View Full Version : Billionaire Super Security...

06-07-2012, 10:58 AM
I didn't make that title up, I just report the schnoooze...

http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000093699&play=1#eyJ2aWQiOiIzMDAwMDkzNjk5IiwiZW5jVmlkIjoiemg 2STJyNmFkVm9zSHRvYzVmMUF6Zz09IiwidlRhYiI6InRyYW5zY 3JpcHQiLCJ2UGFnZSI6MSwiZ05hdiI6WyLCoExhdGVzdCBWaWR lbyJdLCJnU2VjdCI6IkFMTCIsImdQYWdlIjoiMSIsInN5bSI6I iIsInNlYXJjaCI6IiJ9

06-07-2012, 03:05 PM
Neat. Thanks for the heads up.

06-07-2012, 04:30 PM
Looks like an interesting show...

Save you the trouble of watching the ad..
June 11th, 9:30 Eastern. MSNBC, I assume.

06-08-2012, 11:38 PM
I met a Billionaire... better yet, a Billionaire bought the company I work for and he spoke to us in a conference. There were some quirks.

It was also a company out of Mexico, his personal vehicle (Chevy Suburban) was backed into the front space with the engine running and the driver ready the entire time he was on site. I believe there was a small caravan, and probably 2-4 personnel, entourage (of other investors, honestly) of maybe 10-12.

ETA: I thought it was cool, but you got the feeling "I could get shot fairly easy."

I think they were amped up security, because well, the H.Q. for the company is in Mexico City.

06-09-2012, 01:02 AM
Nice to know Mr. Buffett has a high speed dude protecting him. Too bad he doesn't feel that the average serf should be able to carry a weapon in order to do the same. I'm also certain Mr. Soros has some pretty mean guys watching his 6 as well.

06-09-2012, 03:18 PM
Nice to know Mr. Buffett has a high speed dude protecting him. Too bad he doesn't feel that the average serf should be able to carry a weapon in order to do the same. I'm also certain Mr. Soros has some pretty mean guys watching his 6 as well.

Brilliant point. Buffet is a world class hypocrite in more ways than one.