View Full Version : If lawn signs are an indication....

10-26-2020, 11:53 AM
..then, Trump wins. Last week, we took a road trip from southern Vermont to South Carolina. VT state route 9, NYS thruway, Pennsylvania I-84, I-81, I-77 into SC. Trump signs seen were at least 95%, to Biden signs at 5%. Many, many homemade Trump signs on farm wagons pulled close to the interstate thru PA and VA. Some guy parked a tractor trailer near I-81 in PA with a huge Trump banner. Lots of Trump banners hanging from personal homes. All Biden signs that I saw were small, pre-printed lawn signs. Nothing huge. What I’m seeing on the ground is not matching what I see on the TV news programs.

10-26-2020, 12:09 PM
Not even Obama can bring folks out for Joe


According to CBS News campaign reporter Tim Perry, Obama’s drive-in event in Florida on Saturday only brought in 228 cars, totaling about 400 people.

Joe in PNG
10-26-2020, 01:17 PM
Not even Obama can bring folks out for Joe


Holiday Inn Welcomes the National Touring Company of The Wiz and The Biden Campaign (Featuring Obama)

10-26-2020, 01:19 PM
In Kansas City proper, south of the river- 75th street to 47th Street, Stateline to Troost, I see 90% Biden signs to Trump. I know in 2016, the vote was more like 55/45 for Clinton.

I strongly suspect that lots of folks are a "silent/low profile majority" in a given area.

Ergo-signs are not a meaningful correlation IMHO.

10-26-2020, 01:27 PM
In my 'hood, it's all Biden, all the time. Zero Trump signs.

10-26-2020, 01:42 PM
At a time when people are having rocks thrown through their car windows, trash thrown on their lawn next to Trump signs, and in one case having their horse shot for having a Trump sign, putting up a Trump sign definitely shows an above-average level of enthusiasm. People wearing MAGA hats have been subject to all kinds of harassment for the past 4 years, so putting up a sign despite the potential for becoming a crime victim says something about enthusiasm.

10-26-2020, 02:16 PM
If we want to go by signage locally, Trump is in 1st and Biden is in 3rd.

Who's in second you ask?

Garage sale signs.

Joe in PNG
10-26-2020, 02:20 PM
My neighborhood, with lots of retired damyankee carpetbaggers, is 9 Trump to 5 Biden.

10-26-2020, 02:22 PM
Ergo-signs are not a meaningful correlation IMHO.

Trump signs outnumbered Biden 10:1 here, for a while. Now the numbers are even.

At a time when people are having rocks thrown through their car windows, trash thrown on their lawn next to Trump signs, and in one case having their horse shot for having a Trump sign, putting up a Trump sign definitely shows an above-average level of enthusiasm. People wearing MAGA hats have been subject to all kinds of harassment for the past 4 years, so putting up a sign despite the potential for becoming a crime victim says something about enthusiasm.

But no one has stolen construction equipment to run over signs: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/10/26/florida-man-stole-bulldozer-ran-down-biden-harris-2020-election-signs/6041381002/ In other words, it goes both ways, and any sign is an invitation for meatheads.

In my entire life I've only had one campaign sign in my yard, and that was for an issue that directly affected safety forces. I don't like any person enough to campaign for them.

10-26-2020, 02:23 PM
Garage sale signs.

Now there's a candidate I can get behind, but only for reloading tools and fishing gear.

Crazy Dane
10-26-2020, 02:27 PM
Travelling back and forth to my daughters new place takes me through a more "affluent" neighborhood. The blue collar homes leading up to and after said hood is all Trump signs. There is one big one after that says "Farmers for Trump". The really expensive homes are all Biden except for a few that have non-partisan signage like "Be patriotic and vote".

10-26-2020, 02:27 PM
Trump signs outnumbered Biden 10:1 here, for a while. Now the numbers are even.

But no one has stolen construction equipment to run over signs: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/10/26/florida-man-stole-bulldozer-ran-down-biden-harris-2020-election-signs/6041381002/ In other words, it goes both ways, and any sign is an invitation for meatheads.

In my entire life I've only had one campaign sign in my yard, and that was for an issue that directly affected safety forces. I don't like any person enough to campaign for them.

I saw that in another news source, and stealing construction equipment definitely takes meathead to a new level.

