight.

Speaking of, I remember going to bullfights in Matamoros, Mexico when I was a kid (about 8 or 9 years old). That was interesting, the pageantry and realizing the willingness of humans to do silly things for money and adulation those thoughts are still with me today.

11-09-2020, 03:07 PM
Went to cock fights as a kid, once a year. Loved them!

They don't always end up with a dead bird. Sometimes when both are beat up, they put them beak-to-beak and whichever pecks first wins.

Yeah it was brutal thinking about it today. But like RR mentioned, so are bullfights, the Gladiators, and to some extent the current fighting sports.

I suppose we all have a different comfort level with these things. I can think of how some folks/cultures fight other domesticated animals and I don't approve, so I get it!