View Full Version : "Boog Boys," BLM, and Black Panthers protest gun control

08-17-2020, 11:29 AM
This popped up in my twitter feed. This is going to make a lot of folks' heads explode. (https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1295386396195278849)


Lefties coming out for gun rights is 100% a good thing. Don't @ me.

snow white
08-17-2020, 01:28 PM
Good.....strange.....but good.

08-17-2020, 03:22 PM
They did this a month ago as well.

08-17-2020, 04:33 PM
They did this a month ago as well.

Very cool and very good.

08-17-2020, 04:38 PM

Where were the Pink Pistols?

Another demographic to add to the mix. The more the merrier.

Mark D
08-17-2020, 04:44 PM
History says: "Do you want more gun control? Because this is how you get more gun control"

Casual Friday
08-17-2020, 04:45 PM
Sorry but I don't align myself with Marxists for any reason. @ me if you want I don't give af.

08-17-2020, 04:54 PM
History says: "Do you want more gun control? Because this is how you get more gun control"

Yeah, people of color exercising their right to bear arms does historically lead to those rights being infringed.

OTOH, anything that combats the “gun owners are all old racist white dudes” narrative pushed by the anti-gun crowd is A-OK by me.

Sero Sed Serio
08-17-2020, 08:59 PM
History says: "Do you want more gun control? Because this is how you get more gun control"

This will just rile up the “5 are enough” fudds more than it helps sway independents. The undecideds will just see “assault weapons” as a tool for extremists.

The Marxist wing likes these Useful Idiots as a means to gain power, but will expect wholesale surrender of all guns to the Glorious Supreme Leader once the revolution is over.

The media and anti-gun left will lump left-wing gun violence into its already bloated stats/anecdotes to sway the uninformed.

The surge of first-time gun buyers will help us. This will only hurt us.

08-18-2020, 01:01 AM
Yeah, people of color exercising their right to bear arms does historically lead to those rights being infringed.

OTOH, anything that combats the “gun owners are all old racist white dudes” narrative pushed by the anti-gun crowd is A-OK by me.

Problem is these are not people who represent law abiding gun owners. They are racists and violent political extremists.

The Boogaloo boys already have a thread on here.

BLM are marxists masquerading as a racial justice organization who are openly and concurrently calling for gun control and defunding the police.

The New Black Panther Party are literally black supremecists and separatists who believe a race war is coming and want a separate blacks only homeland carved out from in the United States. Racism is racism no matter who it originated from.

Reverse the ideologies and it’s like saying it’s great that ANTIFA, the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood are having a second amendment rally.

Two issues jump out with this:

First with friends of the 2A like these who needs enemies ?

Second, how insulting is it to lump violent black racist extremists and violent communists trying to destroy western civilization in with normal sane black people who own guns?

08-18-2020, 07:06 AM
Problem is these are not people who represent law abiding gun owners. They are racists and violent political extremists.

The Boogaloo boys already have a thread on here.

BLM are marxists masquerading as a racial justice organization who are openly and concurrently calling for gun control and defunding the police.

The New Black Panther Party are literally black supremecists and separatists who believe a race war is coming and want a separate blacks only homeland carved out from in the United States. Racism is racism no matter who it originated from.

Reverse the ideologies and it’s like saying it’s great that ANTIFA, the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood are having a second amendment rally.

Two issues jump out with this:

First with friends of the 2A like these who needs enemies ?

Second, how insulting is it to lump violent black racist extremists and violent communists trying to destroy western civilization in with normal sane black people who own guns?

So if you read down the original thread, the VP candidate for the Libertarian party spoke at this event.

I wonder why he chose to be at an event attended by Marxists and racial supremacists.

08-18-2020, 07:21 AM
The libertarian party is pretty much clown shoes to me at this point and I give no credit for rational thought guiding the actions any of their candidates....

08-18-2020, 08:08 AM
The libertarian party is pretty much clown shoes to me at this point and I give no credit for rational thought guiding the actions any of their candidates....

"Aleppo? What is Aleppo?" That pretty much sums up my attitude about the Libertarian party in the wake of that debacle.