However, never in my life have I seen the level of harassment from any side of a political contest as I have seen from the left directed towards the right. There have always been minor issues like sign theft, but vandalism and cruelty to animals is unique to this election. While there may be some isolated incidents of Biden supporters getting harassed, it is nothing like we see against Trump supporters.

Totem Polar
10-26-2020, 02:33 PM
Holiday Inn Welcomes the National Touring Company of The Wiz and The Biden Campaign (Featuring Obama)

Puppet show
Spinal Tap

My only concern is the cities: there’s a shit ton of people without lawns to put signs on that still vote.

We shall see... just maybe not on the 4th, 5th or 6th...

10-26-2020, 02:36 PM
We are house shopping and traveling all across Northern Florida from Pensacola to east of Tallahassee getting into a lot of towns and cities, probably count all the Joe signs we have seen on one hand and that includes Tallahassee. One thing we have seen a lot of are Trump supporters coming together at busy intersections with open space in a show of support, homemade banners and signs. Two weekends ago we went to St.Marks, enroute at one intersection had to be 100 people standing on the corner waving Trump signs, giving a friendly horn beep (quick double) caused them to cheer and wave banners. Not sure if there was more to it but the SD had several vehicles on opposite corner from the supporters.

Joe in PNG
10-26-2020, 02:42 PM
We are house shopping and traveling all across Northern Florida from Pensacola to east of Tallahassee getting into a lot of towns and cities, probably count all the Joe signs we have seen on one hand and that includes Tallahassee. One thing we have seen a lot of are Trump supporters coming together at busy intersections with open space in a show of support, homemade banners and signs. Two weekends ago we went to St.Marks, enroute at one intersection had to be 100 people standing on the corner waving Trump signs, giving a friendly horn beep (quick double) caused them to cheer and wave banners. Not sure if there was more to it but the SD had several vehicles on opposite corner from the supporters.

We've seen a lot of that, and similar in proximity to the Villages. Lots of golf cart parades, boat parades, and large Trump flags on the back of trucks.

Crow Hunter
10-26-2020, 02:43 PM
In my neck of the woods (rural West TN), I have seen a grand total of 2 Biden signs, 3 if you could the big road sign across from the "dollar store".

Demographically, the county that I work in is about 40% white. Most of the conversations that I overhear that are politically related are pro-Trump.

Biden doesn't seem to be generating much enthusiasm here. Not compared to Obama and not even Hillary. Bernie had more support in the primaries here than Biden has in the general, if you go by road signs and bumper stickers.

10-26-2020, 02:53 PM
Yes, I was excited to swim with the dolphins forgot to mention the Trump boating regatta @ Shell Island on 9/5, lots & lots of boats with Trump flags.
We've seen a lot of that, and similar in proximity to the Villages. Lots of golf cart parades, boat parades, and large Trump flags on the back of trucks.

10-26-2020, 02:55 PM

Someone hung this between two hillsides. Its 40’ off the ground above a State highway. A standard bucket truck couldnt reach it so a truck with more reach had to be dispatched. It was reported by some elected offical who is not a Trump supporter. The State is looking for the culprits to give them the bill. 😂😎

10-26-2020, 03:41 PM
I have been very disheartened in Johnson County, KS (affluent and historically moderate to conservative), not just by the absolute dominance of Bid3n but by the come-along signs from the TERRIBLE FUCKING PEOPLE associated with the D3mocratic party in Kansas. He will coattail some real shitbirds into power here, and it's to our detriment in the extreme.

I've noted that most of the anti-shitbird TV ads I've seen have emphasized gun control. I hope that plays here.

10-26-2020, 03:41 PM

Someone hung this between two hillsides. Its 40’ off the ground above a State highway. A standard bucket truck couldnt reach it so a truck with more reach had to be dispatched. It was reported by some elected offical who is not a Trump supporter. The State is looking for the culprits to give them the bill. 😂😎

Even if the left wins this election, I will be proud of many Americans.

Yes many are voting for a horrible cause, and many are too self important to vote. Both will be guilty of harming the best country to ever exist.

Yet many Americans have fought the good fight against evil and the road to totalitarianism. It’s at the very least inspiring.

The guys that did this understand the stakes and have an amazing sense of humor.

10-26-2020, 04:10 PM
Drove from Atlanta to Wright Wyoming and back for hunting - almost 100% Trump signs - saw a few Biden signs near the few urban area we transited

Sunday we took a road trip to see changing leaves all across northern GA. Almost all Trump except a few liberal blue neighborhoods in notorious areas of Northern immigrants.

10-26-2020, 04:16 PM
Texas suburb it's 5 to 1 for Biden. I did see a Libertarian one though.

10-26-2020, 08:55 PM
Texas suburb it's 5 to 1 for Biden. I did see a Libertarian one though.
Crockett, Bowie and Bonham are rolling over in their graves.

10-26-2020, 09:10 PM
North of the Capital District, NY. I drive past maybe 30 or 40 Trump signs on my way to work, including several 10- and 15-foot flag banners. My next door neighbor has two Biden signs, and I think there's maybe one stuck outside a trailer. That is all of the Biden signs.

I called back a complainant the other day to get a better vehicle description. She got annoyed and said, "Well it's the big pickup with the [expletive] Trump flag on it."

"Ma'am, I have two deputies out with two different trucks," I replied. "You're going to need to narrow it down for us some."

10-26-2020, 09:18 PM
I have been very disheartened in Johnson County, KS (affluent and historically moderate to conservative), not just by the absolute dominance of Bid3n but by the come-along signs from the TERRIBLE FUCKING PEOPLE associated with the D3mocratic party in Kansas. He will coattail some real shitbirds into power here, and it's to our detriment in the extreme.

I've noted that most of the anti-shitbird TV ads I've seen have emphasized gun control. I hope that plays here.

But, but, Barbara loves guns!

Lex Luthier
10-26-2020, 09:23 PM
Drove from San Rafael, CA to Seattle WA last weekend.

I saw a surprising amount of Trump/Pence signs in Marin County, CA. (!)

North of I-80/505, Lots of the same. Farmers For Trump signs emblazoned full size on Tractor-trailers parked next to I-5. Far Northern CA into Southern Oregon, same thing.

Saw a few more along I-5 through Oregon, and southern WA. Never have seen the like before.

In the Twin Cities suburbs north of St Paul, it's thick with Trump/Pence signs, along with some for the scrappy underdog Republican challengers for Congress and the state houses.
(a great many who are black and/or immigrants)

10-26-2020, 09:50 PM
In Chicago where I live, it's all Biden signs. Go figure. But in my Wisconsin summer home area (262), it's all Trump.

Sero Sed Serio
10-26-2020, 11:54 PM
I was in Easton, PA last month, and the overwhelming majority of signs and bumper stickers (outside of College Hill surrounding Layfayette College which is primarily college students and professors) were for Trump. Likewise across the river in Phillipsburg, NJ. I was surprised at the number of Trump signs throughout Jersey--I made one trip across the state to Ashbury Park, and another to Hamilton Twp on the outskirts of Trenton, and the majority of signs/bumper stickers were for Trump. I saw a fair amount of trucks with giant Trump flags, and a bunch of pop up tents selling Trump merchandise. Trump stickers seemed more prevalent than here in AZ, and outside of the college neighborhoods, I saw almost no Biden stuff (other than graveyards, which I pointed out as "Biden voters" every time we passed one).

Closer to home, the neighborhoods in South Tempe seem to lean about 2/3 Biden, 1/3 Trump for yard signs, which tends to align with the district's voting patterns in past elections. Bumper stickers in the Phoenix metro area seem about evenly split, but it definitely feels like there are fewer stickers for either side than in years past. I definitely saw more Obama/Hillary stickers than I do for Biden.

I did see several large gatherings at intersections in Cave Creek/north Phoenix/Scottsdale a few weeks ago with groups of 30-50 Trump supports with flags on a Friday night. A lot of cars were honking in what felt like support, although I'm sure there were a few angry words scattered in.

Cookie Monster
10-27-2020, 02:54 AM
At a time when people are having rocks thrown through their car windows, trash thrown on their lawn next to Trump signs, and in one case having their horse shot for having a Trump sign, putting up a Trump sign definitely shows an above-average level of enthusiasm. People wearing MAGA hats have been subject to all kinds of harassment for the past 4 years, so putting up a sign despite the potential for becoming a crime victim says something about enthusiasm.

I am in a reverse area where the local rednecks I would think are at a point where Biden sighs/house would be declaring war and the red necks would bring it. A few years ago we had the head of the county Democrats ask my wife to help on a Republican campaign because it was the best case scenario.

I am seeing many more Biden signs and some fucking big ones, prominently displayed. I am pretty apolitical so I don’t judge either way but I commend those Biden sign folks in my area for their passion in the sea of red.

It’ll be crazy no matter the result is my only prediction.

10-27-2020, 06:05 AM
Texas suburb it's 5 to 1 for Biden. I did see a Libertarian one though.

Is Austin Really Texas though ?

How many of those houses had Prius with CA plates in the driveway ?

In my city it most areas are mixed, with the arts/ bar district being all Biden and anything outside the city 100% Trump.

Given we 've had people get assaulted over MAGA hats I'm positive many Trump supporters here are simply being the proverbial gray man.

Joe in PNG
10-27-2020, 06:09 AM
Is Austin Really Texas though ?

How many of those houses had Prius with CA plates in the driveway ?

In my city it most areas are mixed, with the arts/ bar district being all Biden and anything outside the city 100% Trump.

Given we 've had people get assaulted over MAGA hats I'm positive many Trump supporters here are simply being the proverbial gray man.

Bumperstickers for California sportsball teams is another tell.

10-27-2020, 06:46 AM
In the Twin Cities suburbs north of St Paul, it's thick with Trump/Pence signs, along with some for the scrappy underdog Republican challengers for Congress and the state houses.
(a great many who are black and/or immigrants)

It's interesting how different things are in different parts of the same area. Near me (suburb north of St. Paul), it's probably at least 3 or 4 Biden/Harris signs per Trump/Pence sign, and plenty of the paths along which I bike regularly have had BLM slogans chalked on them at various times as well, but of course there are also lots of yards with no declared allegiance, so...? Especially given the overall liberal bent of the Twin Cities and the rioting that happened this summer, even if I was a hardcore rally-attending Trump supporter, I'd be REALLY hesitant to openly declare it with a yard sign. I feel like that would just be inviting property crimes or other unpleasantness. I also wonder if any of the Biden/Harris signs are really "please don't hurt me" signs.

I guess that's just a long-winded way of saying "I don't think lawn signs have much predictive value."

10-27-2020, 06:51 AM
There are "Trump Trains" every weekend around here. There was one in Marietta a couple weekends ago with 700 plus vehicles. Last weekend one started in Eastern Ohio, went through West Virginia then into PA picking up vehicles on the way, and circled back around into Ohio.

I have never seen support for a President like this.

Very few Biden signs.

10-27-2020, 06:57 AM

Someone hung this between two hillsides. Its 40’ off the ground above a State highway. A standard bucket truck couldnt reach it so a truck with more reach had to be dispatched. It was reported by some elected offical who is not a Trump supporter. The State is looking for the culprits to give them the bill. 😂😎

That looks like a highline crew's handy work.

10-27-2020, 07:24 AM
It's interesting how different things are in different parts of the same area. Near me (suburb north of St. Paul), it's probably at least 3 or 4 Biden/Harris signs per Trump/Pence sign, and plenty of the paths along which I bike regularly have had BLM slogans chalked on them at various times as well, but of course there are also lots of yards with no declared allegiance, so...? Especially given the overall liberal bent of the Twin Cities and the rioting that happened this summer, even if I was a hardcore rally-attending Trump supporter, I'd be REALLY hesitant to openly declare it with a yard sign. I feel like that would just be inviting property crimes or other unpleasantness. I also wonder if any of the Biden/Harris signs are really "please don't hurt me" signs.

I guess that's just a long-winded way of saying "I don't think lawn signs have much predictive value."

I'm very interested in seeing how the votes tally in places that were hard hit by rioting. Seattle and Portland I'm expecting to see Blue, but my recollection of WI and MN folks cause me to believe that the Twin Cities and Kenosha will vote Red. Will make for some interesting MMQB and post election analysis.

10-27-2020, 07:28 AM
Is Austin Really Texas though ?

Hey now. :p

I feel compelled to point out that Travis county didn't have either the highest percentage or highest total votes for Clinton in 2016 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas# By_county). That was Zavala and Harris, respectively.

You're already familiar with the politics of the triangle, of course, but people outside the state often don't seem to know that the DFW, Houston, Austin and San Antonio metros swing dem reliably. It's the blue urban / red rural divide same as everywhere else.

Also, FWIW, most of the LA/NYC/Seattle/etc expats I work with in Austin break down about 50/50 conservative/liberal. It's mostly the younger Xth generation native Texans that trend lib/dem. I think the Californiacation of Texas is largely overstated.