08-18-2020, 10:19 AM
Lot's of people think they're Libertarian due to the supposed party values. Most reasonable people end that fantasy when they talk to any self-professed Libertarian. I'm still libertarian at heart but luckily, my pragmatic side always prevails.

Casual Friday
08-18-2020, 11:38 AM
So if you read down the original thread, the VP candidate for the Libertarian party spoke at this event.

I wonder why he chose to be at an event attended by Marxists and racial supremacists.

Because they're a meme tier political party.

08-18-2020, 12:35 PM
Problem is these are not people who represent law abiding gun owners. They are racists and violent political extremists.

The Boogaloo boys already have a thread on here.

BLM are marxists masquerading as a racial justice organization who are openly and concurrently calling for gun control and defunding the police.

The New Black Panther Party are literally black supremecists and separatists who believe a race war is coming and want a separate blacks only homeland carved out from in the United States. Racism is racism no matter who it originated from.

Reverse the ideologies and it’s like saying it’s great that ANTIFA, the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood are having a second amendment rally.

Two issues jump out with this:

First with friends of the 2A like these who needs enemies ?

Second, how insulting is it to lump violent black racist extremists and violent communists trying to destroy western civilization in with normal sane black people who own guns?

I can't disagree with anything you said here. My limited mixed feelings about this event come from the desire to see "gun laws are almost 100% about keeping firearms away from minorities and poorer folks" become a common talking point. The NRA has never done a good job with that.

08-18-2020, 02:05 PM
I can't disagree with anything you said here. My limited mixed feelings about this event come from the desire to see "gun laws are almost 100% about keeping firearms away from minorities and poorer folks" become a common talking point. The NRA has never done a good job with that.

They haven’t. Colin Noir was a good start but my understanding is they have parted ways.

Joe in PNG
08-18-2020, 02:13 PM
Lot's of people think they're Libertarian due to the supposed party values. Most reasonable people end that fantasy when they talk to any self-professed Libertarian. I'm still libertarian at heart but luckily, my pragmatic side always prevails.

It's a small, small, small puddle for minnows pretending they are whales. It's a Fisher Price National Political Stage playset to make believe one is nationally significant.

Glenn E. Meyer
08-18-2020, 08:00 PM
They haven’t. Colin Noir was a good start but my understanding is they have parted ways.

Minorities are not the marketing and fund raising demographic of the NRA. Those that are involved are peripheral to the centers of those populations. When the NRA magazine editorials state that the NRA's first priority is to re-elect Trump, don't expect much minority support.

The organizations of minority shooters that are rational actors mention that the increase in attitudes promoted by Trump are one reason for the organization and gun purchases.

08-18-2020, 08:06 PM
The organizations of minority shooters that are rational actors mention that the increase in attitudes promoted by Trump are one reason for the organization and gun purchases.

I know that was stated in the time frame after President Trump's election, but is it also true of the recent surge? I really haven't been able to find reliable data to suggest it's President Trump more so than Civil Unrest.

Any good data out there?

08-18-2020, 11:13 PM
This popped up in my twitter feed. This is going to make a lot of folks' heads explode. (https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1295386396195278849)


Lefties coming out for gun rights is 100% a good thing. Don't @ me.

you mean strange bedfellows.....but do they come together on one common cause protect 2A

08-19-2020, 04:07 AM
They're not terribly dissimilar--each one violently opposed to the system. The Libertarian showed up just because a core tenet of Libertarianism is finding dogshit and stepping in it.

08-19-2020, 10:08 AM
I know that was stated in the time frame after President Trump's election, but is it also true of the recent surge? I really haven't been able to find reliable data to suggest it's President Trump more so than Civil Unrest.

Any good data out there?

It depends on what you mean by "good data." I don't think there's an organization like Gallup polling new gun owners.

Organizations like Armed Equality and National African American Gun Association are on social media, and if you follow them (and the people who interact with them) you can get a sense of what those organizations' followers are thinking.

That's not what I'd call "good data" though, and people who are really vocal on social media tend to be on the looney fringe (whether on the right or left) so it's probably not a representative sample of the population at large.

08-19-2020, 10:50 AM
I know that was stated in the time frame after President Trump's election, but is it also true of the recent surge? I really haven't been able to find reliable data to suggest it's President Trump more so than Civil Unrest.

Any good data out there?

I don’t have any facts, but anecdotally in my local chapter of the National African American Gunowner Association membership has tripled in the last 3 months, with half of those folks brand new gun owners.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Glenn E. Meyer
08-19-2020, 11:25 AM
In any gun buying frenzy, you have the extreme and the decent people who are scared. What is different in this one, is that the buying includes folks outside of the usual NRA demographic marketing slice. That is upsetting some folks. This is not unusual in the history of gun control.

08-19-2020, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the replies!

I'm thinking the surge the last quarter primarily has to do with social unrest and covid. I would hope that minorities aren't purchasing firearms because they are worried about R's and President Trump, rather because of the batshit crazy leftist Dems.

08-19-2020, 11:37 AM
Lot's of people think they're Libertarian due to the supposed party values.

The supposed party values are the closest thing to aligning with my views that I've seen from any political party, but the reality is too fractured and dysfunctional to be worth actually supporting. :(

Glenn E. Meyer
08-19-2020, 11:42 AM
Dan, you will be disappointed on that one from the reports I read. The focus seems to be a fear of resurgent racism, a hostile GOP and President and actions of some in law enforcement.

I know this will inflame folks but that's the read I get. Like I said, some folks are upset by a spread RKBA support outside of their political corner. This is also upsetting Democratic antigun folks when it comes up. Bill Maher has had some interesting debates about this from clearly on the left African Americans and standard Democrats who are horrified that the African-American was arming up and mocking Shotgun Joe. Search on Maher and guns, I'm sure the clips are out there.

08-19-2020, 12:32 PM
I don’t have any facts, but anecdotally in my local chapter of the National African American Gunowner Association membership has tripled in the last 3 months, with half of those folks brand new gun owners.

Anyone reading this, please don't take my comments wrong, I support the stated intent of NAAGA.

After pretty thoroughly going through their website, including reading their blog posts, I'm confused as to the organizational structure. Is there a governing board? How are officers elected? Is the founder president for life?

I know many folks equate GOA with an organization to enrich the Pratt family, could the NAAGA be seen in the same light?

Of course, even if the national organization is a do nothing, their structure of local chapters gives gun owners a focus point - if this is true:

Each Chapter nationwide usually meets at least once a month where members are educated on state and federal legislation affecting their Second Amendment gun rights, gun ownership, gun safety, situational awareness, concealed carry permits, and self-defense. Each chapter also conducts monthly to bimonthly training and/or other shooting activities in the safe handling and use of firearms, marksmanship, and defensive shooting with various types of firearms. (Monthly focus varies with each Chapter.)

So, essentially, a lot seemingly falls to the chapter, which in essence is a gun club, correct?

Glad to hear from someone who belongs and attends.

08-19-2020, 12:34 PM
Dan, you will be disappointed on that one from the reports I read. The focus seems to be a fear of resurgent racism, a hostile GOP and President and actions of some in law enforcement.

I know this will inflame folks but that's the read I get. Like I said, some folks are upset by a spread RKBA support outside of their political corner. This is also upsetting Democratic antigun folks when it comes up. Bill Maher has had some interesting debates about this from clearly on the left African Americans and standard Democrats who are horrified that the African-American was arming up and mocking Shotgun Joe. Search on Maher and guns, I'm sure the clips are out there.

Thanks, will do, after coffee with the buds.

08-19-2020, 03:32 PM
Anyone reading this, please don't take my comments wrong, I support the stated intent of NAAGA.

After pretty thoroughly going through their website, including reading their blog posts, I'm confused as to the organizational structure. Is there a governing board? How are officers elected? Is the founder president for life?

I know many folks equate GOA with an organization to enrich the Pratt family, could the NAAGA be seen in the same light?