10-27-2020, 07:32 AM
I'm very interested in seeing how the votes tally in places that were hard hit by rioting. Seattle and Portland I'm expecting to see Blue, but my recollection of WI and MN folks cause me to believe that the Twin Cities and Kenosha will vote Red. Will make for some interesting MMQB and post election analysis.

Your expectation for MN and WI certainly aligns with my hope, but I'm not willing to make any assumptions at this point. The left end of the political spectrum is definitely strong in the Twin Cities; if it wasn't, then IMO the rioting would never have been allowed to get to the level it did. All we can really do at this point (apart from voting and donating to MN Gun Owners' Caucus (https://www.gunowners.mn/donate), both of which I already did), is wait and see how it turns out.

10-27-2020, 07:32 AM
my recollection of WI and MN folks cause me to believe that the Twin Cities and Kenosha will vote Red. Will make for some interesting MMQB and post election analysis.

I know everyone wants the polls to be wrong again* but Trump is way, way behind in both WI and MN. Considerably further behind than he was in 2016.

*- they weren't (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump-is-just-a-normal-polling-error-behind-clinton/).

10-27-2020, 07:35 AM
Hey now. :p

I feel compelled to point out that Travis county didn't have either the highest percentage or highest total votes for Clinton in 2016 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas# By_county). That was Zavala and Harris, respectively.

You're already familiar with the politics of the triangle, of course, but people outside the state often don't seem to know that the DFW, Houston, Austin and San Antonio metros swing dem reliably. It's the blue urban / red rural divide same as everywhere else.

Also, FWIW, most of the LA/NYC/Seattle/etc expats I work with in Austin break down about 50/50 conservative/liberal. It's mostly the younger Xth generation native Texans that trend lib/dem. I think the Californiacation of Texas is largely overstated.

Of Texas over all, yes, maybe, but Austin draws the lib/dems like flies. Joe Rogan being a prime example.

10-27-2020, 07:38 AM
Joe Rogan being a prime example.

Huh. I guess I missed that.

Of course I've only had one Alex Jones sighting so far. I guess the dives I hang out in don't attract the celeb types.

10-27-2020, 08:00 AM
Huh. I guess I missed that.

Of course I've only had one Alex Jones sighting so far. I guess the dives I hang out in don't attract the celeb types.

He is paranoid about Covid, I don’t think he’s going out in public.

I believe his move was driven by a desire to avoid CA taking a big chunk of his Spotify deal money via state income tax.

10-27-2020, 08:18 AM
My county, according to the Board of Elections:

Voter Statistics (as of 10/10/2020):

Unaffiliated: 11,238
Republican: 8,571
Democratic: 6,339
Libertarian: 141
Green: 8
Constitution: 8
Total: 26,305

Generally, the county goes R...and the town may lean toward the D. I don't really spend time looking at signs...and around where I live I've only seen Trump, but very few signs at all as most folks can't be bothered and I don't blame them.

10-27-2020, 09:07 AM
You're already familiar with the politics of the triangle, of course, but people outside the state often don't seem to know that the DFW, Houston, Austin and San Antonio metros swing dem reliably. It's the blue urban / red rural divide same as everywhere else.

Also, FWIW, most of the LA/NYC/Seattle/etc expats I work with in Austin break down about 50/50 conservative/liberal. It's mostly the younger Xth generation native Texans that trend lib/dem. I think the Californiacation of Texas is largely overstated.

Re: DFW...
D definitely swings Left, but, FW is still on the Red side of Purple these days.
Of the 6 US Congressional districts in the county, 5 are currently held by R's. Majority of State reps from the county are also R's.

Re: Californication...
The handful of CA transplants I've spoken with personally, seem to understand the mistakes made in CA. It's the Yankees that worry me more right now.

10-27-2020, 09:21 AM
My county, according to the Board of Elections:

Voter Statistics (as of 10/10/2020):

Unaffiliated: 11,238
Republican: 8,571
Democratic: 6,339
Libertarian: 141
Green: 8
Constitution: 8
Total: 26,305

Generally, the county goes R...and the town may lean toward the D. I don't really spend time looking at signs...and around where I live I've only seen Trump, but very few signs at all as most folks can't be bothered and I don't blame them.

Very interesting Blues. For Central Texas, we're voting early and voting often!:

AUSTIN (KXAN) — With five more days of early voting remaining in Texas, Hays and Williamson Counties have become two of the first counties in the United States to surpass vote totals from the 2016 presidential election.

Hays County on Sunday became the first county in the country to exceed its 2016 total vote turnout, according to Cook Political editor Dave Wasserman. Through Sunday, 74,808 ballots had been cast early or by mail, compared to a total vote of 72,164 in 2016.

The Williamson County Elections Department announced on Monday that more than 211,151 voters had cast ballots during early voting, compared to 205,862 total votes in 2016. The previous record for a general election was set in 2018 with 209,257.

Travis County, 67% of mailins already in and a nice summary of all area counties :

TRAVIS COUNTY, Texas (KXAN) — Election Day is one week away and early voting numbers across Central Texas are surpassing previous totals.

In Travis County, 52% of the county’s registered voters have cast their ballots. Four years ago, only 49% cast their ballots before election day. Williamson County is reporting 57%, six percentage points higher than the total early voting turnout in 2016.

At present, Bastrop County is reporting 46%, close to the county’s 47% of early voting four years ago. In Hays County, 49 percent of registered voters have made their choice, according to the Secretary of State’s data. Four years ago, 45% of voters made their choice before Election Day.

A big part of voting this election consists of mail-in ballots due in part to the coronavirus pandemic. Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir said her office has sent 83,400 mail-in ballots out and have received 67% through postal delivery and hand-delivery. DeBeauvoir credits voters for acting fast and getting ballots in early. She believes the swift response will help with the Election Day tabulation.

“I don’t think Travis County will be one of those places that have big delays or big problems,” DeBeauvoir said. “It is very likely we will sustainably be done by midnight.”

DeBeauvoir said the process of counting mail-in ballots can take some time as there are several steps officials must conduct in order to count the vote.

“We go through different steps with auditing and signatures, the intent of the voter, all of that, I think each step takes about 20 to 30 minutes,” DeBeauvoir explained.

Because of this, DeBeauvoir said she’s hired about an additional 100 people to help out with this process and keep it moving now and into election night.

DeBeauvoir also believes this election could break the county’s highest voter turnout record of 77% which was achieved during the 2008 election. She estimates the county could reach 80% turnout.
Report a coronavirus-related news tip Elections are key to our democracy. We want to investigate your concerns and answer your questions about the process, from voting to getting the results. For full coverage of the election and what we've answered so far, head to our election page. Please fill out the form below.

10-27-2020, 11:39 AM
I know everyone wants the polls to be wrong again* but Trump is way, way behind in both WI and MN. Considerably further behind than he was in 2016.

*- they weren't (https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump-is-just-a-normal-polling-error-behind-clinton/).

Yard signs and polls are about all we have to forecast the outcome of the election. The polls are indicating that Trump has a lot of ground to cover to catch Biden...a lot.

I think things changed rapidly in the 2016 election in the last few days. So fast that polls couldn't predict accurately. That might be the case again but it would be an even grater upset than 2016 if it happens. That would probably end polling as a useful tool to predict an election.


The thing I like about 538 is they use lots of polls and handicap like a horse race. Polls get rated for reliability. Lots of people follow 538 to place bets on sporting events. Takes some of the emotion out of picking winners. I'm pretty sure they don't have a dog in the fight. 538 says Trump has about a 1 in 10 shot at winning the election. Those aren't good odds if you're a Trump supporter. But like a horse race, the odds change right up to about 5 minutes before the race.

Joe in PNG
10-27-2020, 12:04 PM
That would probably end polling as a useful tool to predict an election.

Good, and about damn time.

Polling is one of the absolute worst things to happen to modern politics, or marketing for that matter. Remember, a poll is absolutely only just how that particular group answered that particular question, and just that alone.

10-27-2020, 12:29 PM
Good, and about damn time.

Polling is one of the absolute worst things to happen to modern politics, or marketing for that matter. Remember, a poll is absolutely only just how that particular group answered that particular question, and just that alone.

Polling sways peoples votes and sometimes keeps people from even voting. Being on the west coast before we had mail in voting people complained about election results coming in before they had a chance to vote. Lots of people voted on their way home from work. I remember listening to the returns and thinking what's the point of voting if you already know the outcome of the election.