Of course, even if the national organization is a do nothing, their structure of local chapters gives gun owners a focus point - if this is true:

Each Chapter nationwide usually meets at least once a month where members are educated on state and federal legislation affecting their Second Amendment gun rights, gun ownership, gun safety, situational awareness, concealed carry permits, and self-defense. Each chapter also conducts monthly to bimonthly training and/or other shooting activities in the safe handling and use of firearms, marksmanship, and defensive shooting with various types of firearms. (Monthly focus varies with each Chapter.)

So, essentially, a lot seemingly falls to the chapter, which in essence is a gun club, correct?

Glad to hear from someone who belongs and attends.

What you typed seems to be pretty much spot on. I can’t say I’ve been impressed with anything coming from the National org, but it’s a new organization and and the foundation seems to be pretty solid.

Our local chapter has had a couple of events in the 6 weeks I’ve been a member. We had an outdoor meet and greet this past weekend at a local Venezuelan restaurant, a few weeks ago was a range day with a few other black gun groups and have another range day planned next week.
The local chapter is focused on fellowship, education, and political action. A few members are part of VCDL, and the president is starting to send out email blasts about local hearings and proposals related to guns VCDL style. I imagine when the legislature meets in the fall, we’ll be a bit more active. And I’m hoping to get a few local ranges, stores and trainers together for some events (like a NAAG Woodbridge range day at Quantico Shooting Club or setting up training with a local outfit)

Locally, our membership is probably 50-60% female, and most members new gun owners, and about 20% prior service. From what I’ve seen and experienced, it’s just regular ass black people looking to learn more about firearms and meet other regular ass black people that like to shoot. No crazy militia talk or anything like that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-19-2020, 05:21 PM
What you typed seems to be pretty much spot on. I can’t say I’ve been impressed with anything coming from the National org, but it’s a new organization and and the foundation seems to be pretty solid.

Our local chapter has had a couple of events in the 6 weeks I’ve been a member. We had an outdoor meet and greet this past weekend at a local Venezuelan restaurant, a few weeks ago was a range day with a few other black gun groups and have another range day planned next week.
The local chapter is focused on fellowship, education, and political action. A few members are part of VCDL, and the president is starting to send out email blasts about local hearings and proposals related to guns VCDL style. I imagine when the legislature meets in the fall, we’ll be a bit more active. And I’m hoping to get a few local ranges, stores and trainers together for some events (like a NAAG Woodbridge range day at Quantico Shooting Club or setting up training with a local outfit)

Locally, our membership is probably 50-60% female, and most members new gun owners, and about 20% prior service. From what I’ve seen and experienced, it’s just regular ass black people looking to learn more about firearms and meet other regular ass black people that like to shoot. No crazy militia talk or anything like that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks for the info - sounds like your local chapter is way more active than my gun club. Hope it grows.

08-19-2020, 09:09 PM
Ugh. Apart from the excellent commentary by HCM, the best thing this group could do is have the BLM folks put the "Boog Boys" on a fitness and nutrition program, by the looks of them. Diabetes and obesity related complications are their primary risk factors.

08-19-2020, 09:19 PM
Ugh. Apart from the excellent commentary by HCM, the best thing this group could do is have the BLM folks put the "Boog Boys" on a fitness and nutrition program, by the looks of them. Diabetes and obesity related complications are their primary risk factors.

That's racist. Diabetes and obesity are part of the culture.


fly out
08-19-2020, 10:00 PM
Dan, you will be disappointed on that one from the reports I read. The focus seems to be a fear of resurgent racism, a hostile GOP and President and actions of some in law enforcement.

You've posted this a few times. Can you provide a few links to the reports you've read that show this focus?

Thanks in advance.

Glenn E. Meyer
08-20-2020, 09:14 AM
Here's some:




https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/05/12/killer_mike_maher_defend_gun_rights_not_comfortabl e_being_unarmed_police_are_not.html




There's some in the Washington Post but behind their pay wall and I can't copy the URLs.

Think I have posted some before. But what comes to mind now.

fly out
08-20-2020, 10:47 AM
Here's some:


Think I have posted some before. But what comes to mind now.

Thanks for taking the time to post those.