Joe in PNG
10-27-2020, 12:33 PM
Polling sways peoples votes and sometimes keeps people from even voting. Being on the west coast before we had mail in voting people complained about election results coming in before they had a chance to vote. Lots of people voted on their way home from work. I remember listening to the returns and thinking what's the point of voting if you already know the outcome of the election.

It's not just elections. Poll numbers are also used to sway political types into voting a certain way in regards to legislation and otherwise. It's part of the current problem we face that politicians are more worried about their numbers and less about those they're supposed to be representing.

And the pollsters would be rather blind if they didn't see their potential to skew policy by how they spin their numbers.

10-27-2020, 12:56 PM
The good news about all of the signs is that on November 4 I will have a few more disposable targets to place on my range. I like to recycle the campaign signs by setting them up in front of my backstop and adding orange rounds stickers as aiming points. They are good for short range work where I can be sure to avoid a bullet striking the sign frame. Once the sign is significantly perforated so as to be useless, I will save the frames as use for plant supports for the garden.

10-27-2020, 01:42 PM
The good news about all of the signs is that on November 4 I will have a few more disposable targets to place on my range. I like to recycle the campaign signs by setting them up in front of my backstop and adding orange rounds stickers as aiming points. They are good for short range work where I can be sure to avoid a bullet striking the sign frame. Once the sign is significantly perforated so as to be useless, I will save the frames as use for plant supports for the garden.

You are not the only one. We took some of the larger signs and made shooting competition walls out of them. ;)

10-27-2020, 02:25 PM
That looks like a highline crew's handy work.


10-27-2020, 05:15 PM
In Raleigh people tell me you can't leave the signs out, they'll disappear at night or things like this will happen to them. 62334

10-27-2020, 05:20 PM
In Raleigh people tell me you can't leave the signs out, they'll disappear at night or things like this will happen to them. 62334

I’d be so tempted to bear spray anyone who entered my property to vandalize... which I’m sure would land me in the can, not them.

Lex Luthier
10-27-2020, 05:52 PM
I’d be so tempted to bear spray anyone who entered my property to vandalize... which I’m sure would land me in the can, not them.

Too bad it's a November election, rather than a June one.
Coating the miscreants with honey and staking them to an anthill would be so much more effective, at that time of year.

Cheap Shot
10-27-2020, 06:47 PM
I dont live in the bible belt or a particularly religious area. I'd say 1/3 of the campaign signs locally say "Jesus 2020". Given the other choices I'd say god help us, individually and as a Country.

10-27-2020, 07:10 PM

10-28-2020, 09:39 AM
I counted yard signs on my way home from work yesterday:

Biden: 10
Warren: 2
Trump: 0
BLM sign: 2
Thin Blue Line Flag: 1

My commute is about 25 miles and mostly through rural areas with a suburb thrown in at either end. The vast majority of these yard signs are next to residential driveways along country roads (only the BLM signs were in town). Granted, this is just outside of Portland, OR, but it seems as though the urban/rural voting divide is non-existent this close to the city.

10-28-2020, 09:45 AM
I counted yard signs on my way home from work yesterday:

Biden: 10
Warren: 2
Trump: 0
BLM sign: 2
Thin Blue Line Flag: 1

My commute is about 25 miles and mostly through rural areas with a suburb thrown in at either end. The vast majority of these yard signs are next to residential driveways along country roads (only the BLM signs were in town). Granted, this is just outside of Portland, OR, but it seems as though the urban/rural voting divide is non-existent this close to the city.

There are a few places where I would not display a Trump sign due to almost certain leftist wrath. Greater PDX is one of those places.

Will be interesting to see the precinct by precinct tallys after election day.

10-28-2020, 12:45 PM
While walking the dog this morning I noticed that almost all of the Trump yard signs are missing.
It used to be 3/8 D/R with about a dozen American flags (which I see as support for Rs) and now it is 3/2 with those 2 being new ones that I hadn't seen before.

10-28-2020, 12:48 PM
Mine was stolen. Now I’m just loading mags.

10-28-2020, 04:03 PM
My next door neighbor has an absolute dump of a house. It's a neighborhood eyesore right on the corner that a lot of the neighbors resent.

Today he placed a very large Biden sign in his yard. I don't really care who he votes for, but my county has limits on the size of yard signs. Yeah, I reported him.

10-30-2020, 06:28 PM

side of the highway in Raleigh